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Transcript: WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Hall: Matterport New Pricing 16 May 20199379

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WGAN-TV Town Hall - Matterport New Pricing (Thursday, 26 May 2019) with Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell, Matterport Vice President of Product Management Damien Leostic.

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The following is a transcript of the show, WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Hall: Matterport New Pricing, that aired live on Thursday, 16 May 2019.

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Dan Smigrod: Hi all. I'm Dan Smigrod founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, May 16th, 2019. You're watching a special edition of WGAN-TV Live at 5 today - Town Hall: Matterport New Pricing. We have two executives from Matterport that are joining us. Hey Chris.

Chris Bell: Hello.

Dan Smigrod: This is Chris Bell, Matterport Chief Marketing Officer with us today from Chicago. Hey Damien.

Damien Leostic: Good afternoon.

Dan Smigrod: Good to see you. Damien Leostic, Matterport VP of Product Management. Chris, Damien, thanks so much for being on the show today. I think it's really tremendous to have you be able to talk firsthand with some members of the We Get Around Network Forum Community. Chris, Damian, do you want to talk a little bit about the pricing announcement on Thursday, May 9, 2019 and what that pricing announcement means both for the existing Community as well as those that are new to Matterport thinking about getting Matterport? Chris, Damien?

Chris Bell: Sure. Dan, thank you so much for having us on. It's a pleasure to be here. One of the favorite aspects of my job is to get to talk to customers, users and partners all around the world. Through this medium, it's even easier because we've got people tuning in from Brazil and Turkey. It's wonderful to have the opportunity.

Chris Bell: The first thing I wanted to say is hello to everybody. You may not know this, but all of us at Matterport spend a bit of time on the We Get Around Network. I recognize some familiar names and faces, mostly names. It's nice to be interacting directly with the Community because we're as enthusiastic about the possibilities of this technology as you all are. We also know that not everyone is thrilled with our announcements. We want to really create an open dialogue here and just hear both the good side and the not so good side of what you're concerned about.

Chris Bell: It's not going to work for everybody, but we hope it works for everybody over the long term. What we announced on Thursday, and Damien is going to go into a little more detail about the specifics, is really a whole new way of putting value into the subscription tiers. I like to call it a blueprint for growth because it's the starting point. It's a place where we're able to do more in each tier and provide more value to the brand new person that's just starting out with Matterport, all the way up to someone who built a business on it and is moving towards enterprise solution and going way above and beyond what are our off the shelf offerings have to offer.

Chris Bell: But we really are looking at this as a way to get started with a whole new chapter of Matterport. The goal here is to grow the pie, to grow the business for you and us and the whole world. As excited as we're and as much time as we spend every day using that report and scanning and doing our work both at the company and out in the field, there's still a very small population of people who have used it and heard about it. There's so much more ground to cover. We think that our new offering and the way we've organized it will give us what we need to scale.

Chris Bell: I'm going to ask Damien to just introduce the basic tenets of the new subscription pricing, what's in each tier. I'll just introduce kind of the value that we've added. For those of you who may not know and might be just tuning in to learn more about it or get information for the first time, we've got unlimited uploads, which is a new thing for us. No more processing fees. So there's not a need to gate keep in terms of how much content you're uploading to the Matterport cloud.

Chris Bell: We've introduced the concept of archiving, and it's unlimited archiving. So, once again, there's been a history of figuring out what to delete and when to delete. Now every space that you create, everything that you store in the Matterport cloud can be archived and stored indefinitely. We have no more fees for larger spaces, which was a common request for a change that we've gotten over the last few years. It's a very predictable cost.

Chris Bell: You're looking at a price per month and a price per year that's super predictable. Not a lot of overages, no overages as a matter of fact and no add-ons. It's something that our customers have been asking for because the bill tended to be variable depending on what you did with it. One of the things I'm most excited about, I know Damien is too, is that we've now got access to multiple cameras from the low end to the mid end all the way up to the Leica BLK 360. Their ability contribute to a project.

Chris Bell: We're really excited about these five. We're also really excited about the future where these new innovations and capabilities take us with the new subscription pricing point with all the value that's associated. So with that, I'll toss it over to Damien who's at headquarters in Sunnyvale to tell you a little bit more about the specifics of what we announced in the product and on the subscription prices.

Damien Leostic: Good. Thank you Chris. Hello Dan and hi everyone. Again, my name is Damien Leostic, I'm the vice president of product at Matterport. I've been here coming on three years now. So not so long, but it's been a great journey. My role at Matterport is really to connect all business functions, sales, marketing, media representing our customers and the product. In product engineering to support essentially our mission.

Damien Leostic: What I wanted to do today actually is maybe me start with taking a step back. Why did we take a look at pricing? But before I even do that, I want to talk about a few things you guys have seen over the past couple of months and how we're rebooting the company and taking some actions, some key actions across some very important pillars within the company.

Damien Leostic: A few months ago, you saw a cloud [inaudible 00:06:06] announcement where we opened the ecosystem of devices to new capabilities. That started last year when we opened up the platform to the BLK 360 and that continued back in January when we opened up the ecosystem to 360 cameras. As we looked through that and as we look through how to onboard customers, we looked at pricing and really fundamentally, we are now engaged across the globe in more than 90 countries with a set of very diverse customers.

Damien Leostic: Customers of different scales. Customers of different profiles. Customers that serve in different verticals and different industries. We looked primarily at the existing pricing and we looked at the problem statement of the pricing. It's a pricing that we all became used to, but has some fundamental scaling issues. If you look at the pricing today or yesterday or a week ago at Matterport, you'd had essential a subscription. You guys are used to that, the classic professional and business subscription. But you had a collection of what we do call a la-carte or usage based pricing on top of it.

Damien Leostic: It made for very complex and combat some ecosystem to deal with it. It's a very complex narrative to explain to our customers. The way to support our mission, we looked at the construct of the pricing. We spent a good year talking to a ton of customers, doing a ton of analysis in terms of usage and adoptions from different customers, different cohorts of customers across again different verticals and industries and formulated essentially the new pricing strategy to respond to the scaling issues and complexity of the existing pricing.

Damien Leostic: As you effect change, of course it's difficult to serve everyone in the same way. What I mean by that is we looked at the most efficient ways to serve the broader audience of our customers. Again, like Chris said, we looked at the notion of processing. The notion of free models that expires every month. The notion of processing by camera type. Again, we're dealing with the [inaudible 00:08:39] of Matterport. We're dealing with a high end device like the BLK 360. We're dealing with 360 cameras.

Damien Leostic: On top of it we also had our Pro2 Lite Camera which while being a poor Matterport camera had a different pricing structure associated to it. One of the key principles that we had was how do we eliminate the complexity on processing again by a camera type and by space type? The second one, we're responding to some requests from all of our customers on hardware management model in a much more efficient way. This is where archiving come into play. Archiving really means to help our customer keep the models that they've built, used and want to keep in the portfolio.

Dan Smigrod: Damien, I got to interrupt. These folks have read the press releases. They're eager to ask. They're eager to tell you how they feel and they're eager to ask questions. If you don't mind, how about we jump into that. We feel like we've missed.

Damien Leostic: Thank you, Dan. Thanks for moderating. Let me add one quick statement. Absolutely [inaudible 00:09:55], you guys have read it, just want to set the stage as to, and I'm happy to answer the question as to why we made the changes. That will inform obviously the decisions we've made. Hopefully we can walk you through those changes and the journey ahead.

Dan Smigrod: All right, cool. Ross, I'm going to start with you. If you don't mind, just give me a moment. Maybe you can unmute your camera. I just want to let those that are watching on YouTube, you can join us live. If you go to the We Get Around Network forum Just simply look in the bottom right, there's a red bar, just click on the bar and you can join the discussion. Ross, how about telling us your name, your company and your location and then what you'd like to share? Then if you had some questions for Damien or Chris.

Ross Zanzucchi: I don't know, can you hear me yet?

Dan Smigrod: Yes. Thank you.

Ross Zanzucchi: My name is Ross Zanzucchi, I own 3D RoomScapes. I've worked mostly with the right now residential realtors. Also, I do quite a bit of a retail business too. I guess, I think what everybody here is wondering, I have yet to hear how this is really bad. I hear how it's beneficial for Matterport, but I'm yet to hear how it's beneficial for us as the service providers. I don't care how I spin the numbers, I can't make it work, especially the monthly, the yearly fees that you're wanting to charge.

Ross Zanzucchi: Maybe I'm not like everybody else, but coming up with seven even $5,000 every year will at one point. Then wondering if you're going to have that business for the full year. I don't know, it's just the pricing structure doesn't seem to make sense to me or I haven't heard anybody on the forum that... well maybe a couple people, but very few that it makes a lot sense to. To throw and on to, I guess it was a good thing that you let us grandfather in the old pricing.

Ross Zanzucchi: I fortunately had just signed up for the... I'm not sure what it called, the $149 a month plan, like two months ago. But I can imagine that if I had just the old plan, which was just the basic plan of this, whatever it was, a $49 plan prior to that, I'd be pretty upset right now. At least now that the plan that I have fits my business, I don't think I have to worry about changing at least for a year.

Ross Zanzucchi: But this new pricing for new people and for the people that didn't know what was coming like me and weren't able to switch to the higher plan of the old pricing, I see a lot of people having big issues with this. I don't know who you talked to, but you keeps saying you get all this feedback and that's why you created this. The feedback all of us here is the complete opposite. So I don't know who you talked to and where are you getting your feedback from, but that's something we kind of like too know I guess [inaudible 00:13:06].

Chris Bell: Ross, I appreciate all the comments. The first thing I want to say is we're actually here to listen directly to the feedback because we actually have talked to a lot of customers. Those customers span, our different verticals. We talked to people in architecture, engineering, construction, insurance. Many people in the commercial real estate business have different needs. I just want to let you know that we have an open mind with this. We want to hear about what works for you and what doesn't, and we'll take that back.

Chris Bell: Some of our executives are listening right now and we'll be back in Sunnyvale talking about exactly what you folks tell us and what we need to hear about. The other thing is when we talk about feedback, and Damien can elaborate on this a little bit, we're not just talking about a feedback on the boards or feedback through email. We have a lot of data, we're a data driven company and what you're seeing in the tiers and the way that they're organized is largely a reflection of actual usage behavior, what customers are doing, where the price points kind of cut and the usage points change.

Chris Bell: Damien had a formidable task to create a set of tiers that really could serve a whole wide variety of industries and use cases and users. We'd like to think that we're off to a good start. Now, you don't share that view and I'm not going to try to talk you out of it or anybody out of it, but we aren't just trying to build a foundation on which we can grow. To answer your specific question with our enterprise customers and some of our larger plans that are sort of beyond the rate card, when we're working with larger corporations, there's a request that often comes into to make it a yearly payment and make it predictable on a yearly basis for budgeting and planning purposes.

Chris Bell: That may not work for all of you and we understand that. But the good news is, you can stay on your current plan and adjust either the way that you're billing customers. Give us a chance to sort of talk with you and figure out if there are any changes we might want to make over the long term. But for now there's literally no risk to just staying where you are on the current classic plan and continuing to run your business the way it did.

Chris Bell:
But we didn't really talk to a lot of customers around the world. Damien looked at a ton of data to help inform the decision about how many models, how many users, how many spaces and how it should be organized in the most optimal way. Damien, do you want to elaborate on that?

Damien Leostic: Thank you Chris. I mean to say, thanks for the setup.

Ross Zanzucchi: Can I just ask you a question that I think a lot of people probably want to ask. Why not just have that option of a monthly, maybe it's a little bit more per month, but why make it just a yearly payment? Why not make it an option of [inaudible 00:15:49]?

Damien Leostic: Look, let Chris said, Ross nice talking to you, so we here to listen. On this particular one, we're taking the feedback. Like Chris said, we're both here. We have folks listening in from from headquarter, heard you. We heard the community as well, so we're here to listen and we'll followup. We'll take that back and return for a statement on this one. Chris, anything to add?

Chris Bell: Well, no, I think that that's where we are right now and I want to let everyone know we're not making any changes immediately. We're just collecting data and feedback and information. We really do want to serve your community. I promise you that. Our new CEO, relatively new CEO, RJ Pitman is extremely committed to the MSP community. If it means that we need to look at rebooting MSP program and inviting some more ambassadors in, I personally as the head of marketing will take some responsibility and action on that front.

Chris Bell: But this should be the start of a conversation and we're all ears. We're taking the feedback, Ross, that you're giving us and if anybody else would like to make a point we understand that a yearly price maybe difficult to stomach. But for some customers it's actually preferred, believe it or not. So we wanted to create a balance and a blend.

Ross Zanzucchi: Well, wouldn't the balance and a blend be an option?

Chris Bell: An option to pay monthly instead of yearly.

Ross Zanzucchi: [inaudible 00:17:28] fee monthly.

Chris Bell: Hear you. We're listening. So let us go back and take a look at what we do with that. Right now this works for us as a business model with the professional tier also available at monthly. But we know that we're going to need to grow and adjust, test and learn over time. This not forever. This is not fixed in stone.

Dan Smigrod: Ross, let me circle back to you. Kevin, how about introducing your full name and your company and where you're located? Remember to take it off of mute too.

Kevin Dole: Does that work? Can you hear me now?

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. What would you like to share with Chris and Damien?

Kevin Dole: From all the comments so far on this video including Ross's, my first request when this change came up, it was kind of sudden and we who have been working Matterport for several years, did not have essentially a pre-announcement notice of this change. My specific request is that as part of your grandfathering offer for those of us who've been with the system for a year or longer, I've been about three years, that you extend to us the ability to switch between the traditional pre-existing plans, not just stick with what you have right now or go to the new plan. That's a specific request.

Chris Bell: Kevin, I think that's a reasonable thing to talk about and I appreciate your need and position on it. Change is not not easy. It's not easy for any company, for customers. Even internally, we've spent a lot of time figuring this out. My answer to that is if we hadn't sort of given you a very open ended indefinite period of time that you could keep the classic plan that you're on, I think the feedback that we did it quickly or abruptly might be well taken.

Chris Bell:
But really, we really felt it was a good compromise and it's difficult to make these transitions technically and business wise. We made an announcement on Thursday. We turned over a whole new leaf and a whole new paradigm, which we believe in. Like we think this is the way forward. No question, blueprint for grout growth. I hope that most of you who are opting to stay on the classic plans feel that, that's a good compromise and an adequate solution.

Chris Bell: Again, we're here to listen and we're taking all the feedback, back with us to headquarters and people are listening now so we can discuss it. But at some point in business and the way that we run the company, we have to make a decision and move forward. We're being bold. We believe that we have a lot of growth that we can bring to all of us. We're hoping that the fact that you can not only stay on your existing classic plans for the time being, but experiment with the new plans as well in parallel if that's what you choose to do is a viable option. But we don't have any plans at this time to sort of open up or move between tiers on the classic plans. Those are going to stay as is.

Dan Smigrod: Kevin, do you have a follow up?

Kevin Dole: Yes I do. It's obvious since you're keeping the door open for people to stay on the classic plans, it's obvious that you're accounting algorithms maintain the ability to calculate work done in any of the classic plans. So it is not a question of having to do any additional work for you to be able to extend to any of us who have been on the classic program to switch between the classic programs as well. There's someone on screen here right now that is probably utilizing any of the classic plans.

Kevin Dole: So your system is still maintaining all of these. You've just chosen at least by what you just said, you've just chosen that, boom, as of last Thursday, you can never change again between the classic plants. That seems to be, okay. Your argument is that you've crunched your data and you think that you have a better way forward. Well, we've been part of your ecosystem for years and if it is a better way forward, believe me, we're going to want to go there. But we want to go there by choice, not by dictate.

Chris Bell: Which we agree with 100%. In the meantime, the classic plan is available to you. We have no plans to change it. Look, I'll just answer it this way. Building products-

Ross Zanzucchi: May I just say something?

Chris Bell: One second, let me just let me finish. Building products and adjusting technology even accounting and financial systems in order to make it all work together and work the way that Matterport does seamlessly in the ecosystem, it's quite an undertaking. At some point as technologist, we have to decide that we're moving on, we're innovating. I've been in this industry and related industries for many years. It's not always possible to keep all of the old technology or legacy plans or accounting alive.

Chris Bell: We have to make a decision that we're going to go forward. When we find something like this that feels to us like the way that we can grow the markets and grow the pie, we make a commitment to it and we move forward. I hope that those of you who have decided to stay on the classic plans for the time being, take a good hard look at the new plans and also look at the kinds of marketing and expansion that we're going to do around them because we believe there'll be more customers for all of us as a result of this or else we wouldn't have done it. That's the bottom line.

Kevin Dole: It sounds to me as though what you're saying in less the right words is, "Ross get ready. We're unplugging your classic plan at 149 flat down the road."

Chris Bell: No, not saying that at all.

Kevin Dole: If you're not saying that, if you're saying that Ross will have the option to go forward for another five years on the 149 plan I think he said, then why can't I switch to the 149 plan? The software is all in place.

Ross Zanzucchi: Then thing keep saying is we're not changing anything. But you have changed it completely. You're not allowing any movement. Before we could switch between plans. So you have changed it, but you keep saying you haven't changed anything. We're letting you stay in your plan the way it is, but you have changed it.

Chris Bell: Fair enough. That's a true statement. We have changed the ability to move between plans on the classic. Our thought was that by offering the ability to keep the classic plans at all, that you had chosen some options that you were using the prosecutor businesses today, and we wanted to keep that available to you so that there wouldn't be any changes in that regard. But yeah, it's true. We are moving ahead and innovating both on the product side and on the subscription side and we're keeping our classic plans around for convenience and hopefully to meet your needs as business people.

Kevin Dole: Then why didn't-

Dan Smigrod: Thanks Chris. Kevin, let me come back to you. I know we got-

Kevin Dole: Just one quick one.

Dan Smigrod: Kevin, hang on one sec. Because we've got Ali in Turkey. I think it's well past midnight for him. I'm going to make sure he has a chance before he dozes off here. Ali, how about your full name, your company name and where are you are in Turkey?

Ali Rizacil: My name is Ali Rizacil. I am from Turkey, Instanbul. The biggest city of Turkey. I have five people, five month per service providers with me following this conference on YouTube. They are writing me via whatsapp. The main issue is like this, my company name is Dream Reality in Turkey. The main issues is this-

Dan Smigrod: Excuse me, and I believe you have two Matterport pro?

Ali Rizacil: Yeah. I have two Matterport pro camera and in the business model I have a 300 close link business model and I already have trend 320. So there is two kinds of customer I see. One of them is a short term like real estate agents and [inaudible 00:26:15] or like corporate companies, restaurants, showrooms, etc. 80% of my business is in the second option, Walter. Until now I was giving them and minimum five years hosting including my pricing.

Ali Rizacil: Trusting Matterport that it's a big company. They they don't change anything. You said that we are not going to change it, but until when? This is my first question. The second is how can I continue offering this kind of a pricing because with me pricing [inaudible 00:26:53] my hosting fees is six times more, 600%. In Turkey or via in economical crisis and USD currency increased, it's 60% compared to last years, which makes Matterport pricing 10 times more than last year.

Ali Rizacil: I cannot increase my offers 10 times with 10000%. I can only increase my pricing 20% which is inflation rate in Turkey. So it is not sustainable for the Turkey Matterport service providers with new pricing model. Since I have limited hosting, I have 300 space, I only need 320, I can delete maybe 56 of them, real estate agents customers. But how can I continue offering corporate companies with this pricing model? Also my friends in other multiple service providers writing me in WhatsApp, how can we continue to making Matterport business in Turkey? By the way I am Matterport service providers since 2015 I mean like four years.

Chris Bell: We thank you for your commitment and the business. So I'm going to answer the first part of your question and Damien will talk to you about the hosting fees and the possibility of as your business is increasing and you have more and more spaces under management, it may be appropriate to do an enterprise deal. I'm not sure exactly what level you're at, at this point.

Chris Bell: But as far as not changing, we are on record saying we have no plans to change the classic situation the way that they're set up today. If we do ever change them, there'll be at least a year notice, a year's notice before we do anything with them. That should give you some comfort levels. It should really give everyone some comfort level. We have not even discussed a timeframe for this because the whole point of it is to give you something that you can run your businesses against for the foreseeable future.

Chris Bell: Which is why we've said indefinite and you can hold us to that promise. As far as the differences in currency and economics worldwide, I think that's a business problem that we can all appreciate. But we may need to talk about some kind of arrangement where your usage as it grows and grows has more of an enterprise arrangement with us. Damien has spent a lot of time looking at the differences between or not the differences but the outcomes of different size hosting plans and how we're transitioning from the old to the new. So I'm just gonna ask him to comment on your around hosting fees and your observations of your employees and colleagues.

Damien Leostic: All right. Thanks for sharing your business background and a diverse set of use cases that you serve. So you mentioned two type of customer qualifiers that you have. Maybe more on the short term and more transactional nature of the business for you that's kind of space probably [inaudible 00:30:12]. Then you talk about maybe I think it was 80% of your business that has a need for longterm hosting.

Ali Rizacil: Yes, minimum of five years.

Damien Leostic: Say again, five years hosting?

Ali Rizacil: Between five years to 10 years because I am competing with classical virtual source, which is the are hosting self hosting provider. Matterport doesn't provide self hosting so I need to compete that. So I need to provide minimum five years to 10 years hosting that corporate companies.

Damien Leostic: Just to stay on the terminology of the new plan, in those five and 10 years hosting, do you need to keep all your spaces active at any time or do you have an opportunity to archive and leverage the new feature that we offer?

Ali Rizacil: Maybe you also checking the statistics. I am also checking the statistic. I am providing this corporate companies. Most probably even the real statistics are they're visiting decreasing after maybe three months, they're visiting statistic decreased so much. So you may think that they don't need anymore, but sometimes they need, even they're calling me sometimes say if the problem need... how do I say, they cannot reach sometimes. They are directly calling me.

Ali Rizacil: Even they need it five years later, but I need to provide it because they are putting to their websites, their corporate types of like, "This is my showroom, this is my exhibitions areas." Especially the hotels, for the hotels they need to keep them every time because the statistics increases visiting increases with hotels and other tourism business. They wanted to keep like that. It doesn't matter how much they get to visit.

Ali Rizacil: I understand. So you have essentially two choices now. You have the option to keep your classic plan. You've built obviously your business model and your business structure on the classic plans. I understand the problem statement that you're mentioning here. I'm not completely clear as to whether or not just yet you can leverage the benefits of the new plan. Again, the two key benefits of new plans are unlimited processing and the ability to archive the spaces.

Ali Rizacil: So I am sure the new plan will resonate with at least a portion of your existing business. The other is, how to come in without truly understanding essentially your business model, your business structure or how you approach hosting and longterm posting with those clients. But again, from my standpoint, you have access to options with Matterport now. I don't know how much time you have and Dan's going to burn it. I love to better understand essentially how you set up and approach hosting with your commercial and residential customers.

Ali Rizacil: It's very difficult. My last question, as a customer, I am explaining what is the advantages of Matterport and they look at me a quote, a proposal [inaudible 00:33:44] for long term 10 years. Until now, I knew that my posting fee is for example, $30 processing cost and $5 hosting costs per year, which is $ hosting cost for 10 years, which is $88. I know that. I add my margin on top of that and other costs and I can prepare a good proposal.

Ali Rizacil: Now how can I create a proposal because I don't know, you said that we will announced one years in advance if there is a change. But I don't know, in three years my Matterport costs can increase. So how can I make a proposal? I don't know what will be my cost of Matterport the following year.

Damien Leostic: So two things here. First off, like we said, you're grandfather on your plan so you have a safe place to be. We've mentioned that we're not going to leave customers behind. We're signaling to you that obviously our pricing and our go forward is changing. Obviously that this conversation is probably the first where we can exchange on how to adapt on a go forward basis.

Damien Leostic: So now you're going to be engaged with us and say, on a go forward basis what we need to change in my business model or the way I think about is to embrace the new plans and whenever you're ready to jump on those new plans. Now as to again-

Ali Rizacil: The last question. Can there be another option? If there will be a fee for Matterport to make self hosting, for example, there is no processing fee or there's a processing fee like 30 [inaudible 00:35:32] and there is $50 dollars self hosting fee. That solves everything or six years that I don't know, because I can then calculate my costs, Matterport also can [inaudible 00:35:45]. Which I'm providing self hosting whatever the cost is that I can make my business plan, I can make my proposal based on this. How about that [crosstalk 00:35:56] available?

Damien Leostic: We welcome any piece of feedback and thank you for that and for being creative and open about your business. One of the key guiding principle of the new pricing is what you just mentioned, which is predictability and the new pricing may not just work for you. As of now might not for you six months down the road, but we're confident that overtime is going to work for you.

Damien Leostic: Again, if you look at the complexity of the existing plan and predictability nature of this plans with different charges based on different cameras or depending on the seasonality of your business, so on and so forth. We moved one of that complex variable from the equation. Essentially the new plans are much more predictable. Once again, thank you for the feedback. Taking it in, I'm taking some notes. This is not obviously how the new plans works just yet, but we see some avenues about having those plans over time to provide you with the transition that you need whenever it's time for you to transition,

Ali Rizacil: Thank you.

Damien Leostic: Of course.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you Damien. Ali if we could move on to you, if you could again, tell us your full name, your company, and where you're located. Excuse me.

Ali Rizacil: My name is Ali Rizacil, I am from Istanbul, Turkey. My company Dream Reality. Official name's VR Bilişim Sanayi but my brand name is Dream Reality and, my website. Thank you very much. Thank you Allie.

Dan Smigrod: John, if we could move on to you and if you could let us know your full name, your company and where you're located?

John Rooney: I'm John Rooney founder of Upper Web Side Marketing Group, web design, real estate marketing company. I'm in Morristown, New Jersey. I guess like anybody else when I woke up and saw last week that my business model might not work anymore, I was concerned like anybody else.The more I look into it, it actually seems for what I do, it seemed a little bit of the best of both worlds. Unless I'm mistaken, I can keep my current plan. The overages would be build the way they normally were, that will continue so I can keep that.

John Rooney: I can take on a second plan if I'm not mistaken. That will allow me to... and this is where I saw the benefit of allowing to do samples of more than two scans. Giving me the chance to show potential clients who may not understand the technology exactly how it can benefit them and when they see their own business on the tablet or the computer, they might be a little bit more inclined to move forward.

John Rooney: Obviously with the previous plans it's not as easy. I'm not 100% sure why the no debit thing came into play. But one of my clients ask me about that. The other thing I've been asked a lot is how these people can do their own Matter tags and the collaboration. I think that's where the plan of not being able to move up to the $150 plan classic, becomes a little bit of a problem. What I'd like to see is maybe some things where we could add more collaborators and things to that effect, which would make it easy for the people who handle smaller businesses to work with them on a consulting basis.

John Rooney: Like I said, with the new plan I see the advantages, especially in real estate of commercial businesses. Small commercial offices where it's on the market for awhile and then it's off. People don't want to say, "I don't want to spend, you know, monthly fees for something that's not going to be used." They use to these things for be a year at a time or more. Like I said, not to beat a dead horse with everybody else, but I would think when people get a little nervous that what they're doing now might not be working in a year or so.

John Rooney: So I guess my question would be, do you look at how these, I'm sure you do, these small businesses are working with other small businesses, specifically things like collaboration and things to that effect?

Damien Leostic: Thanks feedback John. One piece of clarification for me, maybe two. Which plan are you on today?

John Rooney: Right now I'm on the Classic $49 monthly to keep as well move on to the $6000 one for the other plan for the new. If I'm not mistaken, I can hold two account. Correct?

Damien Leostic: You can. Like Chris said, I just thought it was that maybe, of course, you're more than welcome to stay on your existing plan. Absolutely. For us it's a great way for you guys to go and try the new plan by all means. If you want to go experiment on the new plan, go ahead. Obviously that will give you an appreciation for the benefits of that plan and over time hopefully that will become your permanent home in terms of your subscription service with Matterport. So that's one.

Damien Leostic: Two, I'm just trying to wrap my brain around little bit your questions around collaboration. Are you saying that your existing classic plan does not offer enough team collaboration options or is it something else?

John Rooney: I believe it offers five, if I'm not mistaken. If I have five with say, a 100 spaces or say a 100 different clients, a lot of them are going to want to do their own Matter tags. The only current system is I asked them if they'd give me a little bit of notice, I'll give them access to it, but that's only going to last for so long. Especially with more and more accounts I had with overages. Otherwise I have to charge them and that can get very pricey very quickly and they don't want to have to call me every time they want to make a special or something.

Damien Leostic: Absolutely. That makes a lot of sense. If you look at the existing plans, the new plans and the classic plans, you're going to see that collaborators is a differentiation per the plans that we have. In the new plans, you see the same thing between the professional plus and business plus. The numbers are what they are and obviously they seem a little low from what you want to do. We take the feedback with, but absolutely look that as being essential.

Damien Leostic: Collaboration in terms of small teams and larger teams depending on the business size essentially of our customers drove the choice of that volume capacity or one collaborator. So, I take your feedback as something very informative to understand how you use the platform and how you could even do more if you had a little more of the collaboration volumes right in front of you.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you Damien. John, thanks for your questions. Jefferson, how about introducing yourself, your full name, company and where you're located?

Jefferson Takeda: Hello. I am Jefferson. Everybody knows me as Takeda. My company is I am from Brazil. I have a digital agency since 1996. [inaudible 00:43:33] 2016, I'm working with the Google Street View as the trusted photographer for a trusted agent. My digital agency I gave him a name focus on Street View project with 360 cameras. I used the DSLR and used have a 360 camera.

Jefferson Takeda: In a couple of months I am studying the Matterport ecosystem and the competition because I think it's a great product and I am studying on the market also. I am not Matterport service provider at the moment and I am feeling the pain of the Matterport MSP around the world with this change, this price changing that Matterport has made.

Jefferson Takeda: But for me as a new customer, really it's just easier for me to understand the price this way now than the other way. I feel the pain of some other service providers because they increased the value of the price. But I think it's changing. Now we must handle these changes and everybody I think at the moment they must change their business plan. For me as a new Matterport customer, I think I need to adapt myself to these changes.

Jefferson Takeda: But there are things I think that can be better at the moment. For example, as [inaudible 00:45:40] I think for me when I saw the price symbol and the biggest thing for me, it was the business plan, the annual contract. I think it's okay. You have an annual contract, but paying it yearly, it's too many high I think for me. I think you could maintain the annual contract, but you should give to be able to pay it monthly. I think this is a great change for me and for all the Matterport Community because I think it's easier to pay.

Jefferson Takeda: If we are changing the business plan, I think everybody needs to create a monthly plan from the clients to support these these bills. So I think if we pay monthly, it's easier to pay this annual contract monthly or we should take the money from this service to pay this, this big annual plan worth. So I am asking here to have you the business plan, you can keep the annual contract, but let us pay it monthly.

Damien Leostic: Thank you. [inaudible 00:47:26] So first of, thanks for the testimony and acknowledging one of the key change in the new plan, which is simplicity. I'm glad it's resonating with you. It's much easier to understand for us, for you as we change the narrative to our customers and engage in a way that doesn't start with complexity like it was before. So that's one. Thanks again for the testimony.

Damien Leostic: The second one, I think it was Kevin earlier that mentioned the same request. So hear you, we're taking the feedback. We understand the challenges and how the change there will simplify the equation and probably make your cashflow management more manageable. I understand that. So I give you the same answer we gave Kevin. We're here to listen and engage with you, take that in and put it in the feedback baskets that we're getting from social and from this [inaudible 00:48:37] here.

Chris Bell: There's one thing actually I wanted to add or question. It's a refreshing and interesting to hear from Takeda who's a new customer. I sort of wanted to ask all of you a general question and Dan, you can figure out who might be best to answer this. But do you need all of your models active at all times versus archived?

Chris Bell: I asked that because a lot of our brand new customers, they're people that are actually buying Matterport cameras and SaaS for the first time, right behind me here in Chicago are liking the ability to have this archive function sort of an unlimited archive function. But the question we have is, is there really a use case where all of the models need to be active or are we going in the right direction with this notion of sort of cold storage and then bringing them active again? Who wants to comment on that?

Dan Smigrod: Kevin.

Ali Rizacil: Maybe I can say that if I was a real estate agent, I could say that, "No, I don't need." Because some of the portfolios going back on some types, I need them. Some types I don't need. Yes, then I don't need that all of time. But if I have a restaurant, if I have a hotel, if have a showroom, that all of time. The visiting statistics can increase sometimes then decreased later on. Maybe I get one visit per month sometime, but I need to live it at all time.

Dan Smigrod: Kevin, you wanted to comment on this too. I saw your hand go up.

Kevin Dole: Yeah, thanks. Chris, I agree with you said first of all, that commercial spaces generally speaking, they're going to want to keep them up for a long period of time. Residential real estate comes and goes. For me, I'd probably say 70, 75% of the work I do is residential real estate. But I keep many more Matterport spaces active for the simple reason of how I promote my own business. I'm active and enthusiastic user of Ross Peterson's WP 3D models.

Kevin Dole: I particularly like the fact that when people go to my website and they see the map structure in there, they can see dozens and dozens of properties that I've shot so that if they want, they can look at ones in my neighborhood, in their neighborhood wherever they are. Because I cover a very large area here in Los Angeles County and can see active samples. So I like to keep a greater number of properties active even though they've sold and they're off the market now.

Damien Leostic: Damien here. Kevin, if I can ask one clarifying question. Thanks for the feedback. When you keep spaces active, you only keep them active on your own domain or do they stay active somewhere else, wherever you have distributed the spaces?

Kevin Dole: Well, two ways. Principally on my own website, but secondarily within Ross Peterson's WP 3D model system, you can set up essentially a sub website for individual agents. I haven't pursued that, but I've been meaning to make use of this more. But for example, Brian [Whitkak 00:52:15]is an agent that I've done a great deal of work for and within the Ross's system, I can set up a page just so that all the work I've done for Brian shows. He can use that when he goes out to pitch new listings, to get people excited about Matterport and the work I do in general.

Kevin Dole: He has a single sub page within my system, where he can see all of the models that he's done. Now, not everything needs to be active there, but for a better client I'd want to keep up to 10 or 12 models active anyway. Maybe the more impressive homes. But over a lot of different clients, that could mean keeping a 100 models active. There are reasons other than just a commercial property, like when I go out do a restaurant, of course they're going to want to keep active for years.

Damien Leostic: Go ahead. I have a followup question since you have the floor. Thanks for the context. That's super helpful. Let's you have a client in real estate, you said that the property is going to stay active for a short while or whatever it needs to be, few weeks, a month. How do you approach that with your plans? How do you set up that conversation to the extent you can comment? Do you set up the space on a short period of time, a longer period of time?

Damien Leostic: I'm trying to correlate the new plan and the benefits to, what you're doing here with the spaces. Specifically the ability to activate and archive spaces.

Kevin Dole: As I see it anyway, my three years of experience with Matterport, there will always be a benefit to keeping as many models active as possible. I mean it's different but to some degree making a model on Matterport and putting it on your servers and it's feeding is like Vimeo or YouTube. Ideally it just stays active and stays there. If you're archiving something or if you're well...

Damien Leostic: I get it.

Kevin Dole: You understand what I'm after there?

Damien Leostic: I completely get it.

Kevin Dole: I have never yet gotten an angry call from a client that I shot maybe a Matterport for two years ago saying, "Where did it go? I can't find it anymore. What happened to it?" I haven't gotten one of those angry calls. Maybe someone else here has, but-

Dan Smigrod: I think we're having some feedback from someone's mic being open. Excuse me if I can Damien. Ross, could you just maybe give an example of how your project in Gray's Lake, it seems you're creating content that's living forever.

Ross Zanzucchi: That's got [inaudible 00:55:25] I actually I'm having a meeting with the village this week to talk about that, how are we going to move forward based on this new pricing because I can see that not working. Before my plan was to just buy another if I had more than [inaudible 00:55:44] specifically in this project that I had to keep active would be to just to buy a plan that all those projects in that plan, so they would stay active and I would pay over.

Ross Zanzucchi: That was all kind of built into this. But with only being able to keep 250 in the new plans, the maximum keep live is 250. I see that being a problem for a lot of people. Being a problem for me coming down the road but not right now. It's not an issue. But I can see that being, I don't understand why there's this 250 limit. I think a lot of people are having issues with that also.

Damien Leostic: That makes sense. Thanks Ross for the feedback.

Ross Zanzucchi: Can we go over 250? I'm not sure with that what happens now.

Damien Leostic: Thanks Ross. I guess two Ross. The first one is, this is not really a limit of 250. It's a limit of 250 actually models. I think you get that you can buy as many models as you-

Dan Smigrod: Excuse me, Damien-

Damien Leostic: I make one quick point-

Dan Smigrod: ... I just want to speak up on behalf of Ros though because Ross has a very interesting business model. Ross, do you want to just pick up on it a little bit more? Because your models need to live forever in your business model.

Ross Zanzucchi: I created an interactive map for the community I live in.

Dan Smigrod: Ross, could you share that?

Ross Zanzucchi: How do I do that? I'm not sure.

Dan Smigrod: Call up the website or tell me and I'll call it up. Remind me of the of the URL.

Ross Zanzucchi: It's a

Kevin Dole: While he's calling it up, I just want to say Ross, that is fantastic. I've shown it to a lot of people. I think what you're doing there is incredible. By the way, I'm from Chicago too, even though I'm in LA now.

Dan Smigrod: I'm sorry, Ross, could you just pass me the link so I could copy and paste it?

Ross Zanzucchi: Okay. Hold on Dan.

Dan Smigrod: Damian, I think it's really helpful to see what Ross is doing. It's an amazing business model. Excuse me.

Damien Leostic: Looking forward to seeing it. Absolutely.

Dan Smigrod: I'm just calling it up. Just taking a second.

Ross Zanzucchi: You got it?

Dan Smigrod: I got it, Ross. Thank you.

Ross Zanzucchi: Then you'd click on it, so then you click on, there you go.

Damien Leostic: This is cool. Fantastic.

Dan Smigrod: He's building out this platform and as you click, some of the digital assets are Matterport 3D tours.

Ross Zanzucchi: This one wasn't a Matterport, this was one was just a video.

Damien Leostic: I have seen your work before.

Chris Bell: Yeah, I have seen it too, asked around the office.

Dan Smigrod: Anyway. Those are all local businesses that have photos, video or audio, Matterport, Aerial 360. That's an example of the content living forever.

Ross Zanzucchi: If I were to start pulling those bottoms up because I can't store them any longer or I have to archive more, that's going to be a real issue to send them. It's not a model you can build on, that's for sure. So limits, when you put limits on it, you can't build that.

Damien Leostic: I guess there's two things I wanted to say Ross. Thanks for showing your work. I'm glad everybody got to see it here. Look, first and foremost, the date you're jumping to the new plan, give us a call. We'll walk with you. You may not be obvious today, but we're going to work very, very hard to provide transition that makes sense to you. For the time being, we talked a bit earlier, you're on the classic plan. You have obviously a safe home for your large collection of models.

Damien Leostic:
You can even grow the collection and keep obviously running your business. Same thing, this is what I told Kevin earlier, we're taking the feedback. As you make fundamental changes in a business, there are instances where the use case just doesn't work. This one could be an example of it. We're aware of it. We didn't want to affect obviously Ross, the way you're running your business and the way you're going to continue to run your business.

Damien Leostic: We're taking the feedback in. The new plans are here. They are our first step in the journey. they will evolve for the better. Hopefully at some point, as you're already and the value is there, you transition. But for the time being, again, I repeat, you're good where you are. You know how you to keep growing your portfolio. Happy to again engage directly with you if you want to take on the new plan and no more.

Dan Smigrod: Damien, Chris if I can, we've had some members that have not had a chance to ask some questions.

Chris Bell:
I just wanted to say to Ross that, what you're building there is exactly in the spirit of where we're going with the company. Taking the raw materials that we've created and that our inventors and founders have created and building on top of them and exploring creatively. When we say that we're moving to become a platform company, this is exactly what we mean. Damien and we'll give you our word to work together to make it possible to be even more creative and do more on top of Matterport and with Matterport over the coming months. I just want to compliment you on the work. That site actually has been passed around the office a couple times. I recognize it and I think it's fantastic.

Ali Rizacil: Chris, Can I add a comment here.

Dan Smigrod: Ali, let me rotate back because we have some members we haven't had a chance to speak yet. Romaine, could you perhaps take it off?

Ali Rizacil: Very short comment.

Dan Smigrod: In the meantime, Romaine, can you take it off mute and show your video so you can ask your questions directly. Ali.

Ali Rizacil: What Chris said is very good, but the new pricing let us the create all these magnificent things but provide us like Instagram stories. In short I mean we create this with very big efforts, we need to keep it for a long time. I don't want to keep it for months. This is not Instagram story. It is very valuable thing. Thank you.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you Ali. Romaine, can you give us your full name, your company name and where you're located?

Romaine: Hi. My name is Romaine and I have a company in Paris, in France. I start Matterport since one year and a half. I was very interested about the doing like archives projects like art museum, stuff like that, which will ask for long term plans. Right now I started very slowly, but I'm still with 74 models. I would say I need to keep like 80% of them. I'm very exciting about new new new formula, really exciting about have no processing, no hosting.

Romaine: But the thing is I saw since like last Friday's in forums most of the people are not happy with the new plans. A lot of people show that it's a six times increase for the business. I don't understand what you can unsell them about that. Because like the main problem is like the active plans I think. Like the limited active plans in the new plans. Oh, sorry. The limited active models in the new plans. I think you really have to work on that. Sorry, because my English is not good. I just wanted to listen to you. Thank you.

Damien Leostic: That's fine. I'm going to do in English because [inaudible 01:04:51] with you guys. Thanks for staying up late to talk to us. So good feedback. Congrats on the 74 models that you have already. Look, taking your feedback. I think like you said, there's been some feedback on the forums about the size of the plan and the quantity of active models that we've provided. We're taking that feedback, we're listening obviously to your use case and how you use the product and others.

Damien Leostic: We talked about arts and museums and online galleries. So taking that in, the feedback is vivid and clear. If you don't mind me asking quickly and then I go back to you, which plan are you on today yourself?

Romaine: I'm on the classic plan. I'll be like 10 minutes. I have to say that I was very frustrated about the new change about the more 100 scan to be charged. I was very using that, but anyway,

Damien Leostic: That's one of the advantages of the new plan. The new plan provides you with unlimited uploads regardless of the camera type to use and regardless of the space size. So I think that will be a good way to take advantage of those capabilities. So look, same something, we're taking the feedback. Again, like Chris said, I'm not going to go back at it in full force, but we looked at constructing a plan that will address different customer segments, profiles and industries.

Damien Leostic: We locked on this notion of an active space as being a good way to interact with our customers across different regions of the world and different industries. We removed those buyers of adoptions being complex processing paradigms and hosting. Then we chose the plans. Again, the plans are not just the porn business plan. We haven't talked about that today. The pricing starts with off each year the startup plan and then grows up in value.

Damien Leostic: You've seen that we've added feature based pricing. Each of the plan has a value stack that grows along the way. So to bring it home Romaine, look, we heard the feedback prior to your comment today on the size of the active limits, and we heard it before, heard it today. We're taking it in. It's good. It's exactly why we're here to listen to those use cases. Chris, I don't know if you have something to add here. I would love to hear one or two more use cases though.

Chris Bell: No. I'd love to hear more too. The more that we hear about how people are using the product and situations that we may not have thought of ourselves, the more rich the conversation will be for us.

Dan Smigrod: Great. Thank you. Leon Herbert, how about giving us your company name and where you're located?

Leon Herbert: Thanks man. That's ThreeSixty Pro in Cincinnati, Ohio. Been using medical for about two years now. Sorry I'm late. I was shooting. I did say I was going to [crosstalk 01:08:14] and on Matterport and on the video at the same time, but that didn't work out.

Dan Smigrod: But thank you for joining. Fill us in on, are you happy or do you have concerns about the pricing and then what kind of questions do you have for Damien and Chris?

Leon Herbert: I'm actually quite happy with what is happening, I mean, what is being done, the options. I think that I can use it in my system that I've thought about. The one thing I do have an issue with is the option of only having a yearly plan. I don't know if you guys have spoken about this while I was away. But going into the business plan and then it's going to be yearly only, that's crazy to me. I'm already over 50 models and my business is growing, so I would be forced to have to get that.

Leon Herbert: I really can't see a reason. The only I reason I can see that you guys doing this is to tie us in to the system. Tie us in for a year with Matterport. As harsh as it may sound, I think that's what's going on. Honestly, as I've said before, I've got the camera. The camera cost quite a bit of money. I'm not going to go and start doing something else. I'm not going to use the camera as a doorstop. But for me too, with the size of my business, the way it is at the moment, for me to pay such a large amount of money up front is just not feasible. I really would like to use the plans that have the opportunity to use the monthly option.

Dan Smigrod: Leon, I'm going to thank you for your question. We did talk about it at length. So perhaps you can watch the response to that question and in the We Get Around Network forum when we post this.

Chris Bell: [crosstalk 01:10:06] it's a common topic.

Damien Leostic: Can we pause for one second? So, sure go back and listen to the recording. Can you elaborate maybe in just one minute in terms of the benefits that you see for your business tied to the new pricing? Just briefly, what does work for you in that new structure?

Leon Herbert: Well, I'm selling blocks of tours to say, for instance, real estate agents. I've got a block of say for example 25 tours. They pay me monthly for that. it is more efficient for me to not have to pay the charges every time I process because now one of those realtor say they got a subset of five. They can ask me to scan five houses five times in a month and they're paying me and I'm getting what I want per month, but I'm not getting charged that processing fee every single time. For me, that's how I'm thinking I'll be using it. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy but that's what I thought.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you. Our next Leon. Leon, how about introducing yourself and where you are?

Leon Herbert: Hi Dan, hi everybody. I'm Leon I'm just outside London.

Dan Smigrod: Excuse me, Leon, we're having a little bit of trouble hearing you or at least I am. Maybe if you can either speak up or if you're able to get closer to your microphone, wherever that is.

Leon Herbert: Can you hear me now? Is that good?

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Leon Herbert: I'm just outside London, company that is sponsored [inaudible 01:11:58]. I am not a Matterport service provider. I work with other people, but I've always been interested in Matterport it's a [inaudible 01:12:12] brand. If I have Matterport to contract that out, I'm developing a business model on a fairly advanced way. We are going to have to work with a group and scanning over a hundred models, which is a long term hosting scenario which will require a long.

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Leon Herbert: The key thing for me is simplicity. I want to buy a model I understand how your model works, and the different tiers in your models and the prices. But for me, I want to be able to bring a model in and take out, have it for one month or I want to have it for five years or whatever. I want to be able to change or update the model for that specific site. As time progresses on and obviously archiving, I'd like to archive everything that I have somewhere and don't particularly want to pay for it.

Leon Herbert: But I think the advantage is for Matterport here because I need all the models as well for whatever reasons and I need them for. Now I want to pay per model per month, simple. If I have 10 models, I want to pay a certain price. If I have 50 models I want to pay a certain price. So the price comes down the more models I have and I pocket the difference.

Leon Herbert: Now I charge my customers on a monthly fee for the initial capture fee, which is a relatively at cost. Then there's a monthly fee with applied to once a year. Now, I like the simplicity of the model. The previous model was a very complex and difficult to understand. The simplicity is key. The average cost per model, if it's $2.50 or if it's $2 it doesn't really matter to me because I'm charging the customer a factor of 10 or 20 or 30 of that fee.

Leon Herbert: Now there needs to be some sort of stability in the pricing. If we can have have a yearly price increase. So a price adjustment depending on your volumes. I understand, but as long as it's within the [inaudible 01:14:48] fee inflation type of increases. I can manage alone because I can write it into the contracts with my clients that the hosting pricing will be adjusted on a yearly basis. But tell us, you're going to look at the prices on the 1st of January every year and there might be a inflationary adjustment.

Leon Herbert: Then I know how to budget for it and build it into a business plan. But I think when [inaudible 01:15:16] plan how do we go forward with this to make it palatable for more people? I think you need to just bring in your business and business plus plans by monthly, [inaudible 01:15:31] and that'll take a lot of kind of way in the marketplace. Otherwise, you're going to have people bitching a lot about it. In anybody's book, if you want to go in and now you qualify for a 100 or 250 models and you only have say you go from 100 to 121. Now you have to pay for 250 models and your average cost of the model all of a sudden shoots through the roof until you've got more models in that year.

Leon Herbert: Now, one thing I'm not quite sure about and this is a question that you need to at least direct me on is, can I have multiple subscription tiers so I can start off with a professional and then if I move to a 30 models, I can take out another [inaudible 01:16:24] just so I have 35 models and some sort of build it up until I get to the next year. Then I upgrade my plan to the next year. Is that possible or do I have to only have one subscription here?

Damien Leostic: Two things there. Be careful, the free and start up plans are only compatible with 360 cameras. That's one thing I want to tell you. The Pro cameras of Matterport and the BLK become available on the professional and business deal. So just as a point [inaudible 01:16:57].

Leon Herbert: I think that it's a start starting with the professional tier. So if I get say a professional plus and I get to 50 models and I want to have 51 models, can I then add to professional plus to only 75 to have 51 models? Or do I have to go to a 100 active models, pay for 100 active models whilst I have 51 active models?

Damien Leostic: Let me make sure I understand the question you're asking, let me play it back to you. Make sure I got this. So you start with a professional plan at 50 models professional plus at $50 active. If you want to have 51 active models, what is your path forward? Is that your question?

Leon Herbert: Yes. Do I have to then upgrade to business model?

Damien Leostic: If you need to have 51 active models, yes, your option therefore is to move up to the business tier. The other option is-

Leon Herbert: Can I get another professional model which gives me another 25 active models?

Damien Leostic: You can also do that or you can manage if it's really a hard requirement that you need to have 51 active models, those are your choices or stay within your professional plus here and archive a few models to make some room.

Leon Herbert: [inaudible 01:18:27] all the models are alive.

Damien Leostic: Got it. Yes, upgrade or add to the plans.

Ross Zanzucchi: [inaudible 01:18:41]

Dan Smigrod: Excuse me. I see we've been getting some comments from those that are in our virtual green room. Let's see. ArcMed Studios ask, can you please explain the point of archiving a space? It takes space on your servers, but nobody can access access it. Who asked for that? I think that is kind of speaking to the question of isn't it good for everyone if the spaces are public because the more people who see the spaces, that means there's more people might like to shoot Matterport means more work for Matterport service providers.

Dan Smigrod: I think that's the gist of the kind of the question that's been asked in the We Get Around Network Forum. Greatest good for the greatest number. I don't know how to ask that question, Chris. Damian.

Damien Leostic: I'll try and then maybe Chris can augment what I'm going to say. First of, believe it or not, archiving has been a highly requested feature by the Community. In the previous paradigm, you didn't have that option to archive a space. The only option you had was to delete it. If you had to make room, in whichever tier you were on, your only option was to delete a space and then that space was gone. Archiving gives you an ability to manage your models differently, more seamlessly.

Damien Leostic: You shoot it, you use it, and if somehow you don't need to use it anymore but want to keep it, you have that option. Then the second piece to my answer is it really depends on the use case. We deal with a large number of customers in insurance, in a construction engineering, in facilities management and other use cases where they're dealing with high volume of spaces created.

Damien Leostic: For them, they need to archive it. Let's take an example. I shoot daily documentation of the space. I shoot day one, I look at it and don't need any more, archive it and I shoot it again the next day. I have the option to go and archive or reactivate that space on the first day and I'll have the complete control over my portfolio. Essentially one of the benefits of archiving is that, you don't have to delete a model.

Damien Leostic: For some of the customers that we have, it's actually a requirement. It's actually part of their workflow. I'm going to leave it as that. Chris, I don't know if you want to add to it, if not happy to expand on that.

Chris Bell: Well, I'll just say that, reiterate the fact that my group does a lot of the customer surveys of MSPs and Matterport users at large. It's a balance that we need to find between the need to keep active and the need to keep archive, but both the survey data and the active usage data suggests that Damien's model and our plan has struck a balance. We're learning on this very call about situations and use cases that we may need to adapt to over time and add more value into the plans.

Chris Bell: But there is right now always an option to archive unlimited numbers of spaces that give you freed up active spaces. That's where we are today. But there are different use cases as Damien mentioned and, we have to really try to incorporate all of them into our thinking.

Dan Smigrod: Chris, Jello Fan writes, Romaine nailed it. The new plans would be more palatable if they had large active limits or allowed overages at the same rate as the classic plans. Care to comment on that?

Chris Bell: Sure. Well-

Dan Smigrod: The new plans would be-

Chris Bell: [inaudible 01:22:29] anybody request overages before. That's a new one. But I do understand the need there. I'm going to answer it the same way, which is all this feedback is going to be considered carefully and we need to figure out as we evolve the plans and add value and add features to them, just incorporating even more of a balance of all the needs. Obviously we can't do a perfect plan for every single use case and every single user, but you're going to see us innovate and and improve upon the functionality and the balance of features over time. So we appreciate the feedback.

Dan Smigrod: I think what he may be referring to, Jello Fan correct me if I'm wrong here on this overages issue. If we're on a classic plan for $19 additional per month, we can host an extra 50 models. Correct?

Chris Bell: Correct.

Dan Smigrod: Chris.

Chris Bell: Yes, that's right.

Dan Smigrod: Let me just run some, in fact I'll go ahead and ask a question. I'm a classic member. I have classic pricing, what we've heard is that we can add an additional professional account, process the models in professional, transfer them back to the classic plan. Is that correct?

Chris Bell: Checking in with Damien on that one.

Damien Leostic: Rephrase that for me Dane, make sure I understand.

Dan Smigrod: Me personally, I'm at 300 models. Let's say my processing is costing me more than $69 a month. At $69 it would make sense to get a $69 professional account. Then process models with my new account and using the transfer feature, transfer those models back to my classic plan. Let's say I was under the... no, I'm at 300 and then I pay an extra $19 to have another 50 models a month in my account. Is that correct?

Damien Leostic: Right.

Dan Smigrod: Good. I hear we'll get at least a year's notice in terms of a change related to classic pricing. If that was to change, would that also be the case with transfer meaning we presently can transfer models for free. Can we count on at least the year that we'll be able to transfer models for free?

Damien Leostic: That's good. So, first of, thanks for highlighting your use case. I've seen that on your forum. I've seen the [inaudible 01:25:08] that you had on-

Dan Smigrod: I'm trying to look for a way, Damien, that perhaps those of us that are on a classic plan can be happy with classic. What I'm suggesting is, "Okay, I'm on a classic plan, forever at least I can activate for $19 get up to another 50 models." If I'm paying for processing more than $69 a month, then it would make sense to open up at least have a second account, process my models, transfer them from my new account back to my existing account.

Dan Smigrod: As long as transfer is free, then I am still at the, I want to say at $2 per additional model for hosting. Right now at 300 models in a $1,500 a year account, I'm paying $5 a year for hosting under the new plan that's going to be $29 or even as high as 48, depending on how you count going back to Leon's explanation. If you don't fill up the the account overnight and therefore you don't get the benefit of it. What I'm trying to ask is can I transfer my models pay for the $19 for another 50 models and still have the benefit of that lower original price for hosting?

Damien Leostic: I completely understand the use case. Sort of what you're saying is like, "Look, I see the benefits of the new plan and I'm going to go sign up for a new plan because I realize those benefits." It's a first step towards adoption and realizing the value of what you bring. Now the paradigm that you explained is value today. Yes, you can sign up two to plans. Oh sorry, sign up to the new plan and keeping your classic plan. You can transfer the models.

Damien Leostic: I'm not here to comment necessarily whether or not this is going to be in definitive transferring capability. Our job here is, look-

Dan Smigrod: Well, Damien, I need to push back a little bit because the transfer feature is presently part of the classic plan. It's a huge benefit to the existing Matterport service providers that have been around quite some time to say, "Oh well this would be a way that I am not capped with a number of models that I can host on my classic plan." If I really do have a thriving business and I'm processing with more than $69 a month, then it would make sense for me to add another account.

Dan Smigrod: Then at some point if you keep loading on membership benefits into the professional and business account, then maybe they would actually be a reason to switch. But in terms of keeping everybody happy who is a classic member, if you let us know that transfer would remain free for another year, then I think that scenario may resonate with a number of pros.

Chris Bell: Dan, I think it's a good suggestion. We're not going to make some feature and policy decisions on live TV, but we're going to go back and we're going to answer this question and we're going to answer it on your forum. Let's take it head on. I understand the use case. I also believe in my heart of hearts that as many of you start to use the new tiers and we start to add value to the tiers that you'll want to be at that level.

Chris Bell: But for now, I applaud the creative solutions to make what we have on the table work for your businesses today and I appreciate the flexibility. So if you're willing to work that hard to keep things in kilter for your business, I think it just shows a lot of passion for Matterport. So we'll do our part and go back and evaluate that exact question.

Dan Smigrod: That sounds great. I know we've had you on the line for about an hour and a half. I think it's really at the point we should wrap up unless any of our service members have burning desire questions that absolutely must be asked Kevin Dewalt.

Kevin Dole: You can count on me Dan. Damien and Chris, thank you both for the time today. Really appreciate it. Chris, quite 30, 45 minutes ago at one point Ross asked the question about having advanced notice and you essentially promised him that if the classic plans were ever to be unplugged, you'd give us a year's notice.

Chris Bell: Correct.

Kevin Dole: What I would like, what I'm requesting here in front of everyone else is give us at least one month's notice from when the announcement came last week for us to decide which of the classic plans we would like to be on going forward as an option to switching onto the new plan. If you're going to promise in advance a year's notice for something that could happen in the future, put something behind it. Put some ammunition behind it by giving us one month now to assess all of these options that we have as classic Matterport users.

Chris Bell: I think it's a fair suggestion. I also think it's part of a comment that I made even farther back on the broadcast where we are committed to growing our MSP program and working with you and talking with you more often about these sorts of things. So as part of our reboot on the MSP program and our re-engagement with ambassadors, I think there will be a way that we can have a channel, a communication channel that is confidential that that brings our partners into a conversation. I'm not promising any time-bound thing at this point, but I am promising that we're going to up our level of effort and our communication with all of you.

Leon Herbert: That's the one thing that I'd really like to see. I think you upset a lot of people by not communicating. I still haven't gotten an email saying anything about the changes in process. You need to communicate with people and preferably not on the day that you do something new. I know you've got secrets and whatever and you don't want the market tonight, blah, blah, blah. But we pay a lot of money and it would be nice to be informed about what's going on. That's all. Thank you.

Chris Bell: Let's keep this conversation going and let's double down on our efforts to have a vibrant MSP program and communications like that. Because I do think it's within reach.

Dan Smigrod: Terrific. Chris and Damien, before I come back to you for the almost final word, I just wanted to thank Ali, I wish I knew how to say that in Turkish, but thank you for being on the show today. John, Ross, Leon and Leon, Kevin, Jefferson, Takada. [inaudible 01:32:26] because miss Romaine. [foreign language 01:32:30]. I think it's really been helpful to have you all on the show today to express how you feel about the new pricing, to ask your questions. So I thank you for doing that.

Dan Smigrod: I did also hear that Chris said he'd like to continue the conversation in the, We Get Around Network Forum. Chris, If I have that correct. So I think what we should continue to do is that as we have either concerns or objections or recommendations or solutions is to post them in the Forum, give Matterport, they've joined the Community this week to be part of the Community, to listen, to contribute and to get back to us. I think we've now opened up a new channel of communication that hopefully we'll be good for everyone. Chris and Damion, before I wrap it up, do you all have anything that you'd like to say?

Chris Bell: I would really like to thank all of you for your honesty and candor. This is how we learn about what we need to do and want to do in the future iterations of the product. Obviously we can't take every suggestion. We have some balancing to do, but I'll tell you as customer obsessed marketer and product manager, Damian and I are listening and are learning. We're learning from you. I hope this is the first of several interactions that we can do. Dan, we'll be back on. This was a really great Forum and I thank you for setting it up.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you. Damien, anything?

Chris Bell: Thank you very much Dan for setting that up. Thank you everyone for [inaudible 01:34:09] to connect with faces and names. We see you posting and commenting. just a quick thank you [foreign language 01:34:19] whichever languages we had today. See you guys.

Dan Smigrod: Good. Thank you for tuning in. Super appreciated it. If you tuned in a little bit late, we have recorded the show today. We will post it in the We Get Around Network Forum tomorrow Friday, May 17, 2019. If we missed your question, I know we have a lot of questions in our virtual studio audience. We didn't get to them all. Please do post them in the, We Get Around Network Forum. I think Matterport folks are listening. They want to engage. I think that's something new and a new spirit that we haven't heard before. We're happy to hear that.

Dan Smigrod: If you've been watching on our YouTube channel, join the conversation, or for short. Again, thank you all for tuning in. Chris, again, thank you Damien. Thank you.

Damien Leostic: Thank you.

Chris Bell: Thanks for having us.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you. I'm Dan Smigrod, founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, Thursday, May 16, 2019. From around the world, thanks for tuning in to WGAN-TV Live at 5.
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