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Matterport 2019 New PricingTransfer Space

10 Things Matterport Should do for Matterport Service Providers (Please)9377

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV Town Hall - Matterport New Pricing (Thursday, 9 May 2019)

Hi All,

If you have read all the WGAN Forum discussions about the Matterport New Pricing and watched WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Hall on Matterport New Pricing (above), I could imagine that Matterport taking the following action would help mitigate some of the pain:

1. Give us – Matterport Classic Pricing users – until 30 June 2019 to decide which Matterport Classic Pricing tier that we would like to be grandfathered in: 100/200/300 models monthly/annually. (Thanks to Kevin Dole with @Home3D for that recommendation on the show last night.)

2. Give us – Matterport Classic Pricing users - the option to pay month-to-month for a Matterport Business account (that we could opt-in by 31 December 2020. Charge us either a 15 percent premium for flexibility. Or, even better, thank us for being early adopters and simply divide the annual payment by 12 for Classic Users.

3. You do not charge for transferring spaces now. Guarantee - at least Classic Pricing users - that you will give us 24 months notice if that's going to change. (Many of us – if not all of us – will keep our Classic account. Those of us that do more than $69 in processing will open a Matterport Professional account for unlimited processing and then transfer the spaces to our Classic Pricing account to host.)

4. Give us 24 months notice if you change the pricing from $19 per 50 extra models for annual hosting. Many of us will do #3 and need this to keep our existing business model in place.

5. If you do not offer month-to-month for a Matterport Business account, please confirm that we can get multiple Professional accounts (because five month-to-month Professional accounts is less expensive that a Business account. Plus, it lets us step-tier add accounts as we need them without that big jump to Business annual (which is freighting thinking about switching to $7,200 annually from $1,500 annually.

6. Offer to invite Matterport Service Providers to join the discussion in potential pricing changes.

7. Continue to have Matterport executives field questions from the Community in Facebook Live, WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Halls and in the MOUG and WGAN Forums.

8. Add a sizable bonus pack of Active models to Classic Users new Matterport Pricing Accounts. For clarification, if a Classic User switches to a Matterport New Pricing Plan by 31 December 2019, the total cap of their Classic Account as of Wednesday, 8 May 2019: the day before the public announcement -of the Matterport New Pricing. For most Classic Pricing users, that will be 100, 200 or 300. Anyone that had more, will get the overage too.

9. Read all the Matterport 2019 New Pricing discussions in the WGAN Forum – and re-watch last night's show for additional pain points or ideas that are reasonable concessions to help restore trust and confidence.

10. Act quickly on the above.

What do you think? What things would you add to this list?

Enjoy your weekend,

Post 1 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
No Disrespects meant when I ask if Damien and Chris were ever politicians at one time is their careers? If they were not, then maybe they should think about becoming one as I think that they'd be good at it. I say this because I just watched the entire video and I never heard so much 'Waffling on' and not really answering questions with a clear answer. We are just hear to get your feedback.... They dont have to come on the show to get feedback, they only have to read what people have to say here.

Oh and Dan, you made Damien speechless for a moment...... I think that we all heard the "oh Sh*^" that he said in his head when you asked about if it's ok to transfer models from a new account to a grandfathered account and just pay the 20 bucks to add 50 more models per month.... I watched saying, yeah, go on, lets hear it then.....

Hmm... someones in trouble as they didn't cover their bases on that one. Prepare for the possibility of that one getting blocked.

They didnt tell anyone about the new pricing AS THEY DIDNT want anyone from going from $49 a month to the $149 a month and be grandfathered in. Thats why. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

It's simple, so let's not complicate it. People Pay for services on the web 99% of the time by the month and the OPTION to pay for a year comes with a discount.
Post 2 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
I hope that Chris and Damien will get to see all the questions from the MSPs that weren't on live but in the green room during the telecast. They had a lot of good questions that never got asked.
Post 3 IP   flag post
KfromPoland private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Guys it s great we can choose plan 100/200/300 but how to do it ? My account says " Unexpected Error. Try again or contact support if the problem persists" ?
Post 4 IP   flag post
KfromPoland private msg quote post Address this user
Dan Your Great !!! and Kevin Dole

If I had to change plan for new business ( 250 spaces for 7000$ ) I would have to shut down my business. In couse I would have to up pricing 3-4 times to my clients. ( currency difference )

Guys sorry - I haven't been using English for 10 years
Post 5 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Although I also "heard" Damien's deathly silence at that moment which @hometakes pointed out, I did sense some genuine sincerity from him, a desire to find solutions which would work for us as well as MP. Forgive my candor, Chris, but on several occasions, your comments seemed in line with a politician. For example, when you promised that MP would "give one year notice" if Classic plans were ever to be terminated, it was obvious that you hadn't pondered that MP had just, last week, dropped a plan-switch bombshell on all us MSPs with not even one week's window to evaluate our options between all the various Classic as well as the new plans.

All that being said, I'll hope that you were both sincere about everything discussed and stated. My addition to Dan's list is this:

11: Add the capability of a persistent creator credit just as both NodalView and GeoCV offer photographers. Yes, I know that MP has its Details area in the upper left, but for residential real estate this is expected to be used for the agent. What I mean is a separate, persistent attribution for the creator/photographer who did the work. White-labeling would be nice, but I've given up on MP offering this based on the past. That's okay with me, just do what other systems do and devote a small bit of screen real estate to the workers.

There is a painful tendency for data-driven (to use Chris' words) companies to view us, the workers in the field, as "a man/woman with a camera" just like Uber or Lyft drivers. I take issue with this. Yes, there are clients who simply want the cheapest MP scan. My clients, however, want my work, not the cheapest. With Uber, I'm guilty myself - I admit I don't need to read the driver's reviews, I view the approaching car as a taxi. If I needed surgery, however, I wouldn't search Craigslist for "someone who owns a scalpel". Ansel Adams was not "a guy who owned a camera". We don't just carry the MP box you sold us to a location - we bring creativity and judgement when we work. If you truly don't see it this way, be honest and say so now and I'll permanently switch to other platforms.

Provide persistent attribution for us, as you do for Matterport itself. Yes, I know we can add on things like this via WP3D Models, but we shouldn't have to.

Here are screenshots from alternative systems, with links to the full models. Anyone can see that they respect us, the photographers, as much as the technology they provide.

PS: No, the GeoCV residence is not my house.
Post 6 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Thank you for the comprehensive list of recommendations above and thank for a great town hall session yesterday - I hope the first of many. The panel gave Damien and Chris lots to consider together with their peers. We all look forward to seeing where this new, open dialog takes us.

Thank you to all who either participated or tuned in!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan,
I would like to add a self hosting option with an extra fee as GEO CV does.

Thanks again to privode this opportunuty. I would like to ask much more question about product developement . Will there be another program?
Post 8 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@alirizacil Assuming that they could give you self hosting, Why would you want them to charge you for the ability for you to self host?
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @alirizacil
Thanks again to privode this opportunuty. I would like to ask much more question about product developement . Will there be another program?

Thank you for participating in the discussion. I have invited Matterport to participate in more WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows / Town Halls and they have accepted. We're in the midst of scheduling. Thanks for your patience ...


Post 10 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Great points Dan, if Matterport were to go with these 10 points then yes I think it would mitigate a good deal of the concerns of MSPs, if only because it would restore some faith and trust that Matterport actually place some value in those of us who bought into this believing it was a partnership.... well thats what they called the program (you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one!)
Post 11 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by hometakes
@alirizacil Assuming that they could give you self hosting, Why would you want them to charge you for the ability for you to self host?

Ofcourse i would not prefer to charge me for this service . But to be realistic, it seems they income will be coming from hosting fee and i wanted to make a suggestion that they may evaulate.
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV Town Hall-Matterport New Pricing-Short Story #583- Additional Costs Questions Discussion (Thursday, 16 May 2019) with Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell, Matterport Vice President of Product

WGAN-TV Town Hall-Matterport New Pricing-Short Story #584- Matterport Plans Discussion (Thursday, 16 May 2019) with Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell, Matterport Vice President of Product

Originally Posted by hometakes
Oh and Dan, you made Damien speechless for a moment...... I think that we all heard the "oh Sh*^" that he said in his head when you asked about if it's ok to transfer models from a new account to a grandfathered account and just pay the 20 bucks to add 50 more models per month.... I watched saying, yeah, go on, lets hear it then.....

Hmm... someones in trouble as they didn't cover their bases on that one. Prepare for the possibility of that one getting blocked.

Even if Matterport did not think about this transfer option, I got to think if free transfer is a critical piece of this workflow that I suggest for Matterport Service Providers with Matterport Classic Pricing –
How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport)Matterport will embrace it as a way to enable Pros to experience unlimited processing and archiving in the Mattterport New Pricing.

[above is the WGAN-TV Short Stories (#583, #584) from the show with my exchange with Damien about the importance of free transfer also being grandfathered in with Matterport Classic Pricing.]


Post 13 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Originally Posted by @alirizacil
Thanks again to privode this opportunuty. I would like to ask much more question about product developement . Will there be another program?

Thank you for participating in the discussion. I have invited Matterport to participate in more WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows / Town Halls and they have accepted. We're in the midst of scheduling. Thanks for your patience ...



Hi Dan,
Is there any further news on this? - Any chance that Matterport are planning on engaging with MSPs and their concerns any further than the tweak to the monthly subscription?

I think we're all awaiting some further news on what our business is going to look like in the near future and if we can rely on our grandfathered pricing indefinitely or we're going to have to use the breathing space to find ways to mitigate the changes in the long term?

With regards this, we've been contacted by a couple of previous clients who already have tours with us who want us to create further tours of new buildings and we're considering rescanning the previous spaces with our GeoCV kit while we're there so we can remove them from Matterport and therefore reduce our potential risk long term. We're only thinking of doing this solely due to the fact that there's still no clarity on the "indefinite" term of our grandfathering.

The silence from Matterport is becoming deafening
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I have not heard anything new about:

Originally Posted by @Convrts
I think we're all awaiting some further news on what our business is going to look like in the near future and if we can rely on our grandfathered pricing indefinitely or we're going to have to use the breathing space to find ways to mitigate the changes in the long term?

It would be nice if Matterport clarified on "indefinitely" so that Matterport Service Providers can plan accordingly.

Many of us built a business model around Matterport Classic Pricing. Uncertainty creates challenges like this:

Originally Posted by @Convrts
With regards this, we've been contacted by a couple of previous clients who already have tours with us who want us to create further tours of new buildings and we're considering rescanning the previous spaces with our GeoCV kit while we're there so we can remove them from Matterport and therefore reduce our potential risk long term. We're only thinking of doing this solely due to the fact that there's still no clarity on the "indefinite" term of our grandfathering.

Now that some time has passed since the WGAN-TV Town Hall, perhaps @Jwbuckl can comment on "indefinitely" and ...

Originally Posted by @Convrts
The silence from Matterport is becoming deafening

I am in discussions with @Jwbuckl about scheduling the next Matterport executive to be my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5. I could imagine that this will take place in July 2019.


Post 15 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@Convrts @DanSmigrod Internally, we have been in the active process of formulating a new, reinvigorated MSP program structure under new, dedicated leadership. This will require some new IT infrastructure, additional staffing, service lead generation capabilities, and a host of other improvements too long to catalog here. Many discussion threads on both the Forum and MOUG have helped with providing points to these discussions and planning. What is clear is that the current state is not optimal for any party - MSP, end customer or Matterport - so a reconsideration of the MSP program overall was definitely in order.

On the grandfathering of the Classic Plans, nothing has changed and the company position remains that all Classic Plans will remain intact indefinitely as in there are no current or future plans to change them for customers on these plans. We understand that many customers have built their existing business models around the unbundled economics of the Classic Plans and cannot be moved without disruption. This is why these plans have been grandfathered.

Per Dan's message, these would be great topics for the next Matterport executive guest appearance on WGAN here in July.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I am completelly against any "active models" count. That's just unprofessional because it sets up a limit of how many tours we MSPs can do and what tours are for.

No surprise it came from a guy who has no idea what company he has been employed by as a CEO. It is more than a surprise that nobody at Matterport has stopped him with this stupid idea of limiting their own providers with active models count.

And yes, I want to have an option to move up to the next tier with classic plans in near future.

And yes to at least keep an option to add extra tours for hosting at $19 per 50.

I will never switch to any of their new plans because of "active models" count. If I am forced(the classic plans cancelled) I will sell my Matterport camera and forget about this company as the wrong choice from the beginning.

I want to feel I am supported as their provider, not being ripped off or or even worse being forced to stop offering my services because I have reached some limits.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have watched the video almost till the end. Ali has told it all about his customers business tours.

However after I heard a following question from Damien aksing Ali if he could archive any tours that told me a lot. They just have no idea what they are talking about. How can you ask a business that has done a tour for a business and it supposed to be for years whether he can archive this tour or not? Ali simply cannot.

Would Damien be happy if he would have been asked to park his brand new car somewhere else because his builder had built a smaller garage in his new house than it was discussed from the beginning?

Ali has built his business working hard with business customers based on the classic plans structure. Now what is he supposed to do with his 300 active business tours?

Switch to a few $1000s per year plan with only 250 active models, call other 50 businesses telling them that Matterport has screw him up and he needs to "archive" their tours?

The whole active model count is just wrong and it all does not make any sense to me. They are not even offering an increase for active models amount with some fee(like extra 50 per $19).

The whole story of being MSP with new plans is like this now:
You have reached your limit on your current new plan->
you switch to the next plan->
you keep switching until you have reached 250 on the top tier.
Then what? Call Matterport?->
They will tell you some unknown to us yet figure for enterprise tier(I guess a few $10000s per year).

Not happy? Ok, stop scanning and hope some business will die and free space for a new active model.

And while you wait for some business to die do not forget to pump a few 1000s per year to Matterport for your plan.

I would be more than happy to pay zero monthly fee and say $25 per model with 150 or less scans and more(say $50) for spaces with 150 and more scans. And nothing else. No limits on hosting, active models. Just one pure and well defined processing fee per model.

Yes it is more expensive than on classic plans but at least:

a) I know exact cost for every business size and I can factor it in in my price
b) for sure nobody is limiting my capacity as a MSP, what tours I do and how they are used.

We are not really talking about active modeles, we are talking about how long we can offer Matterport services to business customers and earn income from it.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jwbuckl
@Convrts @DanSmigrod Internally, we have been in the active process of formulating a new, reinvigorated MSP program structure under new, dedicated leadership. This will require some new IT infrastructure, additional staffing, service lead generation capabilities, and a host of other improvements too long to catalog here. Many discussion threads on both the Forum and MOUG have helped with providing points to these discussions and planning. What is clear is that the current state is not optimal for any party - MSP, end customer or Matterport - so a reconsideration of the MSP program overall was definitely in order.

On the grandfathering of the Classic Plans, nothing has changed and the company position remains that all Classic Plans will remain intact indefinitely as in there are no current or future plans to change them for customers on these plans. We understand that many customers have built their existing business models around the unbundled economics of the Classic Plans and cannot be moved without disruption. This is why these plans have been grandfathered.

Per Dan's message, these would be great topics for the next Matterport executive guest appearance on WGAN here in July.

Thanks very much for this update @Jwbuckl I appreciate the info and although there's nothing defined yet it does give some glimmer of hope that there might still be a business in this for us at the end of this tumultuous period of uncertainty!

Having been one of the many who was teetering just around the 98-100 models mark and just about ready to move up (and how i wish i'd upgraded sooner!!) but am just hoping the $19 per 50 is retained for us grandfathers so that my current plan doesn't end up capped.

Matterport is still an incredible product and support is great, so I look forward to hearing that there is still a future for us all as MSPs in the Matterport mindset... I really appreciate you being on here and sharing what info you can. Greater interaction prior to momentous decisions of changes affecting us all being announced publicly is of benefit to everyone, both Matterport and us.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Wingman
I have watched the video almost till the end. Ali has told it all about his customers business tours.

However after I heard a following question from Damien aksing Ali if he could archive any tours that told me a lot. They just have no idea what they are talking about. How can you ask a business that has done a tour for a business and it supposed to be for years whether he can archive this tour or not? Ali simply cannot.

We are not really talking about active models, we are talking about how long we can offer Matterport services to business customers and earn income from it.

Yeah the active model thing is a weird one? Who's creating tours to archive? Is this for real estate where the house is sold and you archive it until the new owner decides to sell??
Am sure there's some business model for whom this is of great value and presumably thats why we're seeing it (because it surely just cant be save a little bit of server space) but none of my clients will be wanting to put their tours in refrigeration for long periods of time (because they've built space on their websites for the tours to sit in which will lie empty otherwise)
Post 20 IP   flag post
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