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MatterportMatterport 2019 New PricingPricing

To Matterport MSPs and Customers9350

San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
Last Thursday, May 9th [2019], Matterport unveiled all-inclusive subscription pricing that eliminates per-upload processing fees and provides unlimited archiving. These changes and improvements stem from some of our most common customer requests and feedback.

Our new Professional plans now start at $69 per month for 5 users and 25 active spaces. The new Business plan starts at $3,228 per year for 25 users and 100 active spaces. For customers long accustomed to paying for uploads, processing fees, cloud storage, and incurring overage charges, these new plans deliver a simple and easy-to-understand user experience for one predictable monthly fee.
(Note: By default, existing Matterport customers may remain on our “classic” plans until they upgrade. No action is required to do so)

There are 5 clear advantages to the new plans:

● Unlimited uploads. Elimination of all processing fees.
● Unlimited archiving. (No more monitoring or deleting models to free up space)
● No more fees for creating large models in the cloud
● Predictable monthly fees. No surprises or overage charges
● Interchangeable use of any compatible camera in the Matterport eco-system on a project

Matterport is a fast-growing business worldwide. We are making these changes to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and competition. While most customers and prospective customers see the long-term benefits of our new pricing, of course there are some for whom it feels less than optimal. For this reason, the company has agreed to grandfather our older classic plans indefinitely and provide at least one year’s notice before changing or eliminating them. We sincerely hope that this will give our most active and prolific users a chance to evaluate and potentially adjust their own business models and customer pricing accordingly.

We realize that for some of our customers, those who may already be pushing the limits of either the classic or improved plans, it may be helpful to discuss and consider significantly larger Enterprise pricing plans; the ones utilized by our larger corporate customers. [b]If you think this might be a good option for you and your growing business, please call or chat a Matterport sales representative directly via ​​.

Onward, as we capture the entire built world together!
Post 1 IP   flag post
OpenHouseOptics private msg quote post Address this user
Would like to see a show of hands from all the MSPs who asked for this change.

I’ll wait.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Grandfathering in existing users who have already built their business around existing pricing structure was a good idea.

As such, these changes only affect existing users if the existing user wants it to. Kudos for that.

My question is why are the amount of public spaces set so low?

Why doesn’t Matterport want as many active spaces as possible?

I don’t consider myself to be a “prolific user”, but I’ve got 400+ models public and have had to delete 400+ more over the last few years (been an MSP since 2015, and they slowly add up over time).

I would suggest that by encouraging more models to be public, more people will discover Matterport and want 3D Showcases for their homes/businesses/etc.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
@Jwbuckl I actually really like this idea, but having only an option of having to pay a yearly subscription for the Business Subscription is ludicrous.

My business is growing, and I am unable to fork out that amount of money in one go.


I CANNOT see any other reason why you would do that and not offer a monthly subscription.

Besides I have already invested in one of your camera's, I am not about to start using it as a doorstop.

With the new plan I can see my business growing in leaps and bounds, but only if I have the option to pay monthly.

This yearly subscription will not encourage newcomers to your product.

Matterport needs to have the Courage to offer the monthly option, if you believe in your product this should not be a problem. During the fireside chat the other day this was the most requested item and the one that was ignored.
Post 4 IP   flag post
sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Queen_City_3D

You probably already knew this, but you can increase the new Professional option from 25 spaces @ $69.00/mo to 50 spaces for $129.00/mo. Wow, what a bargain -- not.

Likewise, the new Business option allows 100 active spaces for $269.00/mo, or 250 spaces for $599.00/mo. And to add insult to injury, they want the Business plans paid annually!

I agree with you, why not allow more (or unlimited) spaces to be active/public. Matterport was probably not making enough on processing fees, so why not overcharge for hosting?

Thanks, but I'll stay with my legacy Basic plan: $49.00/mo., three free spaces processed and 100 spaces hosted.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
The Yearly only option indicates to me that Matterport has a cashflow problem and that they need to "pre-invoice" and collect. This kind of business strategy makes me feel concerned about any company this far down their lifecycle.
Post 6 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user

I am sure you mean well and there are no doubts as to your allegiances. I am sure we all respect that. However, this "canned" marketing statement is empty, uninformed and untimely under the circumstances.

For my part, I have the most respect for vendors who endeavor to keep it's customer base informed as to policy changes that can cause significant impact to them. Such decisions can and should be made together -- heavily underline, NO SURPRISES! It follows that I have little respect for vendors who don't treat their customers as true partners (MS-P for partner) and valued customers. Then, when there is push-back, it is an insult to hear more canned marketing comments. It reminds me of telecom advertising, where AT&T, or others, spend millions telling us how good they are, when in fact it is so much lipstick on a pig.

When someone (company or individual) makes a mistake, you own it 100%. And, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not, for many (not just a few, as you assert) MSPs, Matterport made a huge mistake on multiple levels and this created a trust and confidence problem.

I have a few questions for you:

1. First of all, are you an active MSP now?
2. If no, how are you qualified to comment about what is good (or bad) for the MSP?
3. If yes, have you actually run the math using specific assumptions at certain production/hosting levels in order to compare actuals between Classic and New pricing?
4. Absent this, have you at least read some of the responses from various MSPs and attempted to understand the math from their perspectives?
5. If not, repeat question 2.

Maybe Dan can put together a formal poll so we can vote on, then tally results to tell the real story. If a fair majority say it's good, then it's good. If not, well...

Finally, among the various 3D-360 groups out there, including WGAN, is it possible that we represent enough buying power to spec our own equipment and create our own, private-label backend and just take care of our own needs?
Post 7 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@bryanhscott @leonvanzweel @sbl110 @leonherbert @Queen_City_3D @OpenHouseOptics

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. I hope you will be able to make tomorrow’s WGAN Live At Five Town Hall session with our Chief Marketing Officer, Chris Bell and VP of Product Development, Damien Leostic. If not, your statements/questions above will help inform the session.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@Jwbuckl I appreciate the fact that you and other Matterport Reps are braving the crowd.

@leonherbert If you do the math it's actually cheaper to have 5 Professional Plus plans to host your 250 models than one Business Plus plan (assuming you buy them on an annual plan). Not sure how that makes sense, but it's true... 1316/yr x 5 professional plus plans = $6580 to host 250 models vs. $7188/yr business plus plan to also host 250 models. The added benefit is that you can work your way up to the amount you need. For instance... once you go over the 50 limit, simply add one more plan vs. jumping up to a 250 limit right away.
Post 9 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@leonvanzweel The concept of billing for the higher tier on an annual basis is modeled after conventional SaaS pricing models and not the result of any cash flow issues as you can see from recent funding announcements from Matterport. Maybe this payment missed the mark? I don't know, but you will get the opportunity to speak with Matterport executives about it tomorrow and they are there to listen.
Post 10 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D Thank you for saying so. We are in it together and this town hall is long overdue. Glad we could make it happen with Dan.
Post 11 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user

As I mentioned before in other posts, the market here in Quebec is really slow. I didn't (and still don't, thanks to the grandfathered Classic Plan) mind paying for processing fee, and deleting Spaces to keep our plan under the 100 limit (As @Queen_City_3D mentioned, it's too bad we have to delete Spaces as the more Spaces there is out there, the more people are likely to become aware of your technology and become users or clients)... The Classic plan is what we've built our pricing on 3+ years ago.
With a market that is not picking up despite all the marketing and ads we've ran since Dec. 2015, raising the price would only put the final nail in the coffin.

We'll keep our Classic plan until you force us to upgrade (in a year at most if I read between the lines), then we'll have to say GOODBYE to Matterport.
As an early adopter (first MSP in Quebec - Went to the US to pickup a camera back then), I'm quite sad and frustrated at how you are treating your "partners".
Post 12 IP   flag post
Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
@Jwbuckl Agree, BUT it is normal practice for SaaS models to have BOTH a monthly and a yearly plan with a discount for the yearly plan to indicate a saving. Time is Money. A yearly plan improves Matterport's cash flow to the detriment of the Matterport Service Providers. That, to me, smells like a cash flow problem.

Secondly, Normally Saas models offer a lower cost per unit the bigger the plan is. My understanding of the Matterport offering is that it is cheaper to have multiple smaller plans?????
Post 13 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@ArchimedStudio @leonvanzweel Thank you for your input. Valid points all. This is why we are holding the Town Hall with the two Matterport execs tomorrow - so these concerns can be discussed and heard directly. Rest assured neither your comments here nor your comments tomorrow will fall on deaf ears.
Post 14 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Here's a quick math to help the gurus at Matterport:
Professional : $69/25= $2.76/Space
Pro Plus: $129/50= $2.58/Space (could make sense - We save a little)
Business: $269/100= $2.69/Space (Should be around $2.40/Space Monthly, not $2.69 Yearly!!)
Business Plus: $599/250= $2.40/Space (Should be closer to $2.15/Space Monthly)...

But that's just to correct your math.
That doesn't take away the fact that it's a 5 to 7 times price increase from the Classic plan.
Post 15 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@ArchimedStudio There are plenty of calculators now provided on WGAN so I won't create a new one here. But I do want to point out that Matterport aimed to solve two common complaints not reflected in your numbers above:

1. Eliminate processing, large model and other fees

2. Eliminate any caps on the number of models one may have under the Classic Plans by introducing the feature of archiving. Effectively you can have thousands of models without the need to delete.

Examining the user base, there are definitely a certain number of MSPs/customers for which these public plans do not fit as they need to keep hundreds (maybe thousands) of models online all the time. For them, we develop custom Enterprise pricing as they are the exception, not the rule. These are the MSPs we are appealing to in our letter at the start of this thread.

I hope you can join us tomorrow for the Town Hall as you have very good points and your perspective is valuable to us as we work to constantly improve the company.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Staying with grandfathering options.

Advising my clients too:

- McDonald’s
- Subway
- Burger King

Most likely move them to GeoCV.

Wake up Matterport!
Post 17 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
That would be real shame after publishing a grt article supporting our progress with Matterport, McDonald’s and Imagineer.
Post 18 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
@angusnorriss That is a super impressive business you have built Angus. Great case study!

If you are at a model count in which the new of the shelf plans do not work, please give the Enterprise team a call well before moving your business. And please do tune in tomorrow and get heard. Your opinion matters!
Post 19 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user

Plenty of calculators... I know, I made one of them.

1/ I too did complain (mostly to myself, not openly on this forum) about the processing fees and the large model fees (AND the .OBJ becoming a paid feature after being accessible for free!!)... I didn't imagine the solution being to remove that fee and replacing it by multiplying the hosting fee by 5 or 7.

2/ You don't eliminate any caps with the new pricing! You're creating even smaller caps by raising the prices so much. We typically do 5-10 new Scans a month on a good month, and keep our "live" Spaces count to around 95/100. So each month, we pay between $87-182 (2 or 7 spaces at $19 each (3 free) + $49 for the plan).
With the new plan, 100 "live" Space costs $3,228/year, so $269/month. If I do 0 Space in a month (which can and has happened in the past), the Classic plan charges me $49. The new plan would still charge me $269 (more than 5 time more).

What's the point of having thousands of Spaces archived that nobody can see or access? I see absolutely no point of allowing this.

Anyway, I doubt my comments and small monthly monetary "contributions" will make any difference in your decision.

I do need to address my frustration with Matterport.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Thank You and to Matterport, so far...

But the models are used for ‘as-built’ and we archive them or make non-public. Some of them publish to Google and therefore remain live. Your plans encourage me to advise franchisees to open their own minor accounts, as most franchisees have less than 10 restaurants.

In fact if they don’t publish then they pay less. It makes their properties less visible, less discoverable and flies in the face of your statement ‘let’s capture the world’.

Despite big brands, it’s not a good franchise-fit as a franchisee.

It encourages ‘invisibility’.

Your new pricing does not act in my or their favour. In fact it threatens it because we can no longer guarantee hosting of models for a company asking for huge annual commitments upfront.

What I have learnt in 25 years of my digital career at Google and Disney is ‘listen’.

I don’t see Matterport really listening to customers, users, operators.

GoPro suffered the same downfall.

Pls do make good on the Town Hall by sharing insights with your team.

Unlike your investors, we as MSPs invested for the long term and also sold the benefits of your kit to clients. We build digital transformative solutions, based on customer experiences; that is the new currency to value companies by. Most stock indexes see they too.

All the best,

Post 21 IP   flag post
Club Member
Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
Ladies & Gentlemen, my primary income has been from auto sales the past 20 years and Matterport & real estate photography is a passion I'm hoping will produce additional income for me. Everyday I meet people who want a $200 car payment with nothing down, for a $500 per month ride. This could be further from the truth for consumers and we have to realize we sell a high tech, high ticket, high reward item. We create the sizzle.

However like all sales people that we are fundamentally, the benefit we should look towards is heightening the value proposition we bring to the table to realtors, home sellers & business owners we contact for GSV opportunities, and ask for it. I think what we need is just a better "selling script" and not worry about those who portend we're in a race to the bottom mentality, and I'm also sensitive to the new pricing paradigm, so no pretending here with me either.

I recently watched Dan's 29 ways to offer Matterport for free video and what struck me is that we are not a one-product pony. We offer a potential bundled package of high value, massive impact solutions for property peddlers. Without us they are a lone wolf in a crowded forest. We add color so we can help their listings be seen and gobbled up.

I propose a new challenge to us all. To create a high value selling proposition compare to the static reality of mediocre smartphone images and crappy shaky videos. According to, the average home price is $259,400 in March 2019 and according to the average commission to realtors is 5.08%. So the average profit to a real estate company is $13,157 right now!

At a $499 package showcase, scan, aerial, photo, teaser video & single page vanity URL package rate, we are asking for about just a 3.5% fee to stimulate the sale via our services. That is the value you must sell. It's not a lot considering the broker keeps about 96.5% of the profit and we did the heavy lifting.

You brought the customer to the goal line, let's learn to spike the ball!
Post 22 IP   flag post
jellofan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Queen_City_3D
Why doesn’t Matterport want as many active spaces as possible?

This is the real question. This same question was asked in a slightly different way during the Facebook Live session:
Every active space is an advertisement for Matterport, why would Matterport want to artificially limit the number of active spaces?

And the CEO's response was one of his typical non-answers.
Post 23 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

A WGAN Member emailed me ...



I wish I could join in [WGAN-TV Live at 5: Town Hall on Matterport New Pricing] but I have been double booked every day this week...I don't even have time to sit down and write a coherent and articulate explanation of my thoughts on the change.

The long and short of my beef is that not only did they quadruple the pricing of my "plan" but they also reduced the active hosted models which is fine for low volume people with longer term models but mine are mostly short term real estate models to the tune of 30-50/mo...that 250 limit will get eaten up quickly so I am more than a bit concerned and I feel like the user @angusnorriss said it all best with his post.

It's certainly not in our best interest and I was more offended by that post [beginning of this discussion] than anything because they're gaslighting us by saying it was called for by the MSP community when clearly it was not.

This is the sheep being fed by the farmer who's about to slaughter them.
Post 24 IP   flag post
sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
This is the final straw for me. Closing my doors and notifying my customers .... what few I have. Unfortunately I fell in love with the technology and jumped in before I was sure that I could sustain a mildly profitable business. I ignored Dan's warnings and thought I could make it work. Obviously not.

I wish the rest of you who continue to brave the uncertain waters that Matterport has stirred in to a frenzy good luck.

If anyone is interested in a Pro2 with approx. 3500 spins (includes Tiger Pro case) please PM me.

Post 25 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Share how you feel about the Matterport New Pricing and ask questions of two Matterport executives.

Please join the Town Hall discussion today (Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm EDT (GMT -4)

Join the Town Hall Live
Post 26 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
I'm just going to throw this out there... for discussion purposes. Obviously, the new pricing makes absolutely no sense to anyone (if it makes sense, please raise your hand!) except maybe the investors.

Here's a pricing that might make me re-think my position:
Pro : 25 models - $54/mo ($2.16/Space)
Pro Plus: 50 models - $99/mo ($1.98/Space)
Business: 100 models - $179/mo ($1.79/Space) - No yearly obligation. Add a 5-10% discount if paid yearly
Buis Plus: 250 models - $399/mo ($1.6/Space) - No yearly obligation. Add a 5-10% discount if paid yearly

But really, all the model numbers should double for these prices (pro 50, pro plus 100, biz 200, buiz plus 500)... 25 Spaces is too low for anybody here.

And re-raise the price of the camera by $500 if that makes you happy. It's $3,395 now. I paid $5,000 for a Pro1 back then. Entry level players will buy a Theta or some other cheaper cameras anyway...

My 2cents CAD (in USD, that's only $0.15 by the way!!)
Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for the recommendation. Do you want to discuss it with Matterport executive's today?

Can you join the Town Hall discussion today (Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm EDT (GMT -4)?

Join the Town Hall Live


Post 28 IP   flag post
Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
@ArchimedStudio The numbers you indicate are for the full uptake of the offering. The cost per unit going from 100 to 101 is substantially higher as one would not progress from 100 to 250 in one go, but you will still be paying for 250. One might only achieve 250 in month 12 of the year that you prepaid for 250.
Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

A WGAN Member emailed ...



I'm absolutely worn out by the whole thing. It is very obvious what Matterport is doing. They are systematically getting rid of MSPs.

It is not possible to run a business on only 25 or 50 Active Spaces. By moving all larger accounts into the Enterprise and forcing yearly payments that are still larger than what they are before, they are clearing the deck.

Why? Because they are going to move to being a services company.

It's obvious, it's not fun, and there's absolutely nothing that anyone can do about this.

At the end of the day, Matterport is a really COOL product -- but it's the same product that they came out with 4 years ago. The imagery has improved with the Pro-2, a few more devices can be used to capture - but essentially, there is no innovation.

GeoCV is far more interesting at the current time. Still waiting for them to firm up their strategy. It's a much better product that Matterport. There are no image glitches.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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