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Urgent/ Important: Matterport New Pricing9313

Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Forum,

Got this email yesterday afternoon. I replied to him as I was not aware of this. Received ZERO emails about this. I asked him to clarify it for me. The reply was simply you can stay on your current plan. The only professional guys at Matterport is the support staff , without them this company would have closed its door a very long time ago. The sales staff is so unprofessional also still contacting my clients and costing me business. But there is many ways t skin a cat in this market. And I will say this again to them , clients do not buy Matterport from me they don't give two S#%$@ts about what tour it is , they buy me and my value add to them and the relationship and trust. AND THAT IS SOMETHING NO MATTERPORT SALES STAFF OR CEO CAN GIVE OUR CLIENTS... and this my friends is why the brand is slowly failing.

Then they ask why we all are jumping ship ... I am racking my brain why...

Hello Gerhard,

I am sending this email to people with whom i have recently been communicating,

As you may know, Matterport has moved to completely new pricing (for software only)

For many customers this new pricing will mean saving some money since a number of changes have happened, but for those who wish to continue with the 'classic' pricing (which we are not phasing out) then I need to receive payment from you, at the latest, tomorrow (Friday 10th May COP)

Below I will outline the new pricing:

Processing fee's are GONE!!
New Plans:

£55 per month or £564 Annually gets you:

25 Active Spaces - You can upload as many as you like, and have them archived, and keep up to 25 active at any one time! Delete a model, and you can re-use the space!

£99 per month or £1008 Annually gets you:

50 Active Spaces - You can upload as many as you like, and have them archived, and keep up to 50 active at any one time! Delete a model, and you can re-use the space!

Finally, we have Business plans for those who wish to keep 100 active models, please speak with me more about this if you are interested,

On any of these new plans, Matterpaks & Floorplans are also discounted, at £31 or £13 each, so there could be logic to upgrading to the new plan anyway!

In Summary: I am very keen to speak, I have some big discounts available on the camera price, and anyone who buys before COP tomorrow can choose to be on the classic plans as mentioned above,

Regardless of the above, please remember that you always have a 30 day window to return!

Keen to speak at your convenience,


Senior Associate
Kings Court

Post 1 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
"For many customers this new pricing will mean saving some money since a number of changes have happened, but for those who wish to continue with the 'classic' pricing (which we are not phasing out) then I need to receive payment from you, at the latest, tomorrow (Friday 10th May COP)"

This is a joke : I need to receive payment from you, at the latest, tomorrow (Friday 10th May COP)
Post 2 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
That’s interesting if you buy a camera before close of play today you can get a classic package and then return the camera within 30ays LOL
Post 3 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
but for those who wish to continue with the 'classic' pricing (which we are not phasing out) then I need to receive payment from you, at the latest, tomorrow (Friday 10th May COP)"

So I MUST pay by end of business today to keep my classic package ?

Can someone clarify this for me as the guy in their UK office does not know his arm from his elbow.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard I don't know that anyone can answer for you what is the best option as it depends on your business. For me, it makes way more sense to stay on my Classic Business Plan.

I also don't see the point of allowing unlimited processing if they cap the number of public models to
such ridiculous low amounts. If someone processes 400+ models per year then their new plan likely makes sense on the processing end... but they can only keep 200 of those models up... That makes no sense!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D I agree with you , will do the same. I don't know why they don't consult with us on these things.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard I'm sure they talked to some folks... perhaps people in the insurance sector who could scan thousands of properties with no need to have them public. Their new pricing works for that industry. Not for the business I have set up though!
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Regarding ...

Originally Posted by @Gerhard
In Summary: I am very keen to speak, I have some big discounts available on the camera price, and anyone who buys before COP tomorrow can choose to be on the classic plans as mentioned above,

Originally Posted by @Gerhard
For many customers this new pricing will mean saving some money since a number of changes have happened, but for those who wish to continue with the 'classic' pricing (which we are not phasing out) then I need to receive payment from you, at the latest, tomorrow (Friday 10th May COP)

A representative of Matterport emailed me today (Friday, 10 May 2019):

"This is clearly a mistake by a misinformed salesperson out of our UK office. Matterport is no longer selling Classic plans to new customers. Andy Leventhal, our VP of Global Sales has reviewed and will take this issue up with the UK sales team on Monday."

Enjoy your weekend,

Post 8 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
So finally got a reply back. Just a pity its a day after the so called subscription renewal time is over. Great timing as always. So what to do now?

Here is the email back from MP :

Hi Gerhard,

If you don't see the benefits, as an existing customer you can continue with your current plan indefinitely; nothing changes,

Incidentally, you wouldn't need to buy a camera, if you wanted to just buy a classic plan without a camera, i can also facilitate that, no problems at all, however, after COP today no 'new' classic plans will be sold,

Apologies if there was any miscommunication, but in my opinion you should see this as more of an advantage rather than a disadvantage; if you want switch to the new plan, if not, continue as you are,



Hi Redacted,

Okay thank you

The thing that is upsetting all of the MSP as the lack of communication. I have to make a decision in 24 hours what to do. Then you tell us we have only to close of business to decide. I don’t know if any tech company that springs pricing on their users like this. Normally they will send out emailers to inform clients what is planned months in advance so they can be ready.

So get our side of the story also. This is no way to treat paying customers building out your business and sticking with you even when we never agreed on any of the crazy things that happened in the past.

You are really upsetting the users and making it easier for them to go over to your competitors with this behavior. Communication and trust is key in any relationship then comes the love.

I think you as a team need to go and look hard and long at what you are proposing and maybe extend the time that we can make decisions on our bottom line. Because if it affects our business and clients we come first then your pockets. I just believe in that.

Rather spending time trying to keep the investors happy go and look at our wishlists for the last 4 years. If you just want to listen to us we know what our clients want and is asking for. Matterport is just not for real estate and they are still very slow to up take the tech. I have said this a billion times educate the consumers that they want this, make it a must have. Make the product sexy and add in the things we ask for. Once you succeed on this your bottom line will grow. You own this space so don’t lose the vision on short sighted quick gains. I wish I was on your board just to consult. We can penetrate so many industries but not with the current product or pricing it limits us.

The best user experience wins at the end of the day. So if you want to be #1 listen to us. Your customers happiness comes first the people who is building your business with their time and money.

Yes your executive team maybe has another vision and long term plans great for them. My question is in who's best interest is it?

If there comes ( or is already ) a competitor listening and analyzing our needs and our clients. Building out on what we ask for. Maybe make a poll and ask who will change over. I bet 70% + will move over even if it cost more. Stop doing more damage to your brand. Get in a consultancy company or a panel of MSPs that are neutral to chair a monthly discussion with your team. I am not telling you how to run your business, but I can see when something is getting broken. And this is affecting us all.

The problems can be fixed from the past if egos are just put aside. Make us excited again as the day we received our first camera and started in this game changing space. The honeymoon is over , so either happy wife happy life , counseling or divorce. Rekindle and romanticize the MSPs again.

Listen ,listen ,listen and then ask questions.

I hope that we can find a solution to the above and carry on with our marriage.

Kind Regards

Post 9 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod They really messed up this time again. How can they give us not even 24 hours to make a decision? ZERO communication, is this their first company they are running?

Incidentally, you wouldn't need to buy a camera, if you wanted to just buy a classic plan without a camera, i can also facilitate that, no problems at all, however, after COP today no 'new' classic plans will be sold,

This is a joke, how can anyone take this company serious at all?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Have a wonderful weekend all and thanks @dansmigrod for the forum.
Post 11 IP   flag post
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