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FAQMatterport 2019 New Pricing

New Matterport Cloud Pricing Explained; Existing Users Grandfathered In9288

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab from Matterport website

New Matterport Cloud Pricing Explained; Existing Users Grandfathered In

Hi All,

@VTLV Thanks for being the first to post to the WGAN Forum about Matterport new pricing:

New Matterport Pricing Starts May 9th

Matterport pricing changed today (Thursday, 9 May 2019).

This is likely good news; good news; good news; and, bad news …

Good News for Matterport Service Providers

If you are an existing Matterport customer – as of Wednesday, 8 May 2019), you have a choice:

➡️ keep your existing plan – zero changes
➡️ switch to the new Matterport pricing

Good News if You Are just Starting Out With Matterport

If you are just starting out with Matterport, the new pricing will be easy-to-understand and you will have a logical progression of pricing.

Good News if You Shoot Large Spaces with Matterport

If you are just starting out with Matterport and you shoot very large spaces – including with the Leica BLK360 ➡️ the Matterport Professional and Business plans include unlimited uploading and unlimited processing.

Bad News for Existing Matterport Service Providers

I could imagine that you will need to do a spreadsheet to determine if it makes sense to accept the grandfathered in pricing for your existing spaces and sign up for a new account for going forward.

Come up with a great spreadsheet to do these calculations? Please share it with the WGAN Forum Community.

Highlights of the Matterport Pricing Changes

Going forward, there are four (4) Matterport Pricing Plans: two that will look the same for 360º 1-click camera users; and, two completely new plans (with two levels within each plan), but recycling the existing plans names.

All plans include:

✅ unlimited processing (upload as many models as you would like; regardless of model size)
✅ archiving feature [Models are either active {any form of shareable (public, private)} or archived (excluded from billing)]

1. Free

➡️ free – up to one Matterport 3D Tour active

2. Starter

➡️$9.99 per month up to five Matterport 3D Tours active

3. Professional

➡️ $69 per month ($704 annually: saves 15 percent) – up to 25 Matterport 3D Tours active
– $129 per month ($1,316 annually: saves 15 percent) – up to 50 Matterport 3D Tours active

4. Business

➡️ $3,228 annually (not available monthly) – up to 100 Matterport 3D Tours active
➡️ $7,188 annually (not available monthly) – up to 250 Matterport 3D Tours active

You can upgrade and downgrade your Matterport plan. For example, if this month you need 26 models to be active, you can switch to the $129 per month Professional plan from the $69 per month Professional plan. Then, next month, when you can be back at 25 or fewer active Matterport 3D tours, you can switch back to the $69 per month tier. (It’s self service pricing.)

I could imagine that Matterport has been reading the WGAN Forum for pain points:

What are your thoughts on the new Matterport pricing?


Post 1 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks dan

Can existing users open a new account.

Transfer old tours into new account from old and archive?

Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @3dshowcaseuk
Thanks dan

Can existing users open a new account.

Transfer old tours into new account from old and archive?


Great question to start a new topic ...

I replied to your question in this new WGAN Forum discussion:

How to game the new Matterport Pricing


Post 3 IP   flag post
TakedaSan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

4. Business

➡️ $3,228 annually (not available monthly) – up to 100 Matterport 3D Tours active
➡️ $7,188 annually (not available monthly) – up to 250 Matterport 3D Tours active

Hi @DanSmigrod ,

About the Business and Business Plus subscription plans I think it's an anual contract, but billable monthly, as said in the following URL:

Subscription Fee (Annual)
~16% discount over monthly contract
Annual contact, billable monthly

(the page says 'contact' but I think it's 'contract'). So the prices should be this way:

4. Business

➡️ (billed $269/month) ($3,228 annually) (annual contract) – up to 100 Matterport 3D Tours active
➡️ (billed $599/month) ($7,188 annually) (annual contract) – up to 250 Matterport 3D Tours active

Am I right or am I wrong?


Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

My impression is that it is paid annually and that they show you the equivalent of what it is monthly (not that you can pay monthly).

Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Scren Grab: Matterport Website (9 May 2019)
Post 6 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Isn't it a big price increase for a middle size MSP?

I mean, if you have 80/90 models, all of them active, nowadays you would be paying 49 per month, and now it will be 269 a month?

Am I reading this right?

What is the improvement in pricing that some of my colleagues are talking about? Either I cannot read the new pricing scheme or they aren´t, but it is for sure that one of us is not reading it well.

I understand that some of your older models will go directly to the archive, but who of the middle size MSPs has below 25 active models?

Going from 49 to 269 is ridiculous! Again, perhaps I am not reading this well so any explanation will be more than appreciated.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jfantin
Isn't it a big price increase for a middle size MSP?

I mean, if you have 80/90 models, all of them active, nowadays you would be paying 49 per month, and now it will be 269 a month?

Am I reading this right?

Yes. You are correct. It likely only makes sense moving to the new pricing if you can archive nearly all your existing models. (Archived models do not count towards pricing.)

Those that are prolific shooters with either models that are short-term available or charge significantly for "Hosting, Support and Maintenance" will find the new plans attractive.

I could imagine many Matterport Service Providers will need to re-think their customer pricing models and include significant for "Hosting, Support and Maintenance".

Matterport Service Providers that have not been charging for hosting – or including 1, 2 or 3 years of hosting at no charge (included in shoot fee) will likely have to re-think customer pricing.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Going from 49 to 269 is ridiculous! Again, perhaps I am not reading this well so any explanation will be more than appreciated.

You are reading this correctly. Existing Pros with lots of models that need to remain public are likely best to keep their existing, grandfathered in plan. Plus, add a new price plan provided that they include significant for "Hosting, Support and Maintenance" on a monthly or annual recurring bases.

Perhaps you can suggest a rate card for Matterport Service Providers going forward that would work with the new Matterport pricing?

Post 8 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
From the perspective of a new customer of Matterport (and, a new WGAN subscriber), who was just about to sign up for a paid subscription, it caused me to re-visit my spreadsheet calcs which created by rate sheet.

Under the new MP rates, my cost per hosted space winds up being nearly identical when using a 6 month focus period. Longer than that, costs more money on a per space hosted basis. As my intended clients all have shorter-term needs so far as their own sales cycle, I can get by with keeping a space active for between 3 and 6 months, then make it go dark.

Other thoughts: As Dan alluded, the new model is easier to understand and I can see benefit from being able to process a space multiple times if needed, due to my own mistakes. The other reality is that I may now not include hosting in my pricing (for up to 6 months), but rather pass this along to my client at a rate of about $7.50/mo, including a 100% mark-up. Or, I may just include the first 4-6 months for FREE, then charge them for added months after that.

Overall, quite a surprise when I woke up this AM and began to upgrade my MP account, but upon re-visiting my business assumptions, not the end of the world.
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Can you share your spreadsheet with us ( I would like to put it in a Dropbox and share the link with the WGAN Forum Community.


Post 10 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I am glad we upgraded to professional last month so we have 3000 spaces hosted.
Now we will open a new account also.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with @jfantin - it’s a big price jump for the MSP who handles approx 100 live models across a range of industry genres.

This price model drives high churn of live models and only boosts archives.

I guess this means the same property is scanned several times.

How many MSPs have scanned the same property twice?

I don’t mean published twice due to errors but actually scanned a house, restaurant, office, public space, then gone back and scanned the same venue 1-2 years later.

When I scan a restaurant,office or school then I expect it to be live for at least a year.

It would be good to see how other MSPs charge hosting fees so these news fees can be more agreeable.
Post 12 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by bryanhscott
Other thoughts: As Dan alluded, the new model is easier to understand and I can see benefit from being able to process a space multiple times if needed, due to my own mistakes.

You can process the same space as many times as you want with classic plans. According to Matterport you will be charged only once and they should not count them towards your plan processing limit. If your space is over 100 scans they should not charge you for creating spaces duplicates as well. The problem though is that all these processed duplicates will be counted for your hosting limit.
Post 13 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman The fact that MP allowed me to subscribe to a Basic (Classic) account after the May 9 new price/tier roll-out just paid off! I mistakenly forgot to add my 360's to the map before I uploaded for processing, so I did so, then uploaded a 2nd time, believing I would be charged. Then noticed I had missed 1 other 360, so did it a 3rd time. If this wasn't dumb enough, I went back to the first processed tour and low & behold, my missing 360's, though not placed into the map image, were right there waiting for me to place them after the tour had already been processed.

The moral of the story for me was to slow down, consult online support info, or just chat with support before making those mistakes. Out of concern for my monthly bill statement, I opened chat with MP support and was informed by Maggie not to worry, because the extra processings would not be charged.

Why did I just admit to the above-mentioned brain-damage? I thought seriously about not responding the way I did, but I thought you might need a good chuckle on a Saturday morning.

Oh, BTW, regarding the 2 "extra spaces" I now have out there. I presume I can solve the issue by simply deleting them, which is what I will do right after sending this reply.

Have a good weekend.
Post 14 IP   flag post
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