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New Matterport Pricing Starts May 9th [2019]9286

WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
[The following is an eBlast from Matterport on Thursday, 9 May 2019]

To Our Customers & Matterporters Around the World:

Matterport is on the move! We have some exciting changes and additions to share with you, all of which will take effect on Thursday, May 9th.

In January, we announced Matterport Cloud 3.0, including support for entry-level 360 cameras as well as new Free & Starter subscription plans. Now, we’re taking another step forward by simplifying all of our plans and adding a useful archiving feature. Existing customers can seamlessly upgrade to one of our new plans to take advantage of the benefits they offer but also have the option to stay with their current plan.

Our previous subscription plans included hosting limits, processing fees, free trial models, and overage charges that affected some of our most active users. All of these have been replaced by simple, straightforward plans organized around two principles that will help our customers become even more successful with Matterport:

The number of active models is now the only thing you need to track: Scan your spaces and create as many models as you want, without limitations. Each plan has a cap on the number of models that can be active at any given time, but there is no hard limit on the number of models you can store in the Matterport Cloud. Active models are those that you can edit, share, and publish. Models beyond the active limit for your plan can also be archived, as needed. Archived models stored in the cloud can’t be shared, edited, or published unless they are made active again (click here for information on how to do this). If you find that you need a higher active model limit, simply upgrade your plan.

Features are optimized for each tier: Our new free and entry-level subscription tiers deliver a price-value combination that can’t be beat. With the introduction of our new feature-based pricing for Professional and Business customers, there is a Matterport subscription plan for everyone that wants to take advantage of 3D models to operate and promote their business.

So what does this mean for you specifically? No more processing fees, no more keeping track of free model counts, and no more calculations required to stay under hosting limits. Our goal with all of these changes is to better serve our customers. Let’s accelerate our mission to capture the entire built world with Matterport!


RJ Pittman
Post 1 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Very interesting. I think this simplification is a positive step forward. I've never liked the approach of nickel and diming for each and every little thing. Yes, they're still charging separately for floor plans and Matterpaks, but doing away with the extra charge for larger models and such is good. And it's smart to add the archiving feature which does away with concerns over having a ton of models. MP is smart to encourage people to shoot as many spaces as possible, charging just for those which are actively accessed. If this is a sample of Pittman's influence on the company, kudos to RJ.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I am a bit lost and didn't see this coming.

Does this mean that my existing account is going to change to the new pricing or is this for new accounts?

I currently have 280 live models of which approx 100 could be archived

Guidance anyone please
Post 3 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Does this new pricing model come along with a model stitching service? Or with support of super large models with 500 scans upwards?

I have some clients that will not be pleased at all (eg a Conference Center with 20 Conference rooms all linked together with mattertags).

Please Matterport, we need a hosting solution for all spaces before May 9th 2019.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Liam_Tayler private msg quote post Address this user
Hang on, isn’t that today? A bit of bounce would have been nice!
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @3dshowcaseuk
Does this mean that my existing account is going to change to the new pricing or is this for new accounts?

I currently have 280 live models of which approx 100 could be archived

Guidance anyone please

Originally Posted by MeshImages
Please Matterport, we need a hosting solution for all spaces before May 9th 2019.

Good news ...

All Matterport Clients as of Wednesday, 8 May 2019 are grandfathered in to the original pricing. It's your choice to opt-in to the new pricing (or not).

Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by @MeshImages
Or with support of super large models with 500 scans upwards?

Unfortunately, Matterport continues to officially say, "Models larger than *200 scans are not supported..." [Source: Matterport Support website]

Regarding Matterport new pricing, the new plans announced today include unlimited uploads and unlimited processing (regardless of model size).

Post 7 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
I am a bit confused with the term "Active models".

Usually, if you don´t concentrate in the real estate business, you have a bunch of customers that have their models embeded in their websites (hotels, museums, shops, for example), so should these models be considered "active"

Are "inactive" models those old models that are no longer used but you don´t want to throw away? Is this the idea?

If so, does it mean that if you have, let´s say, 70 or 80 models with customers that want their model in their websites then you should go to the "Business" pricing, which means 269 dollars per month?

Finally, what would happen if you are now in the Basic Plan (up to 100 models hosted) and cross that limit? Will you transferred to the older plan that allowed for more hosted models or will you receive an invitation to immediately adopt one of the new plans or will you be able to go to the next plan within the older scheme?

Anyone knows anything about this?
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @jfantin
Usually, if you don´t concentrate in the real estate business, you have a bunch of customers that have their models embeded in their websites (hotels, museums, shops, for example), so should these models be considered "active"

You are grandfathered in for your existing account. Your choice to switch to the new pricing.

Matterport models that are public, shareable, embedded are "Active"
Matterport "archived" models means that they are saved, but no one can see them except you.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Are "inactive" models those old models that are no longer used but you don´t want to throw away? Is this the idea?

Yes. Archive lets you save your models; just in case you need to make them "Active" again.

Originally Posted by jfantin
If so, does it mean that if you have, let´s say, 70 or 80 models with customers that want their model in their websites then you should go to the "Business" pricing, which means 269 dollars per month?

Personally, I would keep your Matterport Basic Plan "Classic" Plan since you have 70-80 of the 100 cap that are in use. It likely does not make sense to switch (for you). It would cost a fortune. It's likely that you would need to charge significant "hosting, support and maintenance" to your clients. Going forward, it's likely to change your business model so that you are charging significant "hosting, support and maintenance to justify added a second "new" account.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Finally, what would happen if you are now in the Basic Plan (up to 100 models hosted) and cross that limit? Will you transferred to the older plan that allowed for more hosted models or will you receive an invitation to immediately adopt one of the new plans or will you be able to go to the next plan within the older scheme?

Unfortunately, you can not upgrade an classic plan to a large classic plan. Your choices are:

✓ make room for some of your models by "deleting" them (Yikes!)
✓ create a new plan; transfer models from your old plan (and archive them in the new plan)

I could imagine that you will be creating a spreadsheet to figure out what makes most sense for you.

Please share the Google Sheet with the Community (and your results/decision).


Post 9 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you Dan

So basically this means a huge increase in their pricing scheme with little, if any, advantage for the regular MSP unless you have tons of old and unused models that you didn´t want to delete.

What is the rationale with this new approach?

Selling Matterport services is hard enough as to add to it a step increase in hosting services.

Of course, I could transfer the models to each customer and ask him/her to subscribe a new plan, Or I could create a new plan for him/her, charging the same 9 dollars per month that Matterport will charge, but in any case it will be far more than what I was already charging for hosting, which was approximately 45/per year /per model.

Anyway, I am not happy with this change. And no, I would not congratulate the new CEO for this decision...
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jfantin
What is the rationale with this new approach?

Please see this WGAN Forum discussion:

This day had to come: new Matterport pricing.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Anyway, I am not happy with this change. And no, I would not congratulate the new CEO for this decision...

I could imagine that the Matterport CEO, CMO – and countless other Matterport employees – are reading every word here about their pricing change.

I encourage you to make specific recommendations regarding how existing Matterport Pros should be treated. Seems like grandfathering us in to our existing pricing was a good start. In your case, you might want to be able to upgrade to the 200 or 300 tiers on the "classic" pricing.


Post 11 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@jfantin... Exactly. Feel really bad for the new MSPs, though.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@Home3D.... Hmmm... Perhaps you didn't have the chance to see the subscription prices and the space limit for each tier under this new pricing model.
Post 13 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Shakoure
@Home3D.... Hmmm... Perhaps you didn't have the chance to see the subscription prices and the space limit for each tier under this new pricing model.

Exactly! I cannot imagine any single Matterport Service Provider that considers this change an improvement.

My view on this decision is as follows:

- The numbers of new cameras sold has decreased due to new alternatives plus the logic market saturation
- The company no longer can depend on hardware sales
- They now have a large group of hostages that need the hosting services no matter what
- So, they took the simplest short term minded decision: "let´s increase the pricing of hosting services and ask those guys to pay more money because we need it"

Once again I am not happy with the changes, specially because these changes are driven by short term needs and investors' greed, not the ecosystem's needs.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@jfantin ...Unfortunately, that seems to be the case. I'm a bit baffled; all that brain power at Matteport... and this is the best they can come up with? If no one really wanted to buy their cameras due to the hefty pricing, what makes them think that hefty subscription pricing will work?
Post 15 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@jfantin ... Yes you are right. I was bleary-eyed last night and as always, Dan's breakdown and other comments have saved me from myself. This is bad news and they should be ashamed not giving us advance warning to adjust our "legacy" subscriptions in advance.

Thankfully, there are more alternatives going forward. So they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. I'm reminded of Blake Edward's "S.O.B." (standard operating b------t)
Post 16 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
I get the idea of Matterport not telling anyone about this move for the fielding negative press and always working in the interest of shareholder returns. The term Matterport Service "Partners" is just label giving camera owners with no higher level of importance over the customers we sell their service to.

Dan mentions: "Personally, I would keep your Matterport Basic Plan "Classic" Plan since you have 70-80 of the 100 cap that are in use. It likely does not make sense to switch (for you). It would cost a fortune. It's likely that you would need to charge significant "hosting, support and maintenance" to your clients. Going forward, it's likely to change your business model so that you are charging significant "hosting, support and maintenance to justify added a second "new" account."

- Keep the plan you currently have is key. Going over your limits with the overage fee will most likely prove cost effective, rather than switching to a new plan at any time in the future.

The price to the bottom has most likely ended for Service Providers. Saturated cities such as Phoenix with providers offering up to 4,000 square feet for $150 will soon wither away unable to sustain new business with the volume they seek.

The monthly service fees these snakes were looking to make after the initial scan will soon have a new issue to consider with new service plans.

New options will include:

Look into buying out an outgoing Matterport service plan. Could be a cheaper alternative to starting a new plan. May caution still worries that future cameras will not be able to be used with old plans.

Start raising your hosting fees to fall in line with the new plans. For those of use who were sold on the Matterport business model thought this was where we could make money, sorry Matterport is taking that now along with gas companies and Adobe CC.

Cycle short term Matterport models on the new plan while long term models stay on the old model. At least we have a simple transfer model option now over calling customer service.

Still no clarity on how long other we can be grandfathered. We did get a verbal one year on Facebook Live. We gotta get our new hosting prices together for our existing clients implemented within a year. If you were smart, you were charging hosting with no guarantees after 1 year.

No guarantees on what price you pay for models with over a 100 scans. Topic of your 3, 7 or 11 monthly models that some people consider "free" when already paid for was not addressed.

Time to do some math on new pricing.
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I started a new discussion, based on your post above.

Is buying a "classic" Membership from an existing Matterporter an option?


Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab of the eBlast sent today (9 May 2019).
Post 19 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
Wow, this is really shady! I don't do Real Estate and therefore all of my models must remain active. I currently am right around the 100 limit and would have upgraded my plan if I had been given the chance.

If they ever force me to the new program It will be so cost prohibitive that I will have to figure something else out. I guess I better start looking at alternative cameras!
Post 20 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone tried to upgrade?
Post 21 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
@Richierichks - do not upgrade. just exceed the limit. that´s cheaper and adds additional 50 spaces.
Post 22 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Share how you feel about the Matterport New Pricing and ask questions of two Matterport executives.

Please join the Town Hall discussion today (Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm EDT (GMT -4)

Join the Town Hall Live
Post 23 IP   flag post
CrankyNathan private msg quote post Address this user
As a newer MSP - my experience is already really soured with Matterport. The changes make me realize that i am trying to build a business essentially as a "hostage" to a system i have no control over and this is just not the kind of company I want to work with. I think I will try to sell my camera and get out before I build up a larger library of spaces that lock me in, and god knows what they will pull over on MSPs next. Furthermore, tech is constantly changing, and who knows when a newer better cheaper competitor will completely disrupt the Matterport model. I'm getting out now.
Post 24 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CrankyNathan
I'm getting out now.

Matterport should be deeply concerned to hear a MSP contemplate this especially given the high cost of initial ownership that I know only too well from my Pro(1) and Pro2 purchases, it's definitely not an easy call to make.

I've been out of the game personally now for six months (heritage was a very hard sell, the 'data trap' ecosystem made it harder as people rightly wanted to own their stuff!) although still managing hosting for colleagues but they're already independently researching and running alternative technologies past me, the change in pricing and capacity (was this really necessary?!) will undoubtedly accelerate this once grandfathering has expired.

If they thought £399 per annum was tough...
Post 25 IP   flag post
CrankyNathan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PeterMcCready
Originally Posted by CrankyNathan
I'm getting out now.

Matterport should be deeply concerned to hear a MSP contemplate this especially given the high cost of initial ownership that I know only too well from my Pro(1) and Pro2 purchases, it's definitely not an easy call to make.

I mean I hope I'm not over-reacting. I just dislike the idea of building part of my business on a system is a "data-trap" as you say. It just doesn't give me a feeling of stability/predictability and my clients are construction companies, government agencies who may need long term access to the data, and a stable system. Matterport simply is not providing any reassurance to providers like myself that we're not going to be screwed over some way in the future.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Sarnia, Canada
June private msg quote post Address this user
And if you are from another country like Canada the cost would be $10,000.00 a year!!!!
Post 27 IP   flag post
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