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3D Showcase

Still photo galleries91

Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Quick poll here:

Are other Matterporters offering to create still photos from the Showcase as part of the service? The plus side for clients would be that they wouldn't have to hire a separate still photographer to get photos for the MLS (and other marketing purposes) but the downside is that the photos we get from the Showcase probably aren't as good as those taken with a traditional digital camera placed specifically to create great stills.

I just spent some time trying to capture a great set of still photos from a Showcase, with decent results. I think if I was going to really offer this, I'd keep it in mind better as I was choosing spots for scans. Spots that are great for the Showcase aren't necessarily the best for getting great stills.

FYI, here's a link to a Showcase and the stills I captured from it.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Tim private msg quote post Address this user
Hey mate, not sure if you have the same standards there as we do here but the first hurdle that needs to be overcome is to have all photos squared up with something in the room. To achieve this with the Matterport it has to be run around at about 4.5-5 feet tall.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Hey there
No we don't use it this way. The resolution and white balance isn't the greatest. We use multiple flash units hdr and some post processing to make great images.
Be careful that you don't make it too easy for an agent to buy their own matterport
Post 3 IP   flag post
Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
To put it simply, that's a terrible idea. I'm a professional real estate photographer and the 3D walkthrough is an additional service I offer. However, the still photos I can capture from the walkthrough don't come close to the still photos I provide.

If the agents want low resolution, badly lit photos with horrible color casts, they can always take their own.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
I certainly wouldn't recommend the still captures as top quality real estate photos.

For top-tier properties, there's no doubt that professional stills need to be taken by a pro photographer with a great camera.

But what about lower-tier properties that would benefit from a 3D Showcase, but the agent doesn't have enough marketing budget for both 3D and pro still photos? So much of my spiel about why clients should have a 3D showcase is because of the limitations inherent in still photos for real estate (e.g., lack of context). Do we really expect every client for 3D Showcases to also pay for professional photography?

Every piece of the agent's marketing budget must be carefully spent, and there's a lot of things they can potentially choose to do. I hesitate to tell every agent that their 1st priority should always be professional still photos and 2nd should be 3D Showcase.

I think I was able to capture some pretty decent stills from the Showcase. Not as good as professional quality, but these photos aren't going in the pages of Architectural Digest or hang in an art gallery. They are going on the MLS!

Post 5 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user

Can you elaborate on what I'm doing that will make it too easy for an agent to buy their own matterport?

Post 6 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Craig

I've found if an agent sees you using the scanner and then realises the price they can buy one for, they often start thinking they can do it for them self.
Agent are (no offense if there are agents here) notoriously cheap.
You need to make sure what you offer them is in their eyes, something they either can't do or its not worth their time. Not sure on what price point you are charging however, but I've found if it's too expensive they will only use you now and then or it gives them the idea to do it them self.

I know it's matterport goal to have all agents buying a scanner, it's a business. It's in our interest to keep the scanning operators as a specialized breed.

You have time between sweeps. Perfect time to take great quality photos. You don't need the best camera, just a good understanding how lighting works and how an image should look (shadows etc)

If you offer that, clients will expect that high quality when they list their house. Your agent won't have time to do anything but the basics
Post 7 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks, Jamie, that helps.

I few agents I've pitched to have asked about still photos, and they say that if I could do both stills and the 3D Showcase for my price, they'd be more likely to do it than if they had to do the two things with separate photographers, which makes sense.

I have a good digital camera I can use to take photos with, so I think I'll take your advice and do that.

Post 8 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Craig
Good stuff. The more you can offer them, the better.
floor plans are another good Avenue. PM me if you are interested in that, I'll help you out
Post 9 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Craig

I also take stills with a Canon DSLR which saves the the cost of a still photographer for the Agent. I've also been asked about providing floor plans. Does anyone here in the forum have any simple and quick solutions for providing this as an additional service.

I fell if we all can provide a complete turnkey service then it makes it more difficult for a Agent to consider buying a Matterport camera and they'll become dependent on our services.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
We Get Around FloorMeâ„¢ service offers floor plans of Matterport 3D Showcase models.

Our architecture team uses the object file (.obj) to create the floor plans.

While we created this solution for our clients, it's available to all ...

Happy holidays,


Post 12 IP   flag post
Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
Sounds expensive ...
Post 13 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
That is expensive, but not ridiculous. We paid $3000 for professionally drawn up plans for our house when we needed them for permits for a big remodel.

I'll definitely keep that in mind, Dan, if I need professional floor plans again!

I am a little surprised by your minimum sq footage, though. 4000 sq feet is a lot of house!

Post 14 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Do you get much business at that price Dan?
I'd love to charge that. If we get 10c per Sq ft we are doing well.
I guess it's market demand and competition
Post 15 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I'm not sure how well this application works but if it's true what they say on the tin then this could be everyone answer to producing floor plans.

If anyone has a job to do in the next few days please give it a try and get back to us with a report.

Post 16 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @GarySnyder

@Jamie @craigsauer @Glenda ... Other interactive floor plan solutions?

Happy holidays,

Post 17 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
I downloaded a free app called Sweet Home 3D about a year ago, long before I got my Matterport camera. Just opened it up again and it looks decent. I'll give it a try and see how it compares to the others. I think @Bryn uses Floorplanner, maybe he can comment about it?
Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@craigsauer For our FloorMe with Matterport floor plan service, we changed the minimum to 1,000 square feet per floor.

While our high-end floor plan solution is not for everyone, the interactive versions do the heavy lifting for businesses that find the Matterport objective file (.obj) file helpful.

[Our FloorMe solution is available to all Matterport photographers.]

I look forward to hearing how helpful the other solutions mentioned in this thread are to you (all).

Other floor plan creation tools?

Happy New Year,

Post 19 IP   flag post
MikeRosenhahn private msg quote post Address this user
For floor plans I use an app on my iPad called MagicPlan. It's very fast and easy to use. Before I had my Matterport I would draw up the floor plan with this app while my photographer was shooting the house and I would almost always finish before him. I highly recommend it and you can export your floor plan files in several different formats. You can also use the app on your iPhone and do the floor plans while your waiting for scans to complete.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Joris private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe it is not the right thread for this question, but since you are all talking about floor plans:
Wouldn't it be a easy solution to load the Matterport .obj in a 3D modeler program such as Blender, select the top view and just trace the walls to create a floor plan? Than export this in a 2D file format.
Any of you have any experience with this?
Post 21 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Yes that's what I do. It's easier to use a screen grab however. I've found the obj to be a little confusing to look at
Post 22 IP   flag post
Joris private msg quote post Address this user
@Jamie: That's a possibility too. I didn't think about that! Thanks for the answer!
Post 23 IP   flag post
Vincentlublink private msg quote post Address this user

You can thake a screen cap and then use sketchup.
U can put it in as a background in sketchup and that draw you plan over it, after that remote your background and you are ready.


Post 24 IP   flag post
DavidH private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All,

Just some feedback from a broker I spoke with this morning.

She said she doesn't see a need for a floor plan to be created since you can view it in a model. The only reason people post floor plans on the MLS is to give an idea of the layout of a property. This is already being accomplished with the 3D Tour.

In terms of still photos, I think it is a great add-on to offer for lower priced homes. I know some people have scoffed at the idea, but I see pictures in my local MLS (I am an agent as well) that are much lower quality than those captured with the Matterport camera.

The biggest problem I see besides the quality is the fact that there aren't any exterior photos being taken. Typically agents post an exterior shot as the cover photo for their listings. On top of this, higher priced homes often have exterior features that agents want to showcase. I think that by taking exterior photos, then capturing screen grabs from the virtual tour you can offer an alternative to hiring a real estate photographer.

I agree with some other posters that pictures taken by real estate photographers are higher quality, but for agents wishing to save some $$$ Matterport quality photos may be just fine.


David Hughes
St. Louis 3D Tours
Post 25 IP   flag post
Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
I disagree with a couple of your points ...

First, floor plans not only show the layout but, more importantly, the room dimensions. Unless the dimensions for each room are listed in the MLS, buyers have no way of knowing whether their massive dining room table or king-size bed will fit.

Second, providing agents with yet another way of achieving mediocrity (via Matterport-quality photos) doesn't do them any favors.
Post 26 IP   flag post
DavidH private msg quote post Address this user

Almost every listing in our local MLS includes room dimensions already, at least here in St. Louis. I am offering room measurements as an added feature with the Matterport tours.

To your second point:

As an agent I still choose to use professional photography, even though I own a Matterport camera. That is because I see the benefit to it. I do not think that photos taken from the 3D Models will ever take business away from professional photography.

I am simply stating that Matterport photos are a step up from the iPhone pictures I see some agents still posting.


St. Louis 3D Tours
Post 27 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone who is using Matterport 3D tour for their listing should also hire a professional photographer. (They should actually hire the professional photographer first)

Currently the images captured with Matterport camera just don't cut it
Post 28 IP   flag post
Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
Most MLSs have the capability to store room dimensions but, in ours at least, it's not required. And even if the agents enter that information it's not syndicated to the sites where buyers are looking (zillow, trulia, etc.).

As for the iPhone photos, if agents are unwilling to spend money for decent photos, why would they spend money for a Matterport tour?
Post 29 IP   flag post
UnrealerAleksi private msg quote post Address this user
We are doing Matterport, Photos, Video and Floorplan, and combining them all to our "Unrealer Showcase" player, which is a fully responsive & brandable visual content player that can be put on any page in any size. Our aim is to provide "The best possible visual real estate marketing experience in all digital channels"

It is clear that even with Matterport model, there is demand for professional photos and professional marketing video. By offering all of this with one visit, you can easily reach a much lower price point, compared to buying photos, matteport and video separately etc.

Also, with our player we can provide protection against brokers buying matterport themselves. They will not be able to deliver the whole package in one nice looking player.

We are starting discussions to licence our system to matterport service providers in the US. Our cloud based software allows easy upload&managing of all visual content for real estate marketing.

Please feel free to shoot questions! I'm also happy to give a demo via skype etc.

Example on our client's site:



Post 30 IP   flag post
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