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Matterport color: Am I being too picky?9082

izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
Well I tried again to get Matterport to look at my $2 million dollar coach.
The Matterport tour looks like crap compared to the photos and videos I took.
I have pretty much written off using a Matterport tour for this coach.
I have tried Mpembed but when you adjust the color of the tour - it also adjusts the color
of the photos and videos used in Mattertags. I could either lose the Mattertags or adjust the images
to compensate for the adjustments.

Mpembed version

Matterport version:

Link to coach listing and photos:

Here is what Matterport wrote:

Hello Mike,

Sorry for the delay in our reply. I certainly agree that when compared side by side the images from the matterport system are slightly darker and warmer than the reference images you provided. Unfortunately we do not currently have a process in place that allows for the extraction and reinsertion of edited panoramic images within the processing pipeline. What i can tell you is that generating the best looking panoramic images from our existing hardware is something our engineering team continues to focus on.



Am I being too picky?
I might go re-shoot it and see if changes anything.
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izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
And here is the brochure - Matterport color and brightness is nowhere close to what it should be,
this is a $2 million frigging coach - you would think they would pay a little more attention?
I do have a Theta Z1 on order - I am going to try that and maybe Cuplex to see if I can do better than SMATTERPORT.
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HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
What you got there is an odd color temperature environment. MP is doing a pretty good job I think of adjusting for everything. It's mostly incandescent lighting it seems, but then there's this blue source up there. Neon or something? The MP tour has averaged everything. It has no way of knowing that the blue light source is superfluous and decorative. I am constantly impressed with how MP deals with exposures and color, and it's gotten better lately. Reshooting will return an identical result. Maybe you could tape 81A gel filters over the front of the camera. I don't know if the system would try to correct that as well, but it would be your only possible solution IMHO.
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izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah I understand that. I was going to do a test with those blue lights off but then the tour would be half-assed. I don't understand why they cannot manually adjust certain panos? I know they won't because then everybody would want to tweak it to death.

The blue gel over the lens might make a difference.

I shot another coach the other day that had all the same lighting and it too came out warm.

I have shot some coaches that were almost perfect.

It is just a crap shoot. But the owner of the company does not want to show his expensive coach unless it looks perfect.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by izoneguy
And here is the brochure - Matterport color and brightness is nowhere close to what it should be,
this is a $2 million frigging coach - you would think they would pay a little more attention?
I do have a Theta Z1 on order - I am going to try that and maybe Cuplex to see if I can do better than SMATTERPORT.

I like the ocean view. How did drive the bus on to the sand?

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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN-TV Short Story #125-Adjusting Colors and Editing Panoramas with Cupix (versus Matterport)

Cupix versus Matterport: Color Adjustments and Editing in Lightroom


Cupix versus Matterport: Color Adjustments and Editing in Lightroom

In that WGAN Forum discussion, I wrote (in part):


If you are a professional photographer, among your pain points with Matterport are the lack of custom color adjustments and editing each and/or all scans (panoramas).

Cupix has solved these issues.

With Cupix, you can make the following custom color adjustments on a per panorama or apply to all panoramas:

✓ Brightness
✓ Contrast
✓ Hue
✓ Saturation
✓ Gamma
✓ Vibrance

In addition, you can edit any panorama in the software of your choice - such as Lightroom - and then substitute the edited images. For example, remove the camera from a mirror.

The 4 minute WGAN-TV Short Story #125 (above) shows and tell this story. In contrast, Matterport does not let you adjust color or edit panoramas.

I could imagine the challenge for Matterport is a balancing act between one-size-fits-all simplicity or providing features that professional photographers have been requesting for more than four years in the We Get Around Network Forum.

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izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, before Matterport I edited every pano until it was perfect. It is a balancing act. Matterport is fine for 80% of my tour needs. I will check out Cupix.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

As a WGAN Standard Member, you receive:

FREE! First six months of Cupix Small Plan + Studio Add On Pack (Publish to Google Street View), if you are a We Get Around Network Standard or Premium Member.

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