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GEOCV prices cheaper than Matterport now9015

Lukmoorkens private msg quote post Address this user
I got some big surprises on my last bill of Matterport.

Suddenly they count taxes for overseas services which normally must be zero. My billing info is not correct and my VAT number is missing, so a worthless invoice. I contacted them, but 1 week later and still no answer or correction.

We payed now for 1 single space with 115 scans
Subscription, 44euro+tax= 53,24euro
Standard large space, 36euro +tax= 43,56euro
= 96,80 euro or +/- 108 USD.

Out of nothing, our 3 free credits in our account are Worthless, they count only for spaces below 101 scans?????
This changes a lot !!!!

We checked the prices of GEOCV again and they are much cheaper than Matterport.
For 1 space it's 49 USD (Pay as you go)
3D tour processing
3D tours hosting = 1USD/month

Or for 1 space with Everything included it's 99USD =
Floor plans with dimensions.
Download of full res 360° panoramas
Editing of 360° panoramas and re-upload
White labeling
3D model OBJ
Offline viewing on PC/Mac
Password protection
Copyrights ownership


Why is everything so..... at Matterport!
Post 1 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
GEOcv is NOT priced for the Masses for regular Real Estate home sales. 99% of homes we shoot require less than 100 scans (which is where the largest market is).

I offer a starting price of $99 for a Matterport 3D Tour up to 1500 sq. ft. when packaged with photos/video. Based on doing a house that's 1450 sq ft ($99), it costs me a total of $19 for Matterport plus what I have to pay my Photographers and my business running costs. After paying those, I end up with about $20 net profit in my pocket which is respectable.

However, using GEOcv's platform I would have to pay $49 for a 'pay as you go' plus $6 for 6 months of hosting. So the total cost is really $55 for a 6-month listing which is what most agents take a listing for or longer.

I would therefore have a $35 loss using GEOcv if I still wanted to offer the same "From $99" Tour or would have to raise my price to $134 to realize the same net profit to me.

We all know guys that our customers (agents) will jump ship if we increased our prices on them by 34%.

I really wanted to include a 3D Tour with every package I sell and raise my package pricing by $20 to cover the additional cost of the photographers time (1200 sold last year). I could do that if GEOcv charged the same price as Matterport $149 a month but for unlimited tours. It's not costing manual labor, the cloud does all the work......
Post 2 IP   flag post
Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Like @Lukmoorkens I also got a bill showing Netherlands VAT. I'm based in Ireland.
To explain to non-Europe based photographers, if you purchase goods and services from another EU country and you are VAT registered you do not pay the tax element. You account for it in your tax return.
I've been in touch and they responded looking for my VAT number, which I can only assume they have lost.
I bought a camera on the understanding that my subscription includes three spaces per month.
If Matterport do not reverse the change to their packages they may find themselves in a sticky situation in relation to Consumer Protection Legislation in the EU.
European MPS's might need to consider taking concerted action.
Post 3 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Like @Gladsmuir and @Lukmoorkens I received this bill with tax from the Netherlands from Matterport with a US company adress. This procedure will not be accepted by German tax authorities. We have a problem here.

And the other problem is the fact that Matterport changed the business model to charging extra USD 38 plus tax for large spaces.

I have now downgraded my Matterport subscription to basic (3 small space credits) and I will try to delete more spaces to get below at least 150 spaces.

Matterport acts without any offical communication. This behaviour got me to order my first GeoCV system.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Reminds me of...

Nokia vs Apple
Matterport vs GeoCV
Post 5 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@Lukmoorkens @Gladsmuir @MeshImages Please voice your displeasure to about the billing of large models not using any of the *free* processing credits.

Personally I question the legality of this move without any prior notice, especially for those of us who have prepaid for annual hosting accounts.

As @Gladsmuir alluded to, this could be a lawsuit waiting to happen!
Post 6 IP   flag post
PeterWolf private msg quote post Address this user
Me too!

I complained rightaway after receiving the weird invoice with dutch tax and without my VAT ID even though I provided the number.
I got an excuse via mail:

Mar 20, 11:34 PM PDT

Hi Peter,

Thanks very much for getting back to me with your VAT number. It seems something must have happened when migrating your account to the new billing system. We'll update your data right away and correct the rate error.

Best regards,
Matterport Customer Support

But nothing has happened since then!
Post 7 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D I did already. But nothing happens. Tomorrow is April 1st. We will see what the billing will look like...
Post 8 IP   flag post
Eddi private msg quote post Address this user
Here we go! No tax on April bill from matterport!
These guys are just playing...
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @MeshImages
Matterport acts without any offical communication. This behaviour got me to order my first GeoCV system.

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Post 10 IP   flag post
Eddi private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Eddi
Here we go! No tax on April bill from matterport!
These guys are just playing...

Actually, they are still playing. Today I opened April bill again and surprise: Netherlands Tax is there now. They are modifying the PDF bills however they want, no notification as usual.
Post 11 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport is maybe only ahead of time as always and as I started my activities in the netherlands two years ago they may follow soon and already applied the correct pricing? I just can recommend the Netherlands, especially in comparison to germany ;-)

O.k. - it´s not the right time for jokes - unfortunately - also the new CEO now proves he´s just a investor puppet if I see their latest behaviours, pricing updates and that large spaces can´t be used with the 3 free scans. No roadmap for the SDK, no really needed features like password protection, sellable TOC´s for europe etc. They just don´t learn from their failings and I have given up to believe that may change.

I have been very very patient, but the countdown has started for me now and I don´t think that I´ll be a Matterport Customer in 2020. I paid in advance for 2019. And yes - I am a fool.
Post 12 IP   flag post
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