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Direct to Seller Marketing Idea.901

smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Hey All,

I have been thinking lately on strategies to market directly to the seller and generally create awareness to the end user.

So I was in my car as I passed a for sale sign and thought to myself that really we are passing opportunities all the time.

What I plan to do is create a flyer/brochure that I can drop into the letter box/under doorway of the property with a for sale sign out the front as I am just doing my normal driving. I guess you could review an areas listings via local real estates and actually make a run at doing a drop to all of them for a day.


Anyhow, I have been pondering this for a little while and thinking of what the process would be from there for the seller to get a scan done.

Here is where I thought I'd share to get input of what you all think will happen and if there will be bad repercussions.

I say bad repercussions because essentially the seller (if all goes well) will be contacting the real estate agent they have listed with requesting to have a scan done. So, will this create a bad taste to RE Agents as we went directly to the seller rather than through them?

The other way is they contact you directly in which case the seller can pay for the scan directly or you would have to direct them back to their agent to contact us, hey they may even want you to contact the agent for them..

Personally I see the agents getting a bit peeved at this and what can be a good strategy short term for that scan are you really creating bad blood that will prevent repeat scans with local agents. on the flip side this also could (with those that like the service) create opportunities.

Anyhow enough of my blabbering, would welcome variations and suggestions/opinions on the idea.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I mentioned a similar thing to an agent last year. He asked how many agents I market to. I said none because you bastard are cheap. I market to home owners. They understand the value and importance and they will seek out an agent who uses this technology. If you don't have it, you miss the tens of thousands on the listing.
He didn't know what to say
Post 2 IP   flag post
Chankane private msg quote post Address this user
Ha, that's funny.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
On the surface, I think it's a good idea. The seller has to jump through the hoops to get their house properly staged and no one wants a house to sit on the market for any length of time.
I'm not sure if the seller wants to pay for the service, but may place a demand (strong request) on the agent to have a Matterport tour done.
Perhaps there's a local resource for For Sale by Owners listing pool; I would probably start with that prospect pool.
Post 4 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Lol @Jamie!

Yeah, I agree there are no doubt easier ways to get to the seller. Never thinking this would be a huge campaign.

Think I will give it a go though, just on the few I am going past anyhow...might just get annoyed by the second one having to get out of car and pack it up!
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

From the ideation thread post about how Matterport could help create demand for 3D Showcase tours...

Your thoughts?

Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod
Thanks all! Lots of great thinking. Looking forward to seeing more ideas too ...

@josephthomp Here are screen grabs of a house ad in our alpha version of the free We Get Around Magazine iOS app ....

The house ad promotes ...

Receive a FREE Matterport 3D Showcase to Help Sell Your House
When You List Your House For Sale With a Referral Network Member

The house ad could use some work: concept, text and graphics, but it does give you a taste of the direction we're headed.

When you bring a listing lead to a real estate agent client, everyone wins.

Does this spark additional thoughts?



Post 6 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user

Just to get it straight I'm reading it right.

So is the "referral network member" the RE agent listed with you? And it is free because the agent will pay it's cost?


Never mind found you thread "As a result of that online search, imagine that home sellers find us - 3D Pros - to ask us for a referral to one or more of our agent clients that offers our 3D Tours." You explain it.

Yeah, having your own agent referral system is a great idea and you dead on that if someone is looking up the technology and with smart advertisement on sellers dong their first research we can drive a lot of work hopefully the agents way.
Post 7 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
* Imagine the day a local seller "Googles"

Matterport Virtual Tours [insert city]

and you business website pops up.
They call you can ask?
Which real estate agents are using this technology?

Would you have a stable of geographically placed agents?
Post 8 IP   flag post
cdpmedia private msg quote post Address this user
This is a great thread topic. thanks. My perception of this business is that the demand is really (mostly) occurring from the motivation of agents to acquire the listing, which means of course impressing the seller, which leads directly to the source...the seller. So driving the message to this end user is essential. I see no risk in aggravating agents by doing so, only upside. The challenge is how.
Since acquiring the address of every single open listing is a snap, it seems like a laser targeted direct mailer would do the trick.
"has your realtor done everything they can to market your home"
"Is your realtor using old school marketing in a new school market"
my feeling is quite acceptable to aggressively market this way and not fear the realtors perception of it.
Post 9 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
I suggest you add a simple concept to all of this

There are few agents that actually earn a long term stable wage.

The correct phraseology is;

You are assured a stronger LISTING commission when you can demonstrate your unique selling position with a Matterport Presentation.

Compared to what was being spent on newspaper advertising, a Matterport Virtual Tour is a reasonable BUSINESS EXPENSE.

If they have no money they will whine about price.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
I thought that I would jump in from an agents perspective. I am a Realtor with RE/MAX Island Realty on Hilton Head Island.

Regarding marketing to a seller that has a sign in their yard, an agent might be upset if you suggested to the seller that they are not doing a good job and I would not suggest to them that they should use another agent (it is an ethics violation for an agent to approach a seller that is listed with another agent). I would not hesitate, as a Matterport service provider, to provide the seller with information about the service, they and/or their agent may choose to offer the service. Remember, the seller is welcome to pay for the service, that's between them and their agent.

Regarding marketing to prospective sellers, suggesting that you can connect them with agents that are providing Matterport scans for their listings is an excellent way to provide value added service to agents that are using your service. I would do this as an ad or a Facebook ad to try to attract potential sellers before they select an agent. Have a system for which agent you are referring so that you don't inadvertently offend one of your agents, either by locale, round robin, or provide the entire list of agents.

One way to market to real estate agents is to become an affiliate member of your local Association of Realtors. Our local association charges $25/email blast out to the agents.

Hope that helps!
Post 11 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Cathie,

Yes, the latter of your examples was where I was heading.

Suggesting different agents is not a practice I would want to do when they have someone already. I would just want to promote the services. It's good to know then that as an agent you would be OK the seller speaking with you about it once they found out about the service.

The association and that they email blast for you is a great tip!
Post 12 IP   flag post
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