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Aerial Footage839

Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone,

We have a Phantom 3, and so far everything has been working out with it really well. I am extremely pleased with the final result of my first aerial shot of one of our properties.

Aerial Footage

3D Showcase

Let me know what you all think!

Post 1 IP   flag post
mefederau private msg quote post Address this user
Very nice! We just invested in the MatterPort Camera. We still may get a drone.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Bwillis private msg quote post Address this user
Did you have to get permission from the neighbors?
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cleveland, OH
CLE3D private msg quote post Address this user
This is great, thank you for sharing. We are currently debating whether or not to get a drone to add to our services.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Tateo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bwillis
Did you have to get permission from the neighbors?

I wonder whether it matters. He also recorded the golf course, shouldn't he also get permission from the golf course and the city then?
Post 5 IP   flag post
3dvirtueletour private msg quote post Address this user
looks good but what I do not understand is that there are glass in the sink and towels on the counter. You also want to do the best presentation of a home ..?
Post 6 IP   flag post
FossMedia private msg quote post Address this user
Just a friendly PSA

If you guys are thinking of getting into aerials via a drone be aware of laws/rules/regs, that industry is changing quickly. Check out also the FAA will be requiring all drones to be registered in the somewhat near future:

The biggest flaw I see right now is accordingly to the FAA rules right now is that if you do everything correctly you're still supposed to have a pilot's license to operate it commercially.
Post 7 IP   flag post
edirwin private msg quote post Address this user
That's my understanding also. You have to have a pilot's license to operate a drone and, very soon, you will have to register every drone. Be very careful when considering using a drone. If you don't have a pilot's license, using a drone is illegal, as far as I'm concerned.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Maxx90 private msg quote post Address this user
Good footage!!!
We Have our exemption, and am awaiting the one for our other company. One thing to keep in mind is that their are NO enforceable laws in place at present. As a homeowner, it is important to know that the airspace that you own ends at 12 inches AGL (Above Ground Level). Keep in mind however that their are state and municipality laws in place in some states that can land you in hot water.

You can be approved for your 333 Exemption WITHOUT a pilots license, however it is stipulated that a PIC must be in command of the aircraft if it is used commercially, meaning that you are offering service for monetary gain.

The biggest take aways are that their is ALOT of ambiguity concerning drone use currently. RULE #1 DO NOT fly within 5nm of a major airport, and within 2nm of unmanned airports. Other than that fly safe, be respectful, and be careful!
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
is the phantom the standard version or the advanced version that comes with its own camera?

If not using the camera that comes with it, what one are you using?

I love how stable it flies and how smooth it is. Is that circle above the home something that is programmed or was it all controlled by the operator?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Maxx90 private msg quote post Address this user
Both the Phantom 3 Standard, Professional and Advanced come with camera.

The circle you refer to can either be flown by the operator or programmed using waypoints.

I would go with advanced or professional due to camera resolutions. The link below offers side by side comparisons of all 3.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Lbelland private msg quote post Address this user
I'd suggest speeding up the shot in post production to 300%. You lost me after about 80 seconds.

My experience is that unless you're shooting acreage you don't want to go more than a minute. Just long enough to show the property without putting the viewer to sleep.

We've been using a drone in our marketing mix for the last 18 months and I can tell you with certainty that shorter is better.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Lbelland private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by UnrealerTuomas
Good job! Our aerial footage team also uses Phantom 3 and it really is a great tool!

Here is a couple of examples (3D + video footage):

Your video is excellent!

Good speed just enough time in each location.

Did you use a slider for the interior shots? Looks like it.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Grant private msg quote post Address this user
Nice job with the Phantom. @Invelop

Love the drones!
Been looking to provide aerial photography/video soon.
Very interested in the Inspire 1:

Interesting read regarding Air Traffic Control.
Drones Getting Badly Needed Air Traffic Control:
Post 14 IP   flag post
AerialMG private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a Collection of videos i did last year for real estate

If you decide to get into flying drones for real estate then make sure you follow the rules, 333 exemption and PIC having a pilots license are a must. If anybody tells you different then they don't know what they are talking about
Post 15 IP   flag post
Lbelland private msg quote post Address this user
My understanding is that you don't need to attain the actual private pilots license; however, you do need to pass the written part of the license exam (the ground school).

I'll keep you posted because my 333 exemption is in front of the FAA right now and that's what I presented to them.
Post 16 IP   flag post
AerialMG private msg quote post Address this user
Our Company AerialMG has the exemption. Trust me about this, i would not have spent the three months and all the money to get the sports license for nothing.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Maxx90 private msg quote post Address this user
You do not need either to have 333 approved by FAA. As stipulated in the approved exemption, a PIC is required to fly the aircraft.
Post 18 IP   flag post
AerialMG private msg quote post Address this user
Yes to get the exemption you dont need it, but in order to do anything commercially with the drone you need it.. Its basically a paper weight it you don't have a license or have somebody to fly for you with a license, and good luck on that.. people want way to much money, as they should. My suggestion is outsource it or get your private pilots license
Post 19 IP   flag post
Maxx90 private msg quote post Address this user
Being that their are no enforceable laws at present, regarding commercial drone use it is not illegal. There is no uniform, global, national approach to the legal use of drones, whether in the hands of hobbyists or business.
Post 20 IP   flag post
AerialMG private msg quote post Address this user
Do things right and safe, and follow the rules, its the people that dont follow the rules that ruin it for the rest of use. Just wanted to share the info that i have. Hope this helps
Post 21 IP   flag post
Maxx90 private msg quote post Address this user
100% agree...but most negative incidents involve hobbyist, and I use that term loosely. The laws that may one day be put in place won't address them. Take almost any recently proposed gun law and replace gun with drone and let the arguments commence as to how criminals are named as such, because they don't abide by laws.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
We are currently working on our 333 exemption. All footage captured is to log flying hours and also to create a portfolio for our aerial photography. We have been using as a resource for all compliance issues.

Pure Local

FAA 333 exemption

I have had practice since my first video when this post was started, Please let me know what you guys think.

This video is longer at the home owners request.

Post 23 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Very cool, I've previously done a ton of aerial work myself however have since stopped due to FAA policy. I would highly recommend you get a 333 waiver, and appropriate insurance before offering your services as a business.

That being said, now you just need to create a single property website with the tour, video, professional photos, floor plan, neighborhood map etc. all in one place.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Lbelland private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Invelop
We are currently working on our 333 exemption. All footage captured is to log flying hours and also to create a portfolio for our aerial photography. We have been using as a resource for all compliance issues.

Pure Local

FAA 333 exemption

I have had practice since my first video when this post was started, Please let me know what you guys think.

This video is longer at the home owners request.


Good video! Where do you get the music?
Post 25 IP   flag post
Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
Thats actually the Boondock Saints movie theme song, lol. I bought it from Amazon.

Post 26 IP   flag post
AerialMG private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a Link to a Whole home property Page we have been working on
Post 27 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by FossMedia
Just a friendly PSA

If you guys are thinking of getting into aerials via a drone be aware of laws/rules/regs, that industry is changing quickly. Check out also the FAA will be requiring all drones to be registered in the somewhat near future:

The biggest flaw I see right now is accordingly to the FAA rules right now is that if you do everything correctly you're still supposed to have a pilot's license to operate it commercially.
Damn government needs to mind their own business. they regulate/control EVERYTHING. It's absurd.
Post 28 IP   flag post
edirwin private msg quote post Address this user
Just fyi, this came out today from the legal counsel of the Washington Association of Realtors on the very issue you folks have been discussing. I think it's worth paying attention to in the event you or any of your real estate associates think you can do drone work without complying with FAA requirements. Check out
Post 29 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
They just want money. F the FAA. Who cares what the government wants to regulate. Their regulation only hurts the economy. Anything that deliberately hurts the economy is an enemy of the people. It's just another way to steal more money from a supposed free people. It's us against them, as there is no representation. We need another tea party.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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