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Tip: Using an iPad to Run DSLR for Real Estate Photos (and why)7858

WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV Short Story #9 - Colin Forte, the founder @Hometakes, a West Palm Beach, FL based MSP and also the founder of describes this workflow: using an iPad to run a DSLR for Real Estate Photos (and why)

Hi All,

Are you using an iPad to to run your DSLR camera with a Camera app?
Are you showing the photos on you iPad to get Client approval?

In this WGAN-TV Short Story video, Colin Forte, the founder @Hometakes, a West Palm Beach, FL based MSP and also the founder of describes this workflow (and why):

✓ using an iPad to run a DSRL camera
✓ showing the Client the photos on the iPad (approval)
✓ limiting the number of photos to the number the client is buying
✓ no need to decide which X photos among x photos to edit (or outsourcing editing) and to Client
✓ more why

The 2-1/2 minute video is from the WGAN-TV show:

Best Practices Shooting Real Estate Photos with Founder Colin Forte



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Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
This sounds interesting to watch, and I will because it’s from you, Dan, and Colin - whose service I am extremely impressed with after using for about two months now. Colin has really helped us all with PhotoAndVideoEdits, the interface is great, provides realtime updates as to the progress of orders, a well-organized Dashboard and an impressive value for the cost, based on my past work with other services. I encourage others to try Colin’s service and listen to his advice!
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Photo - Video
Editing Service
PhotoAndVideoEdits private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you very much for the compliments.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN-TV Short Story #18-Showing Clients Photos on an iPad (used to run the DSLR camera) | Colin Forte

Hi All,

In this (above) WGAN-TV Short Story (#18), Colin goes into additional detail about showing photos to Clients on an iPad. (Same iPad being used to run the DSLR camera with a Camera app).

Great tip for shooting/approving workflow.


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