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Best Tripod Revised 2018?7646

WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Lately, I have had more and more issues coming up with leveling this year as a tripod leg keeps sliding out during shoots and now the 360 rotor gets leveling errors shooting Zillow 3D. I reviewed some discussions on tripods including Tripod, Leveler and Bubble Level Solution & Best Tripod for Matterport? to see if there were any new nuggets for leveling.

A quote from @Metroplex360 stands out deeply in a post that is over a year old now. Best Tripod for Matterport? It states:

"@DanSmigrod recommends the Manfrotto MT190XPRO4.

I have had issues with Manfrottos - they aren't perfect. The last one's legs fly off if not handled carefully, and all of my Manfrottos with legs extended equally are not perfectly level. I don't know what happens, but they just don't seem to be precise. I did buy the DLEV gadget, which I absolutely find infuriating.

So for me, I have a soft spot for that MT190XPRO4, it's good value and I cannot think of a better tripod to recommend.

But! I'm looking for one "

With this post being a year old and now seeing the Manfrotto MT290XTA3US 290 Xtra & Manfrotto MT190XPRO4 now being suggested on the Buy Matterport Camera Gear and Accessories Shopping List

Are these the top choices or has something better come along?

I have been using a Manfrotto MT190X3 for many years now as suggested back when the Matterport Gear and Accessories Shopping List
was being passed around. Part of me wants to closet gear the thing and move on to something else that is not so frustrating to tilt or tighten all the time. A time when I am thankful Matterport has a variance of 15 degrees, but not so blessed when working with Zillow 3D or my Canon.
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CFster private msg quote post Address this user
I’m investigating something like this, to keep the legs braced in one position at all times. It has wheels with locks, but maybe the wheels can be removed if they’re not stable enough.

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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@VTLV I can understand your frustrations with the Dlev lots of people get frustrated with it for me working with survey equipment and scanners it was a natural transitioning for me, but people I teach to use scanners have the same frustrations. I am glad you posted your topic the last few times I used the Pro 2 every other scan has a error unstable scan. Getting ready to do another house now waiting to see what happens and also waiting to see what gets posted.
Post 3 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user
A lot of RE photographers like the Manfrotto (or Bogen) 3046. Not made anymore but they’re always on eBay. Extremely stable, with a geared center column, and a spreader to keep the legs equidistant.

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Bernardhhi private msg quote post Address this user
This kid has the solution - self leveling tripod I wonder if he’s still developing this?
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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
We use the Manfrotto MT190CXPRO4 Carbon Fiber Tripod.

I know, it´s an extra 150 USD, but it is worth it. You´ll use it probably every day.

It weighs only 3.6 lb, and it folds down to 20.6" for transport, which makes it super easy to carry even in public transportation. And it has a built-in rotating bubble level.

"Finally, Manfrotto's insistence on form following function has yielded a tripod that you'll not only be happy to use but you'll be happy to be seen with, too."

Post 6 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I've used the MT190XPRO4 for years and have shot in every possible situation from very tiny and tight spiral stairs to open catwalks where I have to use snowshoes to keep the tripod from falling through the openings in the catwalk. I just adjust the legs to keep what ever camera I'm using level. It may take a few seconds but it's worth the shot. If you have an issue with the legs moving on the MT190XPRO4 which I don't you can always tighten the tension screw on each leg. It pays to buy quality and you can't beat Manfrotto.
Post 7 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Well let me ask this question because I have no idea what's going on, I shot two house mostly wood or tile hard surfaces and was getting unstable error message like I said just about every other scan while doing about 70-90 scans. Last night I did 75 scans on carpet, stairwells and wood and not a single unstable error. Nothing has changed so I do not know what is causing the issue, I figured if I was going to have an issue it would have been on carpet. Any feedback on what could cause or correct this.
Post 8 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 I've had this issues in the past and have no idea why it happen. The only solution I found that worked a couple of times was to tighten the base knob on the bottom of the camera which wasn't loose but did turn a fraction of an inch and that seemed to stop the problem. But I find it hard to believe that that was the cause unless it was some internal thing inside the camera that just that slight movement was enough to make the camera happy. I have to say that this was an intermittent problem and wasn't happening on all of my shots and I was shooting on a large flat floor. Give that a try next time and let us know if that makes the camera happy.
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 - I used to get unstable errors when my Leveler Clamp Head was a difficult one to tighten and loosen. I quickly switched over to the Desmond DLEV-1 Leveler Level Plus Discal Clamp listed in the Buy Matterport Gear and Accessories page. Other times my tripod was too narrow and shook side to side. Are you using a different clamp to mount your camera than the Desmond?

@GarySnyder & @MeshImages - You guys have great reputations here. When you have traveled through snow to spiral stairs and stand by your suggested product, that shows miles of use road hard. I am tired of tightening the legs at each shoot and replacing the leg assembley appears to be more hassle to find with the place claiming to have, but not in stock. May as well apply that $ to the new one.

@Bernardhhi - You got me drooling with that video.

@CFster - That Bogen is tempting. I like the middle support there and would make total sense with indoor scanning leveling once with no worries when moving downstairs. Possibly another leveling upstairs.

I think my other issue is with the 360 motor used for Zillow 3D having an ability to arch up or down. Right now I am at the mercy of my Hot Shoe Level

Thank you for the input guys!
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Here are:

✓ my 2018 Matterport Gear and Accessories Shopping List
WGAN Forum Members Recommendations
360º 1-Click Cameras
360º 1-Click Camera Accessories


Post 11 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user
I think this thing costs like $5k or something, but I like idea, and I wonder why some other manufacturer hasn’t come up with something similar.

Acadalus Self Levelling Tripod Head
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