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Floors too bright? Glare causes issues!756

Portland, Oregon
Jake private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone else experienced this: Sunlight on wood floors causing a glare that renders the floorplan useless?

Yesterday I traveled to Seattle for a shoot (3 hour drive) so I wasn't able to postpone the shoot or come back later. The sunlight hitting the wood floor was so bright that Matterport was unable to scan it. It didn't show up on the preview no matter the angles I tried.

Here it is:

The main living room on Floor 2 is halfway missing on the floor plan and dollhouse, while parts of the bedroom on the same floor are, as well. I'm really confused since the walkthrough view doesn't seem to have any issues -- if the data is there, why can't it show for the other two views??

Has anybody else seen this? Am I simply screwed for now?
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Columbia, MO
Showcas3D private msg quote post Address this user
I had a similar issue with sunlight shining thru windows on the floor and created holes in the dollhouse view but not the walk thru view
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kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
I had this same issue last Friday with very shiny linoleum floors with light coming in from the sliders.

First I had issues with the scans coming through and had to move the camera in smaller increments (had to redo at least 5 scans in the very start of my shoot) but in my final result, one of the scans would almost disappear from another viewpoint. If I went to another viewpoint, turned around and looked at the scan in question, you could tell the flooring was messing it up.

That same scan, which was on floor 1, would say it was on floor 3. I couldn't remove the scan (or hide it) as it was on the bottom of a set of stairs & was needed to get to another point. I figured people may not notice the floor change for that one scan.

Very frustrating & confusing at the time.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
yep all the time.
If you can, scan the rest of the house first and come back to there when the sun has moved. You can continue scans to get the rest of the information for the dollhouse/2D.
After it's processed, go into workshop and disable the additional scans you don't want.

It's always good practice to walk the property before you start. Look for things that might cause you problems and address them (sunlight/mirrors/doors etc)
Turn on the lights and stage the house (you can always do this in between scans as well, you have a bit of free time)

You will find your professional photographers will do this, as you usually have your mind of the job and you might miss somethings (bedside lights for example)
Post 4 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with Jamie, this happens all the time. Pay attention to sky lights as well. We have to be very mindful of the sun with this system.

Some of the questions I ask when scheduling is which side do most of the Windows face in the home? What's the cardinal direction of the homes back yard and front yard. They think I'm crazy for asking, then we determine the best time to shoot as long it's ok with the homeowner.
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UnrealerAleksi private msg quote post Address this user
We've had issues with sun light all the time. We are quite up north, so in the winter sun is low and really makes it difficult to scan some rooms, if there are no blinds.

Does anybody have any ideas how to handle the situation, except for planning the time of the scan etc.?

We were thinking about getting some type of canvas/sticker with suction cups etc. to place on the windows, to be able to "capture the dollhouse" when there are no blinds. Then of course disable those points and do duplicate scans with the direct sunlight. Any ideas or comments?
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