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Looking For A New Image Editing Service6966

BrianM private msg quote post Address this user
Looking For A New Image Editing Service - Suggestions?

I'm giving Photo Sparc at test. I want to try some others. Who is out there?
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Photo - Video
Editing Service
PhotoAndVideoEdits private msg quote post Address this user
50 Free Credits and no obligation on sign up. No credit card required.

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rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
Box Brownie
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BrianM private msg quote post Address this user
@rzphotoman I am really disappoint in Boxbrownie as their quality has really gone downhill lately.
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BrianM private msg quote post Address this user
@PhotoAndVideoEdits I'll check it out.
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Photo - Video
Editing Service
PhotoAndVideoEdits private msg quote post Address this user

Our Prices are the best in the world for a photo editing company. Yes, I did just say in the world. You can pay as little as .75 cents per photo and still get premium editing. We ensure your happyness as we offer unlimited adjustments on photos until you are happy.

Most pro photographers in the business are shooting at least 800 photos a month (based on 40 photos a day for a 5 day week and a 28 day month). With us, each photo would cost $1.05. Compare that with Box Brownie @ $1.50 per photo. Thats an additional $360 a month. Ours edits also include things such as adding images to TV's and fire to fireplaces at no additional cost.

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jasondavidpage private msg quote post Address this user
Go check out
What I love about it is that they will remove your reflection from mirrors and all exterior shots will get sky replacement if they need it. Prices run $1 per image for 24 hour turnaround. I negotiated to have by 10am next day turnaround for the same price.

When I have less work and can handle the normal editing on my own, I still upload exteriors with ugly skies for the sky replacements.
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rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
@BrianM Box Brownie does a great job with virtual staging. I don't use them to much for re-touching. I mostly use Excellent quality, very fast and affordable with no minimums.

I haven't tried Photoandvideoedits yet so I cant comment on their quality, but unless you do a large volume they're not really that affordable. They do give you 50 free credits to try them out so I would give them a try, but you need to buy a lot of credits to get the price down. For me, right now, I don't do enough to warrant their pricing.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Photo - Video
Editing Service
PhotoAndVideoEdits private msg quote post Address this user
@rzphotoman 75 Cents is the best price out there. As for $1.05, thats pretty affordable. If you buy 800 credits that it ends up costing per photo. Yes, that is monthly. However, you can change plans every month if you wish. So If you slow up because your in a seasonal area where your shoots are not consistent throughout the year, then you can lower your plan to just $10 a month. Your credits dont expire if you dont use them in a month. 100% of them roll over to the next month (unlike PhotoUp where they take 80% of unused credits).

I would appreciate it if you could check out our site thoroughly before making comments inferring that our prices are 'not really affordable' when they are the lowest out there. Yes, if you are someone who only shoots 50 photos per week, then it will cost you $1.20 per photo. Still very low but far from high. We blue skies on interior shots as well as exterior shots.

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jasondavidpage private msg quote post Address this user
I always steer clear of "credit" based services - it's much easier to pay for the work I need when I need it vs subscribing to a specific number of credits or having to purchase credits.
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