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Glamour Photography Meets Matterport and Google Street View6869

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
iSimu VR | Georgia's Premier Virtual Reality Arcade | Matterport Space 3D Tour by We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod

Hi All,

Virtual Reality is impossible to explain. It's even harder to show off a Virtual Reality Arcade that consists of 12 10' x 10' empty spaces.


That was my challenge in creating a Matterport 3D Tour of Georgia's Premier Virtual Reality Arcade, iSimu VR. It's an amazing place in a empty space because the experience takes place in the user's head.

To bring the space to life, I "sprinkled" the space with Glam Gamer Mimi Ha styled to appeal to the target audience: 13-17 year-old boys. Each moment in time of the model - in three different outfits - is inspired by the VR experience featured on the computer screen near by.

The addition of the game video trailers - via Matterport MatterTags – helps the viewer understand what the glam gamer is experiencing.

By turning the space into a virtual reality artistic project, we hope to draw the viewer into the magic of the virtual reality to experience first hand.

I learned that the clean grey wall in the back typically is filled with tons of chalk written messages. Learning that inspired the addition of the "graffiti" of Matterport MatterTags: likely something that you would not do in most Matterport 3D Tours, but seems to work in this interpretation of the space. Yes. It's art meets commercialization: book the space for a birthday party or corporate event.

What do you think? If you lived in the greater Atlanta area, would this 3D Tour Art Project help you decide to book some time at iSimu VR?




Space - iSimu VR, Duluth, Georgia (Styled by Co-Founder Vien Ha)
Model - Glam Gamer Mimi Ha: nearly a licensed RN with aspirations to be a flight nurse
Photographer - Dan Smigrod
Concept - Dan Smigrod
Artistic Director - Dan Smigrod
Stylists - Mimi Ha and Dan Smigrod

Photo: iSimu VR Co-Founder Vien Ha (left); Glam Gamer Mimi Ha and We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod
Post 1 IP   flag post
3rd Party
Myrtle Beach, SC
ArtisticConcepts private msg quote post Address this user

I really love the way you used varying lengths on the Mattertags on the wall. That gave it a lot of visual energy!!!

God Bless,
Post 2 IP   flag post
3dvirtualview private msg quote post Address this user
Excellent Business and the way you used the model was classic!
Thank you for sharing!
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks Chris. In any other use case, it would likely not work to ask a ton of MatterTags close together at various lengths. Seems to work on the chalk board wall.


Thank you. This project allowed me to mashup my passion for glamour photography and 3D Tours.


Post 4 IP   flag post
jfrankcole private msg quote post Address this user
Very cool, love the creativity. One question, I noticed you dropped the camera height when you went into the 10x10 spaces, was this a technical decision or an aesthetic one?
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you. Creative license working with the model. Any time the camera high dropped - or went super-heigh, the glam model is in the scan.


Post 6 IP   flag post
advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user

You are an inspiration for many and definitely for me!

Question about the Glam Gamer Mimi Ha model scan.

When you had the Model, Mimi Ha at a specific locations in the scan, did you have her in several poses at each spot then pick the best?

Example: Did you scan her pose 3 times in about same area and hide 2 of the 3 scans?

Unlike photography where you take many photos and pick the best, how were you able to proof the Model Mimi scan in each spot at her best?
What was the plan if the model ( Mimi ) scan didn't come out quite right?

Post 7 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
Super cool stuff!!! Good job
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for your kind notes ...

@advancedhdr Quote:
Originally Posted by advancedhdr
Question about the Glam Gamer Mimi Ha model scan.

When you had the Model, Mimi Ha at a specific locations in the scan, did you have her in several poses at each spot then pick the best?

Example: Did you scan her pose 3 times in about same area and hide 2 of the 3 scans?

No. We used each scan that includes Mimi in the model. None were deleted or hidden.

I glamour photography. This was Mimi's first time as a model. This meant that I needed to give her exact direction regarding what I wanted which was (most) inspired by the screen grab in front of each bay. It's not accident if her legs are crossed, her arms are bent, the direction of the ray gun, where she was looking, if she was smiling, if she looked in awe, was she sitting, standing, twisted, parallel arms or legs, stretching her pencil skirt, on and one, etc. And, her outfit! It's literally what I asked for. A pencil skirt (she bought a few for the shoot and I picked the one she wore); a plan simple top (three outfit changes) and 5" heels (which she already owned).

The fact that I get one rotation of the camera to get the look right was a constraint that added to art direction. I loved that.

Originally Posted by @advancedhdr
Unlike photography where you take many photos and pick the best, how were you able to proof the Model Mimi scan in each spot at her best?
What was the plan if the model ( Mimi ) scan didn't come out quite right?

I am very proud of the collaborative work that Mimi and I did together. She took direction well and held awkward position. I visualized each shot and the result is exactly what I visualized. I positioned the camera so that when it stopped to take a photo, it was in parallel with her (so that we would not have stitching errors in her body. It's hard work to create magic. We didn't even look at any rough 360ºs during the shoot. I had two hours with her before iSimu VR would open. We made every moment count.

I could imagine the Matterport engines never expected the "use case" that we just did. Innovation lives at the intersection of something designed for one purpose and used in a totally different and unexpected way.

I look at Matterport scanning as an art: even for an empty space. And I look at my glamour photography as an art. This 3D Tour seems like the perfect mashup up to create something magical (and have it work for the business).

I have a while to go getting the Google Street View tour version the way I want it. So, stay tuned. It WILL go viral. It WILL increase store traffic ($$$) and it will result in doors opening for the business in ways that they never imagined. And, that all began with an idea. BTW, it took some time to execute. I literally met Mimi at an iSimu VR grand opening Atlanta Mixed Reality Meetup (I am the organizer) and new immediately that she had the glam gammer look that I was seeking for this project. How lucky am I that she said yes.


Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Glam Gamer Girl meets iSimu VR in Google Street View by We Get Around Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod

Hi All,

Will my art project living within Google Street ViewGlam Gamer Girl meets iSimu VR – go viral?

Your thoughts?


P.S. From The New York Times last month (Tuesday, 1 May 2018), Virtual Reality Asserts Itself as an Art Form in Its Own Right
Post 10 IP   flag post
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