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Matterport Meets General Contractor in AEC6752

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

A new WGAN Member writes (below) ...



[...] my interest in matterport.

I have been researching this company and it's affiliates for many weeks now on and off trying to decide if purchasing one of these cameras and services would be good for me and my ideas on what to do with it.

I have read a lot of comments, watched a lot of videos and from what I've seen there aren't a lot of people using this technology for the use I think it would do a lot of good in.

And I keep wondering why?

What am I missing?

Most of what I see in forums or videos is about people using this camera primarily for real estate sales purposes and rarely do I hear about using it for architects or engineers or contractors or sub contractors.

I myself have been a contractor/builder for over 25 years now of residential homes (including remodeler) and I can't even tell you how many times I have had a sheet rocker bury an electrical box in the wall or a subcontractor drill into an electrical wire or pipe in the wall or having a change occur during the later part of a build and trying to remember how something was put together that cant be seen by the naked eye anymore for one reason or another.

Being a builder I know how much it costs to have to repair when a wire gets cut in a wall or when a pipe gets drilled or cut through because no one remembered it was there before hand and it's costs hundreds of dollars when all said and done most times.

I have seen matterport advertise it's use for "as builds" but what I haven't seen much of is anyone using it for that purpose.

Can anyone tell me why not when it seems like it would be such an advantage to a builder to have this information on hand especially now a days when everything is about spray foam insulation which makes it nearly impossible to know what's in that wall after it's installed without a good record of it?

thank you ~ [name redacted]
Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport 3D Tour - Pre-Drywall | 3D Tour Courtesy of We Get Around Atlanta

Hello [Redacted],

Thank you for joining the We Get Around Network Forum.

Many WGAN Visitors and Members are also researching whether to buy a Matterport Camera - or a different Camera (and platform).

And, thank you for sharing your insight from a General Contractor's perspective.

About your questions, I suggest hold off buying a Matterport Camera and the related gear and accessories, until you know that you can make sales first.

Nothing happens until sales are made.

(You might even go so far as creating a website to offer Matterport 3D Tours specifically for the problems that you solve in the constructions and AEC Space.)

When you make sales, sub-contract the work to a Matterport Service Provider in your area. (Use the We Get Around Network Find a Pro Map.)

While your use cases are spot-on, the single biggest question is whom is willing to pay for a Matterport 3D Tour to solve these problems.

Perhaps WGAN Members will have additional thoughts on your questions.



P.S. We Get Around 25 Tips for Using the Matterport Pro 3D Camera to Capture a Commercial Construction Site
Post 2 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
I have a friend who is a home re-modeler. Your post has spurred me to contact him regarding this issue. Could be another good revenue stream if presented the way you described. I'll share whatever feedback I get.

Thanks for posting.
Post 3 IP   flag post
kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
I’ve done several pre-finished homes specifically for that reason of knowing what’s behind a wall. I’ve done two from one architect. This one was last week.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
The reason it's not used for this purpose is because of Matterport's hosting strategy.

If you could just pay the processing cost and have it live for ever as long as Matterport stays in service, then we'd see a lot more of these use cases.

As it stands though, having to worry about limits to how many models you can have hosted at a time is a deterrent.

Matterport needs to drop the threat of these limits, as their own plans don't even make sense when they try to sell the service.

On they say that their "Professional (top) plan probably best meets your needs..." "if you are a Photographer that typically does 50 jobs a month".

By that math, you'd have filled your model allowance within 6 months.

Matterport needs to drop the model limits and they'd make more money with more models processed.

I mean... let's be realistic. Let's say we start doing more and more of these pre-construction scans (which I think are a great idea).... Really, how many views are these getting?! After sending it to client or keeping it on record, would most even get viewed a dozen times a year after that? Probably not.
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Perhaps Matterport could create a per use tier for this marketing channel? We pay processing but does not count to hosting limit?

Post 6 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I don't see the need. They just need to drop the hosting limit.

To my knowledge they haven't enforced it yet.

My initial understanding when I bought the matterport was that only models that has "showcase sharing" turned on counted to the model limit. That would be a bit more palatable.

But that's not the case... even when you turn showcase sharing off the model count remains the same. And, of course, if you have to re-upload a model for whatever reason you then add a number to that count.

Here's another source of business that would be a lot easier to convert to sales if the model limit was gone: Rentals.

Think about it... you can approach property management companies and offer your services to take a scan of the house/apartment/whatever when it was showing at its best and then they'd only use it if/when they were looking for new tenants. So, perhaps the model has showcase sharing turned on for a few weeks - couple months or however long it takes to find a tenant. Then once the tenant is found, the showcase sharing is turned off... 6 months later, or a year or however long later the property is going to be vacant again.... then turn on the showcase sharing and the model lives again.

With the threat of model limits you can't offer a service where the client only pays when the model is "live". After all, if the place is rented then a landlord won't see the value in paying a monthly fee for a 3D Showcase they don't have any use for at that present time. And how are they going to react when they call you down the road to offer to pay to have that turned back on again and you say... I'm sorry, I had to delete that model because I didn't have room for it in my model allowance. I can take a new scan for you, but you have to pay full price rather than $X to simply have it turned back on again.

Of course... after the terms of service debacle it doesn't sound like deleting actually permanently deletes a model even though that's what the warning reads when you go to delete. If Matterport does always keep a permanent record and is willing to restore deleted models when asked, then maybe I would feel more comfortable about deleting ones knowing I can always get them back later.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Great points. Since Matterport reads everything in the We Get Around Network Forum, I could imagine that they will continue to re-evaluate pricing models and take in great thinking like yours.

Post 8 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod If they did they would sell a lot more cameras and process a lot more models and make a lot more money. I truly believe all the question marks and "what-ifs" under their current strategy dissuade a lot of people from investing in the platform, and a lot of clients from ordering a scan.
Post 9 IP   flag post
thecontractor1 private msg quote post Address this user
hi my name is chris and I am the new WGAN member who wrote that letter.

I had just signed up and had to wait for approval of account before I could respond to your comments about my questions.

first off thank you for so many fast responces. i'd like to respond to dan and his comment about waiting to buy a camera to see if there are sales first.

I have already talked to contractors and subs about in my area and had some what of a positive response to it except I see it being the clients that would use this service seem to be more positive about it on high end homes and not so much your typical cookie cutter version builders.

i also talked to an HVAC contractor recently who informed me that he is required by the local codes to do "as builts" of all the duct work in a home including sizes of ducts and air handler specs,erv/hrv specs etc....

he said the process takes him hours to do and then after he marks up all the plans he then has to go back to the architect or engineer and have those plans drawn up again with his information included to be given to the local home inspector come CO time.

this he said is costly to him in many ways, he has to not only spend his time in documenting all this up instead of being on the next job but he also has to pay someone to put it to print. cha ching !
when I spoke to him about my idea the first thing he said to me is "if you do this I can keep you busy for the next six months with just the business I have back logged now and if it works out he would also promote the use of this product to others.

he's also an electrician who at a lot of times leaves wires in the walls to a later date when they know better a light height or cabinet height and then cut into the walls and pull the wires where they need to be. again I can't even tell you how many sheet rock repairs I've had to do because they "thought" the wire was there but was off by many inches. I believe if they had a visual record of where that wire was exactly that it would save time and money in the long run. when you have to patch a wall for any reason, a patch is always just a patch and the wall rarely looks the same after.

after the patch and sanding then there's the repaint and with some sheens of paint you have no choice but repaint the whole wall so it looks right. I believe there is a large market that matterport users can enter if promoted right. if the camera gives accurate measurements. I've heard of the up to 1% error, but is it really just that?

thank you again for listening and giving your input. truth is i'm kind of tired doing what i'm doing now and on my last build there were a lot of errors made by sub contractors that I believe could have been avoided with better documentation of the unseen. and that's what brings me here.

i cant be the first to think about this so I'm looking for some input from people who may have already tried it. thank you again .
Post 10 IP   flag post
mjstef private msg quote post Address this user
I'm a builder myself and this is a bit off topic but what is with all the 2X6 double studs on 12" centers about? Are they going to park a Sherman Tank upstairs??
Post 11 IP   flag post
mjstef private msg quote post Address this user
@kjoman, Where do you live that the builder has to run a Dehu in an unfinished house or did it rain before the roof went on?
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod
Hi All,

If you have clients - or want to have clients - that are Architects, Engineers and/or in Construction (AEC), WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm ET | GMT -4) upcoming episodes on the AEC Space:

✓ Friday, 13 April 2018 - Matterport + Leica BLK360 Beta (for AEC)
✓ Thursday, 19 April 2018 - CUPIX in the AEC Space
✓ Friday, 20 April 2018 - Matterport + Leica BLK360 Beta Experience with @Metroplex360 Chris Hickman
✓ TBD Date - BLK360 Demo and Discussion with Leica Geosystems Representative
✓ June 5-7 2018 - SPAR3D Expo & Conference (I will be attending SPAR3D to report back to you.)
✓ Plus, I predict that the LASiris VR Camera will be paired with Matterport (We will cover that!)

What other WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows would you like to see in the AEC space?



P.S. How to Join the Virtual Studio Audience
Post 13 IP   flag post
kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
@mjstef - I'm in Seattle, WA. How houses are built is beyond my scope of understanding, fortunately. I do know that the front of the house will be an ADU (Attached Dwelling Unit) separate from the main house. I don't know if that makes a difference. And we do have a lot of rain this time of year. Luckily, having no walls, let the me squeeze through the studs to get the camera into the main house without going outside (lots of workers there that day). I did have to ask some of the workers to leave while I was scanning certain areas as the camera was picking them up, then they'd move and the scans wouldn't align. So much easier when we're alone in a building *sigh*.
Post 14 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
Here's the link to a Nationwide company that is already doing it.

I contacted a few contractors and this is who all of them said they use. Looks like it might be another tough market to break into.
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN-TV BLK360 + Multivista + Matterport

Post 16 IP   flag post
MarkCantu private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod - Is there any capability that Matterport Models can be integrated into AutoCad or Rivet?
Post 17 IP   flag post
whereareweat private msg quote post Address this user

"TL Circle cuts field-to-finish time by 50%, enhances BIM process in Revit with Matterport point clouds and visuals" - TL Circle, Engineering Firm
Post 18 IP   flag post
MarkCantu private msg quote post Address this user
@whereareweat Thank you for sending me above link. I am working with an Architect right now to make her see the benefits of Matterport.
Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport Object File (.obj) can be converted (See Services tab above) to Revit (and other CAD formats) for Architects.

Benefits to Architects

1. Before and After to help win the next project
2. Renovation (Before) - Design on top of the data that the Matterport Camera captures (no longer need to take a gazillion photos and measurements to reconstruct a space (to only then begin doing what they love: designing)
3. Faster and easier workflow for architects that quote by project rather than by hour

Good luck with your meeting. Please let us know how it goes.


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