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Invoicing Conundrum ...6732

sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

I ran in to a situation where I felt that I needed to make a price adjustment. Here's the story. Sorry if it runs a little long.

In a recent model, the agent told me the square footage of the property to be scanned was about 10,354. When I was asked about pricing, I said that I would round the number down to 10K. When I was on site, I was instructed not to scan specific areas; namely the furnace area and some other unfinished rooms and the garage. After processing the model, I ordered 2D schematics - also requested by the realtor. The schematics show 8,285 sq. ft. That seems reasonable, the rooms that I was told to skip could make up the 2,069 missing square feet.

Here's my problem, initially I thought I was scanning (and invoicing for) a 10K square foot home. No proposal was submitted, nothing signed, just a hand shake deal. So instead of billing for 10K, I reduced my invoice for 8,285 sq. ft. based on the schematics. I felt this was fair since that's the amount of space I actually scanned.

Should I have still submitted an invoice for 10K, or, matched the 2D schematic total? This is a new client who represents only high-end homes, so I wanted to be as transparent as possible to avoid spoiling any future work.

How do you price out a job? Is it based on what is scanned, or what the MLS shows? If you price based on the MLS or declared total by the realtor or owner and the schematics show less, are you ever called on that discrepancy?

Thanks for your input.

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DaK private msg quote post Address this user
I price by what I shot so I would have charged for the 8,000. I usually check our local tax accessor sites which will have square footage if you feel the agent or whomever is not being accurate.

I would look at the big picture and be honest with the agent to get more business. You’ll be better off if they know you are honest.
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Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Wht not have a range, say 8000 to 10000 is $xxx.xx
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BuzzStudio private msg quote post Address this user
What are folks charging per square foot? And where are you located? I know prices may differ from region to region.
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rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with DAK...only charge for what you did. Honesty is always the best policy and the client will appreciate you for that which should equal future work.
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