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JuMPPrivateShowcase 3.0TOS

How to make Private Showcase popular by all?6563

3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Friends,

We all suffered by the 2018 TOS changes last few weeks.
Even it was rolling back at 3.7 but we all noticed that how important the Private Showcase is.

Now JuMP team is starting a new project : "JuMP-UV" (It is the name of the new project.)
We will try to make Private Showcase access easier to your key customers.
Our goal is to make private showcase access popular for every MSP.
Maybe all you showcases with JuMP-UV can be set to "Private" on MP side.

JuMP team is gathering one ~ two private showcases from you.
( Gathering time is from now on ~ March 16th 2018).

Any MSP if you want to support JuMP-UV, would you please pm JuMP with your private showcase and the temp ID and password for access. (Please setup that ID to access that showcase only at MP side).
We will select one or two from the incoming list.

(Notice: Before you send the showcase to JuMP, you must confirmed that JuMP will use the selected 1~2 showcases in JuMP's DEMO to show the usage of JuMP-UV. All JuMP's members and JuMP's friends will access that selected "Private Showcase".
If JuMP don't select your showcase you can delete that temp ID and JuMP won't public it either.)

And in return JuMP team will provide the owner that we selected one "Full Data Backup(FDB)" services to one of his/her showcase (Must not be private and limited to 200 points maximum).
The FDB services is include:
1. All highest resolution panoramas for each point (16K x 8K for Pro2, 8K x 4K for Pro and 4K x 2K for the very old Pro's result);
2. 50K face OBJ file with textures (Same resolution to the dollview mesh);
3. All position and direction information of each point ( for rebuild the leveled 3D Pano tour);
4. other informtaion within showcase

With the FDB data, when the 3rd party showcase platform showup you can upload the FDB data to it and rebuild the 3D Pano tour with dollhouse view automatically.

Thank you for reading.
JuMP team from Beijing China
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DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
I would like to submit I am just not sure what it is I am going to upload... my favorite 3D tour ...? Thanks Douglas
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3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@DouglasMeyers Thank you for your support.

If your favorite 3D tour is a public showcase and can be used as a DEMO to show the ability of our new application "JuMP-UV v1.0" to all friends in WGAN, that will be so good.

The process is very simple.

Just send me the showcase link (public link) now.
We will review the showcase if it meets the requirement to be our DEMO for JuMP-UV we will let you know and please make a private copy in your Matterport account and make a new user who has the only access to this private copy. And send me the private copy showcase link and the user's email address and password to login

We will generate a DEMO link to show the usage of JuMP-UV v1.0 to all friends here in WGAN.

And you can send one of your favorite showcase link (public showcase, can be different to the one you provide to us for JuMP-UV DEMO) for "Full Data Backup(FDB)".
We will return you the FDB package as our gratitude to you for your support on the private showcase DEMO.

Thank you.

JuMP team from Beijing China
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP I think you need a marketing team.

Also, folks, please know that willingly do this -is- a Terms of Service violation and may constitute reason for Matterport to suspend your account.

My suggestion: Any use of a service like this would need to be done as a private arrangement. I see no harm to Matterport in a user engaging with a service like this; however; its promotion on We Get Around Network Forum and other channels may be problematic for site owners, etc.

So, @JuMP, I would suggest that you launch a website, get some help with marketing / presentation, and keep on being creative.

I believe that just like me, you'd rather Matterport provide these tools so that you your solutions are unnecessary -- but given the opportunity to solve a puzzle, you are taking it.
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3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 Thank you for notice the TOS risk here.
But we already think about it and we will keep the JuMP-UV as the TOS friendly application.
JuMP-UV will be a system with some iframe pages generation to make the private showcase presentation easier than current mode.
We think it will be something like the WP3DModels Application that you used popular now.
But JuMP-UV provide quite different functions to the WP3DModels.

If Matterport would like to provide the similar mode officially to all MSP, that would be so great.
But before that JuMP-UV would be your choice to show your private showcase to your customers.
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