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Matterport EcosystemTOS

is, WE GET AROUND becoming WE GET YOU DOWN?6507

advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe its just me, but, "We Get Around Network" is starting to feel more like, " We Get You Down " network.

Im serious, initially I would come to this forum for knowledge, to build my business, ideas, to talk with like people in this industry, get tips and tricks. But until the whole fiasco with Matterport CEO email last week.. it seems like the whole demeanor has changed here!

Instead of being productive and moving ahead, its seems like we are going over and over and over this same negativity.
Every time I click on my link here, there is something negative!

I have heard several say, they had a bad week, well its past, its been changed.. WHY NOT HAVE A CELEBRATION AND MOVE AHEAD!!!

How may red stars at the top all with downer information?

Its NOT productive, its NOT fair to Matterport either.

ANY and ALL companys have made mistakes. EVERY.

I am proud of Matterport that they OWNED it, and ROLLED BACK, and basically, Said Sorry.

You can't expect Matterport to not to evolve, change, add offer something no one else offers without trying to scale... And, I have to say, this product is so unique that it must be difficult for management to even try to predict the next 5 years and where to take it...

As Dan mentioned in his email, he could see Matterport using scans offering help for someone trapped inside a previous scanned house for EMS use..

We should be grateful that they did Rolling back, ADMITTED mistake, Basically said sorry....
Any negative reviews that keeps getting thrown back and forth in this forum like a ping pong review ball.. I don't get. Its vindictive, not productive.

Actually, ANY Negative Reviews that has been left online should be retracted deleted..

As you know, ALL business public or private have growing pains...
And, no, they are not running out of money as they received another round of funding.. $66M since 2012. And thats private money, not public.

Here are a few examples of other companies we forgot made a mistakes.

APPLE. ( many many many many many many )
Remember when came out with Apple Newton, a COMPLETE FLOP!. ( I used to owned one )
But guess, what.. look at what the early iteration became the iPAD in your hand you use to scan..
Remember recently the roll back on the iphone battery forcing the customer to trade up into new hardware? They too fixed this..

How about that Elon, early flights never took off or landed.
Now Falcon HEAVEY.

Blockbuster.. Had a chance to purchase Netflix... whoops. That was a big boo boo..

GO Pro .. Falling Drones anyone?

and Coke even tried to change the ingredients and logo on their iconic Coke can.

All of these examples are company, Whoops.. Made a mistake, and ROLLED BACK to the original, yet they became stronger from it..

Bottom line.. can we all just get moving on?? Change Attitude?

I do not work for Matterport.
have no affiation with Matterport
or Coke for that matter.

Post 1 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you. 4 scan jobs today. I remain positive. We haven’t shot fireworks here about google map integration. There’s positive for you.
Post 2 IP   flag post
RedRock3D private msg quote post Address this user
Well said.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'd like to believe that Dan's 'Town Hall' WGAN-TV program should serve as WGA's bookend to last week. A lot of feelings were respectfully aired in a very well moderated town hall format.

One of the things I heard on the program was a demand that Bill Brown apologize.

In a rather unprecidented move, Bill apologized.

I view this as a sign that Matterport has leadership that you can trust.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@advancedhdr well said, and I agree with your sentiments 100%
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@advancedhdr - "it must be difficult for management to even try to predict the next 5 years". Your threads only go back about a month on your profile. Give yourself 6 months to a year for the Matterport Ownership excitement to rub off and you will better understand the broken promise train many members have all been riding.

If I am correct with you being on here for a month. 25% of the time has focused on one large announcement we as photographers have been watching for a long time regarding our Copywrite and Matterport. Stretch your timeline out to 26 weeks and the negative chatter should drop down to a figure closer to 4-10%.

"THEY FIXED IT". Nah, they back-tracked to a previous Terms of Service we got stuck with when we got our hosting plan, never mentioned in the camera buying process. We have been watching how our Copywrite was being held by Matterport. Here's a post from one year ago.
Matterport Terms of Service / Copyright Law

If you want to "celebrate" some more positive questions and remarks, feel free to use that search button or tag buttons on the left to review some topics that have been discussed over the years in a more positive light. It's a great database other fan pages and sites do not have to this one exclusive product.

Looks up a retro topic and "celebrate" what you learned with us. For now Let's "Celebrate" Dan!

Post 6 IP   flag post
advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user


I celebrate Dan too, thankful for this forum.. especially the content and willingness, kindness, freedom, and PASSION.

And your brash negitivity is exactly what I am referring to in this forum.

I have been a photographer for about 10 years ( not 30 days )

Matterport is not REALLY photography.. Its more special, and specialized. There are no filters, tilt-shift, no macro, mirror or mirrorless.. its its own class.. love it.. is not videography either..

It actually has a higher future internet value.. which is the topic here for CEO BB and MSP.

No matter if you scan high, low, inside the bathtub or on the stairs..

* Its still a recording apparatus. *

Just like walking into a room with a Mic, if you publish the audio, you own the copyright of that recording.. same with the MP camera.
** Unless you publish it to a public domain location **

Speaking of Copyright.. isn't your T-Shirt you are wearing from my friend Jarad Polin?

Post 7 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
What if you took pictures into Walgreens and had them processed and after you picked them up a friend said they bought them from Kodak direct?

This thing with Matterport reminds me of a friend who got hit in the head during a softball game that when he went to get checked out they found a tumor and if it wasn’t from the softball he might never have known.

As a photographer you should know of Getty images and how a misuse of the crappiest of photos you take can cost the unauthorized user thousands of dollars in fines. Not where they go to court and try to win. They are found guilty immediately and can be assigned damages without them being able to do anything. Google it.

So what seems as this forum being down is really the more well versed trying to wake up the non photographer till they got Matterport business owner.

Matterport didn’t ask your opinion before hand and the way they did it was sneaky and that is what you and everyone else needs to be worried moving forward.

This is a rollback till they can figure a way around it. Those that gave bad reviews showed the power of social media and I have said in posts that they should be revised. Matterport sees if they misbehave they will face this backlash again (even more I bet if they try to do it again after this)

The thing i got from WGA Townhall is that there is a precedent that could happen that affects you and other copyright- software license relationships. If you allowed it you would have lost your rights and those in other industries that have this type of relationship.

The attitude lately is warranted because most don’t know the full legal and monetary ramifications afforded by law to a photographer. (Ever wonder why you couldn’t sing happy birthday at a restaurant from 1893 a Jan 1 2017? Look THAT up under copyright)

You and I and others are the beacons to warn, educate and enlighten. Others are not as versed and may say or do things outside the true spirit of this forum. It’s our responsibility to help them.

Want to have this be less of a downer in your mind? List things you are thankful for that Matterport has done recently. Me? I like the new transfer option. Matterport is doing what BP did by getting things posted to distract from what thy tried to do and I am grateful for it.

How about you?

And those that are now talking about WGA as “you guys” versus “we” like you did in the past? Looking for the healing to begin all the way around.

So like I said earlier in the week. Go get business but keep an eye on this. Forgive but not forget and don’t let it keep free rent in your head.
Post 8 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by advancedhdr
Just like walking into a room with a Mic, if you publish the audio, you own the copyright of that recording.. same with the MP camera.
** Unless you publish it to a public domain location **

@advancedhdr your analogy is incorrect.

Even if you publish a recording to a public domain location, you retain two rights: the full copyright over your recording (you release your recording for free but it doesn´t mean that you are no longer the owner of the copyright), and the right to withdraw your recording from that public domain location whenever you decide it and no one has any right over your recording just because it was once published in a public domain location.

Publishing to a public domain location means that you have accepted that other people can use/view/listen for free while the recording is there. It is not the same as relinquishing your rights!

I don´t know if you were trying to prove something with your analogy, but this one is not appropriate or relevant to the matter we have been discussing the last week.

But you know what? I don´t think that it really matters if the Matterport camera (hey, they call it camera, not me) is an actual camera or a recording device. If it has lens (and this one has six optic and three infra red. Hasn´t it?) and the light enters through the lens and leaves an impression in a recording device of any kind (a film, a memory stick, a solid state memory or a monkey's brain), and the final result is an image, then I truly believe that any court will consider it as a camera.

Remember that all the technology that this "camera" has or generates (the point cloud, for example) is used to create a set of interconnected images.

In fact, they have been very careful to separate the .obj file and the other non photographic stuff and decided to charge for it separately. So I would say that they charge us for the images, and if you want data, you have to pay extra.

I am not a lawyer but I do have common sense and I believe that in any court our rights are the same as those of any photographer.

And regarding the "negativity". This is not negativity. This guy from Matterport (Bill Brown) tried to pass a complex TOS under our noses knowing that it was not a fair thing to do.

Being angry about something is not negativity.
Post 9 IP   flag post
advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user
Well said Glenn.

Point well said, jfantin.

Humbly thank you both for your view, well respected.

Especially, Anger is not negative... thats true.

But, its not positive either.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by advancedhdr
Well said Glenn.

Point well said, jfantin.

Humbly thank you both for your view, well respected.

Especially, Anger is not negative... thats true.

But, its not positive either.

Fire and friction molds steel. So let’s get to one thing Matterport has done that you like.
Post 11 IP   flag post
advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user

1.Ease of GSV into Inside View. ( continuity from street to store )
2.Not having to deal with post processing with 360 pano to panos
3.UHD and telling client its a 130mp LICA camera ( always amazes ) its true.. its a Lica lens. ;-)
comparison the iphoneX is 12 MP
4. FAST scans
5. Seamless, one scan will cover:
a. tour, b. measurements, c. snaps shots HD prints. e. social.
6. HDR
7. Automated Post Processing...
8. GREAT customer service.
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jfantin
I don´t think that it really matters if the Matterport camera (hey, they call it camera, not me) is an actual camera or a recording device. If it has lens (and this one has six optic and three infra red. Hasn´t it?) and the light enters through the lens and leaves an impression in a recording device of any kind (a film, a memory stick, a solid state memory or a monkey's brain), and the final result is an image, then I truly believe that any court will consider it as a camera.

Have fun with a humble opinion calling it a scanner or any other name if you wish. It's been referenced to as a camera for years by at least one of the founders referenced here years ago.

Glad to see another member with some skin in the game as a photographer for many years as to the brash implied reference to WGA membership of "30 days". I see a lot of negativity in other Photography Pages and forums when it comes to Matterport showing how easy the product is to use. This indusrty needs to be embraced in order to get their name out and seen more often.

Originally Posted by GlennTremain
The attitude lately is warranted because most don’t know the full legal and monetary ramifications afforded by law to a photographer. (Ever wonder why you couldn’t sing happy birthday at a restaurant from 1893 a Jan 1 2017? Look THAT up under copyright)

Fro is a great example of why we need to protect our Copywrite and pursue possibilities for royalties and watch out for liability. I recall his bags were being ripped off at one time. - Glenn expresses the need to watch out for sneaky business strategies just like Fro.

Metroplex360 - Shared todays CEO letter that was finally due without fueling negativity and finger pointing he was referencing prior. Dumping fuel on we the customers. He still got his dig in with the Inman article once more. I hope the fluff helped to settle some dust while we wait out the next phase and hope our customers do not catch anymore wind of this blow up.

So I will not be celebrating the CEO anytime soon. But I will "Celebrate" Fro!!!

*For those who don't know who Jared Polin is, he is a Photography YouTube Star known as Fro Knows Photo known for some taglines like "I Shoot Raw". I stumbled across him after a Ted Talk on YouTube. Enjoy!
Post 13 IP   flag post
advancedhdr private msg quote post Address this user
Fro' Knows Photo!
Post 14 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@advancedhdr thanks for those. With the recent stats showing a huge market still not using it I see 2018 being a huge year for all. Movies, TV shows, commercials , etc all helping to get the agent to see this is not an if but when marketing element. The more we all share notifications of news like simone’s Recent publicity would be great. Every commerical or news article , etc that we can post in our social media helps us all.
Post 15 IP   flag post
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