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DystopianMatterport EcosystemSpace Removal

Ecosystem Space removal form???6452

rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
This is the form Matterport wants us or our clients to fill out. I think this part says it all:

"To be clear, this is not the removal request form, but only a form to generate a list of interested parties. Once the method for verifying the interested party as the home owner has been laid out, we'll be able to reach out to everyone on this list to get additional information."

In other words, now they have permission to contact our customers and try to sell them a camera and cut us out of the picture. Probably easier for the sales force than mining our scans for the info.

The answers given by Matterport in the town hall weren't answers but just statements on what they're going to do. I heard a number of times that if you don't like it you can just opt out of the Matterport cloud service...and kiss your business goodby.

This is crazy. Are there any lawyers in this group that can look at the new TOS from our perspective for a better understanding. This take it or leave it attitude by Matterport is disgusting in my opinion.

Post 1 IP   flag post
DaK private msg quote post Address this user
If I have not clicked the continue button in my account, does that mean I have not opted in? Anyone know?
Post 2 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@DaK As far as read it the terms changed on the 21st and are in place now, it was like an anouncment to say the terms have changed after login and continue just directed you to your account.
Post 3 IP   flag post
DaK private msg quote post Address this user
Wow. I was away on vacation and just reading up on all this. This really sucks! I think folding up my Matterport business is the best way to go and find an alternative. What a mess!
Post 4 IP   flag post
DaK private msg quote post Address this user
I've just now cancelled two scan I had this morning until I can wrap my head around this.
Post 5 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@DaK my thoughts to this is there has always been a grey area to copyright, not sure they can just change terms to the point of having control of your tour after a year, I would not hold off from working.
I will never put any of my customers details on my tours until I am happy this has been resolved and intern they will not have accsess to my customers detail. All limited details will be inserted to WP3D only.
Post 6 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
@DaK If you haven't clicked it you haven't agreed to it, but if you don't click on it you can't use the system. Kind of a catch 22.
Post 7 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
@FlightMedia Good idea. That's what I was planning on doing also.
Post 8 IP   flag post
DaK private msg quote post Address this user
@flightmedia - thanks for the input. I'm not exactly sure how they will contact the homeowners. I always put Realtor/Builder contact information, not the homeowner (maybe I'm missing something). I guess maybe they can get the address and figure it out but who knows.

@rzphotoman - I hope that is correct. Matterport is a side business for me so if I stopped right this second, no harm no foul I think. However, I have done over 100 scan and I hate the thought that I now would have to go back to those people and say hey, you may be contacted down the road but don't worry... yeah right!

Funny how they say it will NEVER be made public but if they can change the TOS like this now, who knows what they will do down the road. I'm freaked out a little!
Post 9 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@rzphotoman It is sad how you feel you have to protect yourself and your customers from a company you are meant to be in partnership with (all on same team) the hits below the belt started when my customers were contacted directly for camera sales, this was very underhanded.
But on a positive with WP3D i can still work and keep my customers private.

Shame on the terms is it under 3.7 they could put under no circumstances will msp’s customers be contacted by third partied ( who are third parties) if optout has been signed or to this effect.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
I don't believe we are in their best interest, if we are then change the TOS back and give us ownership, you have nothing to lose Matterport or do you?
Post 11 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Why must we do this ????? Why expose the homeowner like this ???? They are the next GoPro for sure
Post 12 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard I may be wrong but we never owned the tour in the first place.
The data captured by the MSP is only one part of the process the tour is generated and put together by Matterport, these new terms are a way of Matterport telling MSP's that once a tour is live they have access to the tour and may use it after it is deleted or made private.
Or I may have read it wrong.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@FlightMedia Okay let us look at it from this way.

You buy a camera and pay the hosting for the tour.Spend your time money and resources to market the service.

Get into your car with gas you paid for and go and capture a showcase on your time.

You go home or to your office that you pay for and upload the model that gets processed that you pay for to get done.

A couple of hours later you get the model back that you then sit and edit to the requirements of the customer.

You then invoice the client for your work.

So explain to me where in this does Matterport own the content that we created. I don't get paid by Matterport to create the Showcase, I paid them for a camera that I own, it's not on loan or leased from them nor am a an employee of Matterport and don't get a salary or compensation for my work and time.

I pay a processing fee and a hosting fee. This does not give them the right to my content. They tried to hijack it in the early T&C that we swallowed like a big (redacted)

It does not matter in which state the tour is in, we pay our hosting for our tours.

verb (used with object), deleted, deleting.
to strike out or remove (something written or printed); cancel; erase; expunge.

Examples from the Web for delete Expand
Contemporary Examples
Ultimately, all it took was the mere mention of a lawyer for the perpetrator to delete the accounts and disappear completely.
Post 14 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard Totally agree with you Gerhard but when we brought our camera we were told we do not own the finished tour, or cannot get it hosted anywhere else were you told different?
This was one of my main issues when we was thinking about purchasing the camera and when we brought the camera we knew at the time the terms that we were buying ours.

What I did not expect was that the rules where going to change to what it has, I thought that my customers information was private after the time they did not want it displayed and that I had full control of the data as such time it was totally deleted or hosted again.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@FlightMedia Quote:
Originally Posted by FlightMedia
@Gerhard Totally agree with you Gerhard but when we brought our camera we were told we do not own the finished tour, or cannot get it hosted anywhere else were you told different?
This was one of my main issues when we was thinking about purchasing the camera and when we brought the camera we knew at the time the terms that we were buying ours.

When I bought my camera two 0dd plus years ago we were never told that, because who reads the fine print of their new Nikon D850, GoPro or Insta Pro 360. We only discovered this months later here on the forum when guys started digging into the fine print and everyone was shocked. The hosting was not that important to me at the time and was happy to pay them monthly for that.

This was never explained to us or shown on their website it was hidden in the fine print. That is how sneaky they are. Thye were just to happy to seel units. I also had the first Matterport in my country. The OP baby.

I am just giving you the hard facts here, and facts don't care about your feelings.

((What I did not expect was that the rules where going to change to what it has, I thought that my customers information was private after the time they did not want it displayed and that I had full control of the data as such time it was totally deleted or hosted again.))

Their data was never private and don't believe what anyone tells you. I have seen first hand how they contact my clients 3 - 4 days after a did a scan as a sample that was not even live on any website yet just for their internal use to play with and get their business. And this was a very sensitive showcase as I was the first granted access to this new project they were launching and it was confidential AF. Only I and their marketing Director had the Showcase. And would you know 3 days later he gets an email? Like I said its impossible that this company was on their radar, I promise you their sales guys are not that bright to approach this client.I also had a realtor call me and say your camera company is emailing me to sell me a camera, I said please buy one it is so easy to operate and takes about 30 min to do a 20000sqft property. She just laughed and said no their agents are too dumb to use this and need to farm more and do sales. She would rather pay the monkey pushing the button in bananas aka me.

So no your data is not safe with Matterport. They cant prove us wrong.
Post 16 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard With you all the way Gerhard I to had my customers contacted trying to sell them cameras, and from a data protection side they must be breaking the law if they are helping themselves to our confidential information and using it to increase sales and data base.

Thats why I started using WP3D to hide my details, I could see where this was going and when I contacted our London sales department you just get a load of bullshit.

Think the question is where are they going from here this is part of a strategy and what is the big picture.
They have stated they have the right to change their terms as they please without consultation of the MSP's, they defend their case of target marketing our customers by saying they have to generate sales and keep shareholders happy the ethics of this company are very low.

Over my 30 years in business I have always tried to deal with companies from the US, I found their professionalism to business a way I wanted to run my other company in the UK I found as a service business in the UK my competitors under valued their businesses.

But wow this company from a managements point of view is something else they are ruthless and they really do run the risk of doing harm to their branding and their MSP's if they are not careful (because they may be in bed with a backer.

Really don't know where it is going from here.
Sort of getting pissed off with the hole virtual tour side myself.
Post 17 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@FlightMedia You say that you never expected the TOS to change, so do you expect MP not to continue to update the system and upgrade what it does, and we expect those changes. It does not say its going to improve the service and end product in the TOS but they do. I have also been very vocal about the way MP services it PRO user, I also am frustrated with what is going on, but to expect terms not to change is not reasonable. We want software changes, we want new features and we want MP to communicate better and now everybody is upset. Why are you upset, the hard facts are there is no other system that gives us something of this caliber or we would not have bought it and invested our time into it. I see a big problem is there is no true competition for MP. Will this change the way we do business yes, maybe it cost use business yes, do we need to push for competition yes. We can get mad, there are other systems, there are other system but are they as good and maybe its time to change. I will wait and see how this impacts my business.
Post 18 IP   flag post
FlightMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 updates of a camera is in a totally different category to changing the terms of copyright with regards to someones private data, you are just repeating what Bill was saying on facebook yesterday and i am not going to get drawn on this on here.
If your happy with what Matterport have proposed then good on you.

There was mud slinging on the different sites yesterday with different accusations so I dont know what to beleive so I am keeping out of it and concentrating on my business.
Post 19 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@FlightMedia sorry, I don't have facebook so I have no idea what was said and not trying to repeat someone elses idea. I agree with part of what you say about TOS and camera updates maybe be different department but the company as a whole moves forward making changes some we expect some we don't. I agree at the end of the day we need to focus on our own business and what we need to do for it.
Post 20 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Anyone can join the WGAN-TV Mattreport Ecosystem Town Hall on WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT -5) today, Tuesday, 27 February using this link while the show is live. (In addition to the live broadcast, we are recording the show, so please do not join the show, if you do not want to be recorded.)

WGAN-TV Ecosystem Town Hall Format

1. A brief intro by me. Then ...
2. Question #1: What was your reaction when you heard the news that Matterport was changing the TOS?
3. Question #2: What was your reaction when you heard the news that Matterport was rolling back the TOS?
4. Question #3: What do you feel that Matterport should do moving forward?
4. Question #4: What is on your Matterport "Wish List"?
5. Question #5: "Wish List" of how Matterport could turn ragging fans back into raving fans?


✓ Discussion is encouraged
✓ Everyone will get an opportunity to speak
✓ The first time you speak, please let us know your name, company name - or WGAN Forum Member name - and location

If Matterport CEO Bill Brown joins the discussion, we invite him to go first and encourage Bill to answer questions.

Other topics we should cover during this Matterport Ecosystem Town Hall on WGAN-TV?

What to encourage others to watch? Give them the link:



P.S. All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport Ecosystem


If you would like to test your connection, we will be live for testing from 4-5 pm EST | GMT -5) today, Tuesday, 27 February 2018.
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