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Matterport High-End LiDAR Camera Competitor?6418

DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
They are working on getting this to the point where they can be as good or better than Matterport,,, just not yet. I will let the forum know more when they get back with me on the progress.
Post 26 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@leonvanzweel I have been following them since they first released there initial idea, again good idea but not to market yet. I am impressed with the idea, but again do not see the end product going to do what we want, low cost scanner producing great data but I do not see them focused on merging the photos into the 3d data which is what MP does do. I have not seen anything they have released talking about doing this. I applaud them for putting out what they are doing and getting interest. I also applaud NTech they posted the Iris360 Pro and what they wanted it to do, it did not get released but I give them a lot of credit for proposing it to show us what they are doing. @DouglasMeyers again how do you gain interest if they do not release data. I am no expert but I use and review upcoming products and look for the right tool for the right job. They are trying to show backers it is a option, if they released something with a concept it does gain interest if it I a tool people will use or are just interested in. I have spoke with several developers with ideas they have not even though of, which is why you open the door with your ideas and maybe listen(MP are you listening)to the input. But that is how you get the support and show your investors there is an interest. Again just my thoughts.
Post 27 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
Effortless is NOT the company looking for $$$, I have just been talking with them about when they will be ready for us Matterport people to have a great product and company that will rival Matterport and their company policies. Effortless is watching and learning from Matterportsd mistakes.
Post 28 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
But is NCTech not doing this ?... ok they have postponed the release....
Post 29 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
Don't know anything about them.
Post 30 IP   flag post

lauks private msg quote post Address this user
For me most promising product, but they seem to have some problems. Beta is postponed...
Post 31 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@lauks Ntech has a new idea but the Iris360 Pro and end processing is not going any further.
Post 32 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
Iris Pro is a different product... yes I know that this is end of life
Post 33 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@lauks the Iris360 Pro and its final processing of the walk thru has ended without a final product. they are developing a new product but I do not have all the info on it.
Post 34 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
I do have, as I am in touch with them, look at the LASIRIS...
Post 35 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
some info on that project
Post 36 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe they should look at putting it up on Indiegogo or Kickstarter. That would provide us with information, a business plan, so solid information, and more confidence. We know that not all products that start at these sites actually come to fruition but there are those of us that are willing to take chances.

I think I have seen @DanSmigrod post multiple times that he had received a product finally from one of these startup sites.
Post 37 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@lauks but again great point cloud and I have been following this product but NTech has not talked about merging the photos into the model. Great point cloud but nothing like a walk thru as they spoke of with the Iris360 Pro. It appears to be in competition with Effortless, Black360 and Faro low in priced scanners. I can only hope they do it, in my mind they have the best possibility in doing it.
Post 38 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
they showed walkthrough but only on a video (now gone, why??). In the end it does not seem as easy as they thought. that's why for the moment i do not see anything really on the market or to come soon. A scanner is one thing, the software platform the other. Leica is really one of the big boys in that domain, and they do not have a solution? They team up with Matterport, why? Where is Faro? Riegl? Trimble? Nothing on the horizon. I wonder why?
(and Effortless3D for now looks more like vapourware to me :-)
Post 39 IP   flag post
Nodal Ninja
Bill private msg quote post Address this user
It sure does sound like Effortless
Very unusual approach to try to convince investors in asking consumers to invest in something that may or may not happen. I'd look for other investors. The mere fact Matterport has such a large market share would surely insure lesser risk if any competitor comes out with more for less.

And IMO the company should not be hiding behind anonymous posts. These posts eventually get archived and are permanently captured for search engines and may come back to bite them. Here to I believe it would better to direct people to a questionnaire on the companies website (offer bonus to all that participate towards future purchase)or do an anonymous survey if they do not wish to be recognized. The company should also consider crowdfunding.
Post 40 IP   flag post
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