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When you think it couldn’t get any worse6399

isabel private msg quote post Address this user
@eggardner, I guess if you accept the new TOS, Matterport will consider that explicit permission?
Post 26 IP   flag post
eggardner private msg quote post Address this user
But you have no actual choice but to ‘continue’ if you want to get access to tours you’ve already uploaded. Continuing and giving permission are two different things where I come from (the UK). You Americans sure know how to screw up the English language! 😜
Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @eggardner
But you have no actual choice but to ‘continue’ if you want to get access to tours you’ve already uploaded. Continuing and giving permission are two different things where I come from (the UK). You Americans sure know how to screw up the English language! 😜

Like he said.

Post 28 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
I know the greater issues but start by just not giving them any info on the scan, then its useless to them!
Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
So much in this like @JohnLoser said still trying to get my head around this!

Here are two things that jumped out at me though. First, they are going to resell OUR the MSP's works!!!

Secondly, they have just taken away our recurring revenue! If you license the content to the person you scanned it for then you can charge a recurring licensing fee. But now Matterport is stepping in and will now not only try to sell camera's to your clients but they are going to try and undercut the MSP and sell the licensing to YOUR tour! And in doing this they are going to ruin the MSP reputation as they are going to be scanning the property owners now not only your clients!!!!!

OMG!!!!! This is horrible!!

Totally taking away the recurring revenue business model that is required to make this business work!!

@DanSmigrod where is the angry face emoticons?!?
:[ :-[
Post 30 IP   flag post

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@frstbubble I personally made the decision to never charge hosting as I didn't own the servers that the tours were hosted on. I always saw the fees that I was charged for the SAAS platform as being pre-paid processing. I suppose I viewed 'hosting' fees as being a fake thing.

But regardless of that -- the Matterport Ecosystem is not reselling anyone's work -- it's proposed to allow people to privately use 3rd party services with existing tours. Nothing that is done can be publically viewed.

You still have control over whether that tour is viewable to the world or not and you can still remove it if you feel like charging hosting and controlling that aspect.

So, to address ONLY your points --

#1) They are not reselling your work. Just allowing people to pay for 3rd party services to play around with your work privately.

Now, that doesn't exactly sound right -- but consider that ANYONE who can see your tour can already play around with it. They can walk around freely and explore it without your permission. Now, they'll get to see what furniture looks like inside of it (RoOomie) and other things. Consider, if I made something with the Matterport SDK and charged for it ... let's say I made a game where zombies run rampant through ANY space and charged $5 for this -- well, then I'd be doing the same thing. Putting stuff in your tour and allowing other people to do it.

The difference here though is that Matterport will be creating a duplicate copy of the model whereby the client has played around with RoOomie and stuck some furniture in it and then can privately view what they did.

I am concerned about the ability to access a previously deleted space -- as that deletion should be final and I don't see any reason why Matterport has any right to take away our control of that. People's personal belongings may be in a tour, thus, it doesn't really make sense to me. I'll be wanting some answers to that.

#2) They aren't changing your ability to make recurring revenue -- in fact, as the space will not be assessed in your total # of models scanned after 12 months, your margins should increase on hosting if you are indeed doing this.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 Quote:
Originally Posted by Metroplex360

#1) They are not reselling your work. Just allowing people to pay for 3rd party services to play around with your work privately.

Now, that doesn't exactly sound right -- but consider that ANYONE who can see your tour can already play around with it. They can walk around freely and explore it without your permission. Now, they'll get to see what furniture looks like inside of it (RoOomie) and other things. Consider, if I made something with the Matterport SDK and charged for it ... let's say I made a game where zombies run rampant through ANY space and charged $5 for this -- well, then I'd be doing the same thing. Putting stuff in your tour and allowing other people to do it.

The difference here though is that Matterport will be creating a duplicate copy of the model whereby the client has played around with RoOomie and stuck some furniture in it and then can privately view what they did.

This makes no sense at all 0, nada. The clients can still use their tours in 3rd party software. Why this new BS??? I am not buying it.

So this is to benefit Roooomie and 3rd party developers making money on our hard work and upsell.If anyone agrees with this you have no idea of how business works or how to structure a successful business

or is it the fact that the homeowner as an example does not own the tour of their private home, even if they paid for it. I don't work for Matterport I work for me myself and I, and just using a tool that I paid money for, uploading content that gets hosted that I pay for. NOT MATTERPORT. So Matterport pay us, because we dont work for you.

Let us get the feedback from photographers, so they won't mind if we buy the images from Nikon or Cannon taken from your work and using it in "3rd party" applications.

How would they view this privately??? So let's say I have furnished it and want to put it on a listing site as the owner, how would that work, who gets paid after the fact? I can also create a duplicate copy for the client, my client not Matterports client.

I have spent a lot of $$$ on this product, relocating to another country to open my business. Just to also have spent days weeks months getting amazing clients onboard and then Matterport contacts them. Killing my business. So whom do I invoice and get reimbursed for my investment, time and marketing for Matterport??? If they attempt to contact any more of my new clients - we will make this public and see how the camera sales Soares. How can I scan a property for a new client, send them the tour and 3 days later Matterport emails them, without the tour even being on any website or listing platform? Desperation is a disgusting perfume. That is solicitation. I have also managed to talk some clients out of buying Matterport cameras, I just gave them the hard facts and showed them the forum. Yes MP I talked a very large client out of buying 10 cameras, for a massive new venture. Truth 1 / Matterport 0

Guys we have the overhand here and we need to use this to our advantage. What happens if we all just stop scanning. Don't look at the short-term look at the long term. We all just stop using the product. We also need to let mainstream media get a hold of this information including the Youtube community. I am not so clued up on teh legal side of things but I know there are guys on here from other countries where they mentioned that this business conduct is illegal in their countries. So I will leave those comments for them.

We need to support companies like GEOCV , a company that by the looks of things is building a model around the community and a long-term vision ( not sponsored by GeoCV ) , I have been watching them for over a year now. And they have the right attitude David will beat Goliath. Or Insta360 , where you email the CEO regarding an issue or new request for the platform and boom, they listen develop it and you update your camera and its done son, no extra costs to the consumer. Its called listening to your consumer and no Greed. So that is why I see these guys succeeding. Bottomline is important, but if the people that is responsible for your bottom line is not happy then there goes your bottom line. Yes, you can't please everyone, but get the basics right.

Hey (redacted) the legless factory called, and they say you have nothing to stand on.

Does anyone know whom the investors are in Matterport and if they read the Forum and by the Forum I mean WE get around not "FOX News Forum"?
Post 32 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Gerhard
How would they view this privately??? So let's say I have furnished it and want to put it on a listing site as the owner, how would that work, who gets paid after the fact? I can also create a duplicate copy for the client, my client not Matterports client.

They get a private account to view it. I assume it would look a lot like what we have in, but without any ability to publish.

And yes, if you furnish it with RoOomie yourself, that should be fine and you should be able to publish it as it's your tour and that's your right.

As I've said before, I think this would all seem to make more sense if Matterport adopted a YouTube/SketchFab like system where models were publicaly accessible in a big database full of tours that we opted-in on (b/c the benefits were excellent for doing so) and there's a bunch of 3rd party things that people can do to muck about with the content privately.

Originally Posted by Gerhard
Just to also have spent days weeks months getting amazing clients onboard and then Matterport contacts them.

Did you give them collaborator access? That's currently the kiss of death as they will get a newsletter like everyone else. I've asked about this and apparently it's in the to-do list of things to address as it doesn't make sense and it wasn't taken into consideration.

Originally Posted by Gerhard
Guys we have the overhand here and we need to use this to our advantage. What happens if we all just stop scanning. Don't look at the short-term look at the long term. We all just stop using the product.

I'm not sure that closing our businesses gives us the upperhand really. My every day business is not affected at all by the TOS change. I'm hoping that the Matterport Ecosystem initiative will actually drive more business to me in the long term.

Originally Posted by Gerhard
We also need to let mainstream media get a hold of this information including the Youtube community

There's so much confusion surrounding this at the moment -- mainstream news, if they were at all interested, would simply make it more confusing as they tend to spin things to make it more interesting to their own end (fake news). That would just cause problems, if it were possible, for the company and waste their time.


Anyway, you have a right to be upset. You woke up to having to agree to something you weren't planning on having to care about. It's intrusive and unpleasant.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 Hi,

No I have never given any client collaborator access that is just dumb.They went on the tour and got the info it's that simple. Because this client will not be on their radar at all.

But let's see how this is going to play out. I have decided to put all my Matterport work on hold until they change TOS.

No the correct media will get hold of this, not the 6 o'clock small town news show.
Post 34 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 I am in no way saying that your business model is a bad thing. It seems to work for you.

Just a couple points here. We DO NOT charge a hosting fee. We charge a licensing fee. There is a big difference. We charge a fee to use the creative content we created with the Matterport system for a specific use. Mostly to sell and/or market a property for a specific time frame. Any use outside of that is not in our contract but could be added for an additional licensing fee. When the specific time frame is up then we can renew the licensing fee for another time period. This is where our business model is designed to work for us not us work for it. Instead of constantly having to do more marketing and work to get more business our relicensing generates recurring revenue. This recurring revenue makes it possible for us to cover our yearly business expenses and upgrade equipment and research and develop new products and services. As we do our new marketing and work our business continues to grow.

This is a good overview of licensing and why it is important for your business.

In the model you use you provide creative works and essentially sign over the licensing of the created to the works at the time of delivery. This is possible for us also but the fee for giving them an open licensing would be higher than a predetermined time and use.

Now about what Matterport's press release, faqs, and newsletters say and what the legalese in the TOS say is another story. In some cases, I cannot see how their legal TOS can say what the publish for press releases, faqs, and newsletters. Not only do their TOS contradict themselves but their explanation contradicts the TOS also. A lot of doubletalk designed to appease the masses! Quick note it's not working Matterport!

"In addition, Matterport will provide information about the capture service provider to the subsequent property owner or resident to help them find you should they want to have the property captured again in the future." They will market our services and 3rd party services to someone that has or had anything to do with the purchase of the original Matterport Tour!

"We will be announcing, later this month, a capability which will allow you to transfer Spaces to your customers, so that they can maintain them." Matterport is going to market directly to the owner of the property of the space you captured from a second or third removed party a subscription fee to host the space so that they can in the future use it for virtual staging or interior decorating which was promised to us in 2014 or earlier. And by doing this they are taking the model from our account where we control the distribution and giving it to the homeowner for a fee to Matterport disregarding our businesses' licensing model!

And lastly, maybe not, how does the person third removed the one that bought the property from another private citizen through a realtor that actually contracted the Matterport scan get the say if the content WE created can be displayed pubically?!?
Post 35 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@frstbubble well said, I just hear them crickets. They really (redacted up).

The only way to fix this is very simple.

Give us the ownership of our work. We are not sending a "rocket man in a car to orbit here".

Or pay us $199 for each tour we delete that will fall into the ecosystem of doom. It is hard enough trying to explain to big companies that they don't own the showcase we created. And I know some of the MSP's don't even mention this to their clients. Just this moronic mindset from them has cost a lot of MSP's business.

I am still puzzled how they think they can contact the person whose house or business you captured and ask them, hey want to host your own showcase??? Where do they get the information, and is it legal? Its like I own a car dealership and the head office/ manufacturer calls my client and says to him want to trade in that car for the same model or we will extend your warranty just don't deal with that dealership come to the mothership.

If I was them I would invest a large amount of money into Spin Doctors because this is going to be a PR nightmare.
Post 36 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Gerhard
@Metroplex360 Hi, No I have never given any client collaborator access that is just dumb.

I call it a selling point. I have clients wherein I have scanned over 50 tours for them and they enjoy having the freedom to access the data they paid for and make changes to it. It makes them feel more in control./-

Originally Posted by frstbubble
Just a couple points here. We DO NOT charge a hosting fee. We charge a licensing fee. There is a big difference. We charge a fee to use the creative content we created with the Matterport system for a specific use. Mostly to sell and/or market a property for a specific time frame. Any use outside of that is not in our contract but could be added for an additional licensing fee. When the specific time frame is up then we can renew the licensing fee for another time period

Has this, in practice, generated revenue for you? I keep things simple as I believe that it's more attractive to a client. I have 'free hosting' as a feature. I -have- had many people choose me and mention that other people in the area were talking about hosting and it turned them off while they were choosing an MSP.

Originally Posted by Gerhard
Or pay us $199 for each tour we delete that will fall into the ecosystem of doom. It is hard enough trying to explain to big companies that they don't own the showcase we created. And I know some of the MSP's don't even mention this to their clients. Just this moronic mindset from them has cost a lot of MSP's business.

You know that every image that's put up on the MLS goes into an ecosystem of doom -- stored forever on Zillow until replaced by another agent's photos ... and Google Street View panos? Ecosystem of doom too -- infact, Google mucked up quite a few tours when transitioning to the new system. Even this post on WGA goes into an ecosystem of doom (Google / Bing / whatever).

The fact that Matterport has been exempt from this until now is not normal.

Originally Posted by Gerhard
I am still puzzled how they think they can contact the person whose house or business you captured and ask them, hey want to host your own showcase??? Where do they get the information, and is it legal?

That's not what they are saying.

In theory, the person who owns a house can contact Matterport and say 'Hey, I want to use RoOomie with the scan of my home that exists... but could you remove all the furniture that they old tenant had? Oh, you can't? But you'll put me in contact with the person who created the model and send them back out to create a new one? How much?'

That's an interesting value proposition to this whole thing, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Gerhard
If I was them I would invest a large amount of money into Spin Doctors because this is going to be a PR nightmare.

I want money!!!!! I'm spinning this thing positively while everyone else is spinning it negatively and I'm not getting paid See my response to Bill Brown post I have my own vision and I think it's a win-win. Their ideas pave the way to a lot of possibilities.
Post 37 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Metroplex360

I am concerned about the ability to access a previously deleted space -- as that deletion should be final and I don't see any reason why Matterport has any right to take away our control of that. People's personal belongings may be in a tour, thus, it doesn't really make sense to me. I'll be wanting some answers to that.


This hits the nail on the head.

I do not want to use a system, which I cannot control. I cannot sell services, that I cannot control. What I want to be deleted must be deleted.

Therefore @Matterport please

1) Stop this ecosystem TOS disaster

2) And give us back the free obj

3) And most important: Try to get back Matt Bell!
Post 38 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@MeshImages I'm looking forward to them answering our questions in the Q&A sessions and equally, the virtual 'Town Hall' that Sibyl Chen seems to be moderating to address all of our questions.
Post 39 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 When is this Q&A session and the virtual 'Town Hall' with Sibyl Chen you mention? And how did you find out about it? I have not heard anything about this or been informed about it as of yet.
Post 40 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Anyone can join the WGAN-TV Mattreport Ecosystem Town Hall on WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT -5) today, Tuesday, 27 February using this link while the show is live. (In addition to the live broadcast, we are recording the show, so please do not join the show, if you do not want to be recorded.)

WGAN-TV Ecosystem Town Hall Format

1. A brief intro by me. Then ...
2. Question #1: What was your reaction when you heard the news that Matterport was changing the TOS?
3. Question #2: What was your reaction when you heard the news that Matterport was rolling back the TOS?
4. Question #3: What do you feel that Matterport should do moving forward?
4. Question #4: What is on your Matterport "Wish List"?
5. Question #5: "Wish List" of how Matterport could turn ragging fans back into raving fans?


✓ Discussion is encouraged
✓ Everyone will get an opportunity to speak
✓ The first time you speak, please let us know your name, company name - or WGAN Forum Member name - and location

If Matterport CEO Bill Brown joins the discussion, we invite him to go first and encourage Bill to answer questions.

Other topics we should cover during this Matterport Ecosystem Town Hall on WGAN-TV?

What to encourage others to watch? Give them the link:



P.S. All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport Ecosystem


If you would like to test your connection, we will be live for testing from 4-5 pm EST | GMT -5) today, Tuesday, 27 February 2018.
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