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When you think it couldn’t get any worse6399

grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
[redacted] hits the fan with the new MP announcement.

clickable text

Post 1 IP   flag post
plorenz private msg quote post Address this user
Post 2 IP   flag post
CharlesMcKenna private msg quote post Address this user
I smell class action
Post 3 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
These guys are unbelievable. They want to own our work after we shoot it to the point of taking away control of the tour away from us after the property is sold or rented. Frickin unbelievable. The Balls of these people.......
Post 4 IP   flag post
San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
Not surprised...nothing surprises me with Matterport. I still use their camera but will not purchase anything going forward. They lost me when they started openly contacting my clients trying to sell them cameras direct. My clients never contacted them, they literally were skimming info of the agents from my scans that I put their name/phone #s in as point of contact for home shoppers. Had multiple clients tell them they were happy with my services, and they - MP - insisted that in the long run the agents could save money by purchasing their own and training someone to produce the tours.
Post 5 IP   flag post
CharlesMcKenna private msg quote post Address this user
That is fecking crazy.
Post 6 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I dont think that they have any good business ethics regarding their MSPs at all. So many of us will jump ship the moment an alternative solution thats as good as the Matterport experience comes along. This is the atmosphere that Matterport has created among so many of us MSP's and I for one wont have a sorry bone in my body for them if their ship eventually goes down. Keep shooting up Matterport, it will make you feel better for now, but it the long run, it will eventually kill you.
Post 7 IP   flag post
CharlesMcKenna private msg quote post Address this user
My reply to the email:
I don't view this as a benefit. If I change a tour to private and not for public it should never made available to anyone, other than me, since it was my work.
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Their response:

Hey Charles - we completely understand the confusion, but there are ways to opt out of the Ecosystem. You can always keep your models private and only invite collaborators. You can also have the home seller opt out of the Ecosystem at the point of transaction for spaces that have been public.

We see this as an exciting change for Matterport and Matterport Service Partners. If a home owner wants to redecorate their home, in a future integration, they might be able to use the existing model and RoOomy to accomplish this. Your name would be shown in this instance which brings you additional visibility. This is not an integration or use-case that would exist without this Ecosystem initiative. These additional apps are pivotal to growing the value of Matterport Spaces.

If that same home owner wanted to use that model to then resell their home, they would not be able to do that and would potentially contact you for the same scan. We believe this change will drive additional demand.

Hope that clarifies things! Read our FAQs here >>

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My response:

You don't understand. I should be compensated if the homeowner wishes to use my model for ANY purpose.
Your initial letter did not mention the ability to opt-out. The opt-out you just mentioned seems to have a caveat being that if I EVER marked a tour to public, even if I subsequently changed that setting, you allude to bring able to use that tour.

Like a photojournalist, I newspaper may buy the rights to that work for a specific purpose. That doesn't give the paper the right to use that image for any other purpose. I maintain that I own the intellectual rights to the scans and tour, as well as the floor plan, should I have paid for such.

I want to ensure that no tours created by me are used for ANY purposes outside of what I decide to do with it.

Not only did you charge me for the hardware and make it such that it only works on your platform, I had to pay a monthly fee to maintain hosting of those tours and scans.

I would prefer to see the option where I don't need to host the tours with Matterport and the ability to use it as a stand-alone or hosted on my server of choice.

Please take a moment to confirm for me that NO SCANS, TOURS, IMAGES OR FLOOR PLANS, derived by my efforts and work, will be used for ANY purpose beyond that which I authorize.

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Post 8 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@CharlesMcKenna I completely agree with what you said and would want the same control over the tours that I make...... Well said. But I feel that your email will fall on deaf ears. They are going to do what ever they want and [redacted] the rest of us as they only do what they think is best for them.....
Post 9 IP   flag post
CharlesMcKenna private msg quote post Address this user
That's when we need to form a class action.
Post 10 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@CharlesMcKenna #longoverdue
Post 11 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Its just like them. They got into bed with and changed the player on the tour. Did we have a choice in the player change? No. Thank goodness we screamed loud enough that we had the option to opt. out of that (I told them that it did not allow my to control my hosting pricing that I charge my clients for my Matterport tours and that their mandatory upload interfered with this). They obviously didnt think it through that some of us charge hosting separately from the cost of shooting a tour. My upfront scan cost is real cheap so I charge for hosting after a certain free hosting period.......
Post 12 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
This is ridiculous. I am too tired to write at this moment (finishing a report for a client and it is 1.40 AM), but I will follow your comments.

When you thing that it couldn´t get any worse, it does!

Post 13 IP   flag post
jasondavidpage private msg quote post Address this user
I love your letter @charlesmckenna - we own the copyright, but we can't process or use the data we create. We own the copyright, but give broad irrevocable license to matterport. It's not a system I'd ever consider recommending to anyone considering it because MATTERPORT is an awful company to deal with. Hell, we can't even get basic features to be coded and the ability to downgrade from beta firmware to the last stable version.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
I have been trying to get my head around this new development. It seems that Matterport thinks they can re-sell access for our models to our customers. They seem to believe that a payment for scanning and workshop preparation is all we "deserve" for all times.

As it stands now, we pay Matterport a monthly fee for model "storage" and web access to them. Our customers pay us and we (hopefully) gat a markup on that fee.

If I understand this new license. They get to take the model from us (after a period of time) and then re-sell access to it and they keep all the money.

Do I have that right?
Post 15 IP   flag post
LilyCollins private msg quote post Address this user
Not surpised, damn
Post 16 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
@JohnLoser I think you are right.

Now, I am not sure about the US law, but in my neighborhood we call it a robbery and a scam.

Shame on you Matterport!
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @jfantin
This is ridiculous. I am too tired to write at this moment (finishing a report for a client and it is 1.40 AM), but I will follow your comments.

When you thing that it couldn´t get any worse, it does!



Looking forward to your commentary on this topic from a marketing strategy perspective. Feel free to start a new discussion on your commentary.


Post 18 IP   flag post
eggardner private msg quote post Address this user
Quick question! If you want to get a 2D Floor Plan from Matterport don't you have to make it public first? So if you do that, just to get the floor plan and then make it private again, does it mean they can not use that scan for whatever they want to, even if you have 'opted out' by making it private again?
Post 19 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by eggardner
Quick question! If you want to get a 2D Floor Plan from Matterport don't you have to make it public first? So if you do that, just to get the floor plan and then make it private again, does it mean they can not use that scan for whatever they want to, even if you have 'opted out' by making it private again?

Yes, yes you do. Good point. This deserves to be a topic of it's own.

I think that the key to opting out is to just not verify the address.
Post 20 IP   flag post
isabel private msg quote post Address this user
"Spaces that are, or have at one time, been marked Public, are available to downstream owners, or partners on their behalf."

So no, making it private (or even deleting it?) won't remove it from the ecosystem. Also interestingly, "Matterport is working with partners on reliable ways to verify property ownership or occupancy". They haven't figured out an authentication process, yet. Nor do they have the takedown process ironed out.

And @Metroplex360, as for not verifying the address: "Matterport may connect information Matterport has collected through the Matterport 3D Vision System with Spaces to identify the associated property".

Most importantly, read section 3.7 of the new TOS:
"You hereby grant to Matterport the following non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable licenses in connection with all Subscription Levels for the Processing and Hosting Service".

Perpetual and irrevocable. How do you like that?
Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @isabel

And @Metroplex360, as for not verifying the address: "Matterport may connect information Matterport has collected through the Matterport 3D Vision System with Spaces to identify the associated property".

I wonder ...

Matterport Pro2 Camera GPS: Trojan Horse?

Post 22 IP   flag post
isabel private msg quote post Address this user
Gosh, that's sketchy. So they've been planning this all along?

Also, the more I re-read the FAQ, I'm worried about deleted spaces.

"Spaces that are, or have at one time, been marked Public, are available" to the ecosystem.
Post 23 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @isabel
Gosh, that's sketchy. So they've been planning this all along?

Also, the more I re-read the FAQ, I'm worried about deleted spaces.

"Spaces that are, [b]or have at one time, been marked Public, are available" to the ecosystem[/b].


Seems like the following question was addressed by your research (above). Yikes!

Matterport Ecosystem>Deleted Models Deleted?

Post 24 IP   flag post
eggardner private msg quote post Address this user
“...without your explicit permission” - just laughable! (

How can Matterport expect anyone to trust a word they say moving forward?

Post 25 IP   flag post
isabel private msg quote post Address this user
@eggardner, I guess if you accept the new TOS, Matterport will consider that explicit permission?
Post 26 IP   flag post
eggardner private msg quote post Address this user
But you have no actual choice but to ‘continue’ if you want to get access to tours you’ve already uploaded. Continuing and giving permission are two different things where I come from (the UK). You Americans sure know how to screw up the English language! 😜
Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @eggardner
But you have no actual choice but to ‘continue’ if you want to get access to tours you’ve already uploaded. Continuing and giving permission are two different things where I come from (the UK). You Americans sure know how to screw up the English language! 😜

Like he said.

Post 28 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
I know the greater issues but start by just not giving them any info on the scan, then its useless to them!
Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
So much in this like @JohnLoser said still trying to get my head around this!

Here are two things that jumped out at me though. First, they are going to resell OUR the MSP's works!!!

Secondly, they have just taken away our recurring revenue! If you license the content to the person you scanned it for then you can charge a recurring licensing fee. But now Matterport is stepping in and will now not only try to sell camera's to your clients but they are going to try and undercut the MSP and sell the licensing to YOUR tour! And in doing this they are going to ruin the MSP reputation as they are going to be scanning the property owners now not only your clients!!!!!

OMG!!!!! This is horrible!!

Totally taking away the recurring revenue business model that is required to make this business work!!

@DanSmigrod where is the angry face emoticons?!?
:[ :-[
Post 30 IP   flag post
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