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Agents Claiming These Can't "sell" a home.627

CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user

Post 26 IP   flag post
ccctucker private msg quote post Address this user
Another way to look at it is that the matterport may not sell it, but it does offer the agent another tool to make the seller want to use them to present the home. Redfin didn't sink all the money into the equipment to sell the house, it was to sell their service. If the agent uses their phone to take pictures, they are not the person to be selling to.
Post 27 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanDimensions & @CarlosFHdz they're just retargeting you, but yes I imagine they're spending a good amount on Facebook ads. I see them in my feed too
Post 28 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
To the original post;

Digital showings must be experienced to be understood, take a property you've shot and boost the hell out of the post on Facebook. Just makes sure there is a strong call to action, and your contact information is right on the tour itself so people know where they can learn more, and hire you.

Then hit them hard with retargeting ads.. these are so crucial to success.

Tradeshows, and networking functions are a great way to get in front of people and demonstrate the technology on a tablet. Let them play around with it on their own and then give them some compelling marketing piece with link to your website to see more tours.

If possible go present at real estate offices in your area, the brokers are always looking for something exciting to include as a part of their weekly meetings.

Value to listing agent:
Offer something that no one else does, win more listings, able to generate more hype for property prior to hitting market by sharing digital showing with agent community. Often times resulting in multiple offers as there is a frenzy right when the home becomes available.

Value to buyer's agent:
Able to preview home and become more knowledgeable prior to showing in person

Value to seller:
Limit tire kickers thus less wasted time, more exposure for property, buyers looking before/after showing, homes with digital showings and professional photography statically sell faster, and ultimately for more money.

Value to buyer:
Able to share showing experience with family/friends to get opinion, able to go back and relook at anything within property, get feel for layout etc.

Value to appraiser/assessor:
Virtually tour home, able to see finishes and other attributes that are not available by simply looking at photos or reading descriptions online.
Post 29 IP   flag post
tydowning private msg quote post Address this user
WOW!! All of you have given some incredible advice!!!!!

I think I'll make a info-graphic of all this feedback. I was taken back to hear some "old school" agents are saying these can't sell a home...

Post 30 IP   flag post

tydowning private msg quote post Address this user
@DoyleRealtor Hey you made some fantastic points. I am presenting many of these points, including yours. Would you happen to have the actual stats or back up of this point

"homes with digital showings and professional photography statically sell faster, and ultimately for more money."

If I could show them stats, this would blow them away.
Post 31 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
I've been working on some stats that will absolutely floor people once they're released but I want to have a large enough data sample to help eliminate external factors.

in short.. digital showings significantly reduce days on market, the amount of engagement & number of views alone is about 200x that of a video that actually cost more to produce.

Matterport/Toursler have helped me secure additional new construction business, win listings, sell homes faster, get published in large regional newspaper, and become recognized as an innovative REALTOR nationwide.

Obviously I'm a huge advocate for the technology, however agents like myself are not the norm. We maybe represent 5-10% of the market at best, real estate agents are notoriously frugal individuals. The average age in the industry is 57, they've been through market ups and downs, and the only thing that is consistent is vendors trying to come after our hard earned paycheck. To say they're cynical is an understatement.

The struggle I think you'll run into the most is agents whom only want to use digital showings for their high end listings. I would argue however that the more affordable listings are the ones that benefit the most from the technology. Millennials are trained to do research online, and right now they're looking at entry level homes. The number of views on digital showings for our lower priced listings is actually much higher than our luxury homes.
Post 32 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
The old guys who are not willing to keep up with the times will eventually get pushed aside by guys like you anyway. Most home buyers aren't in their age range, so they are looking for the new tech and looking on their smart phones more than the computer. If only more agents had your insight and forward thinking, life would be so much easier
Post 33 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
Ask the enthusiastic Home Seller to send the link to his friends for HOW their agent is marketing their home
Post 34 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
Would love to see that infographic tydowning! I am a real estate agent on Hilton Head Island and in Bluffton, SC. It is a second home and retirement market and our buyers come from all over the country. I am very excited to be offering the Matterport technology to home sellers in my market. I feel confident that when I (as an agent)am talking to a home seller about the level of quality that I can bring to them that the Matterport will distinguish me because home buyers from outside the area will be able to see the home, see the floor plan and decide whether or not they would like to make a trip to the island to see it. Even an agent in a more conventional market can benefit because a homebuyer can sit in their office and view the home.

Don't let the 'in the box' agents get you down. As I said to the other agent at a recent office meeting, I have a Matterport, my husband has a drone, I'm working on my video portfolio, I spend at least an hour a day on real estate Facebook groups and coaching groups and I am your competition! Find the agents in your market that are going for it and work with them! Don't let the lower 80% get you down, go find the upper 20%, or better yet, the 5% that are trying to bust the market loose!

Let me know if I can help.
Post 35 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
There is the GOLD

and our buyers come from all over the country. I am very excited to be offering the Matterport technology to home sellers in my market. I feel confident that when I (as an agent)am talking to a home seller about the level of quality that I can bring to them that the Matterport will distinguish me because home buyers from outside the area will be able to see the home, see the floor plan and decide whether or not they would like to make a trip to the island to see it.
Post 36 IP   flag post
Bobby private msg quote post Address this user
Good thread. But has anyone got actual proven stats on the benefit of 3d showcases? Need hard evidence to convince some of these guys! Especially in AUS! Thanks.
Post 37 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Free carton of beer with every scan @bobby
Post 38 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user

I haven't had it long enough to have stats but I can tell you what a couple of my clients have had to say:

Hi Cathie,
This is the coolest thing.
It seems easier to navigate on a smart phone, because of the touch screen. My computer is not touch screen.
The place really looks nice, Connie and I resent your email to some of our family and friends and they said that it was beautiful.

Love it! Now I can go there virtually. The camera quality is exceptional. Tom K.

Hopefully I'll have some stats for you soon!

Post 39 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
@Bobby the stats will come in due time, it's just too new right now and not enough data available.
Post 40 IP   flag post
Zephyr Cove, NV
Maria private msg quote post Address this user
I just dealt with a similar comment in Lake Tahoe. Sounds like the agent quoted in the original post has a glass is half empty way of looking at things.

Fortunately for us in our case, we were able to show how the agent was missing the point and get the job.

Photos can't sell a home either, nor video, or expensive brochures and print media, but all together they reach an audience far and wide and provide multiple sources of information a prospective buyer or seller might need to proceed with the next step which may be to pick up the phone or send an email.

You also have to take into consideration the type of buyer's, agents and sellers that is likely to become early adopters of this technology. Focus on them, the rest will follow.

Matterport is part of a well stocked tool box.
Post 41 IP   flag post
Carmel, IN
sharonbaltera private msg quote post Address this user
I am new to this forum and find it extremely informative. I have been an agent for over 15 yrs and heard about 3d imaging almost a year ago. I did not consider it until now. I would like to make 3d scanning my full time job instead of juggling both buyers and sellers on top of this. I have gained lots of insight since joining forum. Any thoughts .... positive and f/t? Thanks for all this great info!
Post 42 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Our team was up against 2 other agents for a listing which we secured on Monday. The sellers stated they decided to work with us because of our cutting edge technology which of course included digital showings.
Post 43 IP   flag post
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