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Agents Claiming These Can't "sell" a home.627

tydowning private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, we are on the verge of working out details with one of the largest name brand agencies here locally. Below are concerns they have voiced, and I would LOVE your experienced feedback please!
* We use typical tours, they work fine, why spend they extra?
* How do we share these on social?

We are having to justify the higher price, agents don't want to spend more than $220-$240 for a 2400 sqft home.

Bottom line: Tips on selling this to agencies, brokerages. Justifying the higher price. How to market these tours.

Appreciate any and all feedback!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I've had the same issue.
Basically the only way to sell to an agent is to
1) cater to their ego
2) make their job easier (less trips to show the house)
3) clients that have viewed via a virtual tour are more likely to make an offer
4) help sell the property faster with more exposure
5) gain them more business (via new clients and exposure)

My way is I tell the agent I market to the home owner who is selling the property. When they or someone they know wants to sell a property, insist on having a product like this, as it will help sell their property. If the agent doesn't have it, find one that does.
I ask them, are you willing to lose a listing because you don't want to spend the money marketing their property in a professional manner? Why should they choose you if you just simply spend $59 on joe smith and his crappy photo business?
Here in Vancouver, the average house is now over a million dollars. The commission is $7000 + $31,500 = $38,500. Split is close enough to 50/50 seller/buyers agent, so the best part of $20,000 a piece. They aren't willing give up that commission?
Post 2 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
- let them know you're helping their USP (unique selling proposition)
Everything in their marketing is what the next agent does, this will help create a separation from them and the rest.
- this will reduce lookie loos on their luxury listings= saving them time.
- house will have more exposure like a 24 hour open house when the home owner can't show or tenant is uncooperative to show repeatedly.
- this is also a great tool to sell the seller (secure the listing, like telling the seller that they'll have a weekly open house[when less than 3% of buyers bought from an open house]but that helped get the listing).
Post 3 IP   flag post
jordancamacho private msg quote post Address this user
Average age of an agent is 57, no joke. It's not that you have to cater to an agents ego, it's that most agents don't know anything about tech. As an agent and owner of a camera my suggestion would be to shoot one or two of them for free on any listings they may have, or give one of their top agents some fliers to present on his next listing presentation. Tell him you'll do two for free. Once he sees the seller's reaction, gets the listing and then sees the end result you'll have a big foot in the door.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I've given away many free scans, and from those I get very little business to be honest. I've had some agents call me complaining that they don't want to do it but the seller is insisting. I've also had other agents have no idea about it, and their buyer has found a property with a tour on it and embarrassed them. They quickly call up wanting it done.
Post 5 IP   flag post
RenderingSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Tell them they are idiots then kick them in the shins.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
How many times I would love to do that. How many times an agent stands in front of the camera while it's spinning around "I want to watch the pretty"
Ahh. They pay our bills, what can you do
Post 7 IP   flag post
Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
I'm running into 'bottom feeder" pricing - granted, those looking at price don't understand the (USP) value proposition.
It's a shame that 3D tours have to be lumped in the same category of 25 images for $75.00!
The comments above are valuable, but I hate to be told that 10 cents a square foot is the desired pricing. It's hard to justify a sustainable business model working with those agents, thus I've been concentrating on the $1 million agents.
How does one reach the sellers to "turn the tables" on the agents?
Post 8 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
Critical mass is achieved when there are enough Matterport tours in the marketplace that home Sellers request the service.

AT that point there is no conversation about value
its Yes I provide those too.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
And that will be a nice day when that happens David
Post 10 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
Okay your whiney photographers Stop complaining about your clients (the agents) and figure out how to serve them. I am a real estate agent and I just purchased a Matterport camera and I am beyond excited! It is a great opportunity for me to distinguish myself and my business and gain market share. You are wasting your time talking to agents that are focused on their expenses rather than their income and how they did business in the past rather than what is coming in the future. Go find the agents that see the value in what you are offering and then help them to leverage the technology in their business. If they don't value the technology, move on to the next agent. Look for the agents that are doing cutting edge work, incorporating aerial photography, have a great Youtube page, doing something interesting in your market. Stop whining and start working with other small business owners that are doing things that are exciting and innovative. Let me know if you need ideas.
Post 11 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
Today, I had a brand new agent call me to tell me that the free Matterport I did for his very first listing made the sale for him. 4 days on market. Sold to a relocating businessman sight-unseen. In the last 6 days, he's had 8 sellers contact him to list because they want Matterport technology used for their listings.

And now all of the agents in the office who made fun of the new kid and his fancy technology are calling me and begging me to take their money.

I'm having him write up the testimonial.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I would hesitate to offer too many free scans. That can come back and bite you when the agents who paid for their first scan ask if they are entitled to a freebie too.

My wife and I have only been at it for a couple months, but we started with "Introductory Pricing". Throw out a price that is lower but still workable and put it on for a limited time.

I've taken a few marketing classes and one thing that you are told in sales is to give people a reason for the deal.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Well done Angela, glad to hear a story like that.

I tell them their free scan is for them to view only, not to use as it has a 7 day life. If they want to use it and the house sells within that time, it's only a bonus.
My one ask is that they show the other agents. I do get a bit of business this way.

The way I look at it, you will need to spend either time or money on marketing. If it's a freebie, it's probably money better spent than flyers or many other marketing. If its a nice house or property, you have a great bit of marketing for yourself.
Post 14 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
@scandimensions , please share the testimonial the proof is in the testimonials!
Post 15 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
I don't give away free scans to just anyone for the hell of it. I do offer referral and 2nd scan credits. That has been HUGE.

I present to groups, sales meetings, advertise, etc. When I give away free scans, it's because I've identified an early adopter/influencer, have ran a contest to gather contact info (drop in your card for the chance to win a free marking package,) or in the case of this kid, meet someone who is one person who will give them a break away from blowing up the market. I love those kids.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
rock it ScanDimensions! I'm not a kid but I am an early adopter
Post 17 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
If the agency is a "leading" brand name then it is in their interest to continue leading the way by using the service.

On a thought, does anyone find that you sell to a real estate branch and they want you to not sell to the agent who is along the same shopping strip?

Do you usually stagger approaching agents?

or is the "Well I have just spoken with Bob down the road and they will be using the service" to create competition work?
Post 18 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
Also, if you're concentrating on 1 mil + listings, you're missing the market. 50% of my scans are investment or value properties. People spending 1mil+ kick tires, hold hands, want the cookie-scented candles burning at the open house and sounds of ocean waves piped into the master bath. People buying investment properties and rentals like it fast and dirty. They don't care about staging and open houses. A home which will deliver a $1500 commission to an agent is worth a $250-300 scan if it's literally the only thing the agent has to do other than throw up a sign and an MLS listing.

And don't discount your product. It's always less expensive to lead the technology adoption than to try to catch up with it. When you discount to make the sale, you are telling the agent that your product isn't worth what you're charging. Make other concessions like extra stills, 4 hour turn-around, floorplan, social sharing, etc. first. If the agent doesn't think that the product's value matches the price, add value.
Post 19 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
The marketing for this is not only coming from the photographers, matter port is using targeted Facebook ads for realtors in my area with the quote "win more listing" with matterport 3D tours. Once clicked, they send to a page for hire a MSP - matterport service provider. So it's going to catch on, it's just a matter of time, exposure andike Jamie said, targeting home sellers as well as agents.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@CarlosFHdz Next time you come across one of those targeted Facebook ads could you save a screenshot?

It's good to know that Matterport is advertising the MSP program, if even in an indirect way to sell cameras directly to agents.
Post 21 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
I run a digital agency. I estimate Matterport's spend on Facebook US market alone is in the 30-50K a month range. They are hitting the major urban areas hard and it's being done professionally.

I happen to have one in my feed right now.

Post 22 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
Also, check out that YouTube Mix. Seriously. I've edited and packaged 18 scans in less than 3 hours. At this rate, I might catch up!
Post 23 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Is that listing coming up because you have searched matterport before. I get feeds of things I've searched all the time. Damn big brother facebook
Post 24 IP   flag post
ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
For me, no. I have all of that turned off and have all of my social/digital accounts set up through an agency account. So it's a true demographic placement, likely based on my likes and interests and real estate portfolio.
Post 25 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user

Post 26 IP   flag post
ccctucker private msg quote post Address this user
Another way to look at it is that the matterport may not sell it, but it does offer the agent another tool to make the seller want to use them to present the home. Redfin didn't sink all the money into the equipment to sell the house, it was to sell their service. If the agent uses their phone to take pictures, they are not the person to be selling to.
Post 27 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanDimensions & @CarlosFHdz they're just retargeting you, but yes I imagine they're spending a good amount on Facebook ads. I see them in my feed too
Post 28 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
To the original post;

Digital showings must be experienced to be understood, take a property you've shot and boost the hell out of the post on Facebook. Just makes sure there is a strong call to action, and your contact information is right on the tour itself so people know where they can learn more, and hire you.

Then hit them hard with retargeting ads.. these are so crucial to success.

Tradeshows, and networking functions are a great way to get in front of people and demonstrate the technology on a tablet. Let them play around with it on their own and then give them some compelling marketing piece with link to your website to see more tours.

If possible go present at real estate offices in your area, the brokers are always looking for something exciting to include as a part of their weekly meetings.

Value to listing agent:
Offer something that no one else does, win more listings, able to generate more hype for property prior to hitting market by sharing digital showing with agent community. Often times resulting in multiple offers as there is a frenzy right when the home becomes available.

Value to buyer's agent:
Able to preview home and become more knowledgeable prior to showing in person

Value to seller:
Limit tire kickers thus less wasted time, more exposure for property, buyers looking before/after showing, homes with digital showings and professional photography statically sell faster, and ultimately for more money.

Value to buyer:
Able to share showing experience with family/friends to get opinion, able to go back and relook at anything within property, get feel for layout etc.

Value to appraiser/assessor:
Virtually tour home, able to see finishes and other attributes that are not available by simply looking at photos or reading descriptions online.
Post 29 IP   flag post
tydowning private msg quote post Address this user
WOW!! All of you have given some incredible advice!!!!!

I think I'll make a info-graphic of all this feedback. I was taken back to hear some "old school" agents are saying these can't sell a home...

Post 30 IP   flag post
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