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360 panoramic upload to google street view6232

miss19881111 private msg quote post Address this user
Hello there

I recently uploaded about 600 panoramas using PANOSKIN

It looks like the google street view has been uploaded

But there are some problems in it

1. There is no connection between panoramas
2. The direction of the panorama is wrong
3. Switch floor does not appear

Does anyone know how to solve this problem

@25.038048,121.5645494,3a,75y,88.85h,77.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNbtnZL1s5LcE9G7ikvVIx-FOEGOvMUupIrM3IW!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500" target="_blank">clickable text

@25.0380391,121.5650206,3a,75y,304.5h,87.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipObjsAhSQTXdkEgU1rRQTHKVag0UJM1mtdrOmaO!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500" target="_blank">clickable text

Place: ChIJXVRz3LmrQjQRZx-tF_v1E2UCID: 7283435481171042151
Post 1 IP   flag post
miss19881111 private msg quote post Address this user
@25.038048,121.5645494,3a,75y,88.85h,77.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNbtnZL1s5LcE9G7ikvVIx-FOEGOvMUupIrM3IW!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500" target="_blank">,121.5645494,3a,75y,88.85h,77.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNbtnZL1s5LcE9G7ikvVIx-FOEGOvMUupIrM3IW!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500

@25.0380391,121.5650206,3a,75y,304.5h,87.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipObjsAhSQTXdkEgU1rRQTHKVag0UJM1mtdrOmaO!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500" target="_blank">,121.5650206,3a,75y,304.5h,87.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipObjsAhSQTXdkEgU1rRQTHKVag0UJM1mtdrOmaO!2e10!3e12!7i5000!8i2500
Post 2 IP   flag post
Panoskin private msg quote post Address this user

600 Panos?! You are a rockstar!

To answer your questions:
1) connections between Panoramas May take some time. This is a Google process and varies from tour to tour. One trick you can apply is hit the PUBLISH button again in Panoskin. DO NOT HIT UNPUBLISH. This sends the connection info to Google and tends to help speed up the process.

2) When you say the direction is wrong do you mean on Google? Similar to above this is something out of our hands and in the hands of Google. Once the arrows come through this should help.

3) The floods or levels will show up in time. Make sure all of your constellations are places within the limits of the building outline in the Panoskin editor. If they are not you can adjust them by using our tools.

Make sure to join our Facebook group and email our for faster responses with questions.

Good Luck!

Wojciech Kalembasa
Panoskin Team
Post 3 IP   flag post
miss19881111 private msg quote post Address this user
thank you for your reply

1. I ordered PUBLISH multiple times, but it did not seem to improve.

Waiting time like this is about how long it takes

2. My positioning in PANOSKIN is correct, but it is wrong in Google Views
Originally due to point north, run east or west

3. My building is B2-12, but the horizontal numbers are only -1 to XX, and I B2 is marked as 1
B2 to 12 Levels 1 to 14 This will have an impact

Some of the panoramas I shot were outdoors
Post 4 IP   flag post
TakedaSan private msg quote post Address this user

I am also a Trusted Photographer.

About connections and level buttons on Google Street View, you really must wait. It's a Google thing. Get back in a couple of days, we never know. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes takes too long. There is not much to do more then what Wojciech said. When we begin to work with Google we need to be patient sometimes, because they process too many images a day.

And just out of curiosity, have you captured this images with Matterport? 600 panos, you made a great job!

Woj, can you see in Panoskin which is the tour with more panos?


Jefferson Takeda
Post 5 IP   flag post
miss19881111 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for your reply

Because before waiting for a period of time did not finish processing a bit worried

I previewed in panoskin is no problem

The following is taken with Matterport but then Matterport and Google have not yet started to cooperate

In some ways, I uploaded six images to my blog

@25.0453612,121.5308629,3a,75y,98.89h,91.73t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMIWdoL96eq--n5vt9calxJlGHegJmEROLR-nY5!2e10!3e11!7i6400!8i3200!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x3442a964a9d32645:0xea4183245dab5773!2z5Lqe5aSq6Zu75L-h5LiJ5Ym16auU6amX5bqX!8m2!3d25.0452613!4d121.5312585!3m4!1s0x3442a964af2634b3:0x632e5f7887711606!8m2!3d25.0453627!4d121.5308851?hl=zh-TW&authuser=0" target="_blank">,121.5308629,3a,75y,98.89h,91.73t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMIWdoL96eq--n5vt9calxJlGHegJmEROLR-nY5!2e10!3e11!7i6400!8i3200!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x3442a964a9d32645:0xea4183245dab5773!2z5Lqe5aSq6Zu75L-h5LiJ5Ym16auU6amX5bqX!8m2!3d25.0452613!4d121.5312585!3m4!1s0x3442a964af2634b3:0x632e5f7887711606!8m2!3d25.0453627!4d121.5308851?hl=zh-TW&authuser=0
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