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Bo911 private msg quote post Address this user
This is my first post after reading quite a lot on the forums (which are very nice) . It really looks like a nice community , so good job .

Now , I was looking to find a way to create Virtual visits for real estate . I found some information and was also in contact with Matterport support already .

Matterport looks good , but there are many other competitors on the market . I found a few . Some are out already (Matterport) , some need to come out still (Giroptic , Google Tango , Mobilefusion , ..) .

The upcoming products also look much cheaper than Matterport , but are claiming similar results (Giroptic) .

Few questions :
-Since I seem to find so few solutions for Virtual visits that are already out , I would like to ask this community which choices there currently are for making good Virtual visits besides Matterport .
-I asked Matterport support for a test login , so I can play around with the online tool . But that was impossible . Have you all bought this (expensive) device without being able to even test the online software , and just hoped for the best ?
-Is Matterport still the number 1 at the moment to create virtual visits for real estate ?
-How do you feel about the online model creation . Meaning , without Matterport services your camera is completely useless . If Matterport decides to up the prices , there's nothing you can do about it . I spoke to support and they say the new function to create a 2D floorplan will cost 49$ PER PLAN . That made me a bit scared *gulp* .
-As a EU user I'm not used to having only 1 year warranty . We have at least 2 years . Going by the price of the unit I feel 1 year is really short . Having to send it back to US would be highly problematic too (cost , customs , downtime) .
Are there known issues ? Did some of you have to send the camera back for warranty already ?
-Do you guys charge a yearly fee to keep the visit online for more than x months (for Hotels for example) . Image they want to 3D visit to be online for the next 10 years to come .

Regards ,
Post 1 IP   flag post
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pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Very valid points raised. Let's just hope with more competition, prices will do what they should do in that scenario.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Here are three resources that may help you decide if the Matterport Pro 3D Camera is right for you:

1. Take a Test Drive – We Get Around offer this option across the U.S., Canada and 30 other countries, including Belgium.

2. Talk to a Pro – you can speak to a Pro 24/7 via our 24/7 Live Emergency Support (It does not need to be an emergency to call.)

3. Check List: Should I buy a Matterport Pro 3D Camera?

And, thank you for joining the Matterport User Group Forum.


Post 3 IP   flag post
HansLankari private msg quote post Address this user

Excellent points, and exactly the same most of them that I have been thinking, while reading this excellent forum, and considering whether to buy or not.

It is a real pity that the whole product is so "America-orientated" and does not cater very well international market.
Lack of competition in the market is 2-way thing; it can work dangerously for the monopoly of Matterport, and it is frightening to see how a client is on the mercy of 1 company. And with my luck, after having spent appr. 5 000 USD on this product, the next day there will be an innovative new product in the market, with similar and higher specs, at 300 USD... :-)

But then again the monopoly and high price can work for us; the buyers and owners of Matterport: I have no difficulties in spending 5 000 USD to a product that serves me well, and knowing that high price guarantees that it will not be product that every single competitor has. Higher price gives an advantage that makes the difference; just hoping that the market will not introduce a similar product at cheaper price, as soon as I have taken the leap.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Bo911 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you all for your comments so far . More opinions and tips regarding my considerations mentioned in the first post are always welcome .
Post 5 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Toursler is taking over in our market place through local distributor Architech3di. The last time I checked on MLS there were over twice as many toursler digital showings than all matterport users combined.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Bo911 private msg quote post Address this user
Very interesting indeed .
During my searches I stumbled on toursler before , but I failed to find out what equipment i need to make such tours . It's not mentioned anywhere as if the equipment is not for sale , nor is there any how-to to be found on the official website .

Next to that I'm from Europe and want to start up my own 3D tour business , so hiring someone is not what I'm looking for .

Being an IT person myself (not a professional photographer) I'm interested in the creation proces . To see if I can or can not do it with my knowledge .

I have read this thread where you contributed too :
It contains both something and nothing .
Seems like it's currently more of a service from the company itself , next to that the people who know how it works are under NDA like it's still in beta .

The end conclusion for me is that I have mixed feelings about it and currently can't see it as an option .
Post 7 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
It is shot with a DSLR camera with a wide angle lens, the conversion/stitching process is licensed to distributors whom capture the properties. From what I've heard they've got a waiting list for new distribution partners.

The main differences between Matterport, Toursler, and iGuide are the technology used to capture, ease of capture, editing process, player, inclusion of floor plans and professional photos, and probably most importantly right now... availability.

Matterport utilizes the prime sensor, that is how they're able to create the mesh view and dollhouse. Toursler is shot with a DSLR camera and uses photogramatry (sp) to connect the photo spheres together, and provide measurements. iGuide's platform is also a DSLR camera with laser attachment that provides more accurate measurements.

Matterport is designed to be easy to use by end user such as a real estate agent, having owned one I can attest to that. Both Toursler & iGuide cater to photographers/distributors whom will be doing hundreds of scans in a geographical area per year. These photographers need to have editing skills, and understand the more technical side of photography.

Both iGuide & Toursler allow you to go outside because it's using a DSLR camera and not relying on infrared (the sun is very disruptive) The image quality of these two is also higher because of the camera & lens

Keep in mind that Matterport has never claimed to be a high end photography camera, it is a 3D sensing tool. The images captured within are very cool but they're never going to be as good as HDR images captured by a professional photographer with proper lighting.

This leads me to my next point of discussion, with both iGuide & Toursler the end client (in my examples, the real estate agent) is able to get both a digital showing solution, professional photos, and a floor plan all in one. As opposed to having to shoot professional photos, then do matterport scan and either pay for floor plan separately or extract measurements yourself. From a marketing standpoint it is much easier to get someone like myself to purchase an all in one package vs. having to setup extra appointments.

All 3 companies are enhancing their players, I really like the idea of a "single property website" that includes the digital showing, floor plan, map, and professional photos in both branded & unbranded version. It should scale to mobile, intuitive, easy to navigate, and load quickly. I would say that all of them are now on there, Matterport and Toursler have dots/arrows to navigate where as with iGuide the navigation is on the left hand side. Matterport offers the doll house which the other two currently do not.

Matterport is an awesome technology, and I'm very excited to see what new features they come out with. Particularly the ability to make modifications within the models (flooring, wall colors etc. etc.) They're pioneers in the industry and have done a phenomenal job of raising awareness for the technology and providing a turnkey system that is easy for end consumer to use.

However for the purposes of marketing real estate, I find that toursler & iGuide provide a better package with the included HDR photos and floor plans. That isn't to say a provider couldn't package this up the same with the matterport system.

Toursler & iGuide do not have distributor partnerships setup in most areas yet, so for a lot of real estate agents that is not even an option yet.

*I am in no way affiliated with Matterport, Toursler, or iGuide. I'm a real estate agent whom has owned and used a Matterport camera and is currently using Toursler digital showings in my business through local provider Architech3di in MN. I also speak about the topic to agents at associations & conferences across the US*
Post 8 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a comparison shot at the same property;

Kevin at iGuide also offered to shoot it, however there isn't a distributor here in MN yet so I do not have hands on experience with their product.

If they're ever in our market I'll pick a new construction home and have it shot with all 3 providers.

Here are all the properties I've had done so far;
Warning: It will load slowly because there are so many tours embedded in one spot
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@DoyleRealtor Quote:
Originally Posted by DoyleRealtor

Matterport is an awesome technology, and I'm very excited to see what new features they come out with. Particularly the ability to make modifications within the models (flooring, wall colors etc. etc.) They're pioneers in the industry and have done a phenomenal job of raising awareness for the technology and providing a turnkey system that is easy for end consumer to use.

As I wrote in our We Get Around blog post, Matterport Showcase 2.0 Rocks for 3D Photographers and Real Estate Agents.

Plus, with its recent $30 million round of investment to grow 3D, VR and AR Pro Solutions, seems like Matterport will continue to offer existing and potential new Pros (around the globe) a great platform solution for the real estate space in particular and other verticals in general.


Post 10 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
@DoyleRealtor Quote:
Originally Posted by DoyleRealtor

Matterport is an awesome technology, and I'm very excited to see what new features they come out with. Particularly the ability to make modifications within the models (flooring, wall colors etc. etc.) They're pioneers in the industry and have done a phenomenal job of raising awareness for the technology and providing a turnkey system that is easy for end consumer to use.

As I wrote in our We Get Around blog post, Matterport Showcase 2.0 Rocks for 3D Photographers and Real Estate Agents.

Plus, with its recent $30 million round of investment to grow 3D, VR and AR Pro Solutions, seems like Matterport will continue to offer existing and potential new Pros (around the globe) a great platform solution for the real estate space in particular and other verticals in general.



Agreed, I'm anxious to see what they come up with. In review of my previous comment, I probably should have proof read it and clarified some of my points a little better.
Post 11 IP   flag post
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