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$300 Off Matterport Pro2 Camera: Why?5723

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Hi All,

I noticed this $300 off Matterport 3D Pro2 Camera this morning (Monday, 6 November 2017).

"Get $300 Off the Pro2 3D Camera
"With purchase of annual Cloud Subscription. Limited to first 200 customers!"
"Limited to First 200 Customers!"

Why is Matterport offering $300 off?


Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Similarly, Dan, I received an email just a few days ago that restored the $400 discount that Pro1 camera owners were initially offered when ordering a Pro2

Post 2 IP   flag post
Riaan private msg quote post Address this user
Same Dan. I got an email just yesterday indicating that I can get a $400 discount on the Pro2 3D Camera even though I already own one.

Post 3 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
My theory is that, once again, they are not reaching their sales goal for this year. December is coming, there are investors waiting for annual sales figures and the executive team needs to show results.

This is not the first time we see it.

In the last months Matterport has done better in Marketing, and have introduced some minor improvements but essentially it is the very same stubborn company that refuses to provide a real solution for models storage (using an iPad as a storage device is ridiculous and very expensive), refuses to launch an Android App, so we can use whatever tablet we want, and refuses to give us more control over our models.

Besides that, they have failed their promise for a Google StreetView integration, unless the announcement was Summer 2017 in Mars, that begins on Nov 20th 2017 and ends on May 22nd 2018...who knows.

The very same company that 12 months ago was desperate to sell cameras discounting their price heavily.

Nothing new under the sun...unfortunately.
Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Yes. I agree with your analysis.

I wonder why Matterport does not add value rather than offer cash discounts – things that cost Matterport pennies on the dollar.

Examples might include:

✓ free 2D Floor plan with every Matterport 3D Tour
✓ free: 10 additional models processed per month for three months
✓ Rate Freeze: lock-in processing/hosting pricing for five years

Post 5 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user

If you are willing to spend $4000 in a camera, receiving a discount will be nice but it will not be the decisive factor in your purchase decision. At least not in a significative way for a great number of people.

On the other hand, if you increase the perceived value of the whole value proposition via what you are suggesting, and perhaps a few more things that they could do, then they could appeal to more people that might be reluctant to join the brand because of all what they read in the forums.

And I strongly insist in the storage of our models. I cannot understand why they have not offered a simple and affordable way of storing our models, other than an Ipad, which costs about 3 dollars per Gigabyte.

We should be able to keep our models in the storage media of our choosing. It is outrageous what they are doing.

Post 6 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jfantin
In the last months Matterport has done better in Marketing, and have introduced some minor improvements but essentially it is the very same stubborn company that refuses to provide a real solution for models storage (using an iPad as a storage device is ridiculous and very expensive), refuses to launch an Android App, so we can use whatever tablet we want, and refuses to give us more control over our models.

Jorge, while I usually agree with everything you say -- I do not see iPad storage and Android support being that important in the grand scheme. A massive amount of work is going into Capture, and it's very stable on iOS. If Matterport ports it to Android, I'm afraid that it would fragment development too much and slow down innovation.

Cloud Restore would be very nice and solve the problem about keeping your models on your iPad.

What are your ideas on more control over models?
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

I wonder why Matterport does not add value rather than offer cash discounts – things that cost Matterport pennies on the dollar.

Examples might include:

✓ free 2D Floor plan with every Matterport 3D Tour
✓ free: 10 additional models processed per month for three months
✓ Rate Freeze: lock-in processing/hosting pricing for five years

I think that $300 is easier to communicate/market.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

While $300 off is easy to communicate, what if Matterport offered $1,000 credit towards additional processing by 31 December 2018.

That's easy to communicate, is a real value for the right client and would cost Matterport far less than $300 to offer.

If their back-end can not support an offer like this, it could be handled with a low-tech year-end rebate.

$300 devalues the price all the Matterport Service Provider innovators have paid for their camera.

Post 9 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Chris,

You are right regarding the iOS/Android issue. If resources are limited, then concentrating in iOS makes sense. I won´t argue that, even though I would like to have an Android solution for the reasons that I will explain below.

The storage issue is a different thing. I now have an iPad PRO with 256Gb memory, but until recently I had an Air2 128Gb. As I didn´t want to delete my models to make room to new ones, I had to purchase a new iPad, which was unnecesary under any other circunstance.

I feel that it is ridiculous to upgrade my iPad when I need more memory. An iPad is not a memory device and it shouldn´t be used as such. It is like hunting moskitoes with a bazooka. It will kill them, but it is an exageration.

If I could have a way to store my original models in some storage device or service (Google Drive, Dropbox or perhaps my own PC via iTunes or something like that), then I wouldn´t need to spend my money in new iPads every time I need more memory space.

There has to be an easy way of doing that. I considered Android because some Tablets have external memory while the guys at Cuppertino love their closed environment where there are no holes where you can plug other things.

Perhaps you can carry this message to the Matterport gang. I know they are working hard and it is evident that something has changed lately. It is that some of the fundamental things remained unchanged.

All the best.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod - I do believe that a large credit towards cloud fees would be a VERY good incentive to give people who currently own a Pro-1 and would like to trade-in their Pro-1 and move up to a Pro-2. If I were in the position to create promotions, I would bend over backwards to make this happen. People who took lesser deals on a trade-in would get up in arms and then I would have to explain to them that there has been a MASSIVE value in EVERY month that they have owned a Pro-2 that would easily amount to a greater value than $1000 in cloud fees.

However - I do not believe in giving NEW customers a credit like that ... they haven't seen the value in it yet. I do support the idea of lowering the price of entry.

So they lowered the price by $300 from what it was a few months ago? Fine, I made "at least $300" in the past few months. Not bothered.

@jfantin - How often do you need spaces from your iPad after you have delivered the product to the client? I'm hoping that Cloud Restore will soon be available. I remove my tours when space is needed and have found that there's never been a time that I've needed to edit a tour after 30 days.

In THEORY - there are some OLDER models that I did that I could go improve the MESH on ... fill windows better, etc -- but I'm holding out for this to be possible in workshop... wishful thinking perhaps.
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by j@fantin

The storage issue is a different thing. I now have an iPad PRO with 256Gb memory, but until recently I had an Air2 128Gb. As I didn´t want to delete my models to make room to new ones, I had to purchase a new iPad, which was unnecesary under any other circunstance.

I feel that it is ridiculous to upgrade my iPad when I need more memory. An iPad is not a memory device and it shouldn´t be used as such. It is like hunting moskitoes with a bazooka. It will kill them, but it is an exageration.

If I could have a way to store my original models in some storage device or service (Google Drive, Dropbox or perhaps my own PC via iTunes or something like that), then I wouldn´t need to spend my money in new iPads every time I need more memory space.

All the best.


Yes. Matterport has not addressed the need for storage. We should not have to buy an additional iPad to deal with the storage issue.

We all already upload our models to Matterport. We should be able to restore one or more models back to our iPads. Or, at least, add all the iPad editing functionality to Matterport Workshop.

I always enjoy your insight. Much appreciated.



P.S. @Metroplex360 I will reply to your post today ... (Wednesday, 8 November 2017)
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Imagine that Matterport gets a 100 new client with a $300 cash off offer, and ...
Imagine that Matterport gets a 100 new clients with a $300 credit for additional processing offer

Now, here's the magic of a $300 credit offer for additional processing ...

1. Cost Matterport far less than $300 to make this offer
2. Does not diminish the value of the existing cameras that we all own
3. Gets the "right" clients for Matterport: heavy users versus "I just need to do 12 scans a year to be happy"
4. Reduces the rate of growth of adding customer support reps (better fit clients)
5. The credit offer could be for much more and still cost Matterport much less than the $300 cash offer.
6. Reduces the rate of growth of adding new inside sales reps (price sensitive clients need more hand holding.)
7. Adding Value offer testing: processing, hosting, floor plans, CoreVR, other TBD products
8. Cash offer sounds desperate
9. Cash offer trains potential buyers to wait for cash off offers
10. The offer testing could have been done with emails to their prospect lists

I simply do not understand a $300 discount versus adding value ...



P.S. Our older models will have value in TBD ways. We should not have to delete them. For example, imagine an API for floor plans of houses and this company is willing to pay for the models to be uploaded to their account. I'm not saying that's the only use; just an example of why we should not have to make a choice about deleting models from our iPads ....
Post 13 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
@jfantin I too just went from an Air 2 to a Pro 256GB. Do you think it transfers and aligns faster? It seems like it does to me. I'm really happy with the Pro as a whole, but I also think it is ridiculous for Apple not to support micro SD cards for memory.

That is my fundamental problem with Apple. They just say [redacted], we do what we want and your gonna pay for it!
Post 14 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Richierichks

When I purchased the new iPadPRO I timed the transfer rate and I found a difference of a few seconds. Nothing significant, but faster than the older model (I am using the old model of Matterport camera)

Regarding alignment, it seems to go smoother and I receive less errors, but perhaps this is related to the Capture app and not to the iPad itself, although I am not sure.

If you ask me, I would say that there is a slight advantage, but not significant enough as to justify the purchase of the PRO model. I did it only because I was worried about the storage capacity and not the processing capabilities.

Maybe with the new Matterport camera things are different and you need more processing power (which I think the iPad PRO has).

But going back to your and my fundamental problem with Apple is their stubborness in not accepting SD cards. I mean, if they want to create their own iSDCard, I don´t mind, as long as I can have something where I can store data out of the iPad.

I stil have my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) and it is so wonderful with its pencil and its microSD slot...
Post 15 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Metroplex360
@jfantin - How often do you need spaces from your iPad after you have delivered the product to the client? I'm hoping that Cloud Restore will soon be available. I remove my tours when space is needed and have found that there's never been a time that I've needed to edit a tour after 30 days.

In THEORY - there are some OLDER models that I did that I could go improve the MESH on ... fill windows better, etc -- but I'm holding out for this to be possible in workshop... wishful thinking perhaps.

Not too often. A couple of months ago a customer asked me to create a model from an older one, only that in this case he wanted to show half of the place (it was a large office floor that was for rent divided in two sections). The property was very large and by having the original model in my iPad I could just create a copy, edited the unnecessary rooms, and voila!. It is a very good customer so I didn´t charge him for this service (if I had to go back to the property I would have to charge him because it was a 10,000 sq ft floor).

The idea is to have a safe and practical way of keeping the work done...just in case.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
@jfantin - I tried a current generation standard iPad before I got this and it was so slow! Yes, I am an Android fan as well. I do agree that the iPad does seem a little less glitchy than an Android.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
In my inbox this morning in the UK

Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


A month ago, Matterport was offering $300 off to the first 200 customers.

Yesterday (12 December 2017), I saw the offer in one of my social media channels.

Does this mean that Matterport has not sold 200 Cameras in the last 30 days?

Post 19 IP   flag post
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