If you are reading this and NOT a member of the Forum, join us so that you can elect to receive email alerts on new Forum threads like our Help Wanted notices.

If you are NOT a member of the Referral Network of Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers and Real Estate Agents, Join Us to help potential clients find you.

To make it super-easy and super-fast for anyone to find a Matterport Pro, our goal is to have at least one Pro within every market on the map with their profile info public. When someone wants a Pro, they want to find a Pro fast. (Try "Incognito" Google search of "Matterport Photographer" and it's likely that We Get Around and our Referral Network of Matterport Pro Photographers are among four of the six top links.)

For example, in Seattle, Forum Member @edirwin of 3D4RE has a public profile on our Referral Network of Matterport Pro map. While our Referral Network is NOT exclusive, so far, 3D4RE is the only Matterport Pro Photography Service Company that has joined in the greater Seattle area.

Ideally, when potential clients view our Referral Network map they find. 3D4RE. And, if they email us – and have at least one Pro that has already joined our Referral Network, we point the potential client to our Referral Network map.

In the short term, I anticipate that we will continue to post Matterport Pro Help Wanted notices in the Forum when we do not have a Pro that has already joined our Referral Network of Matterport Pro Photographers.

In the long term, I anticipate that all our replies to potential clients will be please see our map of Referral Network of Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers and Real Estate Agents. Plus, over time, there will be no need to call or email us because the potential client will simply find a Pro on our map.

So, why would any Pro want to remain anonymous (red pins on the map)? Some are real estate agents that only shoot 3D Showcases for their clients (or their agents).

For the rest of the "red pins" – seems like it is a missed opportunity to help potential clients find them.

Plus, when you join our free Referral Network of Matterport Pros, we have this special offer.


Founder, Matterport User Group Forum
Founder, Referral Network of Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers and Real Estate Agents
Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer, We Get Around