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Matterport VS Google Certified photographer5659

Ghagendorf private msg quote post Address this user
I have approached a museum about providing a Matterport 3D tour. The response was that "We have already identified a Google Certified photographer". Should I assume this for a street view provider? Any selling points on Matterport vs Google street view?
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DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
Street view looks like crap compared to Matterport... from what I have seen...
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Rich Mattertags is a huge opportunity for a museum. In addition to annotating with text, they can embed the curator video/audio for each piece and include merch for sale.

Examples of features that Matterport has that Google Street View does not:

1. Mattertags
2. Slide Show
3. Set Tour on Automatic
4. Snapshots after the fact
5. Point Cloud / Object File - exhibit designer would find this tremendously helpful
6. Videos from 3D Tour
7. 360ยบ Views exported from the tour
8. Dollhouse View
9. Floor Plan View


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Nerdvice451 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport and Street View are different animals. Matterport is for a website and Google Sphericals are for Google Maps/street View. Now there are people out there who call themselves Google Photographers, which is a lie. There are Google Trusted Photographers and only if you drive one of the Google cars are you actually a Google photographer. If you want to compete with these folks, you have to become a Google Trusted Photographer. And since Matterport is for a website and Google sphericals are for Google, having a just a Matterport Camera will not allow you to get those types of jobs.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Does this change your mind....

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Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi There
I work alot with the Auckland War Memorial Museum here in NZ and we do a combo of both for them. There are different needs for different things. We first started dealing with the digital team and now are engaged by a large number of people at the museum to do different things.

I create MP scans for archival purposes - for exhibits which are short term and for exhibits that are closing or changing. We have done Google photography to showcase the rental spaces the museum has and for how people get to in and which entrance to take for what things. We have also done both Google style imagery and MP for a particular space which was shutting (under great controversy). MP was for archival purposes and the Google style imagery we pulled into an interactive Bespoke Virtual Tour so that as the gallery was being dismantled people could still virtually experience it on a touch screen outside the space. Now that the gallery has been closed you can still access it on the AWMM website.

We have found that getting work with the museum has all come down to our relationship with them. I have made some great contacts which are now friends and they are constantly letting their colleagues know about us and what we do!

In conclusion to my rambling there are loads of uses for both technologies. Its all about finding a balance and providing what the customer actually needs for the project.
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Nerdvice451 private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, The complexities of this are formidable. I will believe that they will do it when I see it.
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