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Posting on Facebook - Download File?558

Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Forum,

A client tried to post a direct link to Facebook and was encountering something that looks like this:

It's hard to read but it says "Download File".
The Showcase does pop-up once you click on the text.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks for your help!

Post 1 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
In my experience, Facebook can sometimes hiccup with these thumbnails. If you experience this issue, you can often clear it up by visiting Facebook's 'Open Graph Debugger' tool, found here:

Facebook Open Graph Debugger ยป

Then enter in your shared URL:

In this case:

If the results aren't what you expected, try clicking the "Fetch New Scrape Information". Once the "Preview" looks like you expected, go back and try sharing the link again on Facebook itself.

This usually clears things up for me.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@rpetersn That's an interesting tool for Facebook... never even heard of it before. Thanks for sharing!

I noticed that when you run that for @AyaMHadden it has a Canonical URL that reads, (14 likes, 14 shares)

Do you know if that number of likes and number of shares is a tracking tool for the link on Facebook? I ran the url of a model I put on Facebook on Aug.7 and it read 12 likes, 9 shares, however I only see 2 shares on my Facebook business page.
Post 3 IP   flag post
tlyons private msg quote post Address this user
Anytime you make a change to blog post or for Realtors, listing information such as price change etc, it's smart to use the debugger tool to update the content. Facebook posts are cached and will remain the same when previewed in Facebook. Using the debugger tool will refresh that cache and update the title, featured image, and description content.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
I definitely don't have 14 likes or shares just yet.

When I post the showcase, the thumbnail displays correctly like so:

But once you click on the thumbnail, the text "Download File" pops up. I honestly am not sure how to comprehend the Graph Object Debugger..
Post 5 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden I don't see you post on your page:

Is it posted somewhere else?

Perhaps this new play-in-place feature to display Matterport models on FB isn't fully rolled out yet? Maybe that's causing this bit of a hiccup?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
I tested it out on my personal page:

I thought the same thing, maybe they are still figuring out some things, but I wanted to make sure.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Andrew private msg quote post Address this user
.. works correctly. It's next to head post.

sorry, muy fault... different model
Post 8 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden Yeah...I think its on them at this point.

Hard to say whether it is an issue with how Facebook is processing this new type of content...or a problem with how Matterport is formatting the Facebook og: tags.

I suppose a support request to Matterport couldn't hurt.
Post 9 IP   flag post
YairYepez private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden Matterport does not support facebook sharing yet. That is a feature that is coming with the realease of Showcase 2.0 soon. So far you can only share a link in fb, but use the showcase link instead of the workshop embedded code...otherwise you will get the dowload file error
Post 10 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
@rpetersn Bummer It's weird because my previous models that I've shared displays and works great, but the only thing that's different is that the older ones do not have the Play button in the middle. I'll request support to Matterport right now and see what they think.

Has anyone had any issues that are similar to mine?
Post 11 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@YairYepez Thx for the tip/note.

That said, it probably couldn't hurt to continue testing this out over coming weeks/etc. I'd think that chances are good that this will silently start working prior to the Showcase 2.0 release.

Oh...and (shameless plug) I'll be keeping a close eye on this so that my plugin WP3D Models will support this new Facebook embedding option to any extent possible.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden Make sure to note @YairYepez 's info. I overlooked that you were sharing the 'workshop URL' vs the 'showcase link'. There's an important distinction there.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
@YairYepez That's very true. The embed doesn't work yet but the direct link should.. I tried posting one of my older showcases and it works perfectly. The recent update may have something to do with this.

@rpetersn Double checked I should be using the correct link. I'm sorry to bother you again but I have a question about the Debugger. Once I click Show Existing Scrape Information, is there a particular link I can use? or is the purpose of debugging is to show what is wrong with the link?
Post 14 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden No problem...the Debugger tool just lets you see what is currently stored/cached by Facebook for a particular URL. If something has changed at that location (URL) then Facebook may have outdated information stored. You can use the Debugger to fetch new info (clearing out their stored cache) or you can just use the "Show Existing" to see what is currently cached.

The URL you share won't change....and yes, the other (maybe primary) purpose of the debugger tool is to help developers make sure they are providing FB with properly formatted data for sharing.

Does that help?
Post 15 IP   flag post
3dvirtueletour private msg quote post Address this user
Use not the workshop link..

i hope it works.when you use it at this way it s also good for google..

best regards
Post 16 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
@rpetersn Yes that makes sense. I appreciate the explanation!
I kept trying again and again and now... the link works!
I think you telepathically fixed it. Thank you
Post 17 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
@AyaMHadden Good deal. seems that MP already removed the FB code that caused this...for better or worse.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
Possible Solutions:

If you ever encounter an issue like this when posting on facebook, here are a few things you can try before contacting support.

Solution 1) Make sure you are using the Direct Showcase Link and not the Workshop Link or the Embed Code

Solution 2) Go to, input URL and click "Show Existing Scrape Information"

Solution 3) Go to, input URL and click "Fetch New Scrape Information"

Thank you all for helping me out.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Fort Worth, TX
3dHouseScan private msg quote post Address this user
Update from Matterport:

I contacted matterport about this (before it was resolved) and here is their reply.

"Hello Aya,
Good news: this should be fixed by the end of the day. Facebook has a bug, which we've launched a work-around to address. That is currently propagating through the various servers, hence the delay in seeing the update. I'd suggest trying a fresh Facebook post in 2 hours, and letting me know if that works!"

So yay
Post 20 IP   flag post
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