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MP Survey 2017Survey

Matterport Satisfaction & New Feature Survey5412

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I received this survey today (Tuesday, 12 Sept. 2017).

Feel free to post your answers to this discussion or start a new discussion by feature.




Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Obviously there's no guarantee that items in the survey are within the realm of possibility, but some items that were mentioned that excited me were:

- More control over image quality (edit brightness, contrast, saturation, exposure, etc)

- Blur out private information such as family photos

- Add background music and/or narration

- Correct mistakes from Capture process within Workshop (trim and clean up the 3D data/mesh)

- Having a standalone offline desktop version of the Showcase app (not by a web browser) for Windows
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for the list.

Was a Backup solution mentioned?

Post 3 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I don't have the survey open anymore, but yes... I think there was some mention about the importance of back up which hopefully means they're working on it.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport pretty much surveyed its users about every possible idea that has been shared and discussed. It was nice to see these things in print and collected together. There were even some interesting questions concerning how important the dollhouse is, if we would consider shooting a tour without a dollhouse and if we would like higher quality dollhouses. Rather well rounded.

One interesting omission was any mention of Google Street View - but I will assume that GSV is already complete and there's no need to really ask any questions about it.
Post 5 IP   flag post
lauks private msg quote post Address this user
backup is mandatory by project (space), and hopefully also to other clouds than icloud, like dropbox or NextCloud...
and i do not understand why unscanned areas are black instead of a contrast color like Green or magenta. would make life easier
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video: Matterport Satisfaction and New Feature Survey - WGAN Forum Founder Dan Smigrod fills out Live

I completed the Matterport Satisfaction & New Feature Survey 2017 on WGAN-TV Live at 5 - (5 pm ET | GMT -4)on Monday, 18 September 2017 and and provide a running commentary about my answers.

Index of Forum Posts for Each Section of the Survey

1-Matterport Survey 2017-Overall Thoughts
2-Matterport Survey 2017-Matterport Spaces
3-Matterport Survey 2017-Matterport Workshop
4-Matterport Survey 2017-Matterport Cloud
5-Matterport Survey 2017-Matterport Virtual Reality (VR)
6-Matterport Survey 2017-2D matFloor Plans
7-Matterport Survey 2017-Billing and Pricing
8-Matterport Survey 2017-3D Showcase for iOS
9-Matterport Survey 2017-Matterport Service Providers
10-Matterport Survey: Customer Support/Transfer/Rights
11-Matterport Survey 2017-End of Survey Info

Anyone watch all 4.25 hours of the video?


Post 7 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Finally, they - Matterport have discovered the WE GET AROUND FORUM. So let's see how they turn this all around. I really hope they do.
Post 8 IP   flag post
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