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A scan in the wrong place in the Capture app5254

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

While scanning now, a scan ended up in the wrong place in the Capture app.

This can happen occasionally when there is low overlap from the previous scan and/or there is sun or reflection of the sun in the scan.

Best practices is always double check that your scans are where you expect them

If in the wrong place, I delete the scan and then move the camera closer to the previous scan.

Has this happened to you?



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Networker private msg quote post Address this user
Oooooooh yes! Scanned an entire empty floor in an office tower and saw the scan was misplaced. Because it never happened to me before I thought it was a "glitch." I proceeded with the final 25 percent of the floor. Sent to be stitched and when I saw it--I freaked!

The first thing I did was go to MUG where I received some excellent advice. Fortunately, I still had the model on the iPad. I returned the next day, deleted the offending scans and rescanned the last part. Of course, the client never knew how I botched it up the first time and was delighted with the final model. Now, anytime that happens, like Dan says, fix it on the spot. Trust us--it's not a glitch. ;c)
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mori private msg quote post Address this user
Oh yes - had this issue several times. Especially when scanning big empty spaces and outdoors.

To avoid scanning issues it often helped to totally change position to another spot you scanned already - best a wall or corner place - and start from there to the area you need to scan.

And of course reduce the distance between scan spots in the area where these issues came up.

Another option - if possible - is to place markers or objects, so the cam has something for the orientation.
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Dana Point, CA
RPOceanic private msg quote post Address this user
I've noticed this primarily when scanning outdoors w/ wide open spaces and uv interference and am always extra careful in checking scan location when doing so. In this instance- deleting the scan, lowering the tripod, moving closer to an exterior wall as well as decreasing distance between scans has resolved the issue.
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