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Matterport bought iGuide google ad4885

New Orleans, LA
PetraSoderling private msg quote post Address this user
I was searching for "iguide" in Google and clicked the first link. It went to Matterport. It's 7.45 am on a Saturday morning so I had to try it twice before realizing I did not make a mistake: the keyword was bought by Matterport.

Post 1 IP   flag post
OpenHouseOptics private msg quote post Address this user
That's brilliant
Post 2 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I would be upset if I were iGuide. Thats pretty blatant of them to use IGuides company name in an ad. Very misleading too.
Post 3 IP   flag post
alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
I think buying the keyword is a good idea and fair game but starting the add with "iguide" is out of line.
Post 4 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, I think its good for them to buy the Keyword too. But to use it in their add is definitely not kosher!
Post 5 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user
Just like Lane Kiffen said "if you ain't cheating, you ain't winning"!
Post 6 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user
I would rather them go after their competitors clients than my realtors, which are my mine!
Post 7 IP   flag post
nat_vanveen private msg quote post Address this user
@PetraSoderling whoever they hired to run their AdWords campaigns hasn't got a clue.. that's a rookie SEM mistake... Matterport probably aren't even aware of this. There are [redacted] digital marketers and agencies out there.
Post 8 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

It wasn't by an outside source! They might claim it was. There was a post on here about the sales department getting info from scans and calling and emailing realtors to sell them cameras. I remember one guy said it was his wife's listing and they tried to say she inquired about a camera.

You are right about shady marketers out there!
Post 9 IP   flag post
nat_vanveen private msg quote post Address this user
@justinv LOL that would then be even worse
Post 10 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

After that, I don't put any info at all on there. I just put all details in the wp3d website.

I am thinking about not even put the address in capture app. Just put the street name and see what happens.
Post 11 IP   flag post
OpenHouseOptics private msg quote post Address this user
Oh wow, that's insane to think they would do that...but there's a local matterport provider here in my town that's following me on Instagram and reaching out to my clients so nothing really surprises me anymore.
Post 12 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

That is the problem with social media! You try to use it to show of your work and someone else uses to steal your clients! That is why a good relationship is more important sometimes than the product or price point you are selling.

Hopefully they are on this forum and see your post! Not to say they will stop but they will know that you know!
Post 13 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Post your work with your clients details on social media and it's fair game. Essentially, it's almost the same as putting their contact details on a spread sheet and sending it to you. I post to Facebook but never the clients name. Of course, it's easy enough to find the listing agent who has the property listed with an address. If you are servicing your clients right, you'll keep them. I have some leave I'm sure because someone else offered them a better deal but only to come back because the grass wasn't as green as they had been told.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
If you're confident in your product and marketing angle(s), you don't need to do this.
Post 15 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I posted by accident on the wrong post....
Post 16 IP   flag post
iGuide CIO
and Co-Founder
Kitchener CAN
Kevin_iGuide private msg quote post Address this user
​​Our ​iGuide ​trademark ​was infringed upon and the infringement was documented thanks to @PetraSoderling and the wonderful WGA Network​.

​Although the problem has not yet been resolved to our satisfaction, at ​acknowledgement of proper market position has been re-established.

​Sited USA case law explains this is not uncommon practices in competitive spaces.

Thank you WGA for your active engagement.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
@Kevin_iGuide It reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. We know who won that battle.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, I havent done Adwords for years, but that would seem to be a violation of Google rules.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
Google were fined £2bn today for messing with search results. Let's not hold them or their rules up as beacons of ethics. If you pay them enough or are one of their pet projects you will rank where you like for whatever key terms you like.

@Kevin_iGuide Hats off for not getting walked all over.
Post 20 IP   flag post
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