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Why I am the MatterBaby-in-Chief4822

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video: Forum Founder Dan Smigrod interviewed by Barrie Fisher at IVRPA 2016 in Quebec City. (May 24, 2016)

Hi All,

In a related Forum Discussion this week – The Next Generation: MatterBabbies@StevenHattan says we should not cry like a baby about:

"Matterport should do this."
"Matterport should do that."
"Matterport is the worse company I've ever dealt with."
"Matterport (insert a ridiculous complaint)."

"Oh jeez...I feel like I need to go prepare some bottles of warm milk and get out the bibs. Perhaps a diaper change or two?," says Steven.

It turns out I am the We Get Around Network Forum Founder and MatterBaby-in-Chief.

Some backstory before I write about why I am the MatterBaby-in-Chief (and that I am okay with that).

I started the Forum three years ago - 19 August 2014 - "to help create community around the Matterport platform; including the Matterport Pro 3D Camera and Capture app; and soon on mobile phones, tablets, glasses, goggles and devices that we haven't even imagined (yet)."

Simply said, the We Get Around Network Forum is a Community about giving and getting help for all of us to succeed faster.

Fast forward to today (16 June 2017). We have 12,000 monthly Visitors; of which 2,900 are registered Members in 98 countries. Together we have created a movement (see video below) that includes the world's largest knowledge based of all things Matterport and related 3D-VR-360º-Street View (35,500 posts among 5,600 topics.)

With nearly 1.2 million page views, our voice 'matters' to our Members and Matterport. (Matterport doesn't post, but they do read every word. They are our favorite lurkers.)

So, it is important - really important - for us to let Matterport know what's important to us. And, you have had a big impact on Matterport decision making. For example:

✓ increasing the trade-in value of the Matterport Pro1 for the Matterport Pro2
✓ increasing the early adopter bonus to $500 from $200
✓ offering Matterport VR via Google Cardboard (Thank you Gary)
✓ offering MatterTags (Thank you Chris)
✓ offering 2D Schematic Floor Plans (Thank you Petra)
✓ offering Highlights reel (thank you competition)
✓ offering videos from Matterport Spaces (thank you Alex)
✓ offering downloads of all Matterport Spaces (thank you Ross)
✓ offering downloads of 360ºs (thank you Chris)
✓ moving the Terms of service notice (thank you Chris)
✓ likely offering measurements (Thank you @Metroplex360 and @JuMP)
✓ likely improving statistics (Thank you Chris)
✓ likely making the Matterport logo smaller or white label for Pros (thank you everyone)

I am not shy to praise Matterport. Some examples:

Matterport Teaser Videos + GIF: Magical
Matterport to explode (in a good way)

But I also feel a responsibility to be a MatterBaby – to be an advocate for the community. To let Matterport known when and why we are unhappy and what Matterport should do about it.

It's best to have cranky customers that let you know - than to have customers that simply exit without saying anything.

My vision for the Forum included keeping the energy positive - and sometimes I break that rule coming down hard on Matterport. With 12,000+ Visitors monthly trying to understand the 3D-VR-360º-Street View Space and the various 1-click 360º Camera solutions, my sense is that you care what I have to say - and other Members of the We Get Around Network Forum Community.

So, while I would do my best to be positive - and to encourage the energy in the Community to be positive - respectively @StevenHattan - it's important for me - for you - for all of us to let the Mothership know when we feel it is headed in the wrong direction.

So, I proudly wear the badge of MatterBaby-in-Chief.

What do you think?



P.S. In honor of Steven' coining the term Matterbabies, you can now use ( or as a short-cut to the We Get Around Network Forum.

Video: We Get Around Network Forum Community is a movement
Post 1 IP   flag post
JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
Nice one Dan, just remember "I do not change diapers"
Post 2 IP   flag post
Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
Well put, Dan. This forum has been vital to the success of many full time MSPs and, although we typically observe and not comment, we appreciate the insight, suggestions, comments, and knowledge from others that choose to be more forthcoming with their activities. My team does not want to support or promote the vast majority of negativity from certain members of this forum. Your positive viewpoint and immediate interactions with members is rare and invaluable to the ongoing success of this forum. Please keep up the good work.
Post 3 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Interpreting the written word can be very difficult. I remember from sales 101 that the same written sentence can be read many different ways.

For example the statement, "I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby" can be taken six different ways.

I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.
I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.
I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.
I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.
I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.
I didn't say Dan was a MatterBaby.

With the BOLD it helps make clear what my intention was with that statement. Without it FIVE (5) interpretations were 'wrong'.

The funny thing is when I wrote that post, Dan wasn't even part of the mental process; I didn't mentally put Dan into the MatterBaby Generation (what was that generation BEFORE Baby Boomers? haha) was kind of self inflicted.

Interestingly, though, Dan and I attempt to do the same thing. Give praises when it's needed and scolding when it's necessary.

Of course, this shouldn't stop.

However, there are certainly some posts that cry MATTERBABY all day long.

So, in honor of our MatterBaby Master-in-Chief, I've updated my Contact list from Dan Smigrod to MatterBaby MIC.

Have a great weekend, make lots of money and keep pushing forward.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
Always love reading your posts Steven. I think we should trust Matterport with the timing of their releases so no issues there in terms of tech. My one and only issue is with ownership of content but, that said, it doesn't stop any of us making a living using their camera. Not quite sure if that makes me a Matter-babie but I guess if there's room for a Matter-foetus classification, put me in that. Keep the honesty and passion mate, nothing wrong with having a point of view!
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Moving this back to the top Dan
Post 6 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Moving this back to the top Dan

And rightly so Dan, I can't believe you didn't get an invite!
Post 7 IP   flag post
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