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The Next Generation: MatterBabies4810

StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
[Ok have some redacting to do]

Once upon a time there were baby boomers.
Next came Gen X...then Y...then the Millennials.

I have discovered a NEW Generation...


I don't participate much anymore for a couple reasons because I feel like I'm in room full of [redacted] BABIES.

What is the big deal regarding the Terms and Conditions? In my small, stupid, myopic world someone calls me for a scan, I do the scan, send it to the client, ask for a referral and then forget what the entire house looks like within hours.


Who cares that Matterport has their name on the screen...not my clients who PAY me. Who cares that their platform isn't open to 3rd Party developers...not my clients who PAY me. Who cares that I don't own the data...not my clients who PAY me. Who cares that I have to pay $20 for a model I charge $400 for....not my clients who PAY me.

"Matterport should do this."
"Matterport should do that."
"Matterport is the worse company I've ever dealt with."
"Matterport (insert a ridiculous complaint)."

Oh jeez...I feel like I need to go prepare some bottles of warm milk and get out the bibs. Perhaps a diaper change or two?

Below is a screen shot of my business in the month of May. I don't know if this is a lot or a little. The average scan is about $350 and one was for $2,100. April was about the same and June is on track for the same volume as May.

So, is a question:

Do you think my clients give a [redacted] about ANYTHING you all bitch about? Seriously???


Do you think my clients give a [redacted] about ANYTHING you all bitch about?

I just have to shake my head and giggle. The MatterBabies in this forum apparently struggle to get clients. These are the Matterbabies who spend their time on the forum complaining, crying and bitching but....


I've said it a million times in this forum and other places:
Do the best with what you have to work with.

Do the best you have with what you have!

If Matterport offers a new service and decides to charge for it...


You have choices:
1. Do nothing with the new paid service.
2. Offer the service to your clients for free.
3. Offer the service to your clients for a price.
4. Bitch and complain, bitch and complain.

We have the exportable 360 degree pictures to social media now. I just discovered it last night and haven't had a chance to really look into it yet.

I'm already reading about whether they will charge for it or not.

Besides MatterBabies...who cares?

Charge $10 an export, charge $1 an export or charge nothing. What difference does it make?

Again, W.h.a.t. d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.c.e. d.o.e.s. i.t. m.a.k.e?

"Matterport should offer these tools for free," demanded the spoiled Matterbaby.

Really? Why? Are you not smart enough to work with what's available and make business decisions with your brain?

"But, but, but Steve...I only make $5,000 a year and [(insert some whoa is me story about why you're not making any money).

My response...get the [redacted] of the 3D business and go sell a [redacted] or something. It's obviously not a good business model based on your economy so why are you even doing it?

For the REAL entrepreneurs in this forum, no matter what Matterport does or doesn't do they will find a way to succeed.

Right now, after only 1.5 years I may hit my goal of 400 jobs this year, single handedly.

50,000 bitches and complaints from the Matterbabies and I am laughing all the way to the bank with the worst company in America.


Stupid [redacted] Matterbabies. ahahahahaha.

Here is a screenshot of May and here is a challenge for all the Matterbabies.

For the next month...take all that negative Matterbaby Energy you so easily spew on this forum and put it towards finding a client and building your business.

If you can't do it because of (insert a stupid excuse) then reconsider your business plan. I hear McDonalds has reinvented itself and looking for good people.

Oh...last thing. Since 5:00pm CST 6/14/2017 I have received FOUR (4) requests for a Matterport...and not a single client brought up a Matterbaby complaint.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Chadcloses private msg quote post Address this user
Can I just get the milk for my covfefe? Nice schedule!!! You're killing it!!!
Post 2 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Yes...I have some milk for you but it's called Trump Milk. haha
Post 3 IP   flag post
JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
very well said :-),
Post 4 IP   flag post
Briski2208 private msg quote post Address this user
Couldn't help but think of this steve sorry
Post 5 IP   flag post
meitswai private msg quote post Address this user
Huh. Nice post to wake up to. So what I'm getting here is that if someone posts something you don't like, or don't agree with, they are a baby. You know what is funny? I was recommended to joining this group yesterday because I was told it was a group of great people who didn't act like jerks. Interesting- It took less than 12 hours for someone to troll out. And why the politics? I'm here to talk and learn about Matterport, not this crap.

And FYI, your schedule is weak. We do 4-5 a day, 6 days a week.
Post 6 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Newbie....nice to meet you.

hahaha....LOL....I didn't post anything for someone to disagree with or not like. Perhaps you still have sleep in your eye? It's ok. haha.

You did hear right though...there are some really great people on here. I could probably name a dozen in three seconds. Questions are answered, people help people. I actually am a paying member...just because I find the forum valuable , not because I take advantage of all the great services. You've made a good choice in visiting (be sure to become a member...all sorts of value).


"I'm here to talk and learn about Matterport, not this crap."


Where there is forum, there is drama.

With any good, there is bad. This forum is no different. There are people like me, like you, like them and like they. You do this, I do that. It's how it works.

No doubt, you'll get a lot out of this forum but you'll also experience MatterBabies.

In reference to my weak stated, I don't know if it's good or bad.

However, Newbie, when I see the word "we" I think of...wait for it...

...more than one person.

Hahahaha...if I decided to torture myself and babysit another employee I can most certainly assure you that 4-5 a day would be easily attainable.

In the mean time, don't hesitate to reach out if you have a question for the forum if you don't know everything already.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by meitswai
Huh. Nice post to wake up to. So what I'm getting here is that if someone posts something you don't like, or don't agree with, they are a baby. You know what is funny? I was recommended to joining this group yesterday because I was told it was a group of great people who didn't act like jerks. Interesting- It took less than 12 hours for someone to troll out. And why the politics? I'm here to talk and learn about Matterport, not this crap.

And FYI, your schedule is weak. We do 4-5 a day, 6 days a week.

Steve is a special case. He's the noisy one and by no means a jerk. We have a great forum You're commenting on 1 out of thousands of threads about 3D photography and Matteport scanning.

Steve's message is good -- because it's actually complaining about people using this forum as a complaints department when it seems like misdirected energy.

And BTW - Steve's schedule is pretty strong. He is a one man operation, I believe. I'm pretty impressed -- I'm doing VERY well as a two person operation with several MSPs that I can also refer work out to - but I'm not at Steve level yet. You can turn a very nice profit and still be a family man
Post 8 IP   flag post
meitswai private msg quote post Address this user
There is always a [redacted]. Nice attitude. I WAS going to become a paying member, but after this, no point if I'll be dealing with people like you on a regular basis. Way to cost them money.
Post 9 IP   flag post
meitswai private msg quote post Address this user
FYI, my husband does the video, and I do the rest, so for the Matterport side, it IS a one woman operation.
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

How about everyone take a deep breath and let's do a time out on this discussion.

Can we all agree that we can disagree?

Post 11 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
My apologies, Dan. It looks like your days of becoming a millionaire have been set back a member.

I'll be a good boy.
Post 12 IP   flag post
meitswai private msg quote post Address this user
Post 13 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by meitswai
FYI, my husband does the video, and I do the rest, so for the Matterport side, it IS a one woman operation.

Sorry, you had said "We do 4-5 a day, 6 days a week." I assumed that this meant that more than one person did Matterport scans as you were comparing your workload to Steve's.

Originally Posted by StevenHattan
My apologies, Dan. It looks like your days of becoming a millionaire have been set back a member.

I'll be a good boy.

The forum doesn't even have paid membership, which is what I don't understand. Dan's amazing referral network and massive library of added-value tools and discounts is a separate thing.
Post 14 IP   flag post
meitswai private msg quote post Address this user
Metro- That makes sense. Sorry for the confusion
Post 15 IP   flag post
Mooresville, NC
lknbigfish private msg quote post Address this user
Great post Steve. I sift through the new topics everyday and am amazed at the amount of complaint and wishlist posts.
(I am a paying member as well and have found this forum to be a great resource.)
Post 16 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
It's necessary but it also gets old. No worries. This is exactly what a healthy forum does.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@lknbigfish Matterport have certainly addressed a lot of the items on people's wish lists. I stop have a few, but full confidence that they are coming.

As @StevenHattan had pointed out, none of these things are worth whining about. The Google Street View publishing platform is the most exciting thing for me as it opens up a whole new world of opportunities and will be the easiest way to post the largest tours to Google! Not to mention the 3d VR Ready data!
Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod - "Can we all agree that we can disagree?"

Post 19 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
@StevenHattan Your post don't seem so intimidating with your new look
Post 20 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
@Helen Haha...not sure how to take that. It's not really a new look. My stoned picture was from about five years ago. The 'new' look was last fall or something.

I don't need to be professional ALL the time. LOL
Post 21 IP   flag post
Chadcloses private msg quote post Address this user
Come to CA Steven it's legal here. Lmao
Post 22 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@StevenHattan just wondering if cry babies that throw thandums about MP's upgrade policy fall in your category of "Matterbabies". I recall one specific member loudly crying. In my mind I was just wondering why. If I made 100 000/ year I would much rather purchase a new camera over a refurbish. Just sayin.
Post 23 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
I guess you'll have to decide that because I'm not sure exactly what a thandum is. My guess is that someone would actually have to care about something to really throw a thandum.(Is that German for tantrum?)

It makes no difference to me what they do. With that said, I super appreciate Matterport as a company and do what I can to make sure they know exactly how their customers feel. If putting a little energy into a post and getting people active makes me a thandum thrower then I'm most certainly guilty.

However, if thandum throwing has to do with an emotional state of mind because I didn't get something that I wanted then I would have to guess that you've eaten too much Merkeloni and cheese if that conclusion as been reached...

Perhaps a little more marketing and a little more focus outside the forum may help you reach that $100k goal so you can buy a new camera vs a refurbished one. Just sayin.
Post 24 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
Thandum is not German for tandrum, it is a spelling error.

It is great that you are excited about Matterport, many do share your excitement. Others not so much. It is great that people can talk about their experience either way. The input of the forum members adds a lot of value to the forum. I have learned a lot just reading the posts.

Writing a long post about different categories of generations while amusing to some, doesn't do anything for anybody.

Not sure why you care but I will take your advise and go out to do more marketing and sales. Thank you.
Post 25 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Metroplex360 said:
"The forum doesn't even have paid membership, which is what I don't understand. Dan's amazing referral network and massive library of added-value tools and discounts is a separate thing."

@DanSmigrod I have an idea that could make you the Multi-Millionaire that Im sure you wouldn't mind from this forum. Of course, if you implement it, I would like your 3rd Party Gold membership for life for free.

Heres what to do. Allow access to your site for 10 visits from the same ip. You know, what websites like The Sunday Times does. They temp you with a little bit of reading the page then it just fades away. Then, they allow you to sign up to read 2 Free articles per week and if you want more, you have to pay.

I mean if someone keeps coming back to your site 10 times, it means that they love reading the forum and would most likely pay. Offer a readers membership $9.95 per month that allows them to read only. If you want to post, then $19.95 a month.

I like Steve, pay my monthly not for the great benefits that Membership offers, but in support of you for this wonderful forum you have created. Allowing 10 visits from the same ip and then restricting them shouldn't affect your monthly visitors. You are not blocking them, but only allowing to read the first bit of the page. When you have a site like this with such good content, then everyone that benefits from it should pay for it.

Also, they plant a cookie that stops you getting around using a VPN. So the only way around that is to clear your cache which quite often we don't always want to do that!

Post 26 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Forgot to post the screen shots:

Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for your kind words about the We Get Around Network Forum, your We Get Around Network Basic Membership and your thinking about how We Get Around could succeed faster.

The We Get Around Network Forum will always be free to read.
The We Get Around Network Forum will always be free to post, except for 3rd party service providers, camera companies, platforms and other related monetization posts.

Since I started the Forum in August 2014, I have given a lot of thought on this topic, including many discussions with @MikeW – the Founder of NinjaPost - the Forum hosting platform in the Cloud that powers the We Get Around Network Forum. (We Get Around and NinjaPost share an office at Atlanta Tech Village. Mike and I frequently have lunch together.)

The Forum is about giving and getting help and succeeding faster among the 12,000+ monthly Visitors and 2,900+ registered Members in 99 countries. The more 3D-VR-360º-Street View Pros that visit the Community, the more Basic, Standard and Premium Members join and the more 3rd Party Service Providers, Camera/Platform Companies join.

These are the three legs of our stool:

1. Free Forum – 3D-VR-360º-Street View Pros; real estate agents
2. Basic, Standard and Premium Members: 40+ Membership Benefits |
3. 3rd Party Service Providers, Camera/Platform Companies | Typically also provide a Membership Benefit for Basic, Standard and Premium Members

All three legs are growing nicely. ( Thank you ) It's a nice eco-system that just works.

And, since the free Forum feeds the two other categories, we want to continue to grow readers and contributors.

We do have a Forum Fan Club Membership, for those that want to be supportive of the Community financially, and are not good candidates for Basic, Standard or Premium Membership. The Forum Fan Club Membership it not something I typically mention. It seemed appropriate to do so in this discussion, in light of your post.

By the way, I look forward to you upgrading to a Gold Membership, when you are ready to offer 3rd party services to the Community.

Thanks again for your insight, and for being a Basic Member of the Forum.


Post 28 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Great video, Bae ...

Haha! Where should I send your participation trophy?

Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
How can I become a card carrying member of the Matterbabies? We invested in the company being told future product capabilities were coming down the line.

The wait times have been frustrating after watching videos from Matt Bell talking about upcoming product capabilities and not seeing the results come to us anytime soon after his announcements.

Many members helped speed up the innovation while we watched Matterport pull those choices off the shelf a year ago. We were ready for cutting edge upgrades to share with our advertising shortly after our camera purchases. Instead we heard a lot of crickets while Matterport sales focused on selling cameras to agents.

Therefore the Matterbaby uproar were born. Members came together and cried for help and understanding how to deal with the promises.

"Matterport should do this."
"Matterport should do that."
"Matterport is the worse company I've ever dealt with."
"Matterport (insert a ridiculous complaint)."

.... and it worked.

I am finally happy to see that many of the features presented to us long ago are now here.. like this month.

Way to go Matterbabies! Wear your badge proudly and turn that Matterbaby cry inertia around.

Follow @StevenHattan's suggestions on marketing and sales if he chooses to share with you and vote for his post titled:

I don't know if Mattercry's will help. lol
Post 30 IP   flag post
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