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I'm apparently STILL stupid!4724

StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user camera costs $3,500 but if you have a trade in you'll get a credit. How much? Who knows?'s what I gathered.

If you bought 'recently' (Dec 1, 2016) you'll get **up to $3,345 in trade-in rebates**.

This tells me that if you bought BEFORE 12/1/2016 you're going to get LESS of a rebate.


So...the people who took the biggest risk are going to get the biggest ass [REDACTED]?

"We appreciate you taking the risk with us. We appreciate you growing our business. We appreciate you paying us each month. We appreciate you....[insert positive action with a condescending tone]."


"However, you only get a $500 rebate because we have to give the non-risk takers and late starters back $3,345.


So at the end of the day, when the trade ins are over and we're in the same boat...


In other words, the people who didn't give feedback, the people who didn't help Matterport grow, the people who didn't help improve the system or this forum, the people who didn't show the world the Matterport Technology existed...


Really??? I post hundreds of models for the world to see. I promote Matterport to over 13,000 Realtors each month. I talk up Matterport to thousands of agents. I've (unintentionally) convinced my clients to buy a camera and become my competitor.

My **THANKS** is a $200 cr....I mean a $500 credit?

The more I hear about all of this the more infuriating it becomes.

So, Matterport...if you're reading this...

- I want the $3,345 credit for your 'new and used parts' camera.

- I want the $3,345 credit for helping you grown your business.

- I want the $3,345 credit for putting up with all the issues over the last two years.

- I want the $3,345 credit for paying **THOUSANDS** of dollars in hosting fees.

- I want the $3,345 credit for promoting your business


Someone PLEASE educate me. I am a willing student. Why do I think this is backwards?

My suggestion...

Give everyone the same rebate or don't' offer a rebate at all.

Whatever the solution is, it should be fair and equal. The way it stands, it's unfair and discriminatory.

Right now I feel like a gay, black, atheist in Muslimville.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Floor Plans
Bangkok THA
mp2fp private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, rant aside. You're actually making sense and I agree. For the gps and imageres I'm not forking out more $
Post 2 IP   flag post
TruView private msg quote post Address this user
I bought my camera the eve of November 30, 2016. The payment posted the following day. I received it December 8, 2016. I have completed only 20 scans. The camera is in pristine condition with all original packaging. They only offered me $1,700.

If it's true, Matterport is offering $3,345 for anything beyond December 1,st, I am so not pleased with this!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Hartland, Wisconsin
htimsabbub23 private msg quote post Address this user
The last line made me laugh! What bothers me is I was "sold" this camera under the understanding that when new technology came out that this one would be able to be upgraded or already have the ability to use that technology. That's why the useless button was put on this one. I understand that things change and that you can't predict the future, but you can plan for it, as I was told they did. Maybe these need to be like cell phones where you pay a monthly fee to use the device until you trade it in for the next great device.
Post 4 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
What rant, total frustration yes and it does make sense.
😕😕😕😕 😐😐😐😐😐
Post 5 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@htimsabbub23 I was told that by a MP employee as well.
Post 6 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
If we go ahead and upgrade our 2 cameras it'll cost £4855 which when combined with the original purchase prices of the cameras means MP will have had best part of £11k out of us in 7 months. Plus all the hosting and processing fees... Will take a while to make it a decent ROI.
Post 7 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome to sales 101. Tell them what they want to hear to make a purchase!


I wonder if they thought they were going to have a line of people waiting to buy new cameras and not as many jumped at it? That is the only reason I can think they sent out an email for $500(bend over and grab your ankles!) off. If in the past they discounted, then I bet they do in future also.
Post 8 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
I think MP should just stick with their first thought on how to conduct the upgrade of the camera. (I was told in person by a MP employee in a meeting about the upgrade possibility) They need to offer the early adopter the upgrade at the price of the extra parts that need to be put into the camera body. Than they can offer the discounts to the rest if they so desire.
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Seams like pricing to existing Pros could have been based on scan volume which is where they make money.

Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
How much of the Pro1 do you guys think that Matterport is able to upgrade?
Post 11 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I think they can upgrade the Pro1 that gets a $3600 rebate as much as they can upgrade a Pro1 that gets a$500 rebate. That is just my thoughts.
Post 12 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I think that they should just charge the pro 1 users their cost on the price of the upgrade. I mean, they make the real money on hosting fees. What better way to create loyalty among us than to not try and profit from current users on the upgrade. I don't think that the realize that there are a lot of people waiting for the new solution to appear later this year. Just take a look at cell phone carriers. They make their money on their plans, so here, have a free phone on us, just keep paying those monthly dues and you'll never have to buy another phone.

Matterport, don't you see? Now we are not saying that you should give away cameras to newbies, but once you've bought in, you should want to keep up from wanting to go elsewhere. I was with AT&T for 18 years back in the early days, but the moment competition opened up, I couldn't wait to jump ship and swore I would never go back to those greedy Bast@#%$ and I never did....Im not saying that everyone here is going to go mutiny, but I bet you theres a lot of us that will. Ive never seen so many bad comments written about a company that has great technology. You should really take note of this.
Post 13 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes I agree with you.

@Metroplex360 Replace the three USB connected sensors is what you need.

If the CPU is too slow to handle the high resolution textures then replace the mainboard.
We have the background of hardware design, so we can estimated the cost of the mainboard of matterport won't more than USD200.00

BTW the new sensors may be heavier than the old one, then you need replace motor and battery.
That may be equal to all of the hardware need to be upgraded.

So we suggest USD1000.00 for hardware upgrade from Pro1 to Pro2.
And if Matterport was kind enough they should provide free two years of hosting (49USD/month * 24) with that USD1000.00 we paied for the upgrade.

We can understand that the price of USD4500.00 at the beginning and USD3500.00 now include hardware cost (less than USD1000.00) and R&D cost and Marketing cost and revenue.

But you must agree Matterport camera isn't one time selling digital camera, it is a service indeed.
The Matterport camera is only a tool for this service that Matterport provided.
The Matterport camera can't do anything else.
A good business model should be: we pay for the servies and hosting, Matterport should provide the tool(camera) to us by free and keep the tool working at the best condition with best result(means free upgrade to higer resolution.)

For example: If you are a seller of ice cream in China, the manufacturer of the ice cream will provide you a free refrigerator to you for store/sell more their ice cream in your store.

All Pro1 holders already pay for the "free tool", Matterport already get back of their R&D and Marketing cost.
Why Pro1 holders want to get Pro2?
They only want to provide better service to their client.
Matterport: would you please keep our "free tool" up to date.

You may say Matterport put lots of money into the R&D of Pro2. Yes I agree. But the money should come from services fee we paied for every showcase. It is the "must" cost of Matterport to keep their services on the top of all competetors.

Matterport shouldn't get two times from one of their loyalty user.
The USD1000.00 for the upgrade is the highest. And it is better to add free basic level two years hosting with that.

The official trade-in project shows that Matterport has the way to turn old Pro1 to refurbished Pro2 in his factory with lowest cost. Otherwise where the refurbished Pro2 come from?
Post 14 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@matterport Well I have to say, that Jump was typing his response as I was typing mine. Neither of us knew what we were going to say. Seconds after I posted mine, he posted his. Pretty much the exact same thing as far as our thoughts. Dont you get it?
Post 15 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP What parts would not need to be replaced? Sensors + Rotator + Battery + PCB (WiFi + GPS).... what else is left? Seems like all you'd have left at that point is the aluminum housing and plastic case. Plastic case would need to be replaced too as a refurb shouldn't come scratched up and the casing around the sensors has changed.
Post 16 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 I agree maybe all of the hardware parts should be replaced.
And that won't be cost more than USD1000.00, charge USD1000.00 to Pro1 holder for the upgrade is enough.

We can wait someone like "360Verbeelding" tear down one Pro2 to see what is different to the Pro1.

Can you give another answer to "Where the refurbished Pro2 come from?"
My estiamte: Pro2 is just released. They must come from trade-in Pro1.

To my estimate the only difference is the sensor.
Maybe with one faster WIFI module for more data to transfer and one USB2serial port GPS receiver.
That doesn't mean too much technology.

Do you think the GPS receiver can get more accurate inforamtion than your ipad within a room with roof?
I don't think GPS is required inside a Matterport Camera, just few lines of code to record the GPS information from ipad is enough.
You can't use GPS information to locate the position of each your panos (position and direction), they are not that accurate.

Mainboard may be different too, but it doesn't mean higher price.
The new board may be cost saving version of the old one, it should be cheaper.
CPU got faster and cheaper every months.

All onboard 3D processing is same from Pro2 to Pro1.
So the onboard CPU won't calculate too much for Pro2 compare to Pro1.
Maybe the old mainboard can handle it well.
CPU only need to record bigger pictures and transfer them to IPAD faster with a WIFI module upgrade.
Post 17 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Great idea, Dan.
Post 18 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 Since I trust your answer...

OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING what would it cost you to OUT OF POCKET to **build from scratch** the Pro 1 camera?

What would it cost you to *upgrade* the Pro 1 to the Pro 2?

Just physical costs.

Then, how long would it take to assemble a camera? Do you need a degree on how to put it together or can I watch a step by step You Tube Video and put it together myself after watching a few times?

The more I read the more I question the decisions and/or ECONOMIC HEALTH of the company.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 They must be able to upgrade all of it as they will be giving refurbished units.
Post 20 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@stevenhattan: "The more I read the more I question the decisions and/or ECONOMIC HEALTH of the company."

Very Good Statement.

Do you know what happened to 3DR Robotics, the Drone Manufacturer of a ground breaking Drone that took real cool aerial video with just one operator? Here today, out of business tomorrow. They were mainly funded by venture capitol to the tune of $178 million and blew the lot and no longer makes nor supports the drone they made, the 3DR solo. Great drone by the way.
Post 21 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes OMG....countless countless examples of this.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
With the firmware updates and quality improvements they have made in the last year and a half. I thought this company is on the right track! I have no intentions at this time to buy the new one as my camera alone came to $9000 Canadian last February after exchange, duty, shipping etc. I wonder how long they will support the Pro1. I am sure there won't be any more firmware updates for it going forward. Now that they are selling in Canada I guess I could save $3000 and only have to pay about $6000 Canadian for the new one as I would not have to pay all the extra's I had to pay last year. NOT!!!
Post 23 IP   flag post
360Verbeelding private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, i really think its more a firmware updated version. just send me one i open it up and tell you everything about it. like i did with the first pro. MP added a extra GPS piece of hardware. I cant explaine the extra weight of almost 1 kilo. Maybe bigger batteries.
There is nothing inside the camera that rises the weight by 1 kilo.
So thats interesting. Housing is the same. bigger motor not neccesairy.

With the "old" pro the pic quality wasn't that bad and you could also print the pics. After being processed. This probebly is changed now and you directly print the image from your Ipad. If this is so then i hope that its posdible to control shutterspeed, apparture and white balance. And not let the camera make these dissisions.

Lets attent to the webinare to find out if its really a step up.

Happy scanning,
Rene, 360 Verbeelding NL.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Sandiemcr private msg quote post Address this user
@stevenhattan If I wasn't happily married, I'd have to propose after reading that OP you posted. You said it all, and I needed no imagination for the various <redacted> spots.
Post 25 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by StevenHattan
@Metroplex360 Since I trust your answer...

OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING what would it cost you to OUT OF POCKET to **build from scratch** the Pro 1 camera?

What would it cost you to *upgrade* the Pro 1 to the Pro 2?

Just physical costs.

Then, how long would it take to assemble a camera? Do you need a degree on how to put it together or can I watch a step by step You Tube Video and put it together myself after watching a few times?

The more I read the more I question the decisions and/or ECONOMIC HEALTH of the company.

I like JuMP's estimates. They sound pretty reasonable as far as raw parts go. You'd be hard pressed to find a tutorial on how to build a Matterport, but if you'd like to try something adhoc, there's a lot of resources at

Concerning the economic health of Matterport - @jfantin might be able to make a pretty educated outsider analysis. While I hate to put him on the spot, he's had some extremely insightful things to say in the past concerning how companies operate, especially under venture capital, etc.

The reality is that Matterport is a company that does need to make a profit in order to pay their employees, make good on their investment capital, pay for office space, and also have money available in the bank to cover large purchase orders, additional hiring, expansion, etc. By selling a new camera at cost, it might feel 'fair' to us, but it might not be 'fair' to the investors, the employees, and the business as an entity.

Originally Posted by Helen
@Metroplex360 They must be able to upgrade all of it as they will be giving refurbished units.

Even I am fascinated by the 'refurbished' units of a device that has yet to have its first shipment.

Originally Posted by 360Verbeelding
Hi, i really think its more a firmware updated version. just send me one i open it up and tell you everything about it. like i did with the first pro. MP added a extra GPS piece of hardware. I cant explaine the extra weight of almost 1 kilo. Maybe bigger batteries. There is nothing inside the camera that rises the weight by 1 kilo. So thats interesting. Housing is the same. bigger motor not neccesairy.

I can't wait for your teardown if you get a chance to do one! I think that the bigger battery is DEFINITELY the reason for the extra weight.
Post 26 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 I bet that investors have more interest in longevity vs. short term gain. Again, in this vastly competitive and quick changing market creating happy clients would be more profitable in the long run.
However I can not picture MP making any smart decisions soon. This company is just [redacted] in their ethics and the way they treat most of their customers besides of course a few selected people that get the benefit every client should get.
Post 27 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user
I can't wait for your teardown if you get a chance to do one! I think that the bigger battery is DEFINITELY the reason for the extra weight.

Do you have to send yours back to Matterport? Open it and take pictures!
Post 28 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
I wonder what will happen 8 months from now when a Pro1 camera breaks down? Will there still be the service some people have been getting where they send you out a camera while yours is getting fixed. Or will it be sorry we no longer service that model!
Post 29 IP   flag post
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