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MSP Business Closing Considerations4723

TruView private msg quote post Address this user
Does anyone have knowledge on what to do if a MSP business closes. I have asked Matterport what happens captured scans, how can they remain available for use if a business closes. I was informed by Matterport, the scans would not be available unless a hosting fee is paid. Matterport suggested contacting another active provider who is willing to take over the accounts. How would the tours be transferred if the data is on your business or personal iPad? I'm sure I am missing some other details beyond transferring data, setting up the transfer, etc. If I were to close a business, I would want my accounts to be maintained for as long as the agreement is in place.

When speaking to Matterport on this issue, I suggested an insurance policy or a risk pool whereby each MSP would pay a nominal fee to keep the accounts online. Any thoughts?

No one wants to think about ending a business but there should be Matterport Termination Guidelines available walking you through all necessary steps.

Does anyone have a recommendations, or other details to take into consideration?

Post 1 IP   flag post
LewisBishop private msg quote post Address this user
@TruView - Just a thought... or "work around" if you will.

Calculate months remaining for your clients to use their scans. i.e. I provide my real estate clients a one year license. So if the most recent scan was done June 1, 2017 and was the last scan you plan to perform you could pay the hosting fee through to June 2, 2018.

So in short pay for hosting just enough to cover the last client's terms of service.

By no means is this THE solution just a thought.
Post 2 IP   flag post
TruView private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks. That's a good thought. It's important to let customers know the term. I include the first year of hosting, free. A minimal fee is charged, if client requests the tour remain active.

I still think Matterport needs to provide guidelines if they don't want their reputation to be shattered.

Thanks for your feedback!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@TruView How many scans are you hosting?
Post 4 IP   flag post
TruView private msg quote post Address this user
The company is just getting off the ground. There's no more than 8 hosted but approximately 20 captures
Post 5 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@TruView If lots of users require the backup services of their Matterport Showcase we can try to make one business mode within the copyright low area.

We have the ability to backup all Matterport Showcase data even the raw data from the hardware. And convert them to readable format. We believe there is not only our team have this ability.

If the backup data will never be public normally and only be used in case of disaster or Matterport closed, would they be allowed by your copyright law?

It is something like an insurance.
The showcase data(include RAW input data and Result output data) are your property.
You should have the rights to make them backup.
Post 6 IP   flag post
TruView private msg quote post Address this user
That's an interesting thought. Is this prohibited by Matterport?I can see if an individual wanted the scan for their personal records, then it would be great solution. Is that something you are proposing?
Post 7 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@TruView It is prohibited by Matterport TOS.
But if the TOS break the basic part of your rights in the copyrights law.
Who will win?

And in case of Matterport closed, the TOS will lose its power, right?

We are located in China, we are not familiar with your copyrights law.
We do things based on what we believe is right in mind from heart.

There is no technical problem for backup all data from Matterport showcase.
We won't take any others showcase, we help friends who want to get their works backup.
We respect the rights of authors and photographers.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
This is my biggest issue when it comes to outsource companies bidding over or under my pricing who offer less scans usually for more money.

Their bulk sales will allow them to host longer than the local guy. If you are in dyer straights with no recent sales, I would hope you would have enough capital to service your latest sale for 6 months and charge for hosting thereafter to offset keeping their tour alive.

Most sales people get a check and blow it. Then come back when the money is exhausted begging for another sale to humor their credit cards and another vacation. Then the cycle continues leaving the customer at risk.

Do not go into a promise of hosting for something like 4 years off the bat. Stick with a 6 month to 1 year plan on sales with the option to continue hosting every 6 mo to a year. For all we know hosting fees could change and Matterport could be bought changing our terms of service at any time.

When guys go into offering scans at a price like $0.05/sq ft, I don't think they are factoring in a cost of doing business to maintain hosting and invest in future a camera purchase along with hosting hikes like other professional photographers budget for.

Pro photographers budget for things like editing time, SD cards, camera bodies, backup hard drives, lens's, hosting, marketing and other costs of doing business I don't see common with low ballers looking to price out the rest of the market for contract wins and market presence. Uphold a quality product and care.
Post 9 IP   flag post
TruView private msg quote post Address this user
That's great advice. Thanks for sharing.
Post 10 IP   flag post
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