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Did we almost miss this Gear VR upgrade?4717

3rd Party
Myrtle Beach, SC
ArtisticConcepts private msg quote post Address this user
So, in the new camera fuss, I think we almost missed this little gem of an upgrade...

stream gear VR
Post 1 IP   flag post
3rd Party
Myrtle Beach, SC
ArtisticConcepts private msg quote post Address this user
" If you're on the latest version of Android and have the latest version of the Oculus app installed and do not see the cast button, it's possible that the feature hasn't rolled out to you yet. We've started to roll out this feature, but it could take a couple weeks to hit everyone on Nougat."

Post 2 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
If you don't have the update available yet, or if you are like me and you prefer not to use the oculus app, because it takes ages to actually open a model compared to using the cardboard app (which you can use with the Gear VR). You could always use the old fashion method of casting the entire screen using the chromecast app. Has always worked great in my experience.
Post 3 IP   flag post
3rd Party
Myrtle Beach, SC
ArtisticConcepts private msg quote post Address this user
@DannyBasting in your experience, has the quality of the cardboard experience been the same as the oculus app? I've always felt that it would be less immersive, but that could have just been my assumption, so I didn't give it much attention.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah it's the same. The HMD is what makes for the better experience because of the better quality lenses in the GearVR compared to an actual cardboard. The app you use to view a model doesn't matter in that regard as far as I can tell.
Post 5 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
Am I correct in seeing that you can NOT see a video App in the VR headset ?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
Only now seeing your reply @DouglasMeyers, could you clarify? Not sure what you mean.
Post 7 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
When you put on the VR headset you can NOT view videos that are embedded into a 3D tour ... Right ???
Post 8 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
No you can't. But that is unrelated to the screencasting though. It's just that mattertags aren't visible in VR. Something Matterport should be able to add.

I'd suggest requesting that feature on their community site. I'll make sure to vote it up it also helps to discuss it here since MP does read the threads on this forum.
Post 9 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
Will do...thanks
Post 10 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
No problem. When you do, let me know so that I can back you up with a vote
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