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The Matterport 3D Pro2 Camera is a Joy!4704

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'd like to share a tour that I shot today with a Matterport 3D Pro2 test unit.

I'm thrilled at the quality. The new higher resolution imagery and better camera sensor rocked this house and provided very accurate colors.

Wherein I received the most joy was using Workshop. While traversing the space and taking snapshots, I realized just how crisp the imagery was and how juicy the photos looked.

When you've shot hundreds of Matterport Tours, you have a certain muscle memory associated with the experience. Your brain will tell you when the app will chime that the current scan is done - and almost in a trance, you will go to pick up the camera and move it. Today, I was tripped up multiple times! It's amazing what it feels like to have a scan complete 8 seconds early!

Today, when I worked in Workshop to setup the highlight reel and snapshots, I kept smiling because there seemed to be no lack to the depth of the imagery. When I zoomed in - the detail was there to capture, when I zoomed out, it was so crisp that I could cut myself.

I'd like to invite you guys to try my tour in Workshop and provide some feedback. Remember, you can access workshop from any tour in 'Read Only' mode -- this is no secret.

Move around, click snapshot and move around and pretend that you are going to take a shot.

Here are some samples output at 4096x2304. Workshop does not have full quality export enabled for me yet. (8192x4096)

You can click to enlarge:

I'm extremely lucky to have the opportunity to be working with a test unit at the moment. I cannot wait for you guys to experience it too.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
Sharper for sure. When I walked from place to place there was less distortion. Like when I saw my first baseball game on HD TV. Impressed!
Post 2 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I'm glad the house you scanned had a dark kitchen that turned out well....

Dark cabinets have been the bane of my existence so far with Matterport.

I'd be curious to see what this same house shot with the 1st Gen camera looked like.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Naz private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 looks awesome.
Post 4 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360, thanks for sharing this!

The image quality at 1/4 resolution is already very impressive. And the dollhouse looks sharper to me too.

I think the new camera will be a major step forward for the Matterport system.

And I bet Matterport is now working on integrating photogrammetry into the rendering process for sharper and bigger 3D dollhouse models
Post 5 IP   flag post
CelisNet private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @metroplex360, thanks for the sneak preview.

It really look's amazing. I think the quality is basically at DSLR level. It's a huge step up, specially for the guys who are really into big quality. The average customer will hardly notices the difference i think, but wow im impressed.

What i notice is the light from the windows doesn't get black stains in the floor plan view. It's that part of the improvement or you wait a few hours so the light wasn't hitting the floor so hard?

Did you tried to scan outside, it is an improvement for alignment issues scanning outdoors? Im mean im not expecting to do scans in bright sunlight, but maybe one or two hours before sundown, any news on that? Im a big fan of scanning outside, and that will be a game changer for me.

Thanks for the tests!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Metroplex360

This looks like a bright house on a sunny day, did you have any alignment issues at all with regards to bright light?


Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@3dshowcaseuk - No alignment issues at all.

Originally Posted by Queen_City_3D
I'm glad the house you scanned had a dark kitchen that turned out well....

Dark cabinets have been the bane of my existence so far with Matterport.

I'd be curious to see what this same house shot with the 1st Gen camera looked like.

I kind of regret not spending the time doing an A/B test. I just simply don't have the time right now Family man

Originally Posted by CelisNet
What i notice is the light from the windows doesn't get black stains in the floor plan view. It's that part of the improvement or you wait a few hours so the light wasn't hitting the floor so hard?

Hard to say, the sun was going in and out of clouds at different times.

Originally Posted by CelisNet
Did you tried to scan outside, it is an improvement for alignment issues scanning outdoors?

No, I didn't, but I believe that down the road, the built-in GPS should be able to be applied to 360 Views if Matterport choose to allow us to link those.

Originally Posted by MeshImages
The image quality at 1/4 resolution is already very impressive. And the dollhouse looks sharper to me too. And I bet Matterport is now working on integrating photogrammetry into the rendering process for sharper and bigger 3D dollhouse models

It's my belief that the mesh will remain the same quality for Showcase in order to load quickly and not require too much CPU usage. All tours have a mobile and a desktop mesh file that downloads chunks for quick loading. The Pro2's improved camera generates improved textures, and this is very noticeable.


In full disclosure, you may seem some alignment issues in the panos due to the fact that I recently purchased a leveler and realized half way through this tour that you need to rotate the top set of blue discs to stop making it wobbly. The wobbliness may have affected a few scans. Not sure. The Capture App alerted me a few times that the camera was unstable before I realized the issue
Post 8 IP   flag post
PedroAvilez private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for sharing.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Also, a note -- when the tours are embedded on WGA and you enter full screen, the 4k tiles are not displaying.

@PedroAvilez I'm excited to do so. I hope to have more to share soon.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Metroplex360. Really good work. The transitions are looking much better. Images looks crisper.

But I noticed still the aligment problem we all are having:

clickable text

I also see when you zoom in that the image is not that clear , not that we zoom in all the time. Looking forward to seeing more samples in different lighting conditions with the new Pro.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
I may not be a fan of how Matterport handles its approach to MSPs but fair's fair, the quality of that tour, the transitions and images you've posted are all outstanding.
Post 12 IP   flag post
lisahinson private msg quote post Address this user
Absolutely great! Thanks for sharing @Metroplex360!! What an improvement!!
Post 13 IP   flag post
leeverdon private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Metroplex360. I can see some improvements. I noticed misalignment in the 360 scan, notice anything unusual in the sky?

Sure, the clouds are far away but it still quite noticeable.
Post 14 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Great work @Metroplex360!

I read a few interesting questions in the Matterport Forum that perhaps you can answer considering that you have already experience with the new camera:

1. Will the time to process the models in the cloud be longer?
2. How will the model sizes within the iPad Capture App be affected?
3. How long does it take to transfer the data from the camera to the iPad?
4. Does it take longer to preview an individual scan?
5. Will this result in significantly larger models for the end user to download?

I will appreciate your comments. And congrats again for such a wonderful job and thanks for your permanent contribution to this forum and to your fellow Matterport Photographers.
Post 15 IP   flag post
renderingreal private msg quote post Address this user
Unlike the fence, clouds move. Unless you can ask the clouds to stay still, you will always get cloud alignment problems.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@renderingreal please explain this to me did the house move or grow ?

clickable text
Post 17 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by leeverdon
Hi @Metroplex360. I can see some improvements. I noticed misalignment in the 360 scan, notice anything unusual in the sky?

Sure, the clouds are far away but it still quite noticeable.

I've submitted this as a bug report to Matterport. You are right, that misalignment is not natural.

I'm going to shoot some 360 Views today to see if I can get this to repeat.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Will the time to process the models in the cloud be longer?

I haven't noticed a difference. I'll ask for an official answer.

Originally Posted by jfantin
How will the model sizes within the iPad Capture App be affected?

Matterport says: "However, now is a good time to upgrade to an iPad with more storage space since the new high quality, print-ready 4K photography will require more storage space on your tablet."

Originally Posted by jfantin
How long does it take to transfer the data from the camera to the iPad?

Great question -- it seems faster. I'll ask for an official answer.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Does it take longer to preview an individual scan?

In my experience, it does not.

Originally Posted by jfantin
Will this result in significantly larger models for the end user to download?

No. Matterport has spent hundreds of hours of developer time on Showcase to highly optimize the experience. When Matterport transitioned from Cube Faces to Tiles, they were making the way for more efficient loading of assets -- on demand -- based on connection speed and image resolution. You can experience this for yourself on any of the Pro2 models that have been posted.

This might be helpful to allow you to see the tiling and how it loads under different circumstances.

Depending on the size of the tour, you will be presented with a different tile set. Try zooming with your mousewheel. If the tour is not large enough to need the higher resolution tiles, it will show at mobile sizes, then as needed, 1k tiles, 2k tiles and ultimately 4k tiles if you zoom in enough.
Post 18 IP   flag post
leeverdon private msg quote post Address this user
Great. It's all about making improvements to better serve our clients.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Guys,

I wanted to share 2 exterior photos that were exported at 72 dpi. I'm not able to export at 300dpi yet, therefore, all of these images shared previously are a sneak peek at what to expect. It just gets better.

Exported at 4096x2304 @ 72dpi

Exported at 1920x1080 @ 72dpi
Post 20 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Following up to @jfantin - How long does it take to transfer the data from the camera to the iPad?

From the field testing team, 'We did a lot of optimization on the transfer side. You are right, we send a lot more data with the Pro2 camera, but on average, it should not take longer than the Pro camera. '


From the FAQ at:

Matterport Pro2 3D Camera (Model MC250)
Wireless: Wi-Fi 802.11 n/ac 5 GHz The available modes may be restricted in your country.

Matterport Pro Camera (Model MC200)
Wireless: WiFi 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz (Client or AP)
Post 21 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you Chris,

My main concern was that there was a chance that all the benefits of the new higher image quality and the faster (8 seconds) scanning would be counter balanced by slower data transfer and slower viewing experience at the end users' stage.

From what you say there are not such problems.
Post 22 IP   flag post
3dinsights private msg quote post Address this user
The transfer speed on the Pro2 at 5Ghz is 2 - 3 times faster than the older 2.4ghz wifi protocol. So if the Pro2 is transferring more data its probably not noticeable as its moving from camera to iPad at a much quicker rate.
Post 23 IP   flag post
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