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Does Matterport have a conflict of interest?4649

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

If you have been reading the discussion in my post earlier today (23 May 2017) ...

I need help with up to 2,000 scans in the US

... you will read that a very large, well-know potential client reached out to me asking:

"Is there a possibility of setting up a partnerships with We Get Around - i.e. flat fee structure for X venues in select US markets? … I'm curious if it would make ... sense to work directly with a photographer network.”

Instead, I have suggested that the client's agency use the We Get Around Network Find a Pro Map because we make it super-easy and super-fast to find Matterport Pros.

While We Get Around could quote a fixed fee for the entire project - and make the spread of what we pay Matterport Pros, that would put We Get Around in the position of trying to get the lowest price which I feel is in conflict to our mission of helpful Pros succeed faster (which includes getting paid the most).

Many Matterport Pros have shared with me privately that Matterport has engaged them directly. To me, this feels like a conflict of interest - even bigger than I see for We Get Around - because Matterport owns the eco-system for processing and hosting.

So, while they promote Matterport Service Providers, they seek to pay them the least amount possible.
So, when agencies might offer one-order - many markets - Matterport is in the position of actually reducing the number of agencies that might want to offer one-order many markets as I proposed in 2014.

@SteveHattan does a great job in this related discussion about the angst I would feel booking Pros. Obviously Matterport does not share this angst.

Originally Posted by @StevenHattan
Dan...what is your goal with this forum? It would be a disappointment to learn you are promoting the lowest bidder.

Perhaps if the "Agency" can educate the Client on the *value* of "your" Pros, thus eliminating the lowest bidder mindset, it could be a win-win situation.

...or confidentially set something up with Client but keep it between Client and Pro.

As mentioned, it would be disappointing to find out a competitor of mine is shooting Matterport because a guy I pay monthly gave it them.

Since Matterport is booking Pros, do they have a conflict of interest because they likely seek the lowest cost provider while at the same time proclaiming that they are best buds with Matterport Service Providers?

Based on everything that I have been thinking - and comments like @StevenHattan - I would be super-reluctant to book Pros (presumably at the lowest price I could - while at the same time, suggesting to join the We Get Around Network as a Basic, Standard or Premium Member to succeed faster.

Your thoughts?


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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
The following is from this discussion:

Matterport to explode (in a good way)

Originally Posted by @LetMe3D
No, other than what you have done already I think you should stay out of making a deal on our behalf. All of us are in completely different places with our businesses.

Some retired guys would do it almost for free and others would need more for their logistical situations to make it worth their while. Then, more than likely we would have to be paid by you the one they made the deal with. Big companies take their time paying everybody it is just the way it is. This could lead to your untimely death and I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to you (LOL).

$$$ is the root to all the problems in the MP world and I know there are some out there selling their souls and the rest of us down the river to do MP work but this job, if it ever materializes is going to be a nightmare for most of us and you as well.

Stick to doing what you do best and don't get greedy. The allure of easy money is very tempting for being a middle man and making a little piece off every worker bee.
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Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Dan you genuinely have the community's interests at heart and for you to be so open with this and ask the questions you have shows exactly that.

I too have the community's interests at heart. Most of you don't know me yet but our site offers what you are talking about above...

The opportunity for worldwide clients to find their local pro (using WGA's network map) and book jobs directly with the pro. The pro keeps 100% of the fee they agree with the client and can use their account features to track all records of conversations with the client.

The pro can even use our site to generate drafts and liaise with the client about amendments until both parties are happy to sign off (a distribution channel).

If you want to avoid a conflict of interest and pros want to get full payment on their own terms with clients then Viewing is the answer.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

A related We Get Around Network Forum discussion:

Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost

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