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IRIS 360 ProNCTech

NCTech iris360 Pro 3D Immersive4067

North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Im sure that I will get slammed for saying this by some here. I hope that it costs $10,000 to make a LASiris and thats the reason why they are selling it for $13,000 and that the cost doesn't go down.

I also hope that they do not tout how easy it is to use as the perceived value of the product for us resellers of tours goes way down.

I really hope this product blows Matterport out of the water. Then the Realtors that bought a Matterport will regret it due to the poor comparative quality to what they could have had if they were to saved their money and to use a tour provider that would have took the loss to own one of these.

$13,000 price tag will keep it out of the reach of 99.9999% of agents and the 0.0001% that could afford it wouldn't dream of buying it as they realize that their business is selling real estate, not making tours. Hi cost of equipment can be a good thing for those of us in the Tour Biz. But for this to be worth upgrading too, it has to blow Matterport out of the water. It has to do all what Matterport can do not only way way better, but it also has to do more. 😀
Post 26 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes, we are walking on thin ice here.

You are right that a high price tag for a true professional camera will keep 99.9999% of agents out, as it is the case with a $44,000 Hasselblad if we talk about professional photography.

But on the other hand, all depends on what you can do with your very expensive camera.

If you are Mario Testino and American Vogue calls you every month to shot Kate Moss perhaps having a bunch of Hasselblads and high end Nikons makes total sense.

But if you are in a market where a lot of desperate "photographers" are offering a Matterport Model for less than $200 for a 2,500 sq then perhaps a very expensive professional camera doesn´t make any sense.

Are we sure that the market is ready for something that is way way better than Matterport? In fact, are we sure that the market is ready for Matterport at all?

I know that some of you are enjoying a more than decent flow of projects from a very loyal group of agents, but on average what I see is people paying basic plan to Matterport, doing perhaps 5 or less models per month and wondering how come they were convinced to invest in a $ 4,500 camera that now is being sold at $ 3,600.
Post 27 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@jFantin. Im shooting roughly 20 tours per week. They vary from 8 photos only ($99) to Photos aerial video, aerial photos ,ground interior video etc for around $500.

Heres the way that I look at it.

Say I sell 2 Bundled packages per day Averaging $400 each with this new camera (wherein they will get all of my services in a bundle). Thats $4000 a week. Within 2 months, Ive got my money back and covered all my exenses too. And now I own the camera outright. The rest of the year is my profit. I think a lot of the problems that tour guys dont realize is that the real money is in the cheaper realtors. Theres more of them and that means you do more tours and give them a lot for the money. This keeps an appointment calendar more booked up than empty. Dead time in a calendar isn't making anyone any money.... Id rather earn a little and keep busy that to have dead days and then a big hit from someone willing to pay .20 cents a foot.
Post 28 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes, your perspective is valid, of course, and perhaps from your point of view the investment is affordable, but is it justified?

The question is: Will you get more business using a new camera with a price tag of $13,000 than using a camera with a price tag of $ 3,600?

As long as the agents do not notice the difference you will still charge low prices but using a more expensive equipment. This doesn´t make sense from a financial point of view.

Perhaps if the new camera would operate 4 times faster...I mean, if you can make 2,500 sq ft in 30 minutes instead of 2 hours, then the increased productivity would justify the purchase.

In professional photography is different. If a magazine wants to hire you they will ask what kind of equipment you use for your job. You have to have professional quality brands.

But in Real Estate the guys are taking photos with their cell phones or making tours with Ricoh Thetas! Plenty of consumer gadgets out there doing the "same" job. I don´t see plenty of room for differentiation by showing your pro equipment, so why bother?
Post 29 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with what you say, but you missed a little of what I said earlier. To Justify it, it has to "blow Matterport out of the water". Compare an old TV with 480 lines of resolution to todays 2160 lines (4K). You dont have to sit them next to each other to tell the difference. Assume you never saw TV in your life before. You can watch one one day and the other the next day and still be able tell that theres a huge difference between to two. Thats what I am talking about.

What I am saying is that if I had a camera that cost $13,000 and was charging the same as another Matterport tour provider, there'd be no competition between us. I just took them out by comparison. Thats why I said, "Blows them out of the water". If it doesn't do that then its not worth doing it. Resolution is the most important key to making a better product. It would make everything smoother. Notice the difference in video from 30 frames to 60 frames per sec? I certainly can tell. Imagine moving from point to point without any blur what so ever? Being able to zoom in with such detail? A doll house with perfect walls? This is what I mean by having a superior product. What about the scan time? If its twice as fast, that adds tremendous value (time is money). If its got this, then I for one will be lining up to add it to my offerings.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Windsor, UK
leonvanzweel private msg quote post Address this user
The Iris 360 Pro list price is USD 2899 and not USD 13000. It it the LazirisVR that is USD 13000 which is a rotating head spinning lazer device.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by hometakes
To Justify it, it has to "blow Matterport out of the water". Compare an old TV with 480 lines of resolution to todays 2160 lines (4K). You dont have to sit them next to each other to tell the difference. Assume you never saw TV in your life before. You can watch one one day and the other the next day and still be able tell that theres a huge difference between to two. Thats what I am talking about.

Matterport hits a sweet spot with quality and performance -- with mobile we're viewing 512 tiles. With desktop, usually 1024 (1k) tiles. Sometimes, if embedded LARGE or when zooming, we'll see the 2048 (2k) tiles.

With a new camera that has a higher resolution, the application is certainly going to be more for the high-end client -- not Real Estate. Consider the amazing 50 Shades Darker tour that we saw that was built on Matterport Technology, but ultimately made as a custom application using panoramas shot from an open system. The end results was BEAUTIFUL and required higher specs to view and a faster Internet connection. The amount of work putting that all together was tremendous -- lots of manual editing and incredible programming...

So with this camera - let's say that we get super high res images that we can edit and injest into a 3D Viewer ... that's a lot of post work that needs to be done (3rd party opportunities there too) -- and then assuming that the 3D Viewer is going to intelligently create tiles and serve up the right quality for the connection speed and screen resolution -- we're also looking at cloud hosting too ...

I'm trying to figure out what a system that is technically superior to Matterport's Camera will offer as far as value to the customer in order to make it a purchase worthwhile to an existing Matterport user.

Certainly differentiating yourself in a market is always a factor. This solution is touted as being white labelled -- that's fantastic as most of us find Matterport's branding to be a little intrusively executed.

Potentially, this will have a feature set out of the box such as posting to Facebook, Street View, SQFT Measurement, Point Cloud downloads, editing (remove camera from mirrors), RAW images -- but you know, Matterport have the capacity to offer most of these things (not RAW)...

So ... maybe it comes down to what it can do for the photographer...

If this is faster than the Matterport Camera in the field ... the service fees are less ... and the ability to edit is there ... well, this could be a very worthy competitor!
Post 32 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@metroplex Eloquently put!
Post 33 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
So I think all agree on that a new, very expensive, camera will have a space in the market if it gives something really superior (Blow MP out of the water as @hometakes said), not only for the end customer but for the photographer too (as @Metroplex360 said).
Post 34 IP   flag post
mcatino private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes the money you speak of is always good on paper. As fast as I was going to get into this is almost as fast as I am backing off, not out. I wanted to do MP it's just too cool but if nobody's buying I am fighting a uphill battle. I agree with @jfantin on the expensive camera problem and lowball artists ruining a great thing.

I am going to hope that the IRIS 360 Pro is the winner in the game of VR. I also hope They don't follow the plan game (I'm out). I hope Matterport catches on and gets away from the plans for me to move into it down the road.

I refuse to buy a camera and then pay someone so that I can show my work that I will never really own. That is just the photographer in me and I know allot of you doing this probably never were photographers but do some great work with the MP system.

My problem for all parties concerned is that allot of people today don't care about quality, I do but I'm a photographer.
We are talking web, iPhone, iPad for most of the viewing going on. Yeah there will be the high end client from time to time that will be using this on a 5K monitor in the lobby of their corporate HQ's somewhere but that isn't the norm.

To all those doing it, continue good luck. To all those think about doing it stick around Dan's forum and keep up with everything. To the manufacturers wake up. Right now I will bet on InsideMaps a little cool factor, Ricoh Theta for the cheap down and dirty client that just wants something and I pray the the IRIS 360 Pro will be the one for me. Matterport I'll see you down the road maybe if you survive.
Post 35 IP   flag post
YairYepez private msg quote post Address this user
This is a fascinanting topic.

What I think NCTECH is getting very right with these cameras is the importance of 360 and photogrammetry working together. I just came across what their older model can do in terms of 3D obj file:

NCTECH might dominate the market that Matterport has struggled to create.
Post 36 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@yairyepez That's a cool photogrammetry model. That said, I'd prioritize easy of use over quality. MP is easy to navigate and it's good enough (like Microsoft Office, why do you need to upgrade when you are using 5% of its features anyway?).

A high res model on SketchFab to me is not customer ready. And I'm sure NCTech knows it, otherwise they wouldn't build their own platform. I'm also having a hard time thinking that a version 1 of a product is so good that can become an immediate market leader (except for the iPhone). They are facing an uphill battle with MP.

That said, I welcome their new gear and I may well become an early customer, if they do a good job and they are able to ship cameras in time.
Post 37 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@Tosolini I could not agree more. Its no good being higher tech if you can't easily figure out how it works. I tried the arrow keys on my keyboard as its so easy to navigate Matterport that way. But it didn't work, that is until I changed it to first person view (which I think that the tours should be defaulted to) and then in worked. Much cooler to actually be able to move around to any point in the model this way. However, 99% of agents (or their clients) would not bother to go into the tools section to change things to work another way. And to be honest, even though I now know how to do this, I find it cumbersome to have to do so...
Post 38 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
I notice the whole conversation here is what you can do with this technology in the real estate market. I see it as a chance to branch out into other markets. I could be huge for interior design and architecture. Just seen some posts in the last week about this. and here is a product that looks like it may have the specs needed for this.

Think outside the box. That would make a large price more doable.
Post 39 IP   flag post
StevieG private msg quote post Address this user
This is a really interesting thread, I'm starting out in 360, using a standard Canon 6D with 12mm fisheye lens and Nodal Ninja.

I've been looking at MP since the start of the year, I'm blown away by the tech, it looks stunning, but I'm concerned at the cost vs emerging technology, and how it could soon be replaced. It's costly - but not out of reach of Estate Agents, so why would they get someone in and not just do it themselves (apart from it being time consuming)?

I've been looking at a few sellers websites since the start of year and I'm not seeing many new jobs being added or showcased, which makes me wonder how much work there is out there.

Is this the potential replacement you refer to? It has a price on there of $2899, what is the $13k referred to?

Think you mean this device...

Best wishes.
Post 40 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by StevieG
This is a really interesting thread, I'm starting out in 360, using a standard Canon 6D with 12mm fisheye lens and Nodal Ninja.

I've been looking at MP since the start of the year, I'm blown away by the tech, it looks stunning, but I'm concerned at the cost vs emerging technology, and how it could soon be replaced. It's costly - but not out of reach of Estate Agents, so why would they get someone in and not just do it themselves (apart from it being time consuming)?

I've been looking at a few sellers websites since the start of year and I'm not seeing many new jobs being added or showcased, which makes me wonder how much work there is out there.

Is this the potential replacement you refer to? It has a price on there of $2899, what is the $13k referred to?

Think you mean this device...

Best wishes.

Estate agents won't all be buying MP cameras for the same reason that most agencies still out source their photography and floorplanning. Time. Staff. Of course some will, but they will soon realise that it's not efficient to do it in-house.

In regards to judging the demand by other sellers websites, I wouldn't base your assessment solely on that as most will not be putting every tour they do online.
Post 41 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by StevieG
I've been looking at MP since the start of the year, I'm blown away by the tech, it looks stunning, but I'm concerned at the cost vs emerging technology, and how it could soon be replaced. It's costly - but not out of reach of Estate Agents, so why would they get someone in and not just do it themselves (apart from it being time consuming)?

Extremely valid concerns, it must be said, I never thought I'd be adding another in the shape of how long does it seriously take Matterport's sales division to respond to a purchase enquiry?!

The £2,995 price point's simply too good for me to refuse but multiple days along, I'm already researching alternatives...
Post 42 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Since I am attending SPAR 3D Expo & Conference in Houston next week (3-6 April 2017), I received this email from NCTech about their (launching soon) LASiris VR ($13,000) and iris Pro ($2,899).

Super-excited to visit their booth and reporting back to Forum Members.



Post 43 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Super-excited to visit their booth and reporting back to Forum Members.

Deeply envious Dan, looking forward to your reporting, I sadly can't make it due to work commitments but I do have a colleague en route who's immensely interested in what the LASiris VR can do, I'm really looking forward to better nadir coverage with the latter myself thanks to the two new slightly downward inclined cameras and, of course, whatever their "little surprise" is!

Re Matterport Sales, delighted to say that their Twitter people suggested direct email communication, suffice to say the camera's due this Tuesday, can't wait
Post 44 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@PeterMcCready $2995 For Matterport? Where is that price? Thanks, Colin
Post 45 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by hometakes
@PeterMcCready $2995 For Matterport? Where is that price? Thanks, Colin

It's unfortunately just the UK price in pound sterling Colin, technically it's £3,594 with VAT added, making it $4,510.97 US when converted using today's rates!
Post 46 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
NCTech up next at SPAR 3D conference (Monday, 3 April 2017)

I will create and post video tonight.

Post 47 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
If they take questions, what would you like me to ask?

Post 48 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
I would really like to see some examples of what they are calling "True HDR" for the new Iris360 Pro.
Post 49 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Presentation about LASiris. Perhaps they will have an iris360 Pro in the booth.

Post 50 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I did a live stream on Facebook ...
(It's available now)

I will post another video - focus on the screen - tonight (3 April 2017)

Post 51 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

Perhaps they are still working on the $500 version?

Also, the next IVRPA conference is June 3-6 2017 in Vienna.

I would imagine that NCTech will have an announcement then/there.


I would have a great "Test Object" for a Vienna Capture:
Post 52 IP   flag post
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