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Engineering & Matterport (Privacy concerns)4060

Montreal3D private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

I just discovered the Matterport solution last week and I also had the chance to end up on this great forum. I have to say the amount of knowledge, respect and passion in this community is simply amazing.

I work as a mechanical engineer for a small firm here in Montreal. Our main service is to design Factory, mainly in the food industrie. We choose equipment, conveyors, design some add-on, electrical, piping, etc. A couple of years back, we chose to try different 3D softwares (Solidworks, Inventor, etc.) to move away from Autocad and do Factory design in 3D. At first, we used external firms to make models of the Factory, this was a great way to help us design production lines with a better idea of the final result. We then gave a try to 3D scanning services, using Faro scanners. This was a huge step forward, but models were expensive and also very hard on the GPU/computer. We could see details that were missing on 3D models, but we could not fit the supplier equipment and have a model to share with our client, it was just too heavy (Models over 6GB,etc.)

Now, the Matterport sample (both Point Clouds and OBJ) appeared as the greatest solution we've seen so far. It's very lightweight (way under 1GB) and the precision from a good scan can give us enough details to help us with our design. Yes, we obviously need to validate some values prior the providing our client with final equipment layout, but it would still make things so much faster and easier for us.

Sadly, it seems like there is a major issue when it comes to Privacy after reading the Terms and Conditions of use of the Matterport Camera & Cloud services. We don't really have much interest in the WebGL Panoramic tour, our goal is really to get the 3D / Points clouds.
With the current T&C of the Matterport, there seem to be no way to make sure the Scan Data is kept private. There even seem to be no way to be sure that once your delete your scan, there's no copie of it somewhere in the cloud that could be used later by a third party.

Any other engineer with similar concerns? I know the BLK360 coming soon seem to be a great alternative to the Matterport, but is there anything else available now with similar performance? What do you guys think of the Terms & Conditions, aren't you concerned about your work and intellectual property?

Looking forward to reading your answers, thanks in advance!

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Woods private msg quote post Address this user

I am in a similar situation at my engineering company, we design turbine gas engines for the oil & gas industry. Matterport's TOC, 3D scanning and cloud system are all points my company is worried about.

Below are a couple of solutions/ideas my company has been working on over the last year or so, and they have spent a lot of money investigating and testing.


Each tablet is $5000 and limited to very small spaces (5'x 5'). My company currently ordered 3 units and are in the test phase to proceed.


For laser scanning, much more accurate but very expensive.

360 Photography Studio

Using for equipment photography for the engineers and customers. In test phase with our startup division group.

I don't think any of the solutions above are great, but they do offer different options that may be useful to investigate further.

Curious to hear others feedback as well.

Post 2 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Nicolas,

Would you please send your requirement [VIA Private Message].

It is possible.
We can talk about any possibility privately.

Thank you.
JuMP team from China
Post 3 IP   flag post
ShahBatroukh private msg quote post Address this user
@NicolasMorency Have you looked into Pix4D? Not sure how they stack up, so I would be curious to know.
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3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@ShahBatroukh @NicolasMorency
We are working on photogrammetric for long time.
Only normal camera was required when you are using photogrammetric processing.

We have tried lots of 3d scan technology:
Laser scan, structured light scan and photogrammetric scan.

Photogrammetric is the best way in our business.
And Acute3d is the best software to do that.
There are lots of example on

Matterport camera is kind of structured light scan.
To us Matterport camera is only a scanner together with a processing software.

In all of the 3D scan solutions we used, Matterport is the most strange one. You own the copyrights of your scan but are not allowed to have it and process it!
Indeed Matterport make a simple way for us to scan the room and upload, result can be calculated on cloud and can be shown on Matterport's website in some hours. It is really cool.
We don't need to spend time on 3D re-build software or upload it to

But it can't be the reason that Matterport not allow author to have the result and process it.
There is no other 3D scanner company do this like Matterport on earth.

Sorry for my bad English but I think you can understand.

JuMP team from China
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @NicolasMorency
Hi everyone,

Sadly, it seems like there is a major issue when it comes to Privacy after reading the Terms and Conditions of use of the Matterport Camera & Cloud services. We don't really have much interest in the WebGL Panoramic tour, our goal is really to get the 3D / Points clouds.
With the current T&C of the Matterport, there seem to be no way to make sure the Scan Data is kept private. There even seem to be no way to be sure that once your delete your scan, there's no copie of it somewhere in the cloud that could be used later by a third party.




The Matterport Terms Of Service (TOC) are onerous: especially for any industry that requires confidentiality.

Even if the scans are private, Matterport Support still can view them.

And, based on the Matterport TOC, I could imagine that you never can delete a Matterport Spaces 3D Tour from the platform. Even if you could, derivative works are still likely. Imagine the floor plans of your factory showing up - and showing up in an API that shows where the factory - your factory - is located (eve though you "deleted" the model from Matterport.

If you need confidentiality of content, Matterport is not the solution. I welcome Matterport to dispute this is writing: specifically:

1. If you delete a scan from the Matterport platform, is it deleted?
2. Even if it is deleted, can/will derivative works still show up on the platform?
3. Will derivative works show up in an API?

Wish it was better news. Matterport is great tech, but not designed for spaces that are proprietary and need to remain confidential.


P.S. And, on behalf of the We Get Around Network Forum Community, thank you for your kind words for the Community - and welcome.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Montreal3D private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for all the feedback. I'll definitly have a look at the options you've listed!

I also hope to see answers to your specific questions @DanSmigrod , I think clear answer could only be profitable for Matteport. There is definitly a market in engineering, but confidentiality is mandatory.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

While these solutions do not solve the challenge described, these AEC related 3rd party services may be helpful ...

AEC Space (Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry)

3DVUEPhoto Realistic 3D Renders of Un-Built Spaces (special)
3DVUESparkVR 3D Tours of Un-Built Spaces (special)
3DVUE –  SurrealVR Photo Realistic 3D Tours of Un-Built Spaces (special)
Archilogic – 2D floor plan of an unbuilt space --> furnished 3D Tour
vCAD – CAD to VR on a Smartphone: visualize a space before it exists
Veriscian - VirtualSite for Matterport Users | obj to .pts,  .3ds, .fbx
We Get Around – FloorMe service - architect created floor plans from .obj
We Get Around FloorMe Extreme service (.obj to .skp)[b]


Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Your thoughts on these two cameras/scanners announcered today?

Post 9 IP   flag post
Montreal3D private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Definitly following and can't wait to see actual feedback from users. Couldn't be happier to see more and more of these solutions available on the market. Good bye Faro & complicated post-scan work ! I still have high expectation from the BLK360 given it is designed to work with the Autodesk Suite.
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