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I feel they are missing the boat3985

LetMe3D private msg quote post Address this user
I just found another company "Panolife" which makes FeelEstate software for the Ricoh Theta doing exactly what everyone else is doing, Plans.

In my opinion MP should develop a pay as you go method. Pay for what you use and for those who use allot there is always the plans. With so many company's with similar technology the one that makes it easy for photographers to get into the game will win.

There is to much in the wind right now about Google Street view expanding and less expensive hardware coming. Don't think Google could buy all of you in a blink of a eye? Do any of you see where I am going with this. Be like Microsoft not Apple in the early days. Open your world to everybody you will all make more money.

If all of you in the software game just pander to Realtors you might be shooting yourself in the foot. The only one I see trying to do it right is insideMaps with its simple pricing structure. Matterport I hope your listening wouldn't you like to sell allot more cameras and get everyone addicted to MP so it becomes a house hold name like microwave oven or iPhone? Everybody that is really interested can buy one (cash or credit). So don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind the fees but I can't justify paying for something I am not using.

A free month of hosting is useless with nothing to host. Someone starting out should have a path to learn the software and the procedures and find some potential customers. I have seen and learned enough here to do it right it isn't easypeeze like you try to sell.

I know the phone company's paid for their systems to be built off the backs of the consumers with free phones as long as we had a plan (that is gone now). So listen up all of you software companies everybody doesn't need you and the sad truth is anyone of you can be gone in a split second. There are however millions of photographers in the world that would love to offer this to clients and other to broaden their customer base.

Sorry everyone if this came across as a rant but I do think the technogy is ready for the world but the provider companies are not. I am a little sad because I was so excited to start doing this but it looks like I will have to pass right now. I will play around with Street view and insideMaps and see where that goes. Hey Matterport you are getting a camera back next week.
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suncoastskyview private msg quote post Address this user
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@suncoastskyview Something about Google Street View, Realtors, the phone company and some kind of revolution being led by photographers.
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Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
@Letme3D. Lmk when you want to sell your scanner. I pay cash.
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WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@Invelop LOL. I can't stop laughing. Thank you, I needed that tonight.
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