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Photo editing labor time.3673

WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
This may not be the place for this post, but I'll ask anyway. When we aren't able to sell Matterport and offer a slide show in hopes to sell Matterport later.

Are any of you offering photo shoots with slide shows to offset your Matterport sales? I could also rephrase by asking are you already seasoned photographers offering slide shows as virtual tours as well?

I am a licensed agent who has shot hdr photos for myself and the brokers or teams for many years and stumbled upon Matterport as I got into shooting videos for out of state clients as tours.

As I began to offer tours I decided to up my photo quality with better cameras and using Lightroom, yet still want to offer more natural photos than the lipstick shots offered through services like Virtuance. But Lightroom editing eats up my labor costs in the editing room.

Are any of you scooting away from Lightroom to use faster batch editing or photo enhancement software that competes with Virtuance for your shoots?

I snapped some shots off my cell phone today and allowed my Google Photos app to do some adjustments that fit in just fine with the remainder of my gallery. That's a lot of time saved on 10 shots.

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Can you share some links to your slide shows?


P.S. Just heading to the Inman Connect conference today in NYC. I may not get to post again until much later ...
Post 2 IP   flag post
Rootsyloops private msg quote post Address this user
I think it really depends on the room you are shooting how much pre and post processing are required, and there's also an inverse correlation between time spent in pre and time spent in post. For a room with a ton of contrast between inside and outside that requires capturing a great view, you probably need to spend quite a bit of time with experimenting with multiple flash positions and/or brackets, and then spend time in Lightroom tweaking. On simpler rooms, however, I shoot single raw images and have a single preset I've setup in Lightroom that gets those photos 95% of the way there. So I might spend 5 minutes on the high contrast shots, but only 30 seconds on the single shots in post. I dislike editing and agree it's a time pig. It would be great to find a service that could make it more efficient....
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I have bought Photostage Slideshow years ago where I have to gather my own music and I bought Kizoa where I can use their music, not quite made well for real estate with zoom directions like PhotoStage offers. But the music is easy to access. (I'll do some digging on Photo Stage)

A slideshow is my basic virtual tour to complete with the free Property Panorama slide show given through the local Realtor Association. Virtuance and Tour Factory have been fairing well in the higher end market with a higher end photo shoot. (Here is Kizoa)

I offer Ricoh for a middle "virtual tour" that agents still don't pony up well for and then Matterport as the beef.

Something out there needs to hit our sweet spot for a middle offering without the Matterport price tag that agents can swallow.

But right now offering a slide show is too time consuming for a shoot + post production takes the hourly to garbage.

The blue collar offerings are in hopes of future business and business name exposure to buyer agents without a free Matterport offering that typically results in no future business to recoup costs.

Let's see what pops at Inmann Dan!
Post 4 IP   flag post
LetMe3D private msg quote post Address this user
Like they say the only way to get to Carnegie Hall is Practice, Practice, Practice. I hope you know your software like the back of you hand that should help you be more proficient.

I am very proficient in Photoshop so for me to fix most images I shoot is quite easy and not that time consuming at all I use Bridge and Camera Raw for all batch processing to start then PS.

I don't use presets at all may be you can find some that are magic for your style and work with your camera equipment. Since everything I shoot is different so is my approach to enhancing them. Best practices: Every image needs Sharping, it can help even with iPhone pics.

I am on the Mac platform and life is so easy there for instance (if you don't have one) If I were you I would just take all my photos into iMovie and make a video of all the stills add some transitions and your done (only one idea)and some background music and post it to Youtube now you have more action with a added web presence with little to no effort.

Remember the more you know the more ways to skin a cat.
Post 5 IP   flag post
ittam123 private msg quote post Address this user
The VeewMe platform can create an awesome slideshow for you from stored photos. Take a look under the "Faux Video" navigation tab.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Dolloff private msg quote post Address this user
Talking photo and post-production... We spend a lot of time on post production, bracketing and blending 5 photos in some cases. We also don't use any lighting. Do you guys suggest using some lighting? Would that decrease on post production and increase on quality or just stick to bracketing and post production? Thanks for your advice!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Uh... Lightroom is designed for batch editing.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@Expertise ... keep going. Looks like your comment got cut off.
Post 9 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
You might give Topaz filters a try. They're not free but you can try them out along with the standalone host program if you don't have a host like Photoshop.

If you have a Mac, maybe you could test the new PhotoLemur program that makes some bold claims. They're still working on a Windows version so I can't test it until they release it.

According to their blurb, PhotoLemur is the first program to use artificial intelligence to enhance pictures automatically.

Digital Trends talks about it here.

If I'm seriously shopping for a home and there's a slide show for it, I'll probably click through it at least before loading up a virtual tour. The slide show's faster to load and it can help me narrow down choices. Then, I'd like to explore it in more detail in a browser-based VR tour.

Finally, I'd explore my final candidates in a VR headset since for me, that's the most important experience because it puts me in a home. I sat next to the president in the Oval Office a few days ago. I thought, "this is smaller than I imagined." Surprisingly, he said,

"One thing that struck me when I first got here is that this Oval Office is SMALLER than I'd imagined."

Coincidence? I'd imagine that before he was President, Obama had seen "pictures" of the Oval Office but apparently it takes VR to see what a room really looks like. Maybe sites should provide slide shows (for speed), browser-based tours (for details) and VR headset tours (to see what a place is really like.

To sit next to the president in the Oval Office, Put on a Gear VR, launch the 360 Videos app and click the White House video. It's a new one that lets you see what that place is really like. Your tour guide is the president. And when you're sitting next to him in the Oval Office, watch what he says about the room's size.

Perhaps realtors and home sellers think a photograph tells the whole story. A photo may peak the interest and start the sales process, but only VR can show you that the office really is an oval. And small.
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@UserName - That is exactly where I'm going with this conversation! You pointed out exactly where I want to go with a quick editing process like PhotoLemur.. 3 Thumbs Up!!!

Stick photos in a system and spit out results faster than uploading to Lightroom, export - wait, cram in Photomatix, export - wait, come back to Lightroom play with some Exposure, Clarity, ect.

Instead take something like PhotoLemur, check for some touch up and get the images into a gallery and start making the slideshow. Get the Ricoh shots edited and make the agent website.

Sometimes, I would think about shooting a few 360's off the Matterport. Go home and upload. eat dinner, play with kids, take stills off the Matterport Showcase whenever it's ready and upload to a gallery and insert into a slideshow. But I'm too cheap to eat the $20 to Matterport.

You guys are right about the practice. Maybe I should focus some time on presets that do the basically the same thing a program I'm looking for would do. Algorithms keep changing.
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
So it's been 2 months since I first put up this post asking if anyone has contracted with these slide show companies to offer "Virtual Tours".

Is it safe to say, nobody here is contracted with companies like Virtuance and TourFactory here to sell other photo slide show options?

Real estate agents in my area tend to either shoot their own photos relying on the free slideshow from Property Panorama a free offering from the MLS or take the next step using primarily these two common companies to order their photos that offer a slide show as "Virtual Tours".

Then us Matterport 360 guys come in offering 3D dollhouse and 360 Tours as top notch true "virtual" offerings.

Are any of you working with or competing with these types of Virtual Tour companies?

If so, how are you embracing or competing with them?
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