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iGuide As A Platform - Thoughts3636

RGO private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan
Viewing the interview in 360, you on both edges and the camera system as well........I hate that 360 look.....BUT

The iGuide at $4500 is just another MP system.

Why would I invest another $4,500 plus fees, unless this iGuide can do the following:

1. The SLR camera could be replaced with my own GH5. This would save me money and maybe convince me to add this system in with my MP system.

2. As a camera, how does it shoot outdoors ? Does it have the ability to create a tour just using the pictures and not the laser to create a 3D Tour outside in the sun.

Maybe....I'd jump into this system if it had an outdoor ability to make a 3D Tour

3. I didn't see any TAGS in the demo....maybe they say so or it exists in another explanation, but the interview and video I saw, I did not see any TAGS. I want TAGS that I can add TEXT, PICTURES, VIDEO.

4. I did not see any ICONS on screen that allows for VR. Does it ?

These are critical items that MIGHT....might make me ADD iGuide to my TOOLS......or drop MP and move over.

But what I saw, at the cost VS what I already have, iGuide has to show me that it has features that I want that MP does not provide. Otherwise, for me, it is just one more MP system.
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mcatino private msg quote post Address this user
I just don't see it with this system for my needs.
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

On a plane Sunday. That should be a good time for me to reply. Thank you for your patience.

In the mean time, I imagine others might want to reply to your post too ...


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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RGO

1. The SLR camera could be replaced with my own GH5. This would save me money and maybe convince me to add this system in with my MP system.

I had the same problem until I talked with Kevin at iGuide. The camera they are offering is outfitted with a 3D sensor that captures the floorplan area at an accuracy that is unmatched. They have customized the camera with a calibrated lens and it hooks up to a system that allows realtime floorplan viewing and placement of panoramas. Similar to the Matterport Capture app.

Originally Posted by RGO
As a camera, how does it shoot outdoors ? Does it have the ability to create a tour just using the pictures and not the laser to create a 3D Tour outside in the sun.

Yes. The 3D is only used for the floorplan and placement. Outside, it just positions the panos at the edge of the tour.


I like iGuide. I think it's a great system. I think it's a bit of a hard sell as the upfront is high - but it's hugely successful in certain markets and I think it's due to the excellent customer service from both the company their operators. Like RealVision, it can be done faster than Matterport and cost to the Realtor is lower than Matterport. It generates accurate floorplans and has a full virtual tour package that can be integrated into an MLS.
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Since @Metroplex360 covered the technical questions (Thank you), I will respond at the "big picture" of iGuide Camera System from Planitar.

✓ Convert and publish 3D Tours to Google Street View via MP2SV
✓ You own all the digital assets
✓ No 3rd party logo
✓ DSLR quality images
✓ ability to edit images in post-production
✓ faster to scan large spaces
✓ Laser quality measurements (important in the AEC space)
✓ Pay per tour: no monthly hosting
✓ Planitar does not sell its solution to real estate agents
✓ Planitar does not oversaturate markets with iGuide Camera Systems

You can read more about the iGuide Camera System here.

All iGuide Camera system purchases include:

✓ Free! - first 5 Standard iGuides, Processing
✓ Free! - first 6 months We Get Around Network Standard Membership
✓ 40 percent off iGuide-to-Google Street View conversion and publishing by MP2SV

For details about this We Get Around Network bundle for iGuide Camera System purchases, please click here.

Post 5 IP   flag post
RGO private msg quote post Address this user
Let me ask this about iGuide.....

Outdoors are a huge failure when using MP.

iGuide, the software that stitches images together.....WHAT IF.....I use my GH5, take a bunch of Outdoor pictures....I want iGuide software to make us a 3D Tour.


1. Can I buy that part of the service without buying their camera and duplicate my expenses since I own MP ?

2. When stitched together...assuming that iGuide does this.....there is a 3D Tour that a visiting Guest can follow like a MP Tour ?

3. Can this be turned into VR Tour ?

4. Are there any TAGS I can place inside this iGuide 3D Tour that can have either TEXT, PICTURES, or VIDEO ?

So, can I use that part of iGuide I need for outdoors, or is it ALL or NOTHING ?
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

The short answer is all or nothing ...

The iGuide System is a platform that includes:

✓ hardware
✓ software
✓ processing
✓ hosting

For the iGuide magic to work, all the pieces need to work together. Just because you have four tires and a steering wheel, doesn't mean to you can drive ...

I hear your concern – "but I already own a 3D Camera and a DSLR camera" ...

Rather than looking at this as an expense, decide if you can generate more revenue - that you can not do with your existing gear - to justify the investment.

While iGuide has announced VR conversion, I could imagine that is in development.

iGuide does not offer tags.


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