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Matterport API/SDK "Wish Lists"3519

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Exponential Growth is coming soon to Matterport ... once, Matterport officially releases its APIs/SDKs.

The following is from my We Get Around Network Forum post on 22 May 2015.


I sent this API/SDK "Wish List to Matterport today (22 May 2015. I would like to send them an addendum of additional API/SDK from you (and all other members of the Forum). May I get your additional thoughts by Wednesday, 3 June 2015?

Phase 1

1. Title
2. Model
3. Thumbnail
4. Starting PoV
5. Date Created
6. (Public only)

Phase 2 [* = new field in]

1. Up to first 25 additional thumbnails
2. Street address, City, State, Zip Code Country
3. Longitude and latitude (based on Capture app 1st shot; can be tweaked in 3D Workshop)
4. Google Maps link
5. Model category* (pre-defined; select from list of X that includes up to X nesting in each)
6. Model status* (for sale, for rent, for lease)
7. Vanity Short URL*
8. Enable autoplay
9. Credits
A. Powered by [Photographer] with [Photographer logo*] linked to website*
B. Created for [Client*] with [Client logo*] linked to website*
C. Client logo*
D. About Photographer*
E. About Client*
F. Other models by Photographer*
G. Other models by Client*
10. Connect
A. Photographer via email* (may be different than used to manage Matterport account)
B. Photographer via Twitter*
C. Client via email*
D. Client via Twitter*
11. Description - up to 100 words*
12. Tags - up to 10*
13. Facebook
A. Facebook title* (If left blank, defaults to Model title)
B. Facebook description* (If left blank, defaults to Description*)
C. Facebook image* (If left blank, defaults to “set as thumbnail”)
14. Twitter
A. Twitter title* (If left blank, defaults to Model title)
B. Twitter pre-written tweet* (If left blank, defaults to Description*)
C. Twitter image* (If left blank, defaults to “set as thumbnail”)
15. hashtag*
16. Video*
A. Video created from model and published to YouTube*
B. Video created from model and published to Vimeo*
C. Video created by Matterport and via Matterport*
D. Video created by Photographer and published to YouTube*
E. Video created by Photographer and published to Vimeo*
F. Video created by Photographer and uploaded to Matterport*
G. Video created from model and published to YouTube*
17. Social Sharing*
A. Check the box to display Photographers’ Twitter / YouTube / Pinterest / Facebook / Google + / LinkedIn
B. Check the box to display Clients’ Twitter / YouTube / Pinterest / Facebook / Google + / LinkedIn
19. Time Watched*
20. Thumbs Up votes*
21. Thumbs Down votes*
23. Easy syndication*
24. Set Due North* (via Capture and correctable in 3D Workshop) (Useful for VR too)
25. Waypoint tags*
26. MLS listing number*
27. listing number*
28. listing number*
29. Other listing numbers*




On June 3, 201[b]5
, I posted this to the Forum ...

Today (3 June 2015), I sent Matterport these additional API "wish list" items based on the additional input of @CKC and AR/VR developer @Foundry45


1. pull all data (panos, each pano center point, mesh at that point) —> new experience or interactions within Unity
2. changing paint colors
3. adding / rearranging furniture
4. adding pop-up videos
5. experience time-laps sunsets
6. hearing audio as you walk into a room
7. adding atmospheric sounds
8. adding annotations, scription the motion through the space
9. mesh data might help in aligning a point colud with 10. tracking provided by Vuforia or Metaio
11. The mesh could take the M out of SLAM (simultaneous location and mapping)
12. Walk through a space in pass-through mode (the video camera is on) that precisely overlays information as you walk through. (Such as in a museum, an X-ray view of other rooms (ie. you can see what direction other exhibits are in just by looking around (Yelp app style, but more detailed)
13. international language support.


If you have addition "wish list" ideas for the API -- especially for virtual reality -- please post to this thread. I will aggregate and email to Matterport.




Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
What else would you add to the "wish list" for Matterport APIs/SDKs?

Post 2 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
14. Common sense.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
An SDK, by definition, is a 'Software Development Kit', so there are things that an SDK -is- and things that an SDK is not.

Matterport have already started a beta of their VR SDK for app developers. The VR SDK allows Matterport tours to be embedded within other apps in the same manner that we currently embed tours into websites with an <iframe>. The difference is that an SDK is required to do this for mobile apps, whereas a code snippet can be quickly added to a website without the need for an SDK.

Next - Matterport has a RESTful API powered by Django. While not documented by Matterport, most third party developers have been aware of it's existence and how to use it.

A REST API in a broad sense can be used to push and pull information via JSON/XML, which is a standard format to exchange data in multi-dimensional arrays. For those who are not developers - this means instead of a list of things like -- Title, Thumbnail, Address -- it means -- Title, Thumbnails (#1, #2, #3, ...), Address (City, State, Zip, etc) -- wherein items can have multiple values -- and values can have multiple values.

I have documented the different endpoints here.

The REST API is used internally by Workshop, Showcase, the VR App and Showcase App. It is used by WP3D Models, MatterApps and even the We Get Around Network.

When logged into Portal, an authentication token is generated which allows information to be pushed back to certain endpoints which include editing data fields and uploading models (used by Capture App).

I believe that Matterport should document the REST API.

This would take care of almost all of Dan's list.

Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Phase 1

1. Title
2. Model
3. Thumbnail
4. Starting PoV
5. Date Created
6. (Public only)

All things already in the public, undocumented REST API

Dan's Phase 2 --

1. Up to first 25 additional thumbnails
API - Created in Workshop; Already in REST API.

2. Street address, City, State, Zip Code Country
API - Already in REST API.

3. Longitude and latitude (based on Capture app 1st shot; can be tweaked in 3D Workshop)
Capture App - Capture App does not use GPS as the Matterport doesn't capture GPS and a Wifi iPad does not capture GPS either. The only way we could get GPS is to use Google Maps to cross reference the address. This would not be precise.

4. Google Maps link
Portal - I don't see this as core functionality. Matterport already have integrated Google Maps API in portal to auto-complete addresses. I'm on the fence as to whether or not they should do this, or simply store the address GPS for 3rd party use.

5. Model category* (pre-defined; select from list of X that includes up to X nesting in each)

Portal - Good idea; especially if Matterport want to build a map of our models on their own website. API would be able to retrieve the selected category.

6. Model status* (for sale, for rent, for lease)

Portal - Sounds like a tag.

7. Vanity Short URL*
Portal - We can already create via our own URL shortener. What Matterport should consider is providing permalinks. This would allow users to upload a new version of a tour and to swap the permalink in Portal rather than having to have their clients update links to an embedded tour.

8. Enable autoplay
Portal - If forcing parameters (&play=1) is a functionality of Workshop, then we may as well have the ability to set all parameter defaults within Workshop.

9. Credits
Powered by [Photographer] with [Photographer logo*] linked to website*
B. Created for [Client*] with [Client logo*] linked to website*

Portal - These fields should be included - much like how Google Streetview, YouTube, Vimeo or other creative services do this. Matterport may choose to provide us with public profile pages like these services do so that the links go to our profile with the ability to hire us.

9. Credits (cont)
C. Client logo*
D. About Photographer*
E. About Client*

Portal feature. For the most part, our Matterport accounts already have the capability to store information about the photographer. For those with privacy concerns, allowing us to input client information in a database at would probably stir up conspiracy threads of Matterport harvesting our data for sales.

A link in matterport tour would likely link to a profile of the photographer ON This is how GSV, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. handle that. Not a direct link to a website as that would then require a message about 'WARNING - you are leaving this model to enter a 3rd party website' and for the most part, tours are viewed as embeds ON a website so ... the usage here would be limited imho. I'd imagine a lot of people creating links that people would click and just open up extra tabs.

F. Other models by Photographer*
G. Other models by Client*

F can be done with the REST API if authenticated. G could be done by using folders to represent clients already.

13. Facebook - Title/Description/Image

Already handled by oEmbed which is automatically pulled from REST API.

14. Twitter - etc

Already handled by oEmbed which is automatically pulled from REST API.

16. Video*
A. Video created from model and published to YouTube*
B. Video created from model and published to Vimeo*
C. Video created by Matterport and via Matterport*
D. Video created by Photographer and published to YouTube*
E. Video created by Photographer and published to Vimeo*
F. Video created by Photographer and uploaded to Matterport*
G. Video created from model and published to YouTube*

Video capture is not a function of a web browser. Matterport would need to create their own Matterport Video Capture App in order to do this. Mileage would vary and Matterport's product is created to RIVAL video - therefore, I don't see them championing this idea. Better leave this as a 3rd party service and request the ability to improve the 'Guided Tour' features that Matterport already have implemented into Workshop.

17. Social Sharing*

Showcase - Coming soon. Matterport already have an account-based flag called 'social_sharing' that when enabled should add a social button to our tours in a similar fashion to the VR button. Facebook and Twitter are integrated to open the standard share windows where our model name and url are included in a field where we can complete the post. The code has been in there a while - I'm not sure why they haven't completed it. I've enabled it in MatterPlus (sample)

18. Views* / 19. Time Watched

Available via REST API - but requires authentication token. Should be moved to public API.

20. Thumbs Up votes* / 21. Thumbs Down votes* / 22. Comments*

I believe this should be a function of the website the tour is posted on, not of the tour.

23. Easy syndication*

It would be nice for Portal to generate an RSS feed.

24. Set Due North* (via Capture and correctable in 3D Workshop) (Useful for VR too)


25. Waypoint tags*

How would this work?

26. MLS listing number*

This is already in Portal, just not actively used.

27. listing number*
28. listing number*
29. Other listing numbers*

It might be nice if the API could pull this -- Matterport are actively working on all sorts of integrations like this.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
API / SDK Wishlist:

REST API Requests:
1. Move Model Stats to Public API (Impressions, Views, Unique Views, Average # of Scans Visited).
2. Allow folders to be set as 'public' in Portal; allow REST API to pull folder list.
3. Ability to generate a public API token per tour.
4. Document and support REST API

Showcase Javascript SDK Implementation:

<script> embed method for tours that does not use <iframe> so that showcase can be a javascript target.

Showcase Javascript SDK Functions:
1. Ability to pull values:
a) current mode (dollhouse, floorplan, inside, outside)
b) current pano (pano #, pano id, floor, room)
c) current room (room #, room id, floor, meters squared, list of panos contained)
c) current floor (floor #, floor name)
d) current view (x,y,z relative to model / pan relative to origin, first scan preset, or true north setting)
e) mattertags (list of tags, status - closed / open, content)
f) labels (label id, label title, room, nearby pano ids)
e) snapshots (snapshot id, snapshot location, list of nearby panos)

2. Ability to push values:
a) Change mode
b) Change location (via pano id)
c) Change floor
d) Change view (by degrees)
e) Change MatterTag content
f) Change label content

3. Ability to create content
a) Insert arbitrary content into tour <div id="showcase_sdk"></div>
b) Insert 'jailed' CSS into tour (all CSS would be preceeded by #showcase_sdk, thus preventing the API from providing the ability to restyle core UI elements).


This would allow MatterStats, MatterPlus and MP2SQFT to all function within the API without any exploits or work-arounds.
Post 5 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
I'll phrase my VR headset wish list item as a riddle. Assume I'm a serious but busy home buyer who has a VR headset. I heard about VR tours and decided to test it. With a headset on,

1) I want to view 20 homes today in VR. Half of those homes are huge and have several floors. The other half average about 12 rooms.

2) I also want to see every room in every home.

How long would that take knowing that in VR,

1) The only way to get from point A to point B is by gazing at blue circles and

2) I have no idea about the layout of any home. Each home is a brand new new adventure.
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