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Matterport versus Toursler (Which and Why)351

DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
@sewardje2 Toursler's clients are skilled photographers that offer Digital Showings to agents and other customers for a fee. Matterport offers a technology that you the agent or end user can operate yourself.

I've heard they have a waiting list to open up in new markets, you could ask your local provider if they plan on offering it as an option. They may already be in line to get access.

otherwise if you're looking for something you can do yourself, Matterport is awesome. I've had a great deal of success with both.

Check out this article I just wrote for inman;
Post 51 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Congrats on the Inman article. Good luck with your presentation at Inman Connect.

Can you ask Tousler to answer @sewardje2 questions?


Post 52 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks! I'll actually be on a panel discussing lead conversion now instead of presenting on digital showings as originally planned. The focus of the event is connectivity, it sounds like 3D tours were the hot topic for last event in NY. I'm sure Digital Showings will come up a lot though during the week.

I would recommend contacting them via their website, I'm in no way affiliated with them other than using one of their customers (Architech3di) as my service provider for digital showings locally.
Post 53 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
@DoyleRealtor Yeah, great article!
Post 54 IP   flag post
sewardje2 private msg quote post Address this user
@smcclell, I agree, Doyle did a good job of explaining the advantages of the technology. I wish Toursler had a more comprehensive web presence because I don't know how to get Toursler in a South Carolina US market. I see Toronto, San Fran, and Bryn in Minneapolis (but under the banner of Architech 3di). What I don't understand is why Minneapolis doesn't show up on the Toursler site as a location...I assume it is some business arrangement with Toursler by Architech 3di (franchisee or subcontractor?). So it is all a bit confusing because I see the benefit of the technology and would love to have a Toursler option for upscale market customers. Fortunately, Matterport is there and available...and has a readily apparent business plan to market nationally if not globally. In fact, they had a demonstration representative here last week. So I may well take the dip into 3D tour business with Matterport. Whichever gets up to speed first -- Matterport image quality and graphics or Toursler availability in other markets--will then keep me over time. Or I could wait--the problem with that is I think upscale clients won't wait and they'll expect this kind of product once they see it.
Post 55 IP   flag post

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I've created virtual tours for many many years. This conversation about Toursler is interesting... and I've looked at the tours, and here's what I really like about Matterport over traditional panorama tours -- which Toursler -IS- despite its interface. Matterport scans are consistent. Toursler tours are not objective - the colors and edits seem all over the map and are oversaturated, too bright, and despite the 'quality' being b better -- I think that the end product looks very warped and unnatural.

Matterport, despite being lower quality, loads faster, is more consistent and feels more true to life and natural. The Matterport interface is also much more relaxing.
Post 56 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All

So Toursler looks to be a good option to have available as well as matterport.

How do we access Toursler products, if you want to use them? Im guessing they are just not available yet to the public?

Post 57 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DoyleRealtor
@sewardje2 Toursler's clients are skilled photographers that offer Digital Showings to agents and other customers for a fee. Matterport offers a technology that you the agent or end user can operate yourself.

I've heard they have a waiting list to open up in new markets, you could ask your local provider if they plan on offering it as an option. They may already be in line to get access.

otherwise if you're looking for something you can do yourself, Matterport is awesome. I've had a great deal of success with both.

Check out this article I just wrote for inman;
Tourseler hands down. They give you so much more, plus you can shoot outside. It's a superior product and looks so much better. Only thing it doesn't have is the dollhouse view, which really doesn't look that great. Walls are partial etc. In time toursler will have a superior dollhouse type view. Can't beat the price either. Matterport loads slow, Reeks havoc on my mac. Fan goes nuts when I use it and I have a new 16 gig retina powerful mac.
Post 58 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
So how do we use Tousler? I want to offer both, as I have some agents who just love the matterport tour. But I want to offer Tousler, anyone know where to get started with them?

Their website does not seem to have this info.

Post 59 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RobV
So how do we use Tousler? I want to offer both, as I have some agents who just love the matterport tour. But I want to offer Tousler, anyone know where to get started with them?

Their website does not seem to have this info.

they figured out how to: No idea what kind of deal they worked out. No one else has been able to you. Sucks.
Post 60 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Can't even find out what type of camera is used to create these.
Post 61 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
yeah...not much info on it.
Post 62 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RobV
yeah...not much info on it.
Not sure why it's such a big secret. You'd think they'd want to be direct competition for matterport. Wonder if they're somehow working together.
Post 63 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
It's a DSLR based technology similar to iGuide, the website you referenced above is for the Minneapolis distributor. Toursler has been contracting with PHOTOGRAPHERS across the globe. Their product is designed for a professional to offer to sell their services to agents etc.

As opposed to Matterport which is something an above average agent could do themselves.
Post 64 IP   flag post
iGuide CIO
and Co-Founder
Kitchener CAN
Kevin_iGuide private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Brandon, I am going to correct you on your similar technology remark as we are nothing alike in platform or performance.
iGuide is based on a thoughtfully designed and patented camera system that has utilized available DSLR bodies for our system.
You are correct that we are best suited in the hands of professional image makers, we are not alike past that.

Kindest regards.
Post 65 IP   flag post
tradetickers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Kevin_James
Hi Brandon, I am going to correct you on your similar technology remark as we are nothing alike in platform or performance.
iGuide is based on a thoughtfully designed and patented camera system that has utilized available DSLR bodies for our system.
You are correct that we are best suited in the hands of professional image makers, we are not alike past that.

Kindest regards.
I do like the clean interface architec3di has created and searching as you hover over each photo the dot on the floorpan lights up.
Post 66 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
I received this this newsletter from MUG Member @jessetutt in Red Deer and Calgary, Alberta, Canada about switching to Toursler from Matterport.

Jesse joined the MUG Forum on 19 October 2014.

Jesse, anything that you would like to share with MUG Forum Members?

Post 67 IP   flag post
Max_Sodomovskiy private msg quote post Address this user
Hello! Somebody tried Toursler in VR? Cool?
Post 68 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Yes it's very cool
Post 69 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
The Toursler tours look cool. They look like what I was making manually with my DSLR before I swapped to Matterport. Panoramas with arrows.

There is still a feeling that one is just jumping between manipulated images that Matterport managed to transcend. With Matterport - we're freely moving around spaces both in 3D and panoramic photography; and while I realize that in Showcase, we're really just moving between panoramas also -- the 3D dollhouse, floorplans and transition effects between the maps creates an overall more immersive experience that is ultimately more enjoyable.

Now, the next move I'm hoping from Matterport is to add the ability to us pros to tinker with the panoramas... Even just adding temperature controls, brightness / contrast ... minor things will allow us to up our game. It is in Matterport's interest to allow us to champion the format in the face of other older technologies that may woo away potential customers because of brighter more vibrant images.
Post 70 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Max_Sodomovskiy
Hello! Somebody tried Toursler in VR? Cool?

I've watched as their VR app got developed and launched, it is amazing what these guys are doing with out having access millions of dollars of capital.

Here is a link to the app if you guys haven't tried it
Post 71 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Would be cool to see what they would do if they had a cool product like Matterport . I'm sorry, I just bounced back here from looking at some Toursler tours and I just find them cumbersome to navigate... the improved image quality is nice, but I just don't get the sense of freedom and curiosity that Matterport tours inspire. Toursler is old tech repackaged to look like new tech.
Post 72 IP   flag post
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