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Matterport versus Toursler (Which and Why)351

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
If you have used Matterport and Toursler, how would you compare them?


Post 1 IP   flag post
vincent private msg quote post Address this user
hmmm why is it so similar and clunky
Post 2 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I'm about to use a similar product and offer both services.
The panoramic style is much cleaner and superior quality, however lacking the dollhouse detracts from the overall impact.
The Floorplan embedding is a nice feature as well
Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, having shot for Google Business View the demo on their homepage would take some time to produce. Unless it's outsourced to India would be quite costly and a real pain to link together as you're dealing with loads of pano's.

The other issue are the confusing arrows as it really makes a mess of the VT experience. Image quality is similar to MP but their only real advantage is the ability to do outdoor captures in any type of weather and this is where MP falls down.

I still fell that MP is a superior solution.

Jamie, after you shoot a location do you have to link the pano's or is that part of their service?
Post 4 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Gary
I am starting to use it next week. But yes, you have to stitch each pano and upload them. They charge $10 per job I believe.
I will be replacing the dslr method with a 360 camera to speed up operation.
I have a big job next week that is over 52,000 Sq ft. It will be a challenge for sure, and this will be an addition/backup if it fails
Post 5 IP   flag post
ToddKivimaki private msg quote post Address this user
Jamie are you using toursler? They told me they couldn't process any more jobs until a system overhaul end of July. They gave me a rough quote of 3-4 cents per square foot... Includes tour, Photos and floor plan. Much more expensive but far better quality. You can go outside with their system but no doll house as discussed.
Post 6 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Jamie, what 360 camera are you using? Does your job involve several levels?
Post 7 IP   flag post
vincent private msg quote post Address this user
Jamie are you using this Toursler system
is it a software component alone and you choose your gear?

Are you opting for this approach over the matterport because of the size 52,000 square feet

Also do you own the walkthrough meaning are you able to process and then post it on your own server
Post 8 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Jamie does Toursler supply the stitching software and how will you keep track of all of the pano's in such a large shoot?
Post 9 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
No not using toursler. It's a similar service. Will post the company name on here for everyone. There's a few different providers offering the same/similar service.
I like it because you can embed video, voice over and links onto the 360, and the ability to go outside is a huge plus. The lack of the dollhouse is the only thing that makes MP better in my opinion. But some people want outside shots.

I haven't purchased the 360 camera yet, but I'm looking at either an istar or some other cheaper multi lense system that can do at least 10mp with full 360 (not just horizontally)
I assume leveling these multilingual camera would not be an issue, only when you use your dslr.
Not sure how toursler system works, but I assume it's very similar to the guys I'll be using. Their pricing is far to cheap for the market. They are practically giving it away. Walk through plus look plan plus photos for $200. That's my floor plan price alone
Post 10 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
There definitely using India for the floor plan. Please let us know how their application works as they must have simplified the stitching and management of the pano's.

I had looked at Toursler and you needed to have a certain Canon camera and then you needed to load an additional application into the camera which helped in locating each pano. Their price to me was around $150 for a 3,000 SqFt model. They never got into detail on how their application worked. When I started to ask more details questions they never got back to me.

This big shoot you're going to do will be a real challenge and I'm interested to get your take on how this new solution works out. The iStar is a great camera, do you plan on renting it at first to determine if you want to continue with this new solution?
Post 11 IP   flag post
Chankane private msg quote post Address this user
Photo quality on toursler is an eye grabber and it does seem to be more effective than matterport. The interactive floor plan helps. Dollhouse on matterport though neat looking I find a bit ineffective.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Chankane private msg quote post Address this user
I don't understand how toursler can be so cheap... Imo, the most effective tour system has been tourbuzz, their combination of adaptable abilities, speed and mood settings again imo have been the best. Wish there is something better. Matterport lacks mood settings, side by side interactive floor plan, editable scans and outdoor scans. Oh, and statistics reports, schools, map, etc...
Post 13 IP   flag post
Bryn private msg quote post Address this user
Toursler is by far the best decision we have made. We shot matterport from the beginning as beta testers and switched in Feb. We grossed more in 11 days with Toursler than we did in our highest month with matterport. Shooting requires some skill but once you get it down its faster than matterport. You upload the data and you get tours both branded and un branded and an image download back. There is no measuring required for the floor plan. The doll house view was cool but everyone using the tours spent all their time in the spherical pano view anyway. The team at toursler has been amazing. Side by Side with matterport out the marketplace there is no comparison. We had almost no female clients with matterport now we have many which tells me that we have a product that makes sense for more of the marketplace. Also there is no size restriction, you can go farther between scan points. I could go on and on. I couldn't be happier and our clients are nuts for it. Open this on an ipad and sell product like never before. That has been our experience.

Gary, I wasn't a fan of the arrows either at first but they actually make the tours usable to the people who couldn't figure out the matterport UI and the tutorial is awesome as well. Matterport backed into Real Estate. This solution was a direct response to client wants and needs and it shows in the sales. That's why I have not been active on this forum in some time. I've been busy selling product and enjoying my business. Its the best virtual tour out there, a floor plan, and amazing professional photos that download at two resolutions all in one package that you can create in less time than it takes to scan a place with matterport. My 2 cents anyway.
Post 14 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Bryn, I was wondering what became of you. Thanks for the valuable input in regards to Toursler, this should open a few peoples eyes. Are they still charging $150 for a 3000 SqFt model?
Post 15 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Think it's $199 now
Post 16 IP   flag post
Mikesobay private msg quote post Address this user
While it may be the computer I'm using, I find the Toursler model (if that's an appropriate term in this instance) to be very sluggish in moving about a room, while it takes as long and perhaps longer to load initially. The retail tour I attempted to look at didn’t load at all even after more than two minutes. On the same computer, I don’t seem to experience such issues with Matterport to this extent. I’m curious what others’ experiences are in this regard.

I do like the layout and presentation quite a bit more than Matterport's and the image quality is clearly superior to Matterport, although I do see very prominent CA. If I understand correctly, the images can be corrected? I also like the fact that the customer can place their own branding into the finished product, which is something any customer-facing vendor would permit.
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@Bryn since you have used both solutions, it is very helpful to hear your thoughts (and clients).

So, a big thanks from us all. While we see the used experience first hand, I am particularly interested in capture and creation.

Can you describe the capture + reconstruction experience with Toursler?


Post 18 IP   flag post
vincent private msg quote post Address this user
I do see that the floor plan is a plus
but the quality of the walkthrough isnt exceedingly better.

So far what I can understand is that you pay $200 when you upload your images and then you get a floor plan, a walkthrough hosted by them on their server and your images back. Is this correct?
Post 19 IP   flag post
vincent private msg quote post Address this user
Any news on when Matterport is releasing the development kit?
feels like we are being held hostage by products that don't go far enough and deny any measure of control of the final work product.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Rik private msg quote post Address this user
Which camera is Toursler using?
Post 21 IP   flag post
Chankane private msg quote post Address this user
It's just a normal dslr.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Rik private msg quote post Address this user
How does Toursler work. I which way is it different then MP. Their website does not show a workproces for a supplier.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Bryn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey everyone. Thanks for all the questions. Pricing is TBD after this round of testing or so I'm told. Its on a limited release as far as I know. Yes its a off the shelf DSLR and a very wide angle lens. The workflow is this. You shoot the property. Stitch nothing, but manually format some images and then you upload(maybe 10 minutes). You get back the image download page a branded and unbranded tour. No image editing our tour creation.
Toursler seems to be geared much more to a pro photographer or service provider. Their willingness to "share the spotlight" and depart from the matterport only branding was a major factor in our decision. It does also require some skill and is not geared to the "so easy a caveman could do it" model that matterport has adopted. I know that in several instances we did matterport scans for clients that just wanted to test it before buying their own matterport. Not so with toursler. Your average realtor cannot do it with toursler. With that said about a week of practice and shooting twice a week and you should be fine but the more time you log the better your tours and photos get.

We have never had a issue with loading speed and in fact it appears to load much faster for us as opposed to matterport but that is just our experience. From a business standpoint it is making all the difference. Email/PM me and I will send you a screen shot of our revenue. It looks like the first hill of a roller coaster. I'm a huge fan of everyone in here. Doing whatever they can to advance the way that people experience real estate. I have my market rocking and I want to share what I have learned with the rest of you because doing this is tough business and I know a lot of your have been struggling.

Here is the deal. It's pro photos edited beautiful etc. It's a floor plan and the its the best virtual tour in real estate. It also works in VR as I had 35 agents doing a tour in VR with some beta stuff and google cardboard. Here is hos it stacks up and how I sell it every single day. Pro photos here in MPLS $235 floor pan from home depot $110 and a matterport scan from our competitors $325. For a total of $670 which we sell for $499, $399 or $299 for condo's. It easy and It's no lie when I write thing like this. please excuse the header issues on the website. We are a work in progress.

Its like this. Matterport is for Joes and Toursler is for Pros. Its a little investment in the skill of shooting with it but it makes a real business not only possible but profitable. If you have shot matterport like we have the transitions is very easy and its actually a lot more fun to shoot with toursler and a DSLR. We have actually never had an issues with a broken model or misalignment issues etc. I have seen some of the work that the team has been doing that is in development and I can say that the technology stack is no less advanced than matterport and in many ways ahead of them. Tours for plans and sepcs? I have seen them and there are coming to you in a consistent UI/UX. Anyway as you can see from my post history I have not always been a huge fan of matterport despite being one of the earliest to the party so to speak. It would appear that Toursler has been listening and comes to the table with a really compelling package and professional positioning to give you and your business the advantage. As you can see I can't say enough good things and I hope you all will consider working with them because its been night and day for us and I have a a soft spot in my heart for earlier adopters. It would be a shame if all the talent and energy here in this forum were to go to waste with a product that is not fully meeting the needs of the consumers.
Happy capture everyone!
Post 24 IP   flag post
Bryn private msg quote post Address this user
Oh Sorry, and to answer your questions. @vincent no that is the retail pricing in Toronto. I'm not sure what the final pricing will be but its much less than that. @DanSmigrod. You shoot you upload and you make it home in time to make dinner. I know you have worked with spheres in the past etc. There is no stitching etc. There is no India as far as I have seen. There is just 43.5 hamsters in a fish tank with an electric eel and two pinches of computer vision. I honestly don't know how they do it. Getting a floor plan of such detail back in less than 48 hours from a bunch or photographs. It's like Christmas morning every day in my inbox. Then client reaction has been phenomenal. I literally pitched multi-million dollar captures contracts that are still in negotiation with this platform. I don't win clients I win teams that do 60+ listings a year and use us for every listing all the way down to the $150k range because the content and tours work to sell the home more quickly and make agents more effecient. If you sell two more listings a quarter as a result you are money ahead regardless of the additional listings that you get as a result of the word of mouth or the sellers because they think the tours are so amazing. OK I need to stop. Cheers!
Post 25 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@Bryn thank you for the details.

Can you elaborate on "you shoot" and what gear?

For example, before Matterport, our photography services included shooting 360-degree photo spheres using a DSLR, fish-eye lens and a special rotator on a tripod that made it easy to shoot 3 Bracketed shoots every 60-degrees.
Is this this your work-flow too?

Post production was very labor intensive using at least three different software solutions. Sounds like you may upload the 6 or 18 images per sphere? And, that you are careful to always shoot line of site so they can be connected?

For the floor plans, do you take any measurements or somehow they are created for you simply from the photography that you upload?

There are under $1,000 360-degree 1-click cameras coming out (in one search, google: panono and 360cam and bubblecam). Would theses spherical cameras be compatible with Toursler?


Post 26 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Bryn, when I spoke with the group in Canada some while ago they informed me that I would need to have a Canon 60D and add some firmware/application to the camera which would enable them to know where the camera was placed so they could easily stitch the pano's together. is this still the case?

Another question can you eliminate the arrows and just have the circles on the floor much like the MP SC?

Post 27 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
I actually sold my Matterport camera and have been hiring Bryn (Architech3di) locally to do Toursler for all of my listings. The feedback from consumers has been very positive, we're finding that it is easier to navigate. For real estate agents the included professional photos and floor plans is a great value. Previously we were doing these 3 activities separately, I would do the matterport scan & measurements myself but still had to hire a professional photographer.

As far as I know this isn't something an agent like myself could buy for $4,500 to do on my own but after looking at value of my time, and the monthly cost of hosting matterport models it made sense to outsource this.

I've also experienced the Beta VR from both companies and am very impressed with both.

Matterport dollhouse view is unique, which isn't currently offered by toursler. So that and being able to do the scans myself were only things I gave up when I switched.
Post 28 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@DoyleRealtor Thanks! Wow. They are working on VR too.

Others Matterpeeps that want to compare the viewing experience - including navigation - of Toursler to MP?

Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
The following eBlast was sent by Toursler on Monday, 8 June 2015.

Subject: Toursler Newsletter #1 - Introduction


Thanks for your interest in working with Toursler! I'm sure that you have questions about the equipment, process and costs.

I'd like to open with a comparison of Toursler and the next most comparable platform, shot in the same space under similar lighting conditions. This footage was graciously provided to us by our early testing partner Architech 3D Imaging in Minneapolis. Click on each thumbnail below and in the context of load speed, image quality, navigation features, coverage of exteriors and mobile optimization, I will let you draw your own conclusions about what realtors prefer.


We have been a little shocked at the response in the marketplace, so we hope that you will bear with us as we work to meet the demand we have found. Please know that we are working to bring more markets and photographers online as quickly as we can, and will be in contact with you via email with periodic updates to let you know how things are progressing and keep you updated.

There may be some adjustments in the process and procedures as we continue to improve through the first phase of roll out but here is some basic information that we can share with you.

* If you already provide 3D scan models to real estate clients, offering Toursler will be seamless. For the most part to your clients and leads, your new offering will appear only as enhancements and additions to your service.

* Tours can be co-branded with your logo and web domain.

* There is no proprietary camera or devices. All the required equipment is readily available for purchase online.

* Shooting for Toursler does require some training and skill. However, if you are familiar with other 3D scan platforms or virtual tour photography, or even have little photography background, we have found the learning curve to be very smooth.

* Images are uploaded straight from the camera into our cloud processing system, and you will receive links to the 3D tour (including exterior coverage), architectural style floor plans with dimensions, and high quality still photos (MLS and full resolution) similar to the format below.
tour (unbranded to conform to various listing rules):

* You will not be doing any measuring when on-site for the floor plan. You will not need to do any post processing such as image stitching. (There have been frequent misconceptions about these two points.)

* Tours can be embedded in an iframe as well as shared on social media very effectively. Try sharing the branded tour link in Facebook yourself to see how it works.

* The final pricing model with be determined at the conclusion of the first phase of testing. We are anticipating a close relationship with our partners and are working diligently to create the tools and materials that will help you to sell the products, support your efforts and grow your business.

Hopefully that answers some of your questions. Please watch your inbox for additional information. In the coming days we will send out a questionnaire to identify partners for our next round of roll-out, planned for the immediate future.

Thank you sincerely from the Toursler team.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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